Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1191

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11}-;,- ‘ § TITLE 36.-—PATRIOTIC' SOCIE Dm-ogy, Michigzixl; Dwfid Still'? J01‘d8¤, of Berkeley, Qalitomia; I 'F, L_ gggly, of Asheville. lfléftb Cnwlina; A. Stamferd VGi·w,·l q ,f (mwge, Illi¤0iS§ Dime! Carter Beardt et vF1uem;tg, New q gm-k; George D. PNN, _0f Bl‘00klYD. New Xork; Franklin i `HO,-_ ,m·emiah W. Jenks, Charles P. Neill, Frank Pregbrgy, ; mg:;u· M. Robinson, Mortimer L, Schitl, and James 'West,——r { New Yerk,New York; G. Barrett Rich, junior, ct Buffalo, t "· Z y k- Revert Garrett, -0t Baltimore, Maryland; .101;;; s t Ama or . _ _ _ Sgu»;~m:1x1.II£•}'€, of Nefwulk. COBHGCUCUCQ Charles .0, Jagksop, w of msmu. Massachusetts; Joltn H. Nichelsou, of ·_Pittsburght s 1·(·¤»};eyh·:1niz1; William D. Murray, of Plainfield, New Jersey; 2 em <;¤~·>:·;:e D. Porter, of Philudelphiq, Pennsylvania, D their ..t

s{vs and successors, aye herebicpeated abody corporqte S

and ;»»ritit···»;e District of Columbia, where its domicile shall ` the. {June 15, 1916, gz. 148, § 1, 39 Stat. 227.) J t C

 Name; general powers and duties.+The name of the `cor-_ · t

pumigm érearted by this chapter shall be "B0y icouts of _ ,\zm·¤·im." and by that name it shall have perpetual succession, I with ;¤•iv<·z‘ to sue and be sued m—c0urts ot.1nw end equity l mrhiu the jurisdiction of tl1€`UIllt€d States; t0_heI<1. such real S

mltpZ·`·rsoual estate as_shall be necessary for corporate pur-` ‘

I ;»»<(·s..;n:¤i to receive- real and personal property by gift, devise, E in- ¤¤~qz;4—st; te Ezdopt :1 seal, and the same to alter and destroy ef — ar pawmnrez to have offices and conduct its business and af-e l fairs within and without the District of.C0ll1lI1l·Ii1l.8Tld`iYl the E s·»·»¤·x·2¤i_Sf;»tes :md· Terrjitoriesyof the United States; to make ( wq1_;m¥»;A»r !;y·l:nws, rules,.and regulations hot inconsistent with 1 xiE·· Laws of the·II~uited Statespf America, or any State thereof, S I and ;z4·§u·r:aIly to ‘d0 all such acts and things (including the- Y k—~m}»2i¤lax¤¤~:¤t of regulatltms fm? the electibh of associates and` 1 sa¤····¤»m»rss ars may be ¤i~»esSa»¤·y,¢. »/ carry into 'efféwt the pro- - vi~i··i¤s`of thiwéhapter and promote the purposes of saidi cor- S

·;¤ti<»x1. (June'15,·19‘16,e; 148, §.2, 38 Stat. 227.) ’ ° I

23. Ifurpesé of organization.-—'1`11e purpeee of the, corpora- I ties; shall he te promote, through organization, aixd cooperation swim other agencies, the ability of boysto do things for them» ( $»{·!—<·$»·s umd _0the_rs,‘ to train them in ec'011tcratt,l and t0_ teach `t them patriotism, ceumge, selbreliance, and kindred Vll°tl1€S,· ‘ mass: the methods which were inoeomxuou use by boy “sc0uts" on June 15, 1916. i (June 15, 1916, c. 148, 5. 3, 39 Stat; 228.) . . t 24. Assets of existing corporation; · stock; dividexids.=——The ,( —<··»r;¤»r;1tieu may acquire,'_hy way of gift, all flxe a8S€tS_0I the ( c·xist_iw.; matieiml ergxmizatieen of Boy` Scouts, zi corporation I ¤m<h·r tlie laws ot the Distriet ‘0£ Columbia, and defray and` I] !»mvi·1e”fer may debts er liabilities tp the discharge of which said assets shell be applicable; bq; {said corporation shall have me ;¤¤¤·¢·;· to issue certificates et éteck or to declare or pai divi-· E xlomis. its object aud. pu1‘p0ws`being sole}?. of H benevolent ‘ ¢·h:ziz·:•a·tvr andgmnnt ter pecuniary profit to its .members._ (June ( 1,3. isms. e. 14S,,§ 4, 39 Stat. 228.) - . · . - l .” I s 25. Executive board; 90w—en.——-—-The gevertginglbody of the 4 me Buy. Seouts of America shall consist of an executive board <i·'·m;•!»+¢ed of citizvhs of the United States. The 1l\lII1b€1°Lf1\\81ll··» 4 !a··;¤@i¤»t;s, and terms of office of members of the executive board 4 Mmlli be ]}!’(*HQI"ilQ9d by the by-lgwe, The persons mentioned in >·‘··¥¤#·¤ 21 of this title shall eonstitute the first executive beard 2 Nw! lshznilserve qmil their mwwwrg ureielected and h8.VB 4 ‘W¥.¤¥i¥i<·d. Vacancies in the execxitive lroarfl Shall 'be Blléd ll? 5 il‘;2¤3·”•rii,y vote et the xreuiuiuing members thereof. The UX- 5 ‘;M;(1¤¤¤&?, peescxelbe the xmetber of member; of the executive .1 m1<;;;hP;1&4€s.Ts1:·y to pmastitute a quorum of the_ boartl, which ‘_t Hm M·U.1;¤¤¤§Tbe lees than 3 majority of the whole number of _( am mnéuilim he exe<gutive»bu:u·d shall have power to makeand _¤ ward eat e by-lajvs, aud, hy] u twoytmrds vote ot the Whole ·l '(miic m T meeting eulled ter this purpose, mnyeuthorlie and I M {ha {wie executed mertmges and liens upon· the property I ’ pumtimg, The executive beard 'may, by resolution ( ·l>¤¤¤ed by aé majority gi me whole beard, designate tlifee 0I' I

