Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1245

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1231 !'ITLE‘38.—PENSIONS, BONUA IY or V of this chapter. (May 19, 1924, c. 157, 5 303, 43 Stat. 124.) · I . _ , ’ 614. Publication of digest of and information relating, to law.-(11) The director shall, as`s0ou as practicable after May 19, 1924, prepare and publish an pamphlet or .-pamphlets containing a dlgost and explanation of the provisions of this chapter; and shall from time to time thereafter prepare and publish such additional or supplementary information as may

  • be ffllllld II€('€*SS&l‘$’._, . " ’ 2 ·; `

(lm) The publications provided for in subdivision (21) shall be distributed in such manner as the director may tletenriiue to he most effective to inform veterans and their dependents cot theirrights under this chapter. (Mayv19, 1924,] c, 157, Q 304, 43 Stat. 124.)· ’ _ ` ’ _ ’ ~ ” 615. Liste of veterans with amounts of credits; payments by disbursing. oiécrs in aec0rdance_with.—The Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy shall ascertain the individuals who are veterans as deiined in' section 592 of this title, and, as to each véteramfthe number ofdays·of, oversea service hud of home service, as damned hin "section 592 of ..·this_ title, for which he is entitled to receive adjusted Service credit, and their findings shall not be subject to review by the General A(fC0llIllZ· ing Otllce, and payments made, by _ disbursing officers of the United States Vet»erans’ Bureau inode in accordance `with such findings shall be passed to their credit. (May 19, 1924[ c. 151, 5205,43 Sm¢.124.) - ·. _ I - ·_ · ‘ 616; Persons who may make regulations.-—Any omcer charged with may function under the provis1_ons of this chapter shall make such regulations, not inconsistent with the provisions ot this chapter, as may o necessary `to the e$ciei1t administra- ·tiop ot ouch function. (May 19, 1924, c. 157, 5 306, 43 Stat._124,) Y · - _ · j · : 617. Administrative reports to Congress.?-Any otllcer charged with the adiuinistxjation of any part of this chapter shall make a full report to Congreés on the first Monday of December of each yearxas tobis administration'. thereof. (May 19,1924, c. 157, § 307,`·{3 Stat. 124;.)`f , · _ I. · . 618. Bcueits exempt from, seizure under process and taxation.-—·N0 sum myahle under this chapterto l1.V€CBl'8.l'l, or his dependents; or ”to his’_ xtate. oro to any beueilciary named under·Part V ot this chapter, Il `adjusted service certiile-hte, and no proceedstot any loan mz1d§`bp such certillcate, shall he subject to attachment, levy, or seizure under "any legal or » equithhle process, or to National or State taxation. `(May 19, 1924, c. 157, § 308, 43 Stat,125.) ‘ -· I » ‘ —- · 619, Unlawful fees for services rendered; ·p¤niahment.——A¤;* person who clnargoayor collects, or attempts to charge or `collect, either directly or indirectly, any, tee or other compensation for assisting {:1,auy manner a veteran or his dependents in. obtaining any of the bene1lts,1jBrtvileg¢S, or loans to which- he is entitled under the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conyictG¤ thereof, be subject to a Hue of hot more than $500, or lmprislooment for not more than one year, or both, ·`.(Muy 19, 1924. c. 157,} 309, 43 Stat. 1.25..) A ‘ " J Fam IV.·—·—ADJUSTED SERVICE PAY_ · 6314 To when payable.-——There shall be paid to each veteran - by the director (ae soon as practicable jtfter receipt of un application ln accordance with the provisions of sec`tlo11;_612 ot , thiotltle), in aqglitlog to any other amouutiklue such veteran in pursuance of law, thehmouat of his adjhsted Service credit, ii', and only it, such"credit is‘·¤ot· more than $50. (May 19, 1924, c. 157, 401, 43 Stat,125.) . 3 . · · "’ .632. Ansiguwentg to when payable.-+No right to adjusted service pay under thei provisions of thié title. shall he assignfble or serve as security for any lomi. Anyhsslgnment or ban made lu violation of the provisions of this election. shall p be he1d·void.._` Except asvwvided in Part VI,_the tlirectorshall

