Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1242

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§ 551 2*11*Ls ss.-Pmrszozvs, BONUS plies, and books as the director may by regulation prescribe. t (Mar. 4, 1925, c. 553, 5 .16, 43 Stat. 1311.•) _ Pam- V.·£-PENALTIES l- 551. Amount permitted to be paid agents or attornejs; seliettation, etc., of f unauthorized fees or compensation ;` punishment.—Except in the event of legal proceedings under seetien 445 of this .cl1apter,__ no claim agent or attorney except the recognized representatives of the American Red Cross, the American Legion, the Disabled American Veternns, and, Veterans of Foreigu`\Vz1rs, and such other organiza---, tions as shall be approved by the director shall be recognized in the presentation or adjudication of claims under Parts II, III, and IV of tl1iS‘chapter, and payment to guy atto;·ney_- or agent fonsuch assistance as may be required in the preparation and exe<·ution»of the necessary papers in an;} application to the . bureau shall not exceed $10 in any one case£·Pr0vidcd, how-` ‘· czserg That wherever a judgment on ;,decree shall be `réuderéd in an action brought pnrsnant to said section 445 of thischap- . ter the court9as a part of its judgment or decree, shall deter- _ mine and allow` reasonable Tees for J the attorneys of the successful party~_oxj—parties and apportion same if proper, said fees not to exceed 1,0 per centnm of the amount recovered and ’to be paid by. the `bureau out of‘the payments to be made wider the judgment O1‘.dE!C1'€8 at -a rate, not exceeding oneotentli of each of such payments un.t_il_ paid,. Ally Dérson who 1 shall, directly or indirectly, solicit, 'contract tor, charge, or receive, or who shall attempt ·to solicit, contract for, charge, or receive, any fee or compensation, ,excepfas herein provided,‘° shall be guilty of a_misden1eai1or,·and fop eacli and every oHense shall be puni,shab1e’»by a fine of, not more than $500 or ·by t imprisonmentat hard labor for not more than two years, or , by both such ana and imprisonment. (June 7, ,1924, c. 320, § 43 Stat. 628; Mar. 4, :1925, fc. 553, § 17, 43 Stat. 1311,) _ · 552. Fake statements; punishment.—·\N’hoew*er ln; any ckalm for conxpensation, insurance,. or maintenance and isgnnport allowance, cor in any document required by- this chapter},. or by regulation made under this chapter, 'makes any sworn statement et a material fact knowing lt·to be false, shall be guilty ot pexjjnfy and shall be punished »by_ a· line of not more than $5,000 on by imprisonment for not more than two years, or beth. (Jane 7, 1924,;:. 320, S 501, 43 Stat. 628,), T l ·

 553. Fraudulent acceptance of payments ;· punishment.--=—If

anyy person enteitledfo paytnent ot? compensation, or mainte- _ nance and»suppert allowance under this chapter, ,whose sight to such payment under this chapter ceases upon the happening oi any centingency, thereaifter (fraudnlently accepts any such f gsnyment, he shall “be pnxgieshed b3; a flue` of not more than g$2,§¤t0‘or by .impx·1scnine11ti€fog not more than one year, or both. {Jane 7, lt}24, c,} 320, 5 562, 43 Stat. ti2i),l · , ·‘ . ,554. Receiving, money, etc., without being entitled tlmereto; pnnishment.—~\\'1aoever shall obtain or receive any ‘ money, — clxeeki, coxnpezlsstion, insurance, or- maintenance and supporf nlleniance under the War Risk, Insurance Act (·Sep—·‘ temlm· 2,11914, chapter 293, '1'l1i1*ty=-eighth Statutes, page 711) as amended, the VocationalRehabilitation Act ( June 27, 1918, (·s,t,»e·r $7, Fexrtleth Statutes, pages 617, to 620) ns amended, f ger under provisions. ot this chapter, and any amendments . Tthereto without? being entitled to the same, and with intent to· defraud the United States or auf beneficiary of the United; States \¥`etex·ans’ Bureau shall be punished by a line ot- not émnxe than $2,000 or by l,mpx·ison:nent for not more than one years, or hy bet11_such fine and inaprlsontnent. (June 7·, 1924, c.`320, § 503, 43 Stat. 529; Man 4, 1925, c. 553,»§`18,-43, Stat.1311,) » . I -. ‘ 1555. Fa1se__er efrandulent ‘a§$dav¤it,s, etc.; punishment.--¤— ‘Any· persigen who shall knowingly make or cause to be made, or conspire, combine, aid- of assist lu, agree `to, . arrange

