Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1133

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1119 TITLE 5.

 Q d{,,,,;;9d ere nuthpdwd to .`¤<!¢él1{   the G¤ver%ent  

Ggléiliziggjcgagd the approval bef the Presidat ot the Unitx t Efjis; {MRM, That White ee detailed egeere Qt;} enlisteti E911 shell lt€¢¢iV‘e. in addition te 3,,,; ,.,,,em¤nents allewed {New bl thé D¤mi&n Republic, the nv and allowances of their rnnlr orlrntin; the United

2;,.}-,,; United Stdtes Mldhe Cefply nstw ease maybe, end"

they shall be entitled `tethe sanaecrdit, while M serving, fqrj ` ;,m§Qe·t·it;·_, retirémcht am, for all

»m~;$eees that they wonld twelve it they were eetvm with the

_ [piles! Stntw Navy 0i' Hide! in said Ponainlegn Ret · p¤eli—¤·. (Eeh. li. 1913.%:. 15, -40 Stat. 437,) · - — ‘ ut; Detiilef •&crs for servlet ofiwar Depujtnent.-'llhe ` `p;—;.·Sitlt·ut xnaydetdil, tempvfirily, three competent navel em. 9 me tm- the servicefef the ,W¤r‘_Depa1‘tment in: the inspection l` of lmzaspurt vessels, and for {such other Ie1'v'ic&jt8fiIl&y—.be ,;.na;;;mn-d by the Secretnryoof War. (R. Syl 1437.) _ . · ` 448, Detail of o§cers or gen forwerlt on made.-; , y.m1lsi·ér or enlisted mano! the Navy or Marine ehell r pp tleznglgxl fer`work_on roads-whlch_come_ the pro- ·,-gsms of the Act_of.1·`ebrum•y 28, 1919, chapter 69, Eortietn >z;m¤•—s 1202, except by his own consent. (Feb. 28, 1919, c. w, §it,4oSta,t.1202.)·" ‘ . ‘ ° _- " _ 7 = 419. Enlisted men prohibited fren empIéy¤entt—No . . téllllgllfil men in the active service of the United States in “~ inn Navy and Marine Corps, egeept as provided in._section .702 _ .·_z‘ Hain title, whether a` nonéommlssioned odlcer, musician, or p¤·2.s·;m·. shall be detailed, ordered, or permitted to leave his _ we an engage in any pursuits bnslness, or performlmee in -m2i· ml-, fer ienmlmnent, hire, or otherwise, when_»·the“ same small ximvrfere with the custognnry employment end regular ~ t·u:;¤u.t·aue;at of local elvillans ln the respective arts, {trades, or p$··»fl·<sioné. , (June 3,f 1916, Q. 134, S 35, 39 Stat.'188; Aug. 29, tales, tj. 417, 39 Stat. 612.) 9 ’ 9 (lmpter 9.-·-LVESSELS. ’ GENERAL PROVISIONS ssl. flassidcation of vessels; assignments tblcommhml. 42:,. \“··.·;.»wl··.s kept ln reervlce ln time ot peace. . ” ‘ 4.3:%. {low secu vessels oMeered and manned. NAMES OF _V%I¤L8_ V 461. l·‘irst.·cle&¤ battleship; imd monitors; ·• ea:. Avoidance ot duplication in names. _ 4*53. t'l¤a¤ge_`i,n nameset purchased vmeln. - ’ ‘ rEMPLOYMmN’1' OF UYBBBELB ‘ ‘4T 1. Assistance of distressed nnvlgstorml 472. Slslvngeservlce. · _ ·‘ ‘ 473. lletnil to remove er destroy derelict:. ( _ ._, CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR 1* 4‘$l. Ste~el‘n1nte!lnrf¤i° cenitrnction etvmels. ·· ‘*`$¥·, Vetter? for nmnntncture ot unter. ’ . ‘w’· i'm‘€¥¤~¤S¢ ind QSQ at patented articles connected with engine;. ' 7**% Repairs; hu1l—‘;9,¢ ,;.5, _ · , ·. . 4*5. Repairs on salts And l'i¤i¤K· *· _ DISWOSAL OF UNFIT OE. UN8UI'1‘ABL:· VESSEL8. · 4*} Examination et vessels; nndt rem!] quicken from register. ‘· WJ. Sale of vessels stricken from ‘ I ‘ " _* 491%. Sale ¤:_un•u1tpbl• vessels. . p ‘ G _ _ fl GENERAL PQOVISIONS Section 451.7 Clnsslicntion of ymols;. nwgnmenti to com- ¤’*¤¤d·-———'1‘he Efrgident of the United Btntw ._i8 §.uth0l‘i¤éd tc esmhllslh, end tram. tlmento time to modify, lhs the mds·o£·the _ setvnce me! require. n clswdention ot vwels of Navy, and _ to torm,n1ate nppreprlnte_rulea.gever¤i¤$ es•l@en& to e9m=

