Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1110

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856¥ P- TITLE 83.4-·H4$>IG4Tl0N .

the Ceaet and Geodeti€:.·Sa2vey as he mai deém‘ be the but

 interesf et `the cquatry, and after auch transfer all  

connected . therewi& shall be defrayed? out of the- appropcine tions for the dewrtmeat to whieb transfer is made.: Provided, `— That auch vessels, equipment, stdtibus, and personnel shall be ` returned to the and Geodetie Survey when " such national emergency ceases; lathe opidou of the President.- and iaothinz T in thie section eball be construed Que tra¤eterri¤g__ the · Coast eax! Geodetlc Survey or any of its functions fiom the Depart- ` ment of- Commetce except imtime at national emergency and to the` extent up herein pmvidedlz Provided further, That any of the pcliseuael of the Coast aizd_Geodetlc;.SurYey who may be a · transferred as herein prowjided, shall, While eander the jurisdic- · tion of the Wat Department o1·`1§Iavy`_Departme1it, haveé proper ,mi1ita'ry statue? and shall be sgxbject to’the`1aves,_l·egu1atio:;s, and. erders for thefgevemméut of the Army or Navy, as the ease may be, in so far as the same may; be applicable to persons, whose retention permanently- in the military service, of the _ United States is not contemplated by law, (Mai 22, 1917, c. -29, 5 16,40 Stat. 87.) r" · .-`_ · 856. Relatiye- rank of · ¤§cera, when serving with Army or Na=vy.»—··Wheu Serving with the Amuy, or Navy the relative rank , of O$a0E!1‘S as the Coast mid Geodetic‘Siir%·ey shall be as follows: ‘Hydrograpl1ic and geodetic engineers with 'xauk " of captain iu the_Navy sballraek with- aud.afte1* colonels inxthe Army and cafgvtains in the Navy.- 7 ‘ , · '_ ·>· __ ._ Hydregrapblc and geogletic engineers 'with rankmiofcommuuderl ia the Navy shall iiank wi£B a;xd·-after lieutenant colonels_ In , the Army aad commanders in the Navy. _ _ · _ ` f Hydrographic ami, geodetlc engineers with rank of lieutenant- commander in, the _ Navi shall rank -»wit.1r and after majdrs in the Army and lieutenant commanders in the Navy. H5j dregra_phic and geo{1etic°engi1ieers»with rauk"ot lieutenant in the Navy shall m¤k—-with and after captains in the Army . ai1d1ieuteaa¤ts_i¤ the Navy} __ I " ’ l ” · , Junior llydrographlc and geodetlc exigineers, shall rank `with .‘ and after hrst loleuteqanta in the Army and 1ieutemmts· (junior _g1‘ade) in the Navy, · _ ·. · l » _ ‘.Aids ehall rank with me after second lleutenants ln the ‘ Armyaad enelgusil1theNavy. _ of T " · · Ami nothing I this. section shall be construed to abfect or alter their rates or pay and allowances whezi not assigned to military duty aa }1ereinbe£0re_·mez;tioue;l. ,(May_ · 1917, ca. 20, 5 *18, 40 Stat. 88.) - Q _ _ . 857.- Disability, etc., benehts when cooperating with Army or’Nnsy.~Wblle,actua1ly employed in active service under ’direct omega ot the Wa! DQD&rtmexit,er ot the Navy Department members at the Coast and Geodetic Survei shall receive the beeem'ot_ all provisions ot law relating to disability incurred in line ot duty or loses 01 life,. (May 22, 1917, c; 20, 5 16, 40 . $tat.&.) v ·<.` ‘ . l 858. and fegulatimsi when cooperating with Army or Navy.——·-The Secretary of War, ‘ the Secretary, ot the Navy, and the Secretary ot Commerce ehalljoiatly prescribe regulations governing the duties to be performed by the Coast and Geodetic Survey in time og war, and for the cooperatien ot that eervice sytth the War and Navy Deparjtmenta. ia time ot peace in prepaé mtlena for it: duties in war, whleh regulations shall not be ·e¤'eeth*e tmlepe approved by each ot the aald Secretaries, and iucladed thexein .maye be ?& and regulatiopa for makiag Ireporta had, comm·auicatious‘ between tbe eEce§·s‘ or bureaus ot the _Wa‘r and Navy Department; audi the Coast and Géodetic ' Sariey. (May 22, 1917, c. 20, { 16,'40‘Stat. 88.) A ~ “ - ·“859..Pay and allowances of eemmlaioaed chen geher-l ally.-·-The commissioned omcers ot tlmejloaet and Geodetlc Suevey are entitled to pay and allowances an provided ln Title .37, Bn Amo Apwwmem. ,(3u¤.é 10, 19%, c. 42 Stat. @5-638.)

