Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1212

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§ 151‘ TITLE, ss.-ensysroxs, Bova er. Both, "ntsthe discretion of the ccnrtg, and shell thereafter b debuted- from prosecuting any such claim. in any execntiv department of the.G0ve1jm11ent. (May 21, 1872, c. 178; 17 ·Sts1 .137l)- . _ · · · `" . _ ‘ ‘ *` Chnpter_3.é-—DISABILIT]§ OR DEATH _'GAU`SE DUE "I‘( _SERV{GE SINCE MARCH 4, 1861 `‘·‘ E · n vmnnsus ~ Q Sec. _ ’· 1nl. Ifensiens: who are eligible. 152. Classes enumerated. ‘ ’ 153. Rates. for tctnl disnbiiityf 1.54. Snine;°acc»6rdin: to rank. · · · _ · _· · ‘ 335. Wounds received sr tiiseases contracted 0n1y_ in line of duty per:

  • sien`nhlc.· · _ _ · ·. Y

156. iwrnzznncnt specific ~Q_isnbil{ty_; rhte afté .. e 4; 1872. L5?. Snme; fmm$.nnd_after June 18, 1874., " " 138. Increase; fer permanent disability. _ _· ‘- . ‘ { _ 1:39; Lessof both hands; or both reeebor both EYES; pension xafter Jun 17,1378. ‘ _— · f V . , »1i§G. Less of beth eyes or total blindness; pension after April °8, 1904 161. Bifndness er less qt sight due t0»injiu·y.' ` 162. Less et b0ft1'feetQ`_‘ _ ’ . A 163. Less ofbcth hands; ._ _ 164. Less of one hand nnd_ cue foot. · _· _, · t ` 165. Less of hnnd, foot, arm, 0: leg; pension fr0ni and after Mnnfcl · 3, 1883. _ ‘ _, . ·_ -_ - -_,_. . ` 168, Inc;nn.§¢§s from end after August 4, 1886. 167. Same; fronrnnd after March "2, 1903. ·“ _ 16B. Same; increase from and after May 1, 1920, and June 5,1920. ` 169. Dissnilistykcqzzsivnient tu loss of hander foot, ‘ ‘ ,120. Ingspncity for pertcrging magnus! labor. ‘ · 111. Destness;"ra.te {msn and after August-27, 1888. 17:2. Sante}; from and atterianunry 15, 1903., — 173. Pnrtini desfness. `_ A 7 · 174. Disability requiring regular personal attention. 1‘¥5..B1esbiiit5·”reqniring frequeiv and periodical attendance. 176. hiinimum rate fe; pensions. t V 1'IT. -Di¤.b;i!ity not otherwise provided tor. - `1'I8. Age of sixtytwe and ever considered a dissbilitin WI{>0wS, BEMARRIED WIDOWS,-QH’ILDi;EN, (AND DEPENDENTE 1:91. Wfdnws or <:m1drQ'nnder`sixteen; rightto {Session; · 192. Widows pensien;. mnnrisge pricxj to Marci; 3, 1899; widows 01 Spsnislr war. veterans excepted. t , 193. Snme; increase on account ct miner children. 184; Additinnnl pension by sneéisl act on acqount nfl helpless child net to aEeg:t nate te wiginw. · · ‘ n 4195, Widows, emi4;1ren, sud dependent relatives; increase from and “ _ site: Hnx·ch·~.1,9, _1886t; limitation., ‘ . 196. Same; clsim sgents not to receive ccmpensstion. Q . 197. Widews and children; minimum rate from sud 8.-ft81’·A[_)l°u 19; 1908 198. Widews of eoinxed and Indian `seldiers, . · . . 199, free! et rnsnringie; adulterous eéhsbitntien terminating pension.

 Ahnndenznent by widew; childrens pensien.

291. Tfinze ter which s widow shall not receive pension. 292. What cniidren deemed legitimstex _ . · __ 293. Snccusinn. of dependent reaeenves; when dependent psrents entitled, ‘ E " 2204. Mine; nmthers and sisters; dependency construed. ~ ` 205, Widews end newness: mothers Land sisters; remarringe ot; t ‘ srestemtien on renewed wiqeivheod. " “ [ · . 2%. Sensei entnpeneatien at claim sgents. -; vnrmnsxs t

  • * _' _ 5 . i v v

/ Sectim ISL Pensinns; yathe srs eligible.·—-—-—Every pevfgm specined in the several classes enumerated in the telic ing sectien, e·nstn¤s"neen, since tkie 4th dey et March, 1861; er` whe is *diss,b1ed under the cenditiens thegiein stateq, shsli, upon making due greet et the fact, according to such

f  terms sn;} regnistiens as are erjznny be tpmvided in pursuance

ot Inn, be plneedton the list pt invalid pensioners et the United , Ststm ann be ensues t9_ receive, for a total disability, ers permanent specine disability, such pensien ss is hereinafter t ~ prev1ded_ in suck ensue; and tsk an inferior .d1ssbiEity, except · ’ in e nt permanent specmc disability,. ter which tpemste pf pensien is exprms§y·preYided, sn amount pmwrtiennte to that provided ter tqtsl disability; and such pension shall eommenee

USES, AND VET§RAN8" RELIEE 1198 e gs herénafter providédg and émxtiuue dm-mg the 8XiStQY§'\ · c the disability. (3.-8. § 4692.) » _ . · ” wm ug Q n 152. "Clasqes enumentedl-—Th9 persons entitled 35 mm _ aries mzdexrthe preceding section are as touows; - u`