4.-NAVY * §_ 483— mandy! vessels and squadrons. (Mar. 3, 1901, c. 852, 31 Stat. } 1133.) ·‘ · -·_ · l ._ _ ¢ 452. Vesiah kept jh seriiu in time éf wee.-—The President - is nuthérimd tc keep in gctugl service; i !1·_(i@€ ot pace,. synch of

 imbiic 81‘  vcaselh né, inbis opinion, may be- required by

=thé natmfe ot me service, and to caéée the resigns tgheteot to be laid up in ordiéary in convenienf ports. (BME. §_ 1534.) _ 458:Qey uci vesapk nnd·¤•i;ed,—-Vmmls in ’*actual_¤e1}iii:e, in time 0£'_peaée,:shal@ be 0Qcc;red and maimed·· as the Pywidcmz may diregt. (B. S; Q 1535.) · ’ ‘ _ — NAMES OF VESSELS ` First-ciass bqttl@f#• land. ‘¤¤¤ita¤.——AII m·st—cl•ss bnmekships oywned”-by.=the· U¤ited* Statw is for the States, aqd shattlnot be naniéd for any ci¢YQ P¥¤€¢. or pgrson yuntil may uinmed of the —Sutm s1na}r haw; been exhausted.

Mq¤ito·~x·s now- owned by the Unite:} Smtéil or heieafter built.

may bclxinmed as thePresidé¤t may Nérccti ‘ (lla; 4, 1&8, . c. sc’se5;,m0; H8y,13, mas, c. 196, as sm, .1w.y - 462. Avddamce of dqplicséon in ¤¤mes.—Care shaq be taken thhlg 'mots than one muse} in the Navy- shall but the samenaipe, (R. S.§1532.)) _ N \· — · 463. Change in inmés·of-purchased vessels.-:—The Seeretury pf the Navy mh? change tlie names of ap! vessels {purchased Tor the Navy bpauthprity of lgw. (R. S. {.1533.) ' w _ EMPLOXMENT QFYESSELS

 471} Aqpihtsnce of i distremtd ¤gvigg£0rs.—f1‘hc — President

may. when the necessities of the- serwéiba permit it, cause any suitable number of public vesseis adapted to the purpox to cruise upon the coast in the sagem! wi qevere wwther am to _ Alford such aid'_ to distressed navigators hs thqik dmumstancés may require ;_ and `sucl; public vesselsshakl Qc ta·_3ea·1‘uHyj pm- ' Aparpd to réudexjsuch assistance., (R.- S. ·§ 1536.) l A g . 472: Sdyage service.-J-'1‘he Secretary ot tm Navy is anthem ized ·tq causeweséels under his coxittal aduptged to Asha purmw, to amprd salvage service to pinblic or private vesselsin diétiessz Prbvided, Thqti when such sqlvage service is by a vessel hpecially ecjuipped for thq purgxxse or by n tm, the Secretary ot tqe Navy may determine and couecg renwghbie compenéatilon therefor. (July 1, 1918; c; 114, 49 Stat.·’¥%L) . 473. Dani! to mauve or kata! dgrelws.-4The Pmsidwt in his, discretion may temporarily detail any vpmal cr @is fit the Navy remove or destroy derélicts in we at v&aels·ht —Sc¤{ Thé regulations to govern the and &n·` _ ice otsaid ve;selsashaD_be._pmcribed by the Secretary. at the Navy and ~a{$pr6ved'hy the Pmsidaat. .-(Mar. 3, 19%, c. 1483, §1,_33·Stat. 1164.) f· _ _ · ' l CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR 481._·Stegl n•tei·i•l_ for mstmctin of vent}:.-e-Subjéct to the provisichs ot. action 5% ’0t- this title, ih the construction ot, all nnvnt végigels Qu steel material shall be of domestic manufacture, and J ot th¢_ quality and charhcteristics bes; Y ‘ adapted th thé variaéb for iihich 'it may be used, in accordance with , spééwentmm approved by 1:1:9 Secretary at the Navy, (@1;:.3, 18%, c. 849, §’2, $4 Stgt. 21:5; May 4, 1%, c. %4,_80"Sts§. $0.) _ ~ · · i f ’ 482. Factory f¢r` mnnafsctum ¤f_ nrnar.-———Tna Secrgmcy ot -thé Navy shall keep aclfurate and itemized account ot the cost per ton of the (product of any factory ndw owned by °the__ United Stated tot the manufacture of axmovn fqr the vessels of the · Navy, and report fhg — same to ·Cn1>grem in his ammal repair. (Aug. ®,`1918, c;_ 417, 39 SQL 5&.) - y _ ‘a¤é—§sc‘¤f patmted articles connected ygiily __mati¤• eaginnk-—··N0 pnwnted article conmirtegl with marina mginah “shal1 bs` pumum mr used in commétiqn with éuy.

 vmsis of war xintiljihc same°sh*a1l. have been piibmitted