Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1097

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1053 2lITL§ _§d.¢-—N.·1l·’[GATI L gssessing the damages to owner,. whether for; the value git i,f__{1]{;§ part taken or for iw! illjury to the part not tahoe, shell tie td kp llliil I ofilgaiuciug the &H§.0\1l'}t Gt COB]- SR! peenuien or dmages specialnnd dlrect‘benedt¤_ to the re- ln ‘ .;,,g;.>ue: arising fwm tho llilllvoveinont, and - shell render their rw eitinrtl er verdict accordingly. , (July 18, 1918,.c. 155, 5 tl, 40 ace sm:.mil1l.)· V _ n _\ __ " /11, l’ARTlCl1LA'l§ WORK ORIMPROYEMENTS T i 53}, Mississippi Rivet; regulation iof ,_rem·ven¤ gt head; Fo t.,-,·;;q;~S,--1t shell be the duty of the $€Cl`€lQ1l1'Y.-Of. Wnr to pre-, au N.,·tl»e seen rules and regulations in respect to the use and nd- _Ri· ‘iill§il:EffItllUIl of the reservoirs at- the headwaters ot the Missisj Bi `siyei ltiver as in his jntgmeut the public interest nnd ·neces·_ im; egg}- 13}2!}` requiretwhich rules und regulations shall be posted in » ap; some t··>nspi·:·u.ous place or places for the information of the `dra ,,¤1.2n·.’..&z¤d deny person knowingly· und `iwilltully violuting sg. gggeig rules and rettulutious Shell be lialgle to tl Hue not exceeding t0` ma}, or lll§{)i’l$§(}!l1I1§?Iilt,·§0lZ exceedingwsix months, the same, to be the

cu1"<>:‘<·o•.l l>}"]ll'<1$Q(?illi0H/;l!§_8l1}T distrlct’·c9urt of. the United Stn

C >:fnzt·s {within whosejerritoriul jurisdiction such offense. may gf xm-e been committed. And the Secreturyvof War shall pause 31;; te -1; gnngziugzs to be made at or near Snint Paul during the 194 innnuazl operation of said reservoirs nsslmll determine even--_ ( pt;-t·2y_ me discnnrgeet that point, the costfot same to be pain" Fo one ¢»t'·t_lé·nnnnnl nppropriation for gouging the waters- of the ing lilo-i,`sippi River and its tributaries. (Aug. 11, 1888, c, $60, unt § 1. E3 Stat. 419.) p »_ _ f .. up 602f Muintennnce of channel- of: South Pans of Mississippi ‘nu· Rtter.-··Upon the tt-rnilnntiou of the contract entered into with tm V tiw-jl:l_te‘J§ll1leS B- Earls for the mnintenance of the channel he altrezcnelr the South Paiss of the 'Mississippi River, the. Secre· tor mz-; of.-1Ynr is-di_1*ecte¢l to take charge of said channel, zincludj ite in: the jctties, and ull auxiliary works connected Qtherewith, an; nm moron fuer to mnuintuin with the utmost efficiency suid South 907 I*n.;t,¢‘_l::1a:in»; ;f_:1nd for that purpose he is n·utl1orized·to tlrurr ( his \{2ll‘l‘fl?lIS_`fl`0Il.’l time to tlun! on the Treasurer oflth`e`l’¥nite<l_ nm

~i:;n.·»t, until otherwise provided‘ tlor hy’li1w, for such sums of tio

ne:·nt·;».·_:as muy he necessary, not to exceed in theoggreénte for be mtgv one y··;n·_ $100,000. For that purpose any available Gov- the i·:·n:n··nt tlrbdgegmny bousezl. { ‘ " ·· .. _ ·’_8, C l~`··r the purpose of securing the uninterrupted exnminations -·‘( and >·urv<=ys at the Seuth.Pas.s of the Mirsiflsippi Rivet', $119 bol t€····ri=t:¤x·y of Warp,-upon the application of the Chief of l·}ngi—- our A-····:·s, is zéuthorized to drew his wnrrunt or requisition from ,th4 .a&;nt·‘t.»" time upon the Secretaryof the _'1`x·onsury forsuch to -$uzn>= ais may be necessary to do such work, not to exceediin fox Un? oszresznte ‘for each year _ the sum of $10,000: Provlded, gpl i#·»5¢·¤*rcr. That an itemized statement ofehld expiendituroé shall 25 /¤·‘¢*··nipeny the annual report of the Chief of Engineers. `(Aug.- < .ll.‘l>ss%, e. 860, §§ 1, g, 25 Stat. .422, 424; Juned, 1900, C. we M. 2 3, zu sm. 584; June 13,·1%2,·¢. 1079, l 1, 32 Stat; 340.) l uel30$.. Removal of snags, etc., froth _.tgibutiriu,·—-The` Chief yet of liiigineere, in his dteeretion; and latter approval by the ize i*v<·rc2nr;;· of War, lg hereby puthorized to make preliminary `nn, <·w·:ninetions and mmm,-·‘gurveys· und, to—remove` snags ond Y me ·~un·t·ote·anporary` or rmdily remonble obstructions from trlbu— ge mrtnszrnt waterways already sander Federal lmprovementor In its

t·n»¤·nl new by 'nnviytion; to be mid from the appropriations ._

for the adjoining waterways: Pro-viwd, ‘1‘hat”the cost ofsuch , nnrk in ani single yar emily not exceed per tributary. e | {July 2.5; 1912, ke, %3, } 1, 37 Stat,. E.) , _ _ · tbl ·m604· Renewal qt snags, etc.; from Mississippi River.-·-—-For » no purpose of remoelngclnagn, wrecks, end other obetructione gpg in the Mississippi River, the Atchafahya and 0ld'Rivors from pre the inaction with the Hlxlsslpnl and Red Rivers down the {J itehnfulaxa. River ns far down ns Pdelville, Louisiana; the ‘ I .e<·retnry of·· `\Vn1§,‘ upon the application or the Chief ot En- oi

