Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1241

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,1227o __ {ITL!. 38»-·yPB;H-8l0N$;`BONI uon`447~ofthhi title A Mm mailed by the @5lll th - insured at hk %ast_kno*wu sd iBforhix_him“_ei the inva iidity ot his wall be s eontwt within- th gneanim of this ~This $$1 be deemed toibe 11 érreesas of April 6, 1917{ (June 7,1924, c. 320, § 301, 4 Stat, _ S ° ' t Peer IV.-—-VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION E

 531. Vocational rehabilitation; persons entitled to; rehnbili

tation already » ®m¤€l\C€d···¥E#€1'Y {person who was;e¤11s¢e< enrolled, Tdrafted, inducted, or-appointed in‘* the military o I3&V%i1<f6!(Z€S`0fth6 United States, including members of train lin: camps authorizedvéby law, and who has resigned or ha men . discharged or Inrloughed therefmn;x,_ having a disabilit; i~neurred,°i increased, or aggravated after April 6, 1917,;,anQ before july Z 1921, in the iuilitsry or naval service and. no the result of his owncwillfu1”mieconduct, while d member -5 snob {forces, or later developing a? disability traceable . nr th- · opinion of the director to service during ·sald` period with suc] forces, and; not the resultof- his own willful misconduct, `am who, in the opinion of the director, is in need of vocationa ° rehabilitation to overcome the handicap of such disability shell be furnished by- the bureau, where vocational rehabilita tion is feasible, such course of vocational rehabilitation a the _·bureau» shall prescribe and provide. —N0thi— this sec ~ tion shall operate to terminate‘any‘conrse of vocational train ing prescribed and actually commenced under the. Vocationa Rehabilitation Act (June 27, 1918, " chapter 107,;;, Fortietl Statutes, pagw 817 to; @0), as originally enacted and sulise quentiy amended; where . such course was actually commencer prior to June. 7, 19211. '(Jnne 7,_ 1924, c.”. 320, l§ 400, 43— Stat G2?). · Q=`_ h' " t - 532{ Same; maintenance and support allowance to person: undergoing; amounts; alternative payments.4——The bureau sha1 .hax7e tie powe`r,·and—‘shall be. its duty until. June 30,`1926l te furnish the persons included ineection 531 of this title suitable courses of vocational rehabilitation, to be prescribed and pro rided by the bnrmu; and every person electing to follow "sucl a course or vocational rehabilitation shall; whilefollowing the same, be paid by the bureau monthly or- eemirnonthly as. the director, may prescribe such emu as in the judgment of the director in gnewary for his maintenance hud support end fm the maint&ance and support. of persons depending upon him it any. .The sum so lphlil such ‘permn]wi1t1e pursuing suc! courseshall uobexceed $80 per month for a single inan yyithoup dependents; or fora man with dependents $100. per month plus the following faxuily allowancwt . i " ‘· i { (S) It there is a wife, but no ehild, $15. _ _ Y · (h) It there is ·‘a wife and one child, $2§, with $5, pe1 mouth addltional -f-or each additional child. - ' ( c) It there is no wife, butone child, $10. . — — (d)»‘ It there is no wife, but two .child_ren,·$15, with $5 pe; month additional for each additional child. ‘ · · ‘ ` The bureau may PS1, subject `to the conditioned and lirnitations prmribed by this title, to all trainees undergoing training hereunder, reqdiué where the. cost or maintenance and support is above the average and eomparatively’ high} in lieu { of the monthly paymenuhzr maintenanee and anpport prescribed by this title, auch sum as in he judgment of thqjlirertor is necessary for the — trainee'; maintenance and- support and for the maintenanee-and www of persona dependent npon him, it any. - The sun: $‘ paid su& person while pursuing auch shall not exceed. $1Q0` per moth. for a single man without dependents _ or for a .,w&h dependents $120“per month, plus the several sums prescribed as family allowancm under this. section: t Provided, {mat payments for the support and maintenance of

 dependent upon any trainee otlthe bureau as provided

¤· _

· ‘. » \ · mm,~.`u1vn‘ ynrxnus RE'JLI.EI§‘ § 539 e_ h may, `in theldlscretion ot the director, be paid either 1- direct to such dependent or dependents of to the trainee upon e whom they nre dependent; . (June 7,- 1924, c. 320, 5 401, ‘·4§3 n Stat. 627.) . . -; _ _. · " ,‘ · S` Same; other persons entitlul to for periods- .U¤*tili_Jnm 30,`—»1t)26, the courses of vocational training prog i vided 1'or under this- chapter shall, es for un précticnble, and under such conditions as the director may prescribe, be made , avsilable without cost for instruction- for ‘the_‘be1ie§t oi any ·