` “_ ‘ · \ _ \ `xx \ r §\ AND NAVIGABLE WATERS " Q ‘ *866. Psi qliéwancerat nsvslbleers node spplieabl ·¢¤ tcua md 6%: Surveyt s¢wr;11y·—Gémmim1¤¤Q.; 0;};- cars at the Coast and Geodetic guru: shall receive the same l pay and n!1cmmcm’a• are or; he;·mtte1·.m;y be prescribed, my ing kmgevityfe (Mn; 18; 19®, ¢. 190, { 11, 41 Stat. G03,`) _ 861. whm* trgvelkgt •¤ Gevemncxméwneti Aves- ' sela.+0&icer¤ ot; the and. Gecdgtic . Survey perforhixtimx travel by Goygrnmentowued vessels for which no trausportutimlt fare. ig `charged shgll. only be entitled to reimbursemmft uf actual and necessaty cxpensgs*ihcurre<l. (Feb. 27, 1925, ce. 304, TitleI1I,43Stat.·1046.) Q · t »'_ 862; Assignments gof pay.-—Scieutit1c' apd other eu1piuyP··u»·¢»f {IIB St3.t€$.`C0g·$t and G€0d€uc¢ Sjnrveyy Whué €l11pIu_yp4{ otxtside ’0f the District of Columbia, are hereby authorized to . make gssignmeuts otttheir pay, under lsuch regulaticms as mt. Seci·gta:y’ of Commerce may prescribe. (Mar. 4, 1907, c. Wis ’ 51,34 Stut.1322) · . t . » ’ _ 863. Leave of absence; Tnccmce} leave while an duty--in — ‘ -Pl1ilippiiies.—i-—Thc Secretary bf Gotximércé, at his discretiuu, mmgraut_`t0 omcéfs bf·the iieldttorce of the Coast and Ge¤il`t·r{c t Survey pu duty in thé Philiptiiue Islands, at_0¤e··time the svh·»1t; or a11y.p0r_tion of the animal leave hécrued and uxtusedmxristg a pgriod -0f atlixjee years. (Mar. 4, 1909, c. 299, § 1, 35 sm} ,974.).·”· ,. ‘ "

 Retirement   0$cers> gcngtillgt-¤-—A11 laws relating tn

t » the zetireaieatof ccm·missi¤¤"édfomGéfS?0f the·Navy;shall," axfwr May 18§.1920, apply to commissioned ¢m(‘€l‘S of the Coast and Geodetic Surwjey. .(May_18, 1920, é. .190, S 11; 41 Stat. 603.) . . · 865; Ccmputétioh éf length of service Aaf o§cci·¤;’ sexéice at " Ngvgll or Militgry A¢adegy.—-glu computing i'm·,an$· ;»u§·;¤N» ttne length of-seririéc of any officer of the Céast- and »Gc»d•;~tiu ' survey who was appointed to the United States Naivaf Aqadémy C Olf tb the United §tates Militgrylcademy after March 4,_1913,' the time spent ?¤t either- académyYsha1l not be counted. (May _ 28, 1924, c. 203,43‘St&t._194.)· _. » A A ‘ _ _866. Séismnlogicgl investigations.-—¢f1`ha Coast and Ge<¤1•#»tic Survey iskhcrgby authorized to make investigations! and reports »iu sejsmolcigy, in(·luding_such inveqtigatiqns as have been, prior to January 31, 1925, performed by the Weather Bureau. . (Jan. ‘ . ·31, 19%, c. 121, 43`“Stat.`$02.) .  » 1 5- ’ 867. Transfer nf instruments .t0_i¤stit¤tms.=-·The Secretary ot Qommerca is _ authorized to transfer, undef such. rules and ” rwulationsié he may deem advisable, to educational institu- . tions and to sguseums, such mstmménts of the United Stam _ Godst and ,Ge0détic·’Su¤%·ey as, in his judgment, are of his- , toricnl waluu. but of no further use in the work of that sums; A except. such hist0rical.instruments as may be needed py the L Suiithsimian Institution {oi exhibitat the National Museum. (June 5, 1920, c. 235,1 1, 4.1 Stat..930.) " t · ` ` ` t 8682 Purchase of supplies or. procurement of services in Bald.--The puichasé by the C0uSt sind Ge0detic»St1rvey ot suv- 3

 plies or the procurement of services. outside the. District uf

. Columbia may be made in the open market in the maxtmw t common am0ng""businens` men when the nmregntc augmmt bt the purcbasqdoes not exceed $50. {July 1,‘ 1918, c. 113.}, , s 1, 40 stat. @8.) ` ` SURVEYS » _ _ 881. Authority of Presidént to order surveys of count.-··Tm~ President isatnthorized to cause a survey- to be" taken of the coasts of the United States, in which shall be designated the islands and shcals, with the `rcads or placea ot anchorage. within twenty leagués ofnny, part ct the shores ct the United States; and also the pespactive ccizrses and distances between. k the principal cams or hendlands, together with such other mut-