Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1262

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§ 196