i NAVIGABLE ·w.4rEns ‘ § 622 doers, is hereby iuthorized 'to_ draw his warrant or'roquis{· _ »;1 from time to time ppon tho Secromry ot the Treasury for ch sums do may bo, neoessory lic. dd such work, not to exceed the a§rog£xte foreach year the sum of $190,000: _Pr0v·ided, — wcvcr, That an itomizod statement of mid `exponsos . shall` company the annual report of the Chief of Engineers. (Aug. y QS88, c. 860, §_§ 1, 7, 25“St;ot.% 421) 42-1;VMar. 3, .1909, c,. 264, ` I,,35 sm. 817.) > . b - r { 1 ‘ , ‘ @5; Oborgtion of snag boots on Upper Mississippi River.-y-. or the purposée of securing the uninterrupted work of-opér· ng snag boatskm thé Upper, Mississippi- Rivcr,_"iho Illinois vcr from its mouth t0_ Coppcrzxs Crock, and the .l·1fuuosota vcr and other tributaries or the Uppér Mississippi River.- proyod by the United States, the Secretary of-`Wmj, upon gba plicatioh of the Chief of Engineers, is, hereby authorized {0

 his warraizf or- .requ4si{_io11 from iime to time {xpos thé

cretary of the; '¥I'€&S\11'&` for-such 'srxms as éay be uowssary `d0'such~w01•k,.;10t topzsgced. in-tho_·&gK¥¢g&io For each yéar

_·sum_ `of $25,000: frqvidcd, kowevwf, Tliat ah itemized

atemcpt of séid expeusesyshgl} accompany the gnmml report _the- Chief of Engineers. (Aug. 11, 1888, c. S60, §§ 1, 7,.25 mt. 421, 424 ;— Mar. 2, 1997, c.'2.509, § 1, 34 Stat.1102; Mo.r.°3, li), cs. 264, 5.3, 35`St;1t.‘817.~)r - 1 · '_.· _ - _ 4 596[ Removal o£._.s¤a§§Q jam! so forth,°from Ohio River.-- r the purpose of securing the uninterrupted work of operat- 5 snag boats on the Ohio River and removing snags, wrecks, ci other 0bstructi<ms* in said_ river, (he Secretary of War, on the application of _ tho Chief of A Engingors, `is hereby . fhorizod to dréw his warrant-"or requisition from time to rc upon {hc Secretary of the.?Treasm·y` for suéh sums as may 11o·ce$?Sary tb, do suctifwork, not to exceed in, the zzggrogato

  • oageh year the smh of $50,000: Pro-vietcd, 'k0w6U€f,.Th&t an .

mized statomont_ of _,§sa~id expenses shall accbnxpanyi tho. nuul report {of the Chief of Eng’i1;éor,s. (Sept. 1%% c. V, § 13, 26 Stat. 4555 June 3, 1896; c. 314, § 3,, 29. Stat.»23¥1.)· $07. Romov-aloof drift from New York Harbor.4¥So' much és my bb necessary of gny_a;ipr0priations made for spccitiopor- ~ns· of Nopv ·York_Hqrbor. and its immediate tributoriosi.1uay— al10ft~ed“by the Secretary of _\V:u· forftho maintenance `ot _ xso waterways by the bolloctiqu audnamoval -0£.gIrift. (Aug * 1*917} c. 49, §`1, 40 Stat. 2521) _ _  »° · A 508. Cdsstrrgction oi" ii5l;_wsysI—·\\’1nenevér river and harryiuiprovo ts b _ found to oporato (whether by lkxrk d \dam`_o othorwisé)`, as obstructions toZ_the of iisb, 2 Socrét__r;y`of Wor `ugpy, in his disorotion, direct and cause be constructed practical and suéciont §shw¤ysQ `to be paid r out; ot che general appropriations for the streams on which ch fishways may be constructed. _ (Aug.`11`, 1888, cl S60, § 11, , Stat.425.). ·· .` , ·_ Q "._ fo 609Q Sluicésg and ojhér, work in' dams for development of mor p0wor.—»—In order tomgxko possiblgthe eéonomiozxk future V velbpment ot water power the ._Socro§ary of Whr, upon mmnnéndatidn of the Qhiof of Engineers, is hereby author-. _ >d, in his discrotiony to proyido in tho permanent portsfof y dang authorized at any thine byliwwosé for the -improvemt of mivigafion such fpuxxdstiozm slgxicos, and pther works, _ may be c0nsider0d.dosirablo I0; the future dovolopm¢·nt~ of · watorpowor." (July 25, 1912, c, 253,1 12, 37 Stat. 233.) PROSECUTIQN QF WORK GENERALLY 521. By what methods river and harbor work may obo ourriiodgtb be pr%¤tod.—-An! P}¥b1ic workron canats, rivers, zi harbors adopted by Cbugmss. may be prosecuted by direct: propriatious. by C0ll_[il1;\1iRg conrractg, or by- both ciiroét abopriaiions and coritinuinz combraots. (Sept. 22, 1922, c. 427,_ no, 42 Stat.-1043.) ‘ ‘ · ·_ .· ” $22. Hothod of doing work génerallyw-—It shall be tho duty the Secretary of Wo: toopply. tho money appropriated for. » b -/