Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1207

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1193 TITLE 38.--PBNSIONS, BONUS} ’ smh p,,,·,;·0¤_ free ot all enpense, all such printed instructions — and {mms as may be necessary in establishing and obtaming _ md ,.m;,,,; and on the issuing oth a certificate of pension, he xQhngI fn[‘{h\V`lth H0tify_ the claimant or 3DDllQtl!lt, Bild &lS0 the ·;mm_m_). in the case, ifhthere be one, that such. certidcate has l·l~l·n '§ssucd,._· or allowance inode, and the date and ·8lll0l1I1t llneiwl`. (Re S. § 4748; Aug. 14, 1912, c. _301,_ § 1, 37 Stat. 312.) 42, Declarations of claimats; before whom made; cents. catc of official character; reeognitios.—Declarations or ‘pen~ sion claimants- shall be made before a_ court ot or ‘ ns·l· sdxiie odlcer thereof having custody ot its seal, or before , `sl;,u,n>ijillicc1‘ who, under the laws of his State, city or county, has authority to administer oaths for general purposes;. and will officers are fully authorized and empowered toadministerh ml certify any oath or :¤Brmstion `rélatingmto any pension -— ,,,~ ;lppli<·atlou therefor. _· Where such oe¤l¤¤·amn_ or other pap,·l·s are executed hetero an o$cer`authorized asiahove but _ not required by the laws or his- Statetohave and use a seal to authenticate his oicial acts, he sbal1`§le· in the Pension llurcau a certiil `te of- his omclal character, showing his _ oiliciel sig1nam¤§d teré ot omce, certided hy a clerk. ot a leur: of record m· other proper e¤cer of the State as to the g("lll'l_lllt‘ll€SS thereof; and_whe.¤-said certiheate has been Bled in- · the llureau of Pensions his own certlicate will bejrecognlsed during his term·ot_o§ce. (July. 26, 1892, c. 25d, 5 1, 27 Stat.

72.)- _ , · · ‘ _ _ 1

43. ._ Same; in foreign countries; _I¤diaas.—-—'1‘he`Commissioncr `_ uf l*cu_sions may accept declarationsjand other papers or 4-lainmnts residing in foreign countries wade betore a 'United stalls minister or consul or other consular omcer, or ~-before some ollicer of the country duly authorized to administer oaths lm mineral purposes,-and whose owcial character and signature shall be duly authenticat& by the certificate of a United States minister or consul or other consular omcer; and declarations in claims ot Indians may be niade before a United States Indian agcllt. _ (July 26, c. 255,- { 2, 27 Stat. ‘ , ‘44.‘Payment of to persons entitled only; exceptions.;-—No pension shall be paid to any person other thanthe pousilmer entitled thereto, nor than according. to the pmyisions or .tl1ls'tltle; and no warrant; powcro! attorney, or osllcr paper executed or purporting to be executed by any pen· . sinner to any attorney, agent, broker, or other DQISQD — shall he recogised, norwall any lon be pald thereon; but the paytuent to—per@ laborm trnderlxal dwbllitles.may leruade to the zuardlm pr sua persons lu the manner herein p:·esl·rihed, In case of an iwneinvalid pensioner huviug no

u:mlilm, but having i suite or depehdthtl 'ttptm

4 the wife a woman ot good •$araeter), Comm&d0¤él' of Pensions my, in hk the to the tut the wlxe, cpm maker, or in cow there is no witc, to of we uildres, upon the. properly executed comm meh and in like mem muse the o:·_;n¤l.t¤ gun are or ma! he lm-. Ilfisoned is . e f? @6 Bw! to be paid while so lmrlso@‘ to wardipns pt children. (B., 8, { (2%, et 22"Stat: 373; Hal'. 14, 1&B, c. M, M @3 lu. 3, 1§,` e.--4l9,’30 $t¤f· l _ ,1379; Aug.*1'£, 191:,4 N1, lj 1,.Q, §3!.)'»- l _. ° » ‘ 45.Sane;_do•¤ti¤ae!*Ii§ pensioner.--An case a ot the Stem shall for a uerloa d llvflll Wife,. ` She being a_ M a and M c I ——. so ol ·~ ¢·ircurmst¤¤9¤. M?. if hehavalnc lawful wife, shall his .$lcri¤maw;n1nn» ams or of wer or his l>¤*¤¤§¤m¥ and the Sloner or being natland by _,com¤¢¤¤£ Q! of the M or to

