Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1119

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Hi)5 TITLE J ·n:sv:2l service without the·.,c0x1se11t of ttxcir parents or guardians. el;. §§.1419, 1420, 1624, Art. 19; May 12, 187Q, c. _5, 21 Stat. 3; l·`a~t.•. 2.3, 1881, c. 73, 5 2, 21_ Stat. 338;. Aug. 22, 1912{ c. 336, xi Smt, 356.) · — " . ‘ W 162. Eviilencc requiréd in rccpuiting minors.—N0 part otiany

1];§>I`<>]lI`i!`H`iOIl'fOI` the. nayal service shall be expendedju pm->»

» ¤·x·uiti11g seamen or apprentice? seamen; unless, in tease bf minors, ar ¤».·z·zifi<·ate of birth or a verihed written statement? by the

·;m»ms,rpr either of them, ox? in cétse of ,t_h€i1‘ death 21 verified

xxwittvxx Rtatemént by the lggal guardian, be i11•st‘furuishcgl·t0 the .:x·¢·ruiti¤g officer, shqwing applicant tcf be ot age rcqui-red 1»·`· mval regulations, which shall be presented with the applit·;‘»:i·m foréulistmentz except in- cases where sqch, certificate is 1mi»main:xbl—é, enlistment may be made when theerccruitixig odi- 4·6x·`is convinced thsit oath `of applicant as to agejs credible. ·qj\I;;;·, 3. 1915, c. S3,-38 Stat. 931; Aug. 29,-1916, g. `417, 39 J S1:z¥.'5T5.) , " i ‘ _ ._\ ’ 163.·Insang or intoxicated person or dcserter.-—N0 inéanc or i{m»xi¤·;¤tud‘pvrsma, and nojperson who lmsqdéserted in ’ti11ie .· 4-f ww from the navixl or .mil‘itz1ry` éervice of the United sx·m~<,’ ému he enlisted in the uiival service. (R. S. § 1420; Mzzy 12, 1*19; c. 5, 21 Stat. 3: Feb`..23, 1881, c. 73, §;_2, 21 Sm. 3::s; Aug. 22, 1912, c. 336, 37 Stat;356.) -,; GRADES; RATINGS, AND TRANSFERS , 171. Ratings in qrtiéccr brahch;-+Subjcct to Vthé px·0visions F of N»4·1i·»n 176 of this title aud section 15 of‘Tit1ia 37, PAY AND

 Ax.:mx·AxZr:s, tl1c·1‘g1ti11gs of storckeeper; €I1gill8.Hl&D,·H!`St classi

¢·¤»;rm¢·nu:nn, second class'; coppcrspiithe first class; coppersmitlg,

¤_·(-mt! class; p_atteru maiker,_iirst élasé; pattern maker, second

}·l_:1e<~=_:°1x1¢»lgg;T‘T H1;¤$t·Cl&SS§ molder, second class; chief special m¢— chuuic un .·p0cY§l_ mechanic, ihjst class,`am established in the ,::i·tifig·cr bmnch of the Nuyy: Provided, That appointments or <~¤_iimnents‘in»·the said ratings may be made from enlisted -mmz in the Navy or from civil life respectively, ‘and` the qualiilvutimxs of candidates fo_1·_ any of said ratings shall be detm·mim·4] in accordance withh such rekulatious as the Secretary mf tho Navy may p1‘éscribc.` (Aug. 29,.1916, c. 41'T,`39 Stat; 575; Oct. Q, 19,17; ct 103,40 Stat. 397.-)· 1 ` ·

  • 172. Changing designation 'ofrating of ordinary seai·mam--—·

‘ '1`hc¢!cT=i;,;§ati0x1_0f,thé making of ogdixmry seaman is changed to §t‘£1iUIt!1, second class, without change o!.·pay, subject t“0·the pz·m·L¢i4;»ns of section 176 ot. this title and Bccti0u_15 of Title 37, my Am A1.1.ow.mc1as. _ (Aug. 2E, 1916, c. 417, 39 Stat. 575.) ’

 173. Changing designating ofritiug of coil passer.-·-—T1;c

¢k~>=i;:m1tion of the rating of coalspasger is changed to Hfemuu, third class; without change of pay, subject to thef provisicnsiof _:<4~t·1i·»u 176'of this tit1e'a11d section 15 of Title 37, lux min AL- t LuW_.\>iCiz18. (Aug. 29,1916, q. 417, 39° Stat; 575) Y _ l74."R;ting nntés ffpm enlisted men.--Mates may be rated, w¤·i_vr mzthmity or t11é Secretary of the Navy, from mer; who mw enlisted- ing thé uhvui wcnvicc for not less than two years. { It. S. § 1;·t08; Aug. 29, 1916, c. 417, 39 Stat. 575; J mic —1;t1920, c. 2:28, § 7, 41 Stat. 836.) I , 175, Ratings of pri¤tcrs.·-·—Tha Bureau ct Navigation is uutlmrizeq under ruleaestahlished for that advuncemept `ot other £‘li;iiSi£*(i men, ta advance printers to tlwyatings ot printer, first <·:u»¤·¤, zmd chief printer, which ratings are hereby authorized 'suhjcct to the provisions qt segticn 176 of this title and section

