Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1251

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1237 E. .;*12*.25 39.·-j·11g_T T1; , 8 mguiar postmaster has been I duly appointed spd- ‘qug1meu Sud has taken ·p0SseSSi0u Of the 0&c§. Whenever a vacancy ~. t»<·t;xi£·s from m1y__causé the appointment of the regular post- · {ua>¤tc:· shall be mgde with0t1t’tu1;t1ecessa.PY delay and the Post.-. master Genera} shall prombtly notify the General Accounting {mice of the chatxge. (R. S. `§ 3836; Mar. 1, 1921, é._ 88, § 1,,41 5;..;.:1151; Ju¤?2> 10.1921, 0.18, §_304, 42 Stat.- 24.) ’· · · 40. Release of sugteticé on bond.-—If on the settlement of. the st:·mxza1t of may pqstxmister itj shall appear that he is indebted

.» the United States, and suit therefor shall not be instituted

=·.x·%min_ three years after tlié closé of such accotmt, the suicties mi 1;is_b·»1ul shall not be liable for sxich indebtedness,. (R. S;

::#.:`;<.») _ t ‘ ._ »   t  

41. Records at poét omccs.—-—Every postmaster shall keep 21 z¤<·.·.m1, iztsuch form afs the Postmaster General shall 'dircct. H? all pustafge stz1u1pi§,_ cxi’Yclap<=é, postal-packs, blanks; and 3

·¤.;m·ty :··;w·éiv§·d from his predbcessor`, 01* fiom the department

’ {>i··*:1il}'_f)f its agents; bf altreécipts fufmonéy for`p0st&1ges and h_._.:<` rents, and of ulto ther receipts- on account or the postal >.·»;·s·iyt·, and of amy other transactions- xvlxichxmay ·be_rcquii·ed by the ·l’{>stmaster General; 'zmd these 1·éc0rdS_ shall be preg _».·§·x·t·d and delivered to his`success9r, and shall be at all times mi_>j·e··t_t0‘ exz1mii1:.;tion· by any ’p0st;0iIi<ie»_~inspect01j. (R. S. — ’§§ t·;{017; Jime.11,, 1880. c. 206. § _1, 21 .Stat:.177.) _· 42.·Q{farte1fly accounts of _1·§ceipts.—>—·Evs;·ry· pqstnimster slfall rt=mlei· ta the Postmastér General; under. ozgth, and inf such f.·»:·m as. the latter shall prescribe, a quarterly acccjunt of all mtmuys received or charged by him dr at h`is.°'0Hice; fbrpostage, ` unit of boxes of other .1=ecef>taclcs' for mail-matter, or by rezis0u_ of keeping abrhnch bmw, oxiforlthe d·é1ivery.0f- mail matter ill! may manner/_what¢3$ér... _·( R.‘S..§ 3843.) ” "; ? _ . ' » Same: td be sw0m·td;>—·-—·'1`hé POStl}1RSt€IfwG§HBf&l may njaquiyé a s·worn_statément, tp accomphnyeach quarterly account A of h postximstcr, td the eifect that su¢h· account contains a trim statement of the entire amount of postage, box rents, k:ha"rge<3,_ and moneys collected or received. at his./ofdce duririg the qgarter: that he hasamt k;10xYingly_dg§live;cd,' or permitted to beldelivered, any mail matter on which the postage was `not at . the time paid; that `such account exhibits trulkyqnd faithfully the &11tire.teueipts collected at ·his"0mce, and which, by._due diiigence, C0¥3l(l_h{1Yé be¢..¤·u collected ;' and tlmt tlié credits hc. ciaimi; atm just and right. '(R. S. § 3844.) >· ~ ,, · , 44; Neglect to nmdcf acéoAu¤ts.—-\\’l1<>ue$·é1i uni" postmaster ‘ xiegjects to rendér ·1xis“aé<Z·011nts for one mouth aftérstlgeétime, and in the fG1;I11'.&I3d xmumer prescribed by law audtthe regula- `tions af the PIt>.—=tn1a$tcr General, he and his sureties shall forfeit and pa137?dr$i1ble u·i§·2\IIl0llllt jif.tl1e gross. rcgceipts. at sixch <»mt.··t~ dairing any previous: or-!§$·t1l>s=c~<ix1<·1gt équal period of timg; and if, at tlxetime of trial, no account has been renatlcrecl, they 4 shall be liable to a penalty of such surxt gs the court and jury. shalt estimate to he equivalent"tl1e‘r¢>:t0, tp be 1‘B€0W:€1‘(2€i·_il1’¥1H asrtiing tim the bond. ..( R. S. $3.845.) ·. . D . H 45. Withhaaldiug commissicns based on false rctumsgyafé- · davit tc ·i·cturm;.-——In upy Aémw where the P04st;mz1stcr`Geheral shall hb mtisiied that a mstmastcr haswumdé 8. {also retur¤. of im>.;i11ess,` it shall be within his diisqretibtx t0_ wit-hhpld com- ll\iS.~$i41115§·0Il smc}: returns, and to .:1110w any compensation that .tln4lt·;- .;1»0‘ circmmcmnccs ‘hé_ may dc0n1fr0as0nal»;e. _'1"hc form of zxfiidavkit to be made by ;i0str1;as=»t@r$ up<m!theix· mttxrnss slzalt he saswla me msay b€*'[}I'PS<3¥il)Gd by tl/ts?P0st1m1S<t<2r1Géneral,. (June 17. 1.a%7S._§_c. 259; §_ 1, 20 Stat. 1_·ry) - · · · $6. Money tc bg safely k<:pt.j—J-l’0s=t11121.@¢te;·s'shall keep safely Awithom; leaning, usixag, Q€*[}OSi¥.iIlg_iIl an 11n;1t;,tl10x·iz¢2d bank, ore$:•.;hsmgiz;g f9r cthér fum1s.;.all the [}\1hli(?`Q}l0ll{?§'·t.?Ol1(?0t(}d by _ tlmuai, oi- whic1».xn:15"c4an1t» into t.hb;·i1*`p»¤sse.~ss}u11,_uht<il it is or- . derett by the l’q.stmastcr General to be tra11.si3erx·ed or paid out. (R. S..»§ 3846.) ~ » < "

