Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1132

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 431 - TITLE a

0fC»¢mgre§s tot their services and gallnatry in action against the enemy, and mt etlxerwiset 8.. § 1465.) o I RETIREMENT OF ENLISTED MEN AND PETTY oamcmas 43}.111 gER¢f#1Z-·wB8B aa enlisted lman of the Navy, or` Marine Carpe shall have seryed ,tl:gi1·_ty- years he ¢al1, ppcn

 making labpiicatiea to the President, be placed upon the retired list with the rating 61- rank held by himh at the date of

retirement, amt with 75 ;$ex· Ecéntum lot the pay of the said “}x·atiug‘ or rank as provided by sections 13, and 16 ¤£·_'1‘itl—é. 37, PAY ANS Auewazecae, and with the following alltiwances: $9.50 pe: month in lieu of ratidns and clothing and $6.25 per mopth in lieu. of qua1—fe1*s,.fuel, antlylight. (M&f.~3,_1899, c. —413,.§f 17, 30 Stat;. 1008;* Mar. 2,1907, c. 2515, 34 Stat. 1217.) 7 · , ‘ { ' 432. Cemputatien of length "cf se1'vi;e.—_In compnitlng the l neeeesary thirty yeax·s’ time for retirement uader the jpreéeditng ‘ section, all service in the uérmy, Navy, and 'Mmine Corps. and all creditable sersgice in the Coast. Guard and foufzer Revexme Cutter Sepviee, shall be credited; and it said enlisted matt ha;}. ‘ active seryice in the Army, Navy, 61* I•tarine_ C0rpaQ_ either as volunteer or regular,. during. the7»‘Qivil- 01·__ Spauish·America1i l Waryeuch wa: service be ecqmputedaadouble time in c0m· puttng the *tlii:ty A years · necessary to enable 'him tb be retired. (Mar, .3, 1%9, e. 413, S 17, 30 Stat. 1008; June 22,.1906, c. 3518, ' 34 Stat. 451;·Ma1·.-Y2, 1907, c. 2515, 5 1, 34_"Stat. 1217; Jupc {4, 192G,c¤8,§3,~?iI Stat,834.) - — · " - __ 433. Call `iato actiéé seryice of- retired enlisted Q€R•·?·Th6

 secretary et the Navy is authorized ixi, time qt war,. ur when

· ea national emergexxey- exists, to call any·`eplist.ed~ ID&!1—0Il_ the _ retired list inte active service for such dnity stalls may be able to perferm. While se employed such enlisted men shall receive the and allowaaees authorized- by eectltm 28 of Title 37. . except as otherwise provided in the next section. _(Mar.· `B, 1915,/lc. 83, 38 Stat. 941{Aug. 29, 1916,. c, {17, 39 ..St:at.· 591.) ‘ e 434. Pxjometicm of retired enlisted men callédl into active; service.->-·Any enlisted me ot the Navy 0z"Mariae»O¤;m upon the retired list who has- beea ordered into aetlve service altace Aprjl 6, 1917, or who may hereafter be didered into active serv§_.ce,“ shall be' eligible for promotion and hcashall be entitled te the Pa? _ 3-ml .be¤e§ta .0t continuous service of such rank and _ ter auch length ct time as he is 91{haa been employed in active service, and _Wh4Q11_ relieved of active service shall retain upon the retired list the mph ahd aervice held by him at the time of each relief, with the pay arid allowxmcee of. auch rank on the retired list. (July__1,"19i8, c. 114, 40 Stat. 719:) “I . ~ f · 435. Provision as toypmmction eonstrtzed.5-S0 much of the preceding section as autlnorlzesy the prqmctloa of retired eulleted men; at the Navy and Marine Carpe ordered to active duty shall not be so cémstruecl as tcl make illegal ipromotieha `oi such mea ae have heretofore been made to warrant ’gra d® or as to deprive them of any,0f the pay, allewances, or other bene- Hta accruing under meh promotion. (July 11, 19*19, .c. 9; 41` Stat. 153.) . g · Chapter 8.--DETAIL OF OFFICERS AND ENLISTED MEN; j “J i ° I 3 ttl, Betail of esteem te aervewith Republics of South Amerie:. X }42. Detail ot otacera to assist Biepublie ot Brasil. ·” · l L.» ·i·-$3. Detail ct eQcers and men te service with Republic 0t»Hait;l; in · general. _ . e ‘ 444. Substitution; my (ang!. allowaacea. 445. ;Ct¢dit for seryice. · _ 446. Detail et cmeera and men to assist Dominican Republté. ' 5447. Detail at ctllcers ic: service of War Department. · 448. Detail of e$cere’ or men ter work en rural pest reads. ~ 449. Enlisted men prohibited fgem {civil employment. Smtien 441. Detail of eQcem te mrviee with Reeubllcs et; South America.-——-—Tl1e {President of the United States is author-·

