Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1252

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§ » —— TITLE 39.=—q-THB ’P0

employees df the rpqstzil service COBCOH0€d`_ in thé -tra¤sp0rta·· {

tion af mails 01011} 'theix··distributi0¤ ii} transit, and for su& c ”_ athef payments as they are authorized to make, from · postal c reveuu~es§‘*· and he may designate .p6stmaste1·$,at§ moueyéorder s post of§ées 30··vdi$bl}l;Si§,g 0§10€I'S for tht; payment cf. the salhrieé of prlivarg and hmplcyees of the postal servicé, and for such ‘e ether paymehtslas p0stmaste.i·s_ are authorizéd cb méke from i · p<>st:1l 1‘E%·'{3I1I}€$. (Mgyg, 1882,]; 116, § 1, 22 Stat 54: July 5, I · ESS4. c. 204, § 1, 23- Stat. 150; July 28, 1910, `c..261, _§ 1, 39 1 Stat. 418; Juue 3, 1024, c. 237, 43'Stat;356.) · · , l ~ . 2 ·51. Report of Aelinquencies.—Every__.` postmaster . shall E p:.w=s::pt1;c report tc the POS[II18St€P·G_Ql}QfH1 every deIix.quehéy,‘ E ` nvglemit, or H1§H§1'&3CiZiC€`0Ic contractors, théi; aghntsor carrieis,. ( wlaivh comes th his knqwladge. ..(R. S. § 3849.) _ ` i 52. Pcstmasters mit fb ¢0Rtf8¢t0YS··+N0 postmaster, Q assistmzt postm:,istc1·,·0r clerk employed in HIIYXDOSC-·0f§*'{0 shall _ ge J·zrc<§ntra<rt<>x1 or c0n<;*erned· in any cohtfuét fop carrying the, S m:1il._. (R.·S. §'3850.) ,. · _ r · , ‘ t § 53. Clhssmcatich of pcstmajsters and employees bf Postal, ( Service and adjustment ~0f· salaries and; c0mpensé1tion,—P0st- f ` masters anne! employees of the Postal Service shall be; classified » ~m1d.thei1* salaries and compensation acljhstedg ·éxc§ept_ as 0thér·. 4 wisc p1·0vi<;led»_és follows: " -· in _ . f Pcétmhsters shall be divided int0’foui· classes, as follows: · f This -§1°St_`C1{1SS shall embrace all thoge whose annual salaries" S are 91; mum. ., · -_ · I ‘ ‘ ·; * Thé s~&c<md’ élass shall embrace all those. whose annual 1 salaries :irc”1t>S:sj·’ them $3,200, but hot less than $2,400. ° 1 The third classghall émbracé gl! those wh0se=·auuu}11 salajries are less than $2,400,lmt hot leés than $1,100. _ _ 1 ‘ 1 - -_ 1 The fourth classshsxll embrace all npostmastcis whose annual " €¥}1I1k[}£§!1S3ti01}V3!Zl3QHI3tS to less. thhn $1:100, exvlusive ¢;~f,c0m-‘ ·* missilms im m<m—eyford¢;·rs issued. (Febh.28, 1925, (:.,368, §"1,_ { 43 Stat. 1003.)/”`*~ _ · ‘ _' `· *' 1 l- it , ,. * 'S4. Sa¤1e;'c.qmpensat-ion of pcstrimsters of first, second, and- ' third classes to bh` annual salaries payable gcmirimnthly; com-. j putatimt nf salaries df- erléspcctiyg classes; t't·an;(gr of third-· ,1 rlass 0§i:§es tc fourth class.-·-'1"he respective co pemmtimx. of ‘ pcgtmhsters df the first, second, nucl third claséhs »s1mIl be :m—' .‘ , mmi galaxies, gmdeddn evcn_hm1d·reds‘ ofldqllsm`, mid payable l in s@13im011thly?pa;*m@nts t_0_ bc ascertained and flxéd by the l Iwstmagtér General frbm their rhspegtive qtmrterly ‘1·0tt1rn§ to, the Qemrml Accounting O§iée, or copies. of duplicates thereof to ' the First Assistant Pcstmzlster QcnQt*&l,_*fo1* the ca1len·tlu1·..`$*t·z11r $ immediately precédiug the adjustment, btnsézd 011 gross, j_>0st,al_ xmeipts at thi; following rxitcs, namely: ·_ _ ‘ “ “J " ’ _F1m _¤1¤,és~e$40,000, but 1453,; than $50,000,$3,200;.$E'»0,000,bt1t_ 7 lem than $60,000, $3,300; $60,000, but less. than $75,000, $3,400; { ‘ $75,000, but less. than $00,000} $3,500; $90,000, but less thant J $120,000,.»$3,0Q0; $120,000, but leshethau $150,000, $3,700; $150,-—

 Nhutlcss t;hdn.$200,000, $3,800; $200,000, but less, than $250,-' ‘

000.'§$3.000; $250.000; but lem th¤¤1`_$300.000. $4.000: $100.000. _ but less tha11'.$~100,000, $~1,20~0”; $400,000, but les$ than $500,-, ' 000, $-1,500;_ $500,000, but `less than %00,000, $5,000;,$00Ll,000,» ‘ but laws than $7,000,000, $0,000; $7,000.,000 ax1d`up\¥&1‘d, $8,000. .Suw11d class·=-458,000, but less than $12,000, '$2,400; $12,000, but less than $15,000,. $f2,500_; $15,000, but lcésn than $18,000,` $2,000; $18,000, but less than $22,000,;'$'2§70'0; $22,000,-but less thén $27,00&l,·$2,800; $27,000,~ but less than $33,000, $2,900; $333 WO, Imt‘lcss_thxm $10,000, $3,000. . 5 ° g _ 5 · . ‘ Third c·$las,<a¥·—-$1,500, but less than $1,000, $1,100; $1,000, but lcsstlxaia- $1,700, $1,20to; $1,700, bm lesslhan $1,000, $1,300; · ,$1,000,_ba1t 1€SS,th3I3 $2,100, $1,400; $2,100, buttlms than $2,400, $1,500; $2,400, but less thzm $2,700, $1,000; $2,700, but less than I $3,000, $1,700; $3,000, but less tha1:a.$3,:§00, $1,800; $3,500, but less than $+1,200, "$,1,000;· $4,2000but 10$S(U}8·R $5,000.. $2.000; $5,000, but less than $0,000, $2,100; $0,000, but less than $7 ,000, · $2,200; $7,000, but Img t.l1,m1"$8,000, When the gross _