OSTAL SERVICE § 47. Cixstody of money in hands of p0$tmaatqrs.».A1i3=. postlmaster, haviixg public. money: bg—:l<mg?xg to the Govcmmeut., at an 0§¢a' within a city or town wh re theta is no designated- gh depositary, may `deposit the same tempormjily, at his! ovvn risk and in his cflicialicapacity, inxmy national or State bank in the State iu. which thé .§-aid postmaster resides, cr. in which his (mice is located, or· within a rcéasonalyle iradius of his past pifice 111.811 adjacent State, but no authority [cr permission is dr shall befgivcu for the payimmt to 01·.1=cccipt by a §0stu1ast<~r _ or anyjofficzf pgzrgomgof interest, dirécfly or iiicliwactly, OH any déppsif made as. h0rei,11`dcsci·ibcd. (R. S._§ 3847 ; May 27, 1908, c. .206,/ 35. Stat. 415.) {_ j I. J W ‘ -48. Frequent deposits of vexiues.¥—I?ust'zi1zi$tem shall elepbsit the pqstalxévciiues and #y accruing at thai; clflica, as oftcxi as once aiweek at -1cas , and as miuéh cftamér vas tha Postmaster Généralhmay direct., (R. S. § 3848.) ‘ · · 49, Adjustment of _-claims of ° pastmasters Navy. mail clerks xfbr; losses by burglary and fire.--The Postmaster Ganéral. may investigate all claims of postmaiitcrs, Navy mail élarlts, aiu} ·aSsistan‘t_Nayy mail clerks, for the loss of maméy-0r<lar funds, fmstal fuudé, postal savings fumls, postage stamps, stamped cnlvéopesy newspaper`}wrappers,- postal `cayds, postal S&ViI1g§‘Ci£?¥lS, postal savings staxhps, postal savings Cex·tiHcat¢s, Uxiited States .wzu‘ guvings ccrti£icat0»st·amps, United States Gayepament thviftl stamps, war-tax regienme istauips, and funds received frilm. tlié sale bf sticlrstaxups b€l0l1gll.lg__ to the; Unitétl States in tha l1zm<.ls·. of ‘Sucl1'po3tm_ast9rS, Navy mail clerks, or assistant Navy mail~—<.»-·· .clerl:s,_ and for the lbss of ;key·dep0sit funds, ftmds Aepésited_ to hover postage qu mailings, and funds received as deposits . · tp cqyer érdizrs for `stampetl envelopes, in the hands of such ipostmasters, Navy mail clerks, or assistant Navy mail élerks, resulting from bxii‘gla_ry, tira, OH 0tl;er‘ m1a_v0i,dable casualty, and it he shall determine that such lass. resulted fmm ao fault or negligence_-0n€‘the‘part of suclr postmaéters, Navy- mail C1Gl'kS,lQ1‘ assistant Navymail clerks, may pay to sxich postlma_ste1‘s;' Navy mail clerks,. or assistant Nagryymail clerks, ar credit them with the amount so ascertainedjto have been last 6; destroyed, and may also credit postmasters, Navy mail . clerks, or assistant Navymail clérks with the amount of any 1 remittance of m0x1ey—01·<.lcr flgr;ds,- postalfuutls, postal savings {funds of f\1I;dS remivatl from the sale of United States war