person who is disabled under circumstances-entitling` him, after

1:- dischérge {rom' the jnilitnry or nnvnl forces of _ the _ United LL Btntes, to compensationunder Pn1ft·_H-oi this chapter and who S Q not included gin section 531 thereof; ”_ {June 7,- 1924, c. 320,. '$ 402»%3Sf¤1>·628·J ¤ T X —’ . g . 534.}Same;_ failure to commence training; time for com-» lf Zmencetiieng of» trainintg.—No’_perwn who been declared If eligible for _U.‘&iI}iIlg_ under the provisions of Pnrt IV ot » this chapter, for whom training has preseribed,‘ and who hes E been notified by the bureau to tbxin training, `wnll Qbe eligible d to the benefits. ot=Perf_IV of -this_eh;apte1·_in tR`event of his { failure, to commence training; within a reasonable time niter. ’- ~ notice_ has been sent such` person by the bn@u. ‘ Except when " such .fnilure is due, in the- opinion of `jhe director, 10 physical L` incapecity, such time shall not be longer. then twelve months · S after notice shell ._l1nve; been- given tor. permns declared ell?. E` ·gilgle and notiiiedto begin training, No trninlng shall be °; furnished. to any person under: any} of the provisions of this il, chapter such persgn aetually commenced training · on`.or before.June.30,-1925. ’(Ju»ne 7, 1924, e. 320, G 4M, 43. fr §628·)- ._ .- _ , ,. · J W., —` m,·`· 3 535. Same; test ‘ for rehnbilitatbn; rnaint . support ‘ hllqwance and liqbility of United States to www-——Tl1e A test of rehsbilitntion shall be¤`eniploynbil.ity, f tojbe-· determined 5 by the director. The allowunce for niaintenanee and support I provided ·` by theprovisions of Part -IV 01 this chapter shall be J Payable for two- months after? the employability of the rehabili- ?j tated person is determined, and thereupon all duty and oblige-. ‘ tion ot the United States toward such “perso·n` with respect to i

  • his vocational mehebilitntioxi shall. cease end determine., ~

9 (June 7,1924, c. 320, § 404, Q Stat. 628.) · . _ .· 5 ‘ -536. Same; tiée for npplication for vocational .trainingQ——- 3 Vocationnl training provided by this chapter shall be grunted V to persons entitled under its provisions only where application ,· therefor was msde_-on_or prior to June 30, 1923o (June 'I, 1 1924, c. 320, 5 405, ussmi. ws.) ‘ . · = _ i . Va 537; Same; time·nfter—_ which trnining and allowance. shall 5 not be granted.-#-—No `vociitionsl training shell be grunted or continued to any person nvilntsoever after June 30, 1926, end no training allowance shall thereafter be-paid to any person. r ‘(June 7, 1924, c. $20, §t 406,'43t_Stnt. 628.) _ — ‘ -5.38. Sale by director of surplus vocationsl—t@ing material, _ supplies, and equipment,—-Uiider {Bch rwnlaéons ns the direcr tor. may prmcribe he_is nuthorized. to Selgfét W pet; cent of the upprnlsed_.valus_tion to rehabilitated trainees of the United . .§ntes` V<eternne’ Bureau, trsde, technical, and `pnblic schools

end universities, and other recognized educational institutions,
unon applicntion in ° writing, such surplus material, supplies,

» nucl etjuipment acquired for the purpose ot, yocntionnl training ' ns nrenuitnble for their use which were owned by the United , - States of America and unden control .0t the United States » -Vetex‘nns’ Bureau on March 3,192.5, and are not needed for . KGOUUIHEGHC purposes. A (Mar. 3,`192§1c, 468, _§ 1, 43 Stnt._l21_1.) ._ 539. Eqwpment and suppllelretained by trainees.y—?·The 31- ; a rector is authorized to make p , visions by regulation where y_ . trainees of the United States Vete`rnns’_l3i1reuu who have succwfully completed their- courses misuch part of their enurscs · as enables them toenteriemploygent or liusiness in ltnc with _- the]it·.t.tainiug Slmll be allowed tciretnln nucl; equipmentt snp·