SES, AND VETERANS? RELIEF 642 not pay the amount of adjusted service pay to any person other than the veteran or such representative of the veteran as he shall byregnlation prescribe. (May 19, 1924, c. 157, § 402. 43 Stat. 125.) » ` Paar V;-—-ADJUSTED SERVICE Cl—}RTIFItJATES _- 641. Amgunts; time `vrhcn certihcates pecomc operative; naming and changing benetleiaries; to whom and when pay- able.-The director upon certincation fmm the Secretary of War 01·‘the· Secretary of the Navy, as provided in section 613 of this title, is directed to issue without cost to the veteran t designated therein a nonparticipatlng[adjusted service certificate (hereinafter in this title referred to as a "certitimte") of a- face value equal to the amount in dollars oi twenty-year endowment insurance that the amonntof his :1<ljnst•·d service credit increased by 25 per centnm would purchase; at his age on his birthday nearest the date of the C€l'tifl<‘21t(¥, if applied as ` , a net single premium, calculated any accordance with aecepted‘ actuarial principle; and based upon the American. Exporienc·e_ _ Table of Mortality andinterest, at 4 per centnm pc1··a1umm, ‘ compounded annually. The certincate, shall be dated, and all `rights conferred-. under the provisions of this chapter. shall take effect, as of the lst day of the month, in whiclmthe apyjlicaticn is· Bled} but in no case before January 1, 1925. The t-veteran shall name the beneficiary of thecertiiicate and may ‘ from time to time, ivith the approval of thedimector, change ‘sue§ henenciary. The amount of the; face value of the ;certi6· cate (except as provided in subdivisions (c), {d)`£, (c),· and _ (f) of section 642 of this title shall be payable out of the y fund created py section._645 of this title (1) to the veteran twenty years after the date of the certificate, or (2) upon the · death of the veteran prior to the expiration of such twenty- year period,' to the Ybeneticiary named; except, that ‘if sixch benedciary dies before the veteran and no new benedciary is named, or in the benencfary in the £rst_ instance has not yet been named, the amonntfsof the face value- of the certiileate shall be paid to theestate of the veteran. _ If the veteran died after making application under section 612 ot this title, bat before January 1, I925,`then,tl1e amount of the face value ot the certificate shall; be in the same manner as it his death had occm·red— after January-], 1925f (May 19; 1924, c. ·157, S 501, 43 Stat. 12§t) _. i' , A _ s - _ 642. Loans on adjusted acrvke ect-ti§cates; when md by whom made; amounts; interest; sale, discount, or rediscannt ,cf netca secured by certiicstes; payment efleans; redemptien of ccrtikates <by Director of United States Veteram’ Kxrena; t redéunptien by veteran; death of veteran before or after ma- ` ~ tnrity of loan; basis of certiécateq: hynienta on Ioanaby t érccter to haake; fees by binkehccrs in making leans.-- t (a) A loan may he made to a veteran upon his adjusted serra ice_certiiicate` only in accordance with the ·pmxjisions et this

 éection. t   _ .,g—

._ (b) ·Any,national hankgjonnny ban}; or trnstheompany in- V curporated under the laws of any State,-Ter_ritory, possession, » or the District of Columbia thereinafter in this asection called " bank "), is authorized, after the expiration oftwe years after! the date of the ce·rtltlcate;` to loan to any veteran upon his ”q1i·0misa0ry note secured by his adjusted service certiilcate f (with or without the consent of the beneficiary thereof) anyt , amount not-in excess of the loan basic (aa dedned lu snbdi-, evision (g) of thia section) of Zthe certidcate. The rate of* interest charged upon the loan by the bank shall not exceed, · by more than 2 per eentum per annmxnthel rate_charged·at the L date of the loan io1·‘t.he discount of nlnety—·duy`c0mmereial paper · nndcfaectiones 3% to_326 0t_Title 12 by the Federal reéeryelwank · for the Federal reserve district in. which the bunk is located. y Any bank-holding a note for a loan under this eection secnred . by an certlncate (whether the bank originally making the loan , r`n$‘ ·