savi_ngs qettmcaté atamps, United States .G0vemméx1t tlxrift·ampS, —a11d ‘wa_r taxi aweane stamps, made by them in compliance with the iustmcgtilms `of tlia Postmaster General, ._vsThicl1_ shall have been .· lost mj; `stalexl while in transit;

ll)'_lll2_lu from the officé of the 1‘€l1li]§fj£lg'°[)0S{l}l3S¥`i€ll`, Navy.
 niail clétk, or assistant Navy mail clerklto the afliée designated as his A· dcfausittky, or Z after arrival fat such depoéitory officen and·bc·fore‘ tha poatmastgzr- at lsuvh elcpositary

ofiiqc has become résiioxxaible ’bh€1.‘€*f()k°..' No claim cvg·a¢~qing’ the s1;m_0f—$10,0l)() shall be paid ar craclitbvl mitil after. the Jfacté shall have been aa<5e`rta‘iued hy the Pos mastér G<;neral arid rvp0rt@·d tri C011gress,·t<»gt+tliént with hiv; ecaixixumlclantieixx ~ tlneramn, aud an ampmpx·iat_ian maelo tillark.»f;»rL; :\i[`S!l€'ll claims vmnust he pres=¢·1ltl.·cl within six mauth:é fmm·“t.a tiiiw the —la:;s 0<*{:ilx·fé—d. 'lflw PllSEIl1llSt€l.’· G<’IllPIf&i° sha -1·<~¤;nm*t his zwtimn to Cmxg, fs ammally with his hi Molina tlwg·vt?·»i= ii; e~ac·l1 ‘ ]ll`ll'Ti('ll,l2.1l; ciastg (l\:la1·. ]"?,,,_[;f"‘ cnxll, § 1. *.22 Stat. 29; May 9. 1388, cz, 23l,_  :.55.§lt»v:1{1$—l.Zi; Jltllv .11, TISSHS. <·. 424. QS? Stat. ~15S;:Ja:i. 21, /1914. §.], 3*8 Stat. 279; Alwr 118, 1916, c. 126, § 14, {lf) Stat. 1€i3;_July 2, 1918. v.·11T, § lll. 4ll___St:ll. Tal.)- ` 50. Postgmastcrs as disbursixgg 0Hi€€I`S.·v*·P§.`lS{lll2l·SH*l`S mag.- he vdcsiguatecli by th`(}’I)()StIIl!1St9T tlevxwral as eli>¢llm·&<im; Sllliuers .f<»r the flayniéut of 1aa_il_ i·x1<·-ss¤.·1lge»x·a ami otla-rs l>xl,2:agc~-·,l.11xn<lor ‘fI1€il‘ supervision in tl°£lll:é[)t¥`l‘[ill§t the iu;zil»:.' Iles also designate pasetriisistms at presiclemtial past elflilwz as ¤—l_i¤<l¤n·;·:i{»;; o§ic·c>:·s for the palymciit ofntlw S&ll~8.l‘i€S of the utli,·l.=r·>¤ and i