 (1) Omcers df ._Army,» Navy cr Marine (}m·pS,l d

) listed ¤men.·#->Any officer of the Army includm an QF`. , W • I i, _ g · _¤¤t®%1‘S. Mlii mmt¥9· _ 0* any ?m°°*' ‘{“‘ th? Nav? 01* .3Im·1m»-

 Cgrpg, dp any enlisted mswphvivevcf eliaplvgyed, ixilthe ¤;1;;;m.;_,

_ or naval 'service of the- United $€&£%, QI iii its Biatiug Qgyp`; ,whether· rcgulgtly mpstered or not, digabiggpy magm of mg . wmmd jor injpry Igaéeived, Gi" <liS€¤S% cimtrwtéd, ivhiie ip {HQ · gervice of the/Ilialted Statw and in the line or duty, - ‘ l· (2) Lieutmnntéserving on g tmb¤;t.v-·Any lieuteming gw-g,,{, ' (ma gt1Ilb{)8[,.0l.‘ any pilot, engineer, S£l.l0f. Gif Gthér pemqQ¤ gm? ,rggu1m·1y Nsgrvi¤g \lP0¥1 im! gtmbéat or war i·€,S§€;_ `pi the United States: disabled {gy &¤y,wq_zmd or injury I'€}(’€•lY(‘d, 9 gr in the line of i{}[zp{·4_)- _ curing his subsistenqe by mhmml labor. t. . W . (3) Volunteers, not enligted.-—-Any persian gnat an mlistedl - scldigxt i.n_ the Army, `sexjviqgj for the time being. as a gnékm- . of themilitia Of ·ai1y State, tmder orders of an omccr tif the 5 United $tat&s;, or wjvhé Yolmzteeregl for the time being. w·$ez·vé .wit11‘any‘;regu1m·ly orgnulgad military or naval {Crea xii mg; United .States,~ mi whq otherwise v0 lux1teex·ed and réndered

 service in any engagement with rebels or Indians, disabled

(ln cousetjueuccpf wounds br injury received in the line of duty in- such tempoiary service,. and whose claim was prcmcum ° tc alsugrcessful lssue prior té July 4, 1874. . — E l _ _ g (4)» Acting aésistapt surgecn.4-4Any acting asslstgnt or mgl tract surgeoh digabfed by any womxd of injury receiéed 0: 5 i disease- contracted in the Fine _0f duty while actually perfema- · lng the duties ot assistant surgeon or acting assistant surigeozz ~ with hny military `foree in the Béld, ar in "tranaitti, 9: in but pital. ‘ `_ _» l g i · ` i . (5) Prcvast mush;il.——·-Any! provost marshgl, deputy provost · mqrshal, Or enrolling oéicer disabled, by mason of any woumi f or injury, received in the disizlmrge qt his duty, to pmcure as subsistence by manual labox·."(R; S. 5 4@3.`) A _ I *153. Ratga for tétal disability-—'H1e peusiau mr total ¤1i,s— ` `abllity umu be as m11¤w¤,= except asl uthezxrist provided at I ltbig title: For lieixtenant colonel And all swam of higher- rank · in. the military .-service and l¤· the .Ms.rlue Gems, and fart J captain; and a Il`0fHcé1‘8.@f higher {rank, ~ccma.ndex·, surgma, jlpaymaster, gud chlet 'etxgmeer, gémpeetimly with; com ·· mmxder by, la w, lieutenant mmgander, lie¤ten¤¤t commanding and master commanding, in the service, $30 ptr month; fo1'·`m8j€>l' iq the military wvice waitin the Marina » Ccrpsg and lieutenant, surgeon, paymastez, md chlet €¤giB@€¥`l _x·&pect1ve1y_ ranking t with, lleutexmntx by law, gud phmd @5*

 ‘slstant·tsurgeo¤ int the nm;g1.mrvi¢e, % pu maqthytcr cw.

A tain Ln the military service ang! in the Maxim 0% chaplain -ill the Army, hud provost ma1·§ha1, pmt ¤» at m¤th&m¤€i<¥3· · master, assistant summa, assistam p¤ ter, chaplain . lin the namlwervica, $26 pegmmath ;‘ tépnrgt ilmtemmtjin tht l military aervlize a¤d._ll¤ the- Mm·me»Gqrp¤, gemig kmistant GF contract surgeon, gnd cleputy provost marshal, $17 per month; tm: smcnd lieutenant ip tha military servlet and in Maxima Corps, &1*at~'aasi¤tant »s: mr! msigg me in t,¤¤_na$&1· semrice, and enmlltng ammr, $15 months; for cadet with l ghipmgng ;>: :.: • midshipman; midshipmgn, elggkg at 8d!B·ll°&g§$ and paymastgrsnnd ot. other i t vwselg, we-_ jsmd and third nasatstantt engineer, mgstefs mgm, and ¤l1_w¤F· >: ` rant cmcers in the nnvalherrim, $16 pu- math; and for gu étlmr whése rank 55: is mt ·¤1em.i¢ned in this _ wctivng $8, per month; · and the [ mgm, wgmeers. asaiiars, and crews uboa th gunbmm and wir shalt het entitled to wccive the peuslawlnllcwad herds at thm of like