Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1220

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§ 269 rzrw aa.-fpmvszogvs, BONUS

 $18 Der month; éix mouths, $19 per mont]; ;° one year,  

pér mqnth; one and a half years, $21.50-per month; two years, $23 month; -two_ and n half years, $2 permouth; three yéars or every? per-menth. In case such person has -— the age of'sev y>£ve years `and served ninety days; $21 per] month; six m0uths,`$22.50 per month; que `ywr, $24 per month;.

one and —a halt years; $21 per month; two years br over, $30

per mczith. `Any person wiio served in the military or naval seryice of the United States during the Civil War amt received \\ an honorable disch&!‘8¢» Qutljwho-was wbmxded ih battle or- int liaé of dirty and was qu_May 11, 1912, unfit for mauualjabor by rws® thereof, 0: who from disease- or dthefcauses in line of duty ¤~e$¤1u¤g` in his disnbihti was unable; to perform maniul labor, é§al1 be` tpaid the- maximum pension `undcrltbis section, to wit, $30 per month;-withouf regard to length bt; ssrviceornge. —` ° - _ f `__ Except as hereinafter providéd, any person `who has served · sixty dgy1s`_0r'm0re in_ the military br naval service `ctthtg United Stgtes in thi; war —with México antfhas been honombly discharged therefrom; shall, 1ip0x;_muking like prob! QI such service, be entitled to receive a_ burton. ot $0 per month. _ AH or me qromam pénsibns ¤1m11·¤¤mm¢¤¤eZn¤m» me am of ming ct the applicqtions in thé .Bm·e1iu_ df 1’e¤sions` after May 11,1912] (May 11, 1912, c. 123, —§ 1, 37 Stat; 112.)_ Y ` 269. Service pension Civil War; periqd June 10, 1918, to · May 1, 1920; incrwdc on Accqunt' of age.—4Exc¢;pt ds provided · irpécctism 270 of this title, from mid aftér June. 10, 1918, the rate of pension for any person who geryéd ninety days or more 1li·t]1€` military or naval servicé of the Unitgd States during ttgé Civil War, ci: u1€_[1f.}I1Si011_l#0u on that date br thereafter placed on the pension roll—smd*antit1cd totrecéive a 1es$ `rnte than hereinafter provided`, shall be $30 per month; In case such a person his reached- the age ot $evgnty-two years ang] J served six menths,··¥thé rate shall be $321per mmnth; (me year, $35 per mouth; one and ai halt years, _$38 mouth ;_ two years or over, $10 ber, "monthf (May 11, 1912, c. 123, { 6; Juno 10, 1918, c.-96, 40' Stat. 603.) " _. _‘ #· ‘ ` 270. Civil Wu or snr withléxicm from and gftcr May 1, 1920.-4-Every person who_ served ninety days or more in the Army, Navy,_or Marine Corps of the United States during the @711 War, and who his been hoaordbly · dischzirged theretrcm, or who, having s0·servcd.Les¤ than uipety day;. whndibchhrg·ed·mr g disability incurrw in the service and in the’ line of duty, or who` on-May 1, 192>,`wis upon the pension rolls as A Old! Warwtemn. ani every person who- served sixtj days uc: iabre in the wa: with Mexico, cron tha coats · nr trcntier qxéréot, or en 'rout€ thergtd, during the war with — t.hat"n•ti&¤,·,a¤d was hcmnbly dischumd thereirqm, and irhq { an Hay 1, 1%, was inreceigit ot, or entitw to receéye, a pwe sion ctlw than $59 permoath, shall, from and stterthit dak; be entitled shgil-be paidn pendw Q1 UN rate of $50 ‘·j>er mo¤t.h..( ay 1, 19%,1:. 1w,} 1, 41 Stat. 585.) f . 271. Sam; pe@ hahha w blind; •¤o¤t.—·—¥-Every person who, served ninety this at mom" in the Army, NM'!. or Karim Corps of the United Staten during the (31+11 War, and who'· has been lacnorably d1scha.rged·.therbf:·mn, or who, paving , so served lwithan ninety days, was discharged for-q disability ` iméurred in the acrvige and in the line ct duty, or wm; on Md? 1, 1920, uwn penaicn rolls as a Oivtl War veteran, And I every persc:1 wlgo served sixty. days or more in the war with ` Mexicqcr on the coasts cr frontier thereof, or ea routcthereto, during the wai with that nation, md wasrbonarnbiy dmhnrgéd therefrom, and who was- on May 1, 1920,61* tiwmatmr became, byymgmp at- nge md- physiml or mmtai dtmbilitigs, belpieaa 2 or bund; pr no nearly helplm _ or blim as to require the? regular persomlnid and attendance M amther Ishii] _; E

WS, `Alvp _VETERAN8’ RELIBI} 1206 me ent{t1éd_ to aim. shall be paid ¤.p¢¤Si0¤·at the Hite of $72 per month, '(May`1, 1920, gz. 165, § 2, 41_·8tat. 586,) “ ·272. Civil; War pension lay consttued; Iimitation.4Seeti. -»