 Qld       Mting the, mumuncc of   M-

98, AND VETE‘RANS’ RELIER § 50 sertionto he Mid to the wife, or in case there is no wife, to the legal 'guurdiau of the child OIT children. (R. S. § 4766'{ Aug, 8,._1882, c. 469,22 Stat. 373; Mar. 3, 1899, c. 460, 30 Stat. 1379;) _ Q \ · 46. Same; pensioner inmate of intimal ‘eoldiers’ home.--}! a`ny such pensioner shall become ah mmgte of a natiunhl soil diem; home one-MH of the pension drawn in his` behalf or to which he may become entitled during his residence therein shall be paid by the treasurer of the; institutionto such pertsiouefs wife, she being ii: necessitouso circumstances and a woman of good rnoral chnraéter, or, if there be no wife, to the legal guardian of the minor child or children, or ‘tbe.permar1euti3· dependent and hélpleés ghild or children of snob-pensioner, on the order ct the Commieeioner of Pensions. *(°R. 5.. S 4766; Aug. 8, 1882, c 469, 22 Stat. 373; Mar. *3, 1899; c. 460, 30 Stat. 1379.) · `L7. Same; pensioner" entering State home for when or nilcrmi-When` a soldier or miler enters into s State `home for soldiers or sailors ··as 'au inmate thereof, onehali of his peu- §d¤ accruing d¤!Ti¤¥ his_ residence therein shalt be paid on the order ·0f the G0mxhis§oner ot Pensions to. his wife, she · being a woman of good `moral character and in bracessitoué circumstnnceq, or if there be no wife, then. to his child or children under sixteen` years of age, or his permanently lielplegs and dependent child, it a.¤y,_ tmlees such wife and children shall alsobe-inmatcé ot the same institution or ot rome home provided for the wivee gud children ot soldiers and Sailors. S. `§ 4766; `Aug. 8, 1882, c. 469, 22'Stat; 373; Mar,3. 1899, c, 460, 30 Stat. 1379.) _ ‘ _ ` ·. 48. Same; inmates · of- State soldiers’ and sai1ors’ homes for volsmtecr soldierea-——A.ll pensioners who may be mmatw of zgny_ _ s0lqiers’ and seil0rs’ home, or other institution maintained by any State for the beiiedt ofwleperident or -0t.her· disabled volunteer Soldiers, shall have their respective pensions paid to themtdirectiy. instead ot to the treasurer or other owoer of the homo or imstitution _ at which they may be respectively located.-` (May %, 1908, c. 208,.35 Stat. .419.) ‘ _ —` * . 49. Same; determination of questions of desertion, entniwe into A homei neccssitoas cirrdmstsncu, etc.——-In all cases under Csectioné 44 to 47, inclusive, of this title the questions ot ‘desorti0¤, entrance jnto s home, neceésitous eircomtsteuces, and of good moral therncter shall he ascertained and determined by tho_C0mmi_soioner· of `Pensione under such,rules and regulations as he shall prescribe, and the treomrérs or governors ot the several soldiers’ and sailors? shell be sdviqedot suchtaetion ·from_ time totime. (R. S, $47%; · Aug. 8, 18&; cl .4%, `22 Stat; 373; Ma; 3, 1%, t. 460, w Stgt. 1379.) ·_ ‘_‘ , _ __ · * ` 5d. Payment of pensions By checks without voudaers; dolivery ·or» return of nail.-——Pemionq shall be paid by drawn, under the `direction ot_ the Secretary ot the Interior, in_sm;h _I0r·m as, to protect the United Stateé against tom, without seoarqte vouchers or receipts, and peyebie by the proper nmietaht `tregmrer, or depositary, ·`except ii} the ease or any pension whtéh the hw aothorim to he paid to some person ¤|;he1•`tb¤¤_ the pendoner, or in my page in which the `Secretxry oi tm Ihterior may consider s` ronckr necessary for the proteetton of the Government. Sooh cheeks shall be trghmmzad hy mil to the payee thereof dt his Inst known xddraee. . t Posmsstms, deliver? rjerks, letter carriers, and all other pootll emP¥0¥¢¤I —¤J’¤ prombited `-from deliyeriég a1iy~qeoh·meil to lm? wrson whoneoever, J! the addreaee has died or removed, Ql"_·`i§1‘th€`g¢8.® of a widow hekiovéd by the pastel emé plojvee tntrusted with the delivery of euchrmeil to hive remarried ; Ind thorpdctmlnter in every such case shall forthwith `retorn such méifwith a statement of reasonofor so doing, _

 it   ot death o1·~¤·¤¤rgmge, the date thereof, it ·

known. _ Qecha rémmcd herein provided on account? of_