Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1256

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§ 101 ; :1*1TLE 39.-r—THE for spoclal clérks, those closlgznstod on December 31, 1924, b] 'titlas for which more than 0l1&g1’§_`d€·.0f salary is provided shalj ~ho.pls<eod in the same relative grads. and .d<-zsipntion uml ro ooive the luoroasodasalary provided_fo1·.' · (Feb.·_2S, 1925, `c. 368 § :2. $13 Sta’t.1058.)· ” $ ; Q · _ ” . [ 191. Messengers, watchman, audlsborors iuurd- and socoad class post o$ces; grades; salaries; promotion; substitute watchman, etc.; pay.—¥—Mossougors,’ watchman, and lsbofers ix ·iirst and second class post odioos shall be divided into tw< ` gxjados, as follows: First gragio, solar;} $1,500; second grade ’ salary $1,600. Watchman, messengers, and labore1‘s shall be promoted to the second grade after'. one yoa1·’s_ satisfactor; sserxiooeio grads 1.j The pay of substitute watchman, mosscn gots, aol} labolrots shall be at the rate of _55`_conts por hour (Fab. 28. 1925, o. 368, § 5, 43 Stat. 1060.); ._ _ , l 102.@xcoss of uumbor of gzlorks appropriated _ for for par ticular grudes.—#Tho Postmaster General to carry out the pro visions of this ohaptoxi ma§* oxoeed the uumliot of élerks appro priatod for for .partiéula1:\gfados. (Mm·.,3, 1917, c._ 162, §. 1 39 Stat. 1092; Apr. 24, 1920, cTI61~,§A,.41’ Statj 577.) _ 103. Clotks in Erst and second class post `o&ces and lotto; O carriers in City Delivery Service; grades: salaries; readjust meat of gradcs.—-Clerks in first and sécoud class post oHlco aud letter carriers lu the City’Dolivcry Sorvlcé shall. be divldé into Eve grades as follows :· First gradé-—salary, $1,700; secom grade-Qsalary, $1,800: third grade>—salary, $1,900; ._ fomjtl _ grado——salary, $2,000; fifth grade-salary, $2,1%. In- the road tjustmout of grades for clerks at first and socoud class pos Qoilicos im-d_ letter carriers in tho City Delivery Service to com form to the grades `héioiu provided, each of the various grade shalliuéiutle the grade of the same number éxistlngwm Dooom ber 31,1924. (Mar. 2, ,1907, =c. 2513, 34 Stat,. 1206; Feb. 25 1923, 0.368, § 4, 43 Stat. 1059.) ” _ _ l _ 194.jSubstitute clerks in ‘ §rst aud sccohd class oEccs one sumtituto letter carriers appoiuted, regular; clerks jor oarriers credit for time soryod as substi{ut&;s.~Substituto clerks in tim and second class post o&oos‘au~d·substitl1to`léttér carriers in th _ City Delivery Service whéu appointed regulon clerks oi- carrier shall have credit for actual tlme, sotvod 0u.a_bosis_' of one r-you 5 for oaoh throo hundred aud six days of eight, hours soruetla substitutg, and 'app_oiuted`to tlurgxtatlo to wl1icl1_·sucl1. [clerk! 0 tt31’1`i€·I‘?V•·'0Hld have progressed had his original appointment a sulqstitute been to,S1‘¤·do`1. (Mar. 4, 1913, o. 143, 37 Stat. 798 Foo: @,.1925, c. 368, § 4,,43 Stat. 1059.) _ -"'- h _ · 195. Suwtitute slorlts gint other tum first and second telus o§ccs;` othof temporary omployoes.— otherwise] prt vided substitute i::lorks·.— when assigned to f1o1iform·tho work 0 régular employees absent on 'vacatious, or whonzporformm _ __ auxiliary or tg;1i1porary w0rk,‘sl1ull'be‘pai<llat the ratooi 3 coats aa hour unless under section 676* of;'1‘ltle "£ 1 Other temporary oaznployow commctm `with tho! Postal Som

 loo shall be paid at the usual rats. for.? eaéh day‘s_ ssrvicl

(Mar. 2, -1907, c. $51.3, 34 Stat. 1.21;. Mar. 431913,*0. 143, 3 Stat. 796.) ‘ » . l s _ _ M 106. S,al aries of carriers and substitutés la Village Deliver Service.--·'12‘ho pay of carriers in tl1o.Villago Dolivory Sérvicu uador such solos aud rogulati‘ons as the Postmaster Genera ` may proscribo, shall be from $1,150 to $1,350·po1=a1mum. T11 pay of substitute lsttsr éaritiors in tho Village Deliver;} Sonic shall oo_£1ftl.;a rats of 50’·coats_por hour. (Feb. 28. 1925, e 368, § 10, 43 Stat. 1064.) Y ‘ L · 1 _ _ L ` . 107; `Credll to postal employees and substitute postal og ployoos for time www in military, naval, or mari¤o.¤¢rvicé.··— _ Postal smployoos xml! substitute postal €*mpli}y€€5 ’who ssxve -iu_ the mil:ltary,‘mari¤o, or naval sorvioo of tho United State during- tho, World War and have not reached tho msxlmm grads ot salaxjy shall receive orodit for all time ssrvod in th military, marine, or snsval sorvics oil the (basis of one day