Es, AND, VETERANS zzzznmqz _ 1228 for, or ie any wise procure the making or presentation of e false or fraudulent andavit, declaration, certlileete, etetezneut, vdixeher, 01:; paper, or writing purporting to be sueb, cezlcemn ing any claim or the approval ot any claim for compensation or meiptemmce and support ellowaece, or__thé payment es any _ motley, im- l1imself_0r_for any other person, under Parts Ii gy IV of this chepter, shall forfeit all rights, claims, and beuemg underrseid titles, end, ih addition to any and all étber penalties-imposed by law, shall be guilty of a, nllsdemcazwr ml,}. upon eouvietiontthereot shall be,pm1ished by e fine er 1;.,; more than $1,000 or imprieonmeuthfer not more than one year, or by betb such fine and imprisonment, fer leech such offense, (June 7, 1924, c. '320,‘§ 504, 43 Stat. 629;,3},21r. 4, 1925, c. :313:::, `:§ 19, 43 Stat. 1312.), { “J ' — _556. Embezzlement - by guardian, etc.; ,punishment.e— Every guardian, cumteg, conservator, committee, er pemm legally vest% with-the responsibility. er care of the claimant er his.estzl"te,· having charge end custody-_i11 e Bdueiery cepeeiiy ’ of money paid, under the War Risk"'lnsm·uuce»Aet (Sep,texubt»¤· 2, $191-1, chapter 293, Thirty-eighth Statutes, page ’ 711) e.-; amended, or unldyer the provisions of this chepter, fer the benefit of any minor or incompetent claimant, who sbellcelxxbezzle the 5 Sill11B`iI1 violation 0{hietrust or fraudulently convert the same tehis own use, shall be punished by iine I10C`€XC€€‘dllYlg $23;;; . or imprisonment at bard labor for a term 11et‘excee¤,.ling five years, 01* both. (Mar. 4, 1925, c, 553, »§ 20, 43 Stet ,[1312.) ‘ PAM VI.———l\IIS(3EI.llAN?EOUS PI§0VIS`IONS , e 571. Acts, proceedings, etc., under certain prior laws uuaffected.—¢—The° repeal of-- ‘ l · ‘_ c e " All Acthentitled "Au` Acct to autllerlze the eétablishmeut et `e Bureau 0£‘}Var Risk Insurance-in the Treasury Department? approved September 2, 1914. _ I _ ° _ Ax; Act entitled ‘fAn Act to emend rm Acteeutitled ‘An Art, to authorize the establishment of e Bureau of War, Risk Ie; stxreuce in the Treasury Depertment,’ approved September 2, 1914,** approved August 11, 1916; ‘ i . ` An Act entitled "A.n Act to amend an Aet entitled ‘A11 Act to authorize the establishment et a Bureau of War 1}iSk_In$urmice in the Treasury Deper·tment,’ apprered September 2, 1914," approved Merch 3, 1917., ‘ - » _. ‘ __ t i An Act entitled "A11 Act te amend an. Act entitled ‘An Aet te T authorize the eetebliebmen of e. Bureatrof War Riek Insurance “ in the Treasury Depm·tme!>t,’ eppreved September 2, 191—t; and l for other purposes? e,pp“re¢ed" Jtme 12, 1917, _ Y l An Act entitled ":tn Actte amend en Act entitled ‘An Act te r authorize the establishment of e Bureau of We Risk Inem·— g ance ie the Treasury D}épertmeet,’ eppreved September i TDI4, end fer other piirfmeesf appmved (iletel . ‘, 1917; sev I ing uml excepting frem repeal eeeticme 3I§ end 4 et Ai·ticle

 III_0f mid Act;   ° ‘ i ¤‘

{ An Act entitled "Ax1 Act te emend the War Risk Insurezxce

 A—ct," approved July 11, ISIS. · ·
 'Fbe War Risk, Ineurence Act es ememlecl.   _

The Voeetiernel Rehabllitjz1tien,Act ee ememled. And, , · The Act, entitled ‘*A¤· Act te establish a Veterernf Bureeii .

 and te imtimve the facilities and service of such. bureau, end,.

lgfurther, to ememl em} modify the War Riel: Izgeurexice Act,"» i es of June 7,1924, ehell not effect any act delle er any right ber liability eccrued, er eny suit eemmeuced before the eeltl repeal, but_ell such rights end liabilities under ealel Acts shell eerxtlxzme end may beeutereed in the eeme mezmer`es’lt "eeld repeal he{;l.x1r»fbee11rrrmede; ner ebell eeld repeal in any meurler eEect the right te qe$·_~efli<·e er ellernge the term O! tenure (thereof. _(Jtme ?,‘192¥l,”c._ 320, § 602, 43. Stat. {$30.) 572. ()§e;1eee, etc., wider repealed Aete net gl'l’eeted.-—=——-Al? ,e&e¤see committed `aml all penalties er forfeiture iucurre·,l