Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1193

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EFI? , TITLE 36.--PATRIOTIC secu aeaeuste Heath, Alice Hay Wadsworth, John Walsh, and their : g,.$e.=iet¢;·s. and sueeeesors, are hereey created at body corporate z ` by me name of “Belleau Memorial Associatioxxf (Mar. f ea wee, e, 228, §· 1, 42 Stat. 1441.) _ . V 62. Purposes of corporation.--The purposes of the corpora- ~ wer Simi be: (:1) To acquire and maintain the whole or any rmtirez of Belleurx Wood, Department of Aisne, France, for _

e.\me;·iel purposes; (b) to erect such buildings and monuments,

em esmhiislx such institutions thereon as it may deem appro- ·

e;;m· es aa mezzmrialto the men of the American Expeditionary

¤1~k.o·i·.»s who por.tieipeted in the Battle o£·Belieau Wood, France, 3,,,} r;r·i‘ui.t;y during the W0r1d·War; (0) to solicit and·.o1g»tgiu ae¤·:a¤ie·;·s: (d) to charge and collect menrperehip dues, and to , ,..§i<·it and receive comribrrtions of money to. be devoted to rm~;·»·ins.: mat such purposes; and (e) to care for and maintain rmx; ;eem<.·rial.' (Mar. 3, 1923, c. 228, .§ 2, 42 Statl 1441,) V 63. Powers of corporation.-;-The corporation (:1) shall have · W Q {};ef{}?"{{I$}l succeséiorr; lb). may Stie and be-sued ;_ tc) may adopt r og e.¤r;¤»rete seal and alter it at pleasure: (d) may adopt em alter by-lm%·s rmt iuconsieteut with the Constitution and t gm-.; of the United States or of any State; (e) ma`y‘eSmm1Su sm.; !¥’1;£i¥l{8_i!l`0H`i(;€*S_ for the conduét of its business; (f) may

:t officers mad. agents ;· (2;} may choose a board of trustees

seozeiezixxg of not more than fifteen persons nor less than fire _. yrwm. to conduct the business and exercise the powers of the \·or;>·u·:zti¢>:n: (hé) may acquire, by purchase, iieviee, bequest, gm., or otherwise, and hold, encirmber. convey, ·0r_ otherwise déome ef, such reel,-and personal property as may be necessary er appmpriate for its corporate purposes, and espeeially the · { ·.¤.·§e>1e”¤»r any portion of Belleau Wood, ·Department of Aisne, t i<`¤·.m<~<=. ha the extent that it may be or become consistent with, or p.·r;nim·d by, the laws of the »Freuch Repoblic ;.:md (i) genemizgi may do any and al1_1awful_ac·ts‘necesse.ry or appropriate! _ to ¤·m·`r;· out the purposes for Ywhich the corporation is created. mier. 3, 19%, c. 228,.§ 3, Stat. 1441.) ° · G1. Transfer of, property to, by Belloau ·Wo¤d Memorial As:seriatiou,_in¢orporated under lawiof District of Columbia.-——+_ ¥1‘i»%<·_ Izelleeu Wood Memorial Association, a corporation here-U zofore iaxcorporaterl rmder the. laws of the Dietrictef Columbia, .i» zmtherized totramsfer Qgto the corporation created by this ¢·1mp1er an of its property, rights, and assets, and such corporation isaasthorized to receive all of such property. tights, 8136 roots. Upon such transfer, such eesociatiorx shall thereby be .2»s..r.;1·.·{»¤1, emleueh corporation shall be liable for all. the 0bliga~ mes of, and claims egeinet, such association, and §llI0t'suc¤11 otazizotioee and claims may be emfercedf against the corporation. » {Mor. 3, 1923, e.~_228, Q 4, 42* Stat. 1441.) . . _ A . (

 Reports to (lexxgrees.-——-The corporation shell, on or before

the let dey of Deeember an each year, transmit to Congress n rrwrt of its proeoeoiege and activities for the preceding calender year, inetuding the full ¤‘m1‘cox;rplete statement of its x·r·<·eipte and expouditarres. Such reports ehallwnot be printed as }*UmiL? doeumeratszg (Mm-, 3, 1923; cf'228, § 5,1 42 Stat. 1441.) 66. Right to alter · or amend reeervod..i—-—Tl$e right to alter, omrmrl, or repeal thiechapter ot anyytimellis expressly reserved. (Mar. 3, 1923, e. 228, 5 6,42 Stat. 1§41.) r " gfngapter 5.--—GRAND. ARMY QF REPUBLIC. `

 §e$·¤1y' (?0!‘{$01‘{l£éf {13mQ} C{’•!"901"8{E DOW.€!'$· .