POSTAL SERVICE r .’* 1242}. r credit of eight 11<;11i‘$.1Il_'t11€ Pemtal Service for each dey serw¤1 l iq ghe militgry,,· or navel eervige,~end`be promoted tb » · the .g•ndé_ to which such postal employee er subsiitute postal. ` ,, gmpmyee would have progrewed hed his originel.·appeix1i.;;;l—;ly as substitute been to gxjade 1. This ‘provisicm*ehell z{§,»pl;· le . p¤gt,a1 employees and substitute postal employees who m·ey.».;p, 2 .ti1e'__POsta1 Serpflbéien Octpbenj 1, 1920. (-Feb. 28, 1925, c. 554%. ’- 1'§’11,43Stet.1065.)J X . A _ _ _· Y q 108. Premetiqn of clerks·i1t§rst and second claws dEces and e, letter carriers in City Delive1‘y.Servirc.—Clerks in first xml g second class p0st·eHices uni} letter carriers ln the Qity Delivery y Serviee·_sl1all_·`be prqmofed successively after `ene ¥e:u·’s; mm- 1 .· factory, service -1:1. each grade to the eext highevgradeb until ·, they reachrthe fiftih—grede. · All .pi·<im0tiems shell be maeleut the beginning- of the querfer-fellowixgg l<me§ye:1z’s—setisfacter;f· serv- 1 .- ice in the grade. P (Feb. 21, 1879,c. § 4, 20 Slat. 317 ;·Aug. 2. .- 1_882,'_¢. 373, § 2, 22 Stzit. 185; Feb. 28, 11925, c. $368, § 4, 43 sm: .,_ 109. Samc.—N0 prexnolion §g1m1r be made except 'upen ewi- _ dence setisfactery -t0 the Pest- ()i§ce.Depm·tme¤t ·ef,the ‘eI§i-e r_ Qcieucy andfaifhfulness _0f_ the employee during the pre<>edm;;· -: year. The Post Oifice Debarimeet may iwlece e cleztkl 0;: eers Tier fxjem- el higher to u lower grade wligeeeeer his efécieecy ri-_ falls below a fair stanidnrd. or wlieeever · e· ~·»:.~¤x.·y fer pm-- rl ° poses of discipline. °C1erks- and ~mrricrs 01; the highlwt grade in I1 their respeclive omces shelle be eligible fer faremetlen to the l- higher positions in said p0st_0§ces. (Mer. 2, IW7, e. 2513, 34 ~ ,t, StetL1206.) f { __ ‘ 1 _‘ ·‘ . l- 110.`,Spe¢;iar clerks; grades; sslarieé;‘ad§ust1§ént of grades; S [l*0¤0tiDll.j·+T1l€l‘€ shell ibe two. grades of speeiel clerks, as n- follows: First . grade;—~——ss.l&1;y, $2,200; seceud .$n€le+—seIery, 5, $2,300. In fheledjustmexat er grades, for- spechl. clerks to <·en· 1 form to the grades herein pxjeividcd special Zclerk grade _1 eheli ° d' iuclixde grade 1~ exlstleg en. December 31, 1924, and spee-ie} a; clerk grade 2 shall. lnclude grade, 2’exi·sti¤g en that date. ‘ In at all speciul·cle1=kI promotions the seuief COI11;)Bt€I}t'€H}]}ltl}’€‘€ e ghull have- prefereixce. (Feb. 28, 1925, c. 368, { 4, 43 Slat. ls 1059.)*` · . · ° - _ 1. l' 11,1. Specigl clerks; executive, ’§mmee,“ W ·-m·der;_ pests}- -8 savings; x‘egistry,‘ mailing,°’a¤dT other di — · ~ ; of £rht·-class »r °e&ces.—»-·As a, reward for faithful and .meriterieus service, · .S __$pecial_' clerks `inay- Mbe zfppeimecl iu; the execetive, Bxxamce. ·; `m0_;1ey—01·<le;·,` postal-Zsaviugs; regislry, Q mélling, and ether divisions of §rsf—e1eés poet e&ces. Clerks in- the executive. B ilxmuce, juenéy-0rder,__;>estal~sevings, z·egist;§.y,"’ and etlxer divi- >· sions of met-class post qitlcwfwho were aegzguatéa . ge special , ¤f_ __cIerks,· Bumxce clerks, cashiers, fflfééléll, bcekkeepete, chief g» stamp "elerkelchief mel1ing—clex·,ks, and steix rephers eniune 5 @0 30, 1920,* and who were; on spe after July`1, 19%.·&$sig11e{l as 54 cletks of graqe,5 shall. mxlésq they were depleted seg geese, be r- egiveristlile·de‘si;§§:1tio11 and" stems of speclel eIe1gks,·aed essigxml e. to the Emi: mt secend grade. Clerks who have been deeigzneted L7 iis especial clerks shell not be demoted except fer muse. (July 21, 1921, c. 50, § 2, 42 Stet._'1§·i.)_ V ° · — ~ 7 _ 112. Auxilipiy and . ssib¤imte" &§\§l6YG¢$.y——Al1X11l3.F§'* eme,· pleyemx may be employed at emces of the hxjst mild `seeeml gl classes and in the Cit$··.Delive1.·y Service. Such empleiees shell ne- be required to work pet less t;l1en.tiv0,h<yursAeily, eied may se serve as subetitutw and shell be eligible vte: epiieietment as c._ elerlns ami. carriers et the mst grade.- · · — ‘ _ . -SubstitQute.s uiay be employed who shell be eligible ger 8D‘~ n- pélntmen}: as euxiliéry employees ned clerks and carriers. of » ——— the first mtade. (Mar. 2, 1907, e. 2513,. Stat. 1206,) ._ . rd . 1.13. Pay` of eubstitete, tenpersry, er auxiliary clerk; ag as §_r¢ n1d‘see¤n<l chen had suhstitete letter carriers in_` an Guy Delivery Servime-···'1‘lne my et substitute, teguporery, or ne uuillnry clerks at mst mccmd clam post 0&ces'_ and sub·° ’s stitixte letter cerrlers in the'Clt; Delivery Service shall be at