266, 267, md `268 dt this title Sha} inémée all pemms

sgctions 281-and 282 otthm title shall include th véidows an;} " mipor .childre11‘·0f 311 deceased pemgms, subjstt to the limim. tions Gf said Séct_i0¤S, who` 59WBd {U! (HYS ill the mugtgry 01; naval service _0f —th§.‘U¤#€¢d $t¤t€3 _ d\11’ii1g· t1m.Qi{gi .Weu·, and who have been hcncrqbly diS¢hQl*g'3d thm.Qfm·m_ Pr_0vi¢ed,_ hqwever, That we ¥¤¥¢80)¤x· shall ubt app}? Q thong who served in the Firfsf. Thifik F<>urth,`1·‘1m, . a11d· Sixth Regiments Iluited Buss Lxgixum-y ,;`.h(; g had g prior in the ¤1‘ Mw dna wh`,

 enlisted- is- said regimcmzs while scnmted as pdscperg 0g",m. °`

guudgr a stipmstion -thsf they ~wéxref_pct to be i>ensi<mab1£

under the laws `of the U!1it€d.S¥8t@, lin! to thme who, having
 had__ such prior scrvige,   in the nmtuy or naval servim
 ct the United States after, thela ds; of January, 1865; (July

31, 1902, No. 42,_ § 1, 32.Stst. .-7§0.) ._ · ·

 `281. _Wid6ws of"Civil Wnrsvetczinsg &I@; psnsién fm;

“ md sf§ci·`J¤g;.27,‘ 1899.-If sti! 0&ce1r cr. eukstcd man wha {served ninety days 61- more in the- AJ:my_ cm Navy ok the

 United States_ duringfbe iate _CiYil ·W&r, and who . was
 honorably cHschui·ged has died, cnf sMB   dieg leaving

is Fwidow ~withmt· means of support, other than her daiiy Hébor,. and an sctuslw net g income not exceeding $250 pm- @-`ygqr, bi- minor children nmder the sga •»f sixteen yéars, men i widow shall, éxébpf as cthqrwiés provided h mis title, up¤¤.. g dma proof oi hsr lmsb¢¤d’s.`6¢sthQ mowing his deagh ,

 to be the result of his Army sérviés;   Bilceé an the Dvnsm

Y mil from the data of the spplicstién therefor mehr xhis Scmiun,

 st therste oi $8 per mmk swing her widowhooé, and shall also

M be paid $2 Der most}; (01- sad: éhild oi'} such BMOZCY or enlisted.

 msn under skteén years bt nga; and m case at the death or

_ rémnrriageof- the wiécir, having A child ¢r children of such pmcer os mq.: under the age at dxteen ·ya~srs,; su··h· pcnsicm shall be psiq méh chip! #0: until the age of sixteen: Provided, {Fast in csas s mlm: child is- insane, idiotic, or physically or mentally wplm, the pew don @511 duriég the me at miq or during the period bf such disability; and this "provisé sm!} apply to an pgxmnms hemtc!¤rs_ grxntoda or huaim to bs grsntgci under this mf any farmer statute ; `snd such pem1c¤`@Il_qommem·e .trom the. dats-of appliuticn thsritss utter Ima 21, 1390: wand. ·f•rtMv·;· That said have married said soldier vm: to thst Que. '(Jfma 27, Im, e. 634, $3, 26

.wt. 1&; Hay 9, 1900, c·.‘%, 81 8t•t.`·171.) s - 1

282. Sans; {mm sM"sftcr‘JAprH` IQ, 1908; Kms or de-

 snqszszisn-¢1r_ any, smmj er   mn xm
 Bm9[¥·d&Yl.   in the Army git Navy of the

Unite! States during `ths Citi! War and wlw ~hss b€¢¤ hpucssbly *dis&•rged Qqetrom hssydiw ar mh dseiesving s. wid0w,1s¤éh.widow dull, upon due pmef 61 my husbands · ndédth, without {moving his death tc be Lbs runlt of his Army. Gt Navy be placed on ih; mil from the date at `tlm ming of. h& appllcaiicn therefor- unda this scvtion l st thqrnte 01*512 pm iponth, except ss hereinafter provided, during her widcwhoodx Pr¤v¢de¢,_.Tl;st said Wi€0YY`Sh&H have msfried scid soldier or ssilér pribsiw Jugs 215. 1wO. _ (Apr. 19, 1908, l:. 147, { 2, 35`8t§t. 64.) _ · ‘ · s 2$$·‘ Sams: WNW fo widmrs msxiying s0ldi¢¤‘S

 tc June 27, 190Qé--Q··A¤y·w1daw, gg d&ib€d §¤· `

section 2& of this titlsgwho married the mldigr er ssllcxr p{§0*~‘ to June 27, ·1906,· shall have titls to pension under the pm- I visions al said section, to commence from tho, _@ts of migrg