·$TAL» SERVICE ‘ _ 1238 xostal receipts ot s. post cfhce of the tird elm for each of two ronsecutive calendar years are less than $1,509, or: when ig, any ealendar year the gross postal receipts are less than $1,400,3; mall be relegated to the fourth class. ‘ · , . In order to ascertain the amount of the pwtal receipts of each office, the Postmaster General may require postmasters {5 - Q mmish the department with Scertioed copies of their quarterly returns to the Bureau of Accounts in the Post 0§ce Departnent at such timesand for such periods as he may deem neces-

ary in each case.
·(Mar. 3, 1875, c. 128, 5 It 18 Stat, 340; slap, ’

l,.1883, c..142, §§ 1, 4,·22‘Stat. 600,- 602; Feb.A 7, 1800, `cQ 11, 31 I Stat. 6; Mar.'3, 1903,, c. 1009, § .1, 32 Stat. 1166; May 27, 1903. z_. :206, 35 Stat. 401; Mar. 4, 1911; =c. 241, 5.1, 36 Stat, 132:1; Iuly 28, `1916,lé.__ 261,‘·§ 1, 39 Stat. 413 ;~ 28, 1919, egse, .,1 Stat. 323; Feb; '28,`·1925,_c., 368, § 1, 43 Stat. 1053.) . ‘ 55. Salary 0'f-postmaster at 'Washiugton.-Ia axiog the solu·y_ of thei postmaster in the post ofliee at Washington, Dis- , grict or Columbia, th`e’_Postmaster General may, in his tus: zretion, add not ‘to‘e1tceed 75 per centum to the gross receipts of

hat omce. (Feb.- 28, 1925,.c. 368, ·§ 3, 43 Stat. 1958.) _‘ `~

,56.__P0stmasters* mlaries; certain sales of stamm not im zluded.-ein determining the gross receipts upon which the slab}? try of a postulaster shall berbased, stamps, stamped envelopes; I md postal cards sold in large or unusual quantities toany per l son. to be used in mailing matter at other post omees, or is nailing matter diverted from other omces, shall not, be iaelutled, whether the sale bemade with orwithoizt solicitation by the postmaster. (-Mar. 9, 191,4, c; 33, 38 Stat; 296.) _ 57. Compensation of postmasters of fourth class.-The compensatiou of postmastérs of thelfourth, class shall be Hxed upon , the basis of the whole of the box re11ts~-collected at their ollices and commissions upon; jihé amount of canceled postagetxso _ stamps and ou p0stage`·stamps,_stamped envelopes, aod postal cards canceled, ou matteryactually maileduat their offices, am} ` ou the amount of newspaper and periodical postage Jzollecteel · in moxley, and on the postage collected io money you ideotiosl— pieces `of thirdaud fourth class matter mailed wimoat postage stamps ailixed, and on` postage collected in mosey oi! aimtciy of the first class mailed without postage stamps aiHxed,·aml os " amounts received from waste D$D€1‘,` dead newspapers, prio_te¢l? matter, and twine sold, at the following rates,*aae;iely: A , Ou the first $75. or less per quarter thexpostmasterl shall he c allowed 160 centumon the amount; on the next $100 or ‘ { less per quarter, 85 per ccutumi, and ion all the balance, To ‘ [}€1"C€}lt{1lIl,. the same to be ascertained and allowed. bk the Geoeral‘Accounting O@ce in the settlement of the accounts or such postmasters upon. their sworn quarterlyfreturas. `Io so case shall there; be allogiecl army, postmaster of this class scenipeusatiou greater tllaa`$3(l0'.iu any one of the first, three qlItlY~ ters__.of the`; ilscal year, exclusive. » h _ ··motxey-order comaxlssioss, ’ and in the last quarter of each year there shall be allowed such f\l1‘u1€¥'SU1XlS;o8S: he mayb} law be entitled to, not _ exceediog for the whole Hseal year the sum ot $1,100,, exclusive of ·II]0llQY·OIdé1‘ commissions. " (Mar. 3, 1883, Q. 142, §” 2, ,22 Stat.`602; Feb; 28, 1925, c. 368, _§ 1, 43}Sta,t. 105-1.) · _· . 58. Additional comwusation to fourth-class, tmasters for separating sei·vices"vaud for uuusual comiitioas during oportiou of year.-—·——-'I‘he Postmaster General may allow to'fomftlrclsss` postmasters additional compensation K for 3 separating; services and for unusual conditions during a portion of the year, in lieu of an allowance for {clerical services f6r this purpose. · (May 12, 1910, cl (230, 86 Stat, 359.) _ » ~, '59. Assignment of fourtl1-class o§ces to proper class, on ill-; crease of receiptsvi-·Wheo`tl1e total compensation of any postmaster at- a post omce of the fourth class for the ‘calemlar year‘·slxall’»ax1iouut to_$1',100, exclusive of commissions on money _ orders issued, and, the receipts of such post officefor the some period shall aggregate as muclé as $1,500, the 0Ece shall be