Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1258

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. 118` TITLE 39.——T11E he paid on the basis of the annual pay received by_ such employees. In computing compensation for such overtime; the tmnualgsalary or compensation for, such employees shall be divided by three. hundred and six, the number of working nays in the 'yearless all Sundays and legal holidays enumerated in section 119 of this title; the quotient thueobtained will he the daily compensation which divided by eight wlllgiye the hourly conipensation for such overtime service. ‘· (Mar. 4, 1911,, c. 241, P§ 3,*36 Stat. 1339; Aug. 24, 1912, c. 389, §” 5, 37 State wf; July 28, =1916,_c. 261, §· 1, 39i=Stat. 416; Feb. 28,`19%,—c. 368, Q 4, 43 Stat.1059.) I y" .· Y _! ’ 118. Coxpcnaatory time- to forenaen, special clerks, carriers, wntchmexr, me@gers,· or laborers, at drst and second class ®eee for work on Sundays or holiikya; oyertime; in lieu t!ier~eof.g-When the needs ot the sery-lee require the emplQY+ ment on Sundays and holidays of foremen, special clerks, clerks, carriers,_vsrat~chmen, messengers, ;or_ laborers at nrst and eeeond clues post offices they shall be allowed compensatory time on one day within ;six‘ days next succeeding the Sunday, except the last three Sundaysi- in the calendar year; and- on one day within thirty days ,_ne;___t succeeding the holiday and the last three Sundays in the · year on dwhich service la performed: Provided, howevevj, That the POStlIl8St€I'.G€H€T8l maj, it the exigencies of the eerviw require. it,— authorize the payment of W overtime for service on thelast three Sundays `in the calendar year or on Christmagx Daypin lieu ofcompensatory- time. (Mar. 3, 1917. c. 162, ;§ 1, 89 `Stat._10&; Feb. 28, 1925, c. 368,. §*`4, 43 _Stat.1659.) g _ · ·. M _ ‘_ _· ·· . 119. Holidays in Postal Service.--For the purpose of sections 116, 118, and.616 of this title holidays shall be`New Year’s Day “( January .1) ; Washingtorrs Birthday (February 22)‘; Memorial Day (Mayt30)`; Independence Day (July 4)*; the first Monday inQSeptember,·known aeJLabor Day; Christmas (December 25) ; and such other days ‘asQthe President of the United States 'may set apart an fast or thanksgiving daysl _ All days, other than the holidays enumerated herein, set aside_·b*y the Preeldentfot the United. States as holidays to be observed by the other departments ot the Government throughout the United? States shall. be construed as c applicable -.t0 the P0stal._Sérvice in the same manner and to the sameextent asthe executive. departments. ·(July 28, 1916, c. 261, §* 1, 39 'Stat...416;. Feb. 28, 1919, c. 69, §`1,~40 Stat. 1193; Feb. 28, 1925, c. § 4, 43 . Stah`1059.) · ‘ " _ ‘ ·___ `_— ` 129. Coxpcnsntory tirne to _•npcrvieory· employees.-—-For' ecrvicen required on Sundays ot supervisory. officersg in tlrst and second class post omees, compensatory time —qff“ during working days ln amount equal to that ot the Sunday employ- ment maybe allowedynnder such regulations as the Postmaster General may prescribe. ‘ (Mar. 4, 1911, c. 241, § 3, 36 Stat. 1339.) 121. Reduction infsalnry; restoration to former grade or advancement to intermediate grade.·q·——Whenever an employee provided for in this chapter shall have been ¤·equceo·i¤‘ salary for any cause,_he may be restored- to his former grade or ad- _va.nced to an intermediate grade at the beginning of anyquarter following the reduction, and rreetoration —to a Iormer grade or advancement toan intmanediate- grade shallnot be coustrnied as a promotion within thehmeahing of the law prohibiting ad- . vancement ;ot more than one grade within one rear. _ (Feb. 28, 1925, c._368, §11,.43~Stat. 1664;) . .· ‘ ' 122. Protection regardless of increase, of —pay.-—·e·All employees provided for in this chapter in nutomatlc grade; who have not reached the maximum grades to which they are entitled to progrm automatically, shall be ‘pmmo¢eo‘a¢ the beginning of the quarter following the completion of one ;yea1·’e—¤atls·_ ‘factory.service since their last promotion, regardless of any increases ein salaries granted them by the provisions ot this-