4.-~x4vr M 1118

ized, upon applieéiiion the fefdéh ·89Y€m&%£8 eonepm d and wheuevef in me discretion the punk mtermte req11ii·e,w t0,detg1il 0m€B1‘B of tee United? Qtam naval eefvice te agen; the g€>ver11mmts”_ of the Repnbiiee Shnth Americe lin nev·e1`· Q

           are-   J

to"` accept omces from the government te vghieh detailed eenh, such f cemneneation and emelmnents therefor as may be met e gpprqved by the &cretery` Qf the Navy! ?1‘¤vfd¢é f$W"ih€i‘,· "1"§§g_g » while. so detailed such omcers shell recei~ve,_ in addition? te · the g0mpe¤sq,t;en_ end emclmnents ·¤}l<$wed" them dby gmk gqvemmezT@`jthe` pay and el1¤W&¤¤%' GI their Jifank in me- . ° e United StateeAnave1 serviee,_ei1d they shall be entitled to the I 9 saine credit while ee detailed to; longevity, retirement, Rnd fer au other pnrpcseethat theye weuid receive they were serv-gw C. with the United States naval ‘servi¤eQ_ (Mme 5, 1920, e. 25; ‘

41 Stat;1056.) ~ '_ - Q ‘ K ·   ',

442. Detqil Qbf ¤&cers te Rcmbiic of Brazi}.--The ,Preeident· is authorized, in this discretien, tc? grant keen; {pf absence tb not more than two ~ w e eu e@ce;·g 9.5 fhg line qt t·he ;Navy‘0£ the United States tesmst the 1‘;z;pm,;;€ of Btazil as instructors in navel strateg in the Navel _Wer College ot Brad], in" pureunme et an errengenzeet to be made between such ee detailed and the Gluvernmeut·`0f Brazil; and sueh cmers while Cement en ence. leave `are authorized to gccept tgom the — Gevérn@t of Brazil thee-. tséid employment with compensation from the edd Government; Provided, §I• , Thntthe ib Iiwn be held to terminate at such date as; the Pr&ent may mermize. Te insure. the centinmmee of tizié werk during md; ee y may. be desimli1e,*`the_Prmide¤t may have the_m#ei·"ef_ semi. tnitipn in · cese of— the terminhtion Het the et enker ·_fo1' any ednse; and the omcers, while se absent in the aerxeiee of the Republic _ of Bmw, receive ne pai er -all;eivam·s from the ‘ United iitates Gevemnxent. (Oct. 13,1914, Ne. ts, ’38Stat.780,) - · ‘_ I ’ 443. Detail of e&cers and men to service Jrith Repebiic ef _Baiti$ in .general.·—··The Prmident of the United State; is aixthorized, in his ·discretion,_ to detail to ussistftixe Republic et Haiti `such ,<iEcers and enlisted men of the United States New ‘ nude the United States AM&fiB8· Germ nes une: be mutuzxliy agreeil upon by him end. the Prmdent ei the.·R.ennb1ic et ·Hai.ti: Prov~ided,' That the 0®eex‘s= and enlietedivmen ee de-

tai1ed be, and they are 'hereby, euteezxm te accept from the .

.Gevernxnen*t; of Haiti the éaid, employment with eenzpeeeetien end emolumentsy from `. the xid Government et Haiti,. enbjeet . to the aiipitovsl of the Prwiident qt the United Btetwf (June 12,1916, c..140, S 1, 39.Stat..%.) — C. Q ` 444. Substitution; pi; and al§ewsncee.—-—·'1‘o insure the centinuance 0!_ the work provided fer i.n the preceding ’eectie.¤ duringvsueh time as may-be desireble, the President may have the poyvev efeubstitution in the eamefthe termination ei the detail ot any cnieer or enlisted men for any enum: Provided, That during the continuance efench deteilelhe e®cers and enlisted men. shall continue ’ te neceive the phy {end ellewenees of their ranks or ratings in the Navy orM¤.rine (June Z12,- 1916, e. 140,- 2, 39 Stat. wi) , n - ` 445. Credit fe: 8·élfYi¢€•v··OBiCéi’8 and enlisted mn et the M Navy and Marine detailed for dutyite amst the ttepumie of Haiti shell be entitled to the *sa.mee‘credi.t te: neck service. for longevity, retireznent. tereign service, pey; and fer ell other ypurpoeee, that they wmild receive if they were serving wvithi tthe Navy er with the Merine Corps. »e(June`12, 1916, c. 140, { 5,*% Stat. 224.) el ~ · f . 446{ Demi! of e&cers and men te geeist Dmniniean Republie.-g-The President ot the Uniteds. Stetee is enthorized, in his discretion, to detail to aésiet the Dominican Republic,. o$eere‘ _ end enlisted men nt the United Stetw Navy and ue United C States Merine Corps: Prwéded, Thet camcéye and enlisted mw