'TIES AND OBSERVANOE8 § 41 ncre of their number ’t0 constituteun executive or governing rommittee, of which a majority shall coqstitixte a quorum, which committee, to the extent provided in said resolution or u the by-laws ot the corporation, shall have and exercise the mwgrs ot the, executivqboardxiu the management, of the busixeésiffairs of the corporation, and may have power w aul horize the seal ot the corporation to be aiiixcd to ‘al1 papers vhiéh may require it. The executive board, by the atiibmqtiva rote of a" majority of the whole board, may appoint any other ltéuiding committees, and Such standing committees shall have md may eicerctse such powers as shall be conferred or auhorized by' the by-laws. .With the consent in writing and pur- ` nuant to an affirmative vote of a majority of the members of said 'c6rporation,= the executive board shall have authority to lispdse in any manner of the whole property ot the corporaion., (June 15, 1916, c. 148, 5 5, 39 Stat. 228.) ‘ 26. Annual and special meetings; qu0mm.——An annual meetng dt the incqrporators, their associates apd successors, shall >e heldpnce in every year after the year df incorporation, at auch time and place as shall be prescribed in the bylaws, when the annual reports of the 0&cers and executive board shall be presented and members of thé executive board elected km tile ensuing year. Special meetings of tlgc corporation may me c:1l1ed` °up0n suchgotice as may `bépréscribed `in the by- Taws. The. number of members which shall constitute aa guqrum at any `annual 01* special meeting shall be prescribed _n the byglaws. The members and executive board shall have mower to hold their' meetings and keep the seal, books, documents, and papers of the corporation ~wi_thin Qnfwithout the District of Qolumbia, (June -15; 1916, q. 148, S 6, 39 Stat, 228.) ’ " _27. Emblems and badges.-4-The corporation shall have the soléahd exclusive `right_t0 huvé 'und to use, in carryingout its mrposes, all. emblems hud badges, descriptive 01·_ designating narks, and words _0r phrases now or —11eretbfm·e used the Boy Scouts of America ,111 catryiug out its program, it being ll·sti11ctly_and definitely understood, however, that nothing in

his. chapter shall interfere _01‘; coutlict with' established or

rested rights. , (June 15, 1916, c._148,` § 7, 39 Stat. 228.) 28. RE])0l‘tS···O¤ or ’befo`re the Llst day of Appil of each year-

he said Boy Scouts of; Amcriéa éhqll make 8·l1d.t1’&!!SlI1i{ to

Jpngréss a» report of its proceedings for the year ending December 31 preceding, including a full. complete, and itemized report of receipts and expenditures, of whatever kind. (June L5, 1916, 6. l48, _} 8, 39 Stat. 229.) . ·` i _ _ .29. Resépvationi of pqwer to repeal, altey, or amend clapp-

er.·-—-·C9l1gréss shall have the right to repeal, alter, qt amend

chis chapter qt; any time; (Jung 1_5, 1916, c. 148, 5 9; 39 Stat. Dhnptci 3.-THE_ AMERICAN LEGION. · lec._ . .. · •_ . ` .1. Corpbmtion created; lncorpomtors; naman __

2. Organization of corporation-;Ndglegatcg.
3. Purposes of corpomxtionw · ‘

.4, Powers of corporation. _ .5. I‘ers¢ms· eligible to membership. .6. folltical activities prolnibltegl. . . ‘ {7. Acquisition qt aéaéts of existing American Legion. T8. Use of name "Ame;·l<rain_Le8i011."` L _

9. _R_eports{, to Qongréss. ‘

s0. Agents tm- service or pmcess. . L1. —Rese·1jvation of right to repeal chapter. Section 41. Corporation created; ipccrporators; name.--Tlmt hejtolluwinng persons, to wit; 'William S. Beam, oi; North Iamlina; Charles Brent, of New York; William H. Brown, »t Connectlcht;- G. Edward Bu_xt<m, -}m1lox·, bf I§lw¢le`Islnnd·; ¥ennatt·C. .Clm·k, of Miss0urt_;·Ri<·ha`rd Derby, of New York; Q. H. Evtridéé, df Texas; Milton J. Formmm, of Illinois: Ruby 3. Garrett, of'?Mlss.cmri; Fwd J. Grlillith, of Qklahoma; Roy' 3. Hpiues, nt'·M:1lne; John F. J. Herhért, °0f Mkxssaclpusvtts: toy Homuan, ot Okl&h0ma_;·1•`x·ed Humplnréyls, ut New .