Hi- *¤!sge·t;m§g;rd.ég;urj;eee of corporation; otilce; &cquiSifi0n,, EKG., ct, 7J%_"(t§¢;•;;g body. l * P is ;j·‘3i<*H3br*rs}x§{;_ U ' Agzvncieeof eorporetion. . 4 it- £‘¤?rperete exgetoeee ;_ modmeetion of goverraing pcvkrrs. ,4 •. Imspossiteg ofproperty, arclliifos, ERL o _ » 1 _ Q “ . `eectmrnl 71. ;Body corporate; name; corporate powers.——e——The (aI§’Z1¥l1ZHti0.Il known ee the Grand Army of the Republic, with a lnoemhex-ehip limited to persons who served as` soldiers and

?TIES AND OBSER$?ANCES § 75 sailors of the United. States Army and Navy or Merinie Carpe H and Revenue Cutter Service between Aprjil_12, 1861,,and—April 9, 1865,and of such State regiments ee werecalled into active service and subject to the orders of the United States general 0tHcers¤¤‘bets¥eexi_ the clates—mentio1zed, end have been h·:memh_ly discharged therefrom after such service, is created a body corporate and politic of the District of Columbia, by the name of “The Grand Army of the Republicf by which name it shall be tl persouin law, capable of suingand being sued, and ef having anchexercising all incidental powers as a litigaut er otherwise as·if it were a natural person, with power te {acquire by- purchase, gift, devise, or bequest, end to hold, convey, er otherwise dispose of property, real or personal, as may he necessary or calculated t0.carry into e&eet the patriotic, fmtemial, and charitable purposes of itstorgenizutitm. , (June 3, ? A 1924, ’c. 242, §. 1, 43 Stat. 358.) _ · b _72. Object {and purpose of corporation; eéice; acquisition, et9·» nf pr0perty.—The object and purpose of the corporation shall be tojxerpetuate, the name of "‘ The Grand Army of the Republic "- aud to preserve in corporate form said erganizatien · as on June 3, 1924, and thereafter maintained and conducted, ` and to thus iprovide and continue an agency and instrumen- _tality_th1·0ugh and by whiehits members, for end dufing the remainder of their natural lives, may} assemble and meet fer the promotion 'ot cqriiradeship and social fnterceuxtse. The corporation shall not at any time engage in any business fer. pecuniary profit and gain. ‘ ~ ' The pi·lncipa1‘_0$ce,0f this corporation shall be kept end nlaintatned in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, , but annual, or other meetings, of its governing body m1d`members mey he held in any State er Territory et the Union, and the corporation shall have the .pow·er to , possess and held property needful or desifable for its objects end pmteesee t anywherte in `the'United States exiuny as its Territer-iee` et dependencies, consistently with the previsiens of local _ laws pertuitxiug thereto. (June 3, 1924, c. 242, § 2, 43 Stat. 359.) » 73. Governing b0dy.e·—The supreme geverxiiug and cexxtmllmg uuthorityln said organization shall be the national emzempmem thereof, composed of representatives frem the severel departmen‘f,eg1campme1xts existing cm June ,3, 1924, e¥‘, thereafter organized :_ Provided, That there shall never be any change ie the plan of orgenizet_i0n. et said national encempmexxt that ` shall materially change its present representative term et government or ·rex1dex.· possible the eenceutratieu of the centre} thereof ih the hands of ’a limited number, or in at self—-pezw pet mating bqdy not representative of the membership` at large. (Jmjxe 3, 1924, e. 242, §—3,l43 Stsit. 359.), . i . ‘ 74. Membership.--—The quatihcetieee fer membership in said organigaticm, exeept ae they, ere limited by the previeiens of section 71 Qt. this' title, end the rlghté and priyileges SE the members thereof, shell-besuch es are hxeci by the erdimmees, rules, and reguletibns adopted by, eeid national euce}xzpmeut,- (June 3, 1924, c. 242, §.4, 43 Stat. 353,) » . · 75. Agencies, of eerperatiun.-—·—The ectitjities at said ‘ce»rpm-e- titm shell he exercised through` and by the fellewing egeeeiee, in eeéerddxxce with the laws, mlee, and regulations in fence' eu June 3, 192t1,.e1·`theteefter enacted by the hetiexgal eueump> ment thereofgmmelyz - e " v V ’ °I•Tirst. Thtfeugh the nuticmgtl eucampment, its ehieere and committees. _, l _ l , hecenel, Through such department encemimxenxts. as may

 have been, ox: may be, ergtuxized, their efhters and eeuxmittttees.
 Third. ,Th1:·0ugh such poets es muy lmve been, or may be,

{organized.; their eflieete and eemmittees, ~ — “

 Such department eneempmente ehell he subject and suherdi-· _

j nate in authority to the national €_!}€&H1["lH1QIl{, and such peete shell .be_z;lee eubject te eueh ceutml, exercised threggh the department eneamtmjeut and department ofheere of the per-