 chapter. .(Feb. 28, IQA5, c.. 368, § 11, 43 Stat. 1065.) . ~

1?0.§‘TAL ·SERl’ICE· ~· L 1244 · · .123., Promotion of eniployee whose promotion withheld, ; _ .Whe¤ever the promotion of an employee provitfed for in mis Qhilptéf `is \}'1thh€¥d, b€C£1lI$€.0f !lI1S¥lFlSf§l€tOFY‘S€1‘Vl£*t>, gut-}, employee may be promoted at the beginning of the 'SL‘·t'(*}·.c{ .quarter_‘there£2fte1·,_ or of any subseqnentl gxmrter, o‘n.e·vi?de¤··.» that —- his record_ has been satisfactory during .tlxe ixxterveuine; _ period. (Feb. 28, 1925, c. 368,*9 11, 43 Stot.`1664.)·! _ Y " ' 124r Substitntes for clerks; first or clsss post offices, , 1 -or_carriers in City Free Delivery S¢¤i¢ee——wpe¤ any clerk 1;, · ` post omces of the first or second clsss, or any letter vcarrile in the City Free"DeliveryTS·ervice, is absent from dnty_ir·.m‘ , any cause; other than the fifteexr dayslsnnunl leave with wl allowed L-by. law, the Postmaster General, under such yegrnle- . tions as he mny prescribe, wmv.? oumonze the employxnem ..5 a" substitute for such work, `aud pnymmt ·theretor` 'twnz the ‘ lapsed salary of suehj absent clerk, or letter carriémst a meg not toteirceed the pay of grade ot work performed by som substitute., (Mar. 3; 1905; c. 1480, Q. 1, 33 Stat. 1085.)-* r i 125. Same; · employment prevent ove rtime.—\Vhe;n~t·e¤·,. y practicable, in case of emergency- or otherwise, it gr substitute ir ‘ `svailnble, the postmaster shall not `mnploy a regular clerk overtime. (;reb.2s,1o1s,c.‘eo,3,1,4o Sta~t..1192.) t ‘ 126. 'Same;`clerks subboensed as wimc&—-The P0$tIll{lS{é*l‘ · General may employ·_'s‘ubstitntes_in_' the place ofclerks sub- D(E’l18éd‘ as witnesses in the United States courts in eases nrisingx nnder the United States lt1ws,°and expend for me employment of such substitutes a sum equnlfto the compensation allowed the clerks during the time actujally absent from `E duty attending conrt. _ (June 13, 1wS, e. “4—w, § 1, 30 stat, ` 127.; Same; carriers oxrannusl leave.-——The Postmaster. nen- “ *€ti‘§¥- hwy BHIDIOY; ¤§‘hen‘ necessary, during the time leave of absence is granted to letter carriers, nt tree—dc1ivery om-es, subh__ nntnber of substitute letter carriers as may_ he deemed advisable. {(Ju¤e_27,» 1884, c. 126,, 23 Stat. 60.) * `_ — 128. _A_ss`ignment of elerks to “‘dnty.—Postmasters are anthor- , ized, with the approval of the Postmaster General, to assign at 1 I nny tiine any clerk or employee of their respective post otriees to dnty in any branch tlyereof:_Provided always, That any employee shall be paid from money·order funds for such time os heris engaged in. money-order 'vvork. (Mar. 3, .1885, e,. 34:;, §1,—2ssm¢.s8¤.·)~‘· _ Us v ‘ ‘_ 129. Transfer of clerks, edrrfers, etc.{-The Postmaster Gen- eral may, when the Lnterestf oii the `sérviee requires, transfer any clerk to thejposition of carrier or any cnrrierto the peeltion of clerk ond _ interchange. to Yclerieol force between the . post omce and the motor¥y’ehiele ’mrvice, such transfer oi inter? chsnge to be made Jto the corresponding grotto gnttsalsry of the clerk or barrier Ltransterred —'01‘_iQ{€*l‘(th&HgEd.— _(Feb. 29, 1925, c. 368, §_11, 438/tat,-»Hl65.)~ _ _ · · ` ' ~ 130. Computation of service on transfer.-The time whirl] ·· such clerk or carrier shall hsve served- in the grade from = which such transfer was madeshnll beioonnted in conneetion·;_ with' theserviee to which such transfer may he made in computing the time of service necessary to entitle such employees to promotion: Prooided, That no clerk or barrier shall he prornoted more than one grade within any one yeor’s` period of service.- (Mer. 2, 1907, c. 2513, 34 Stat. 1%6.) _` _ ·· 131. No reduction in rank.-·—-No employee in the Postal Serv-: ice shell be reduced in rank or salary ns the result of `thé provisions of this title. (Feb. 28, 1925,`*c._ 368, 511, 4;3 Stat. .1065.)- .·_ · . 132.- Bonds of assistant postninstem. and cashiers st EPSL Qéwld, and third closer ~o§ees.—:-As,~;istnnt postmnsters and cashiers st first, second, and third class post omces, and when deemed necessary, by the Postmaster General for the- better protection of the interests of the Government any other em-_ \_·