   'fi2;5i;7,_ Pup nm Ax.pow4¤cm. (Aug. 29, 1916} c. 417;

0., . a , . “ 176. Estabiishmént of grgiim md ratings by Secretary of Navy.———~—'1‘he Secretary ci the Navy N au&0riz·cd, ixi his discw t tion, ta estqbiishsuch gx·a@s andratrmgs gs maybe ueceaary - f·;>r.the proper admmiqratioxrct enli@» personnel of the gg? auclyuarihe __(June 4, 1920, c. 2%, § 7, 41 Stat; 8£27¤°-T20-y-70

4.-1vAvr· § 192g

p 177. Transfers from military to naval service.¥——Any person enlisted in the military service of the United States may, on application to the Navy Department, approved by the President, be transferred to the Navy or Marine Corps, to serve therein _ the residue of his term of enlistment, subject to the laws and regulations for the government of the Navy. But such transfer shall not release him from any indebtedness to the Government, nor, without the consent of the President, from any penalty incurred for a breach ofmilitary law. (RLS. § 1421.) { n . , TERM OF ENLISTMENT _ _ · 181. Length of term.-—Enlistments in·the Navy may be for · terms of two, three, four, or six years, and all laws applicable . on March 4, 1925, ‘to— four-year enlistments shall apply, under ' `such regulations as may lie prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy, to enlistments for E shorter or longer period with proporl tionate benefits . upon discharge * and reenlistment. (R. S. ·_ §§ 1418, 1608;‘Ju1y .11, 1919, c. 9,41 Stat. 134; June 4, 1920, c. 228, § Q7, 41 Stat. 836; Mar. 4,1925, c. 536, § 19, Stat. 1276.) 182. Minority enlistments.—Boys between the ·"ages of fourt_een and eighteen- year§ may, ‘ under such limitations as are ° contained in sections 16 1 and 162, be enlisted to serve in the _ Navy until they shall_arrive at the age of twenty-one years. (R. _S. § 1418 ; _May 12,.1879, c. 5, _21 Stat...3§ Feb. 23, 1881, c. 73, § 2, 21 Stat. 338.) ( ’ » .. n . . o 183. ~Term·as adected `by absence from duty on account of sickness resulting from misconduct.—jAn enlistment in the ‘ Navy or Marine Corps shall not be regardedhs complete until the enlisted man shall have made good any time in excess of one day lost-on account ofrinjury, sickness, or disease resulting from hisown intemperate use of drugsior alcoholic liquors, or other misconduct. (Aug. 29,1916, ct 417,-39 Stat. July 1,1918, "c. 114, 40 Stat, 717.) _ ; _ . _ _ i ~ 184._.Extension of term.—The term of enlistment of any enlisted man in the Navy and Marine Corps, including enlistment, for- minority, may, by his voluntary written agreement, under such regulations as. may be prescribed by the Secretary of the , Navy, with the approval of the Presidenth be extendedforva period of_·either` one, two, three, or fourfull years from the date of expiration of the- then existing term of enlistment, and

 subsequent to. said date such enlisted men as extend the ierin .

`ofenlistgnent as authorized in this section shall be entitled to and shall receive the same pay and allowances in all respects _ as_ though regularly discharged and .reenlisted_ immediately _ upon expiration of their terrn~of enlistment, and such extension shall nota operate `to deprive them upon discharge at the , termination thereof of any right, privilege, or beneht to iwhich _ they would be entitled at the expiration of the former term of enlistment. `, (Aug. 22, 1912, ic. »·335,‘37 Stat. 331; Apr. *25, 1917, c. 6,40 Stat. 38; Mar. 4, 1925, c. 536, § 19, 43 Stat. 1276.) EURLOUGHS AND jDISCHARGES;' DISPOSITION OF _ ENLISTED ‘ME.N AT EXPIRATIQN UF TERM OF ENLISTMENT _ " _ _ _" 191. Furlou_gh·withont pay for unexpired portion of enlist- - .ment.——?·—The Secretary of authorized togrant furlough withont pay to enlisted men for a period• covering the unexpired portion of their enlistment: Piovided, That such furlough he granted under the same conditions and 1u_lieu of · discharge by purchase or by special order of the department. Enlisted men so furloughed shall be suhject to recall in time of war or national emergency to complete the unexpired portion of their enlistment, and shall he in addition to the authorg ized number of enlistedmen of the Navy. (Aug. 29, 1916,' , c.;17, so sm. qsol _ J . _ — · 192. Honorable discharges; to whom granted.—Honorable discharges may be granted to all enlisted persons in the Navy.- (B. S. { 1426; June 11, 1896, No. 62, 29 Stat. 476; Mar. 4, 1925. c; 536,119, 43 Stat. 1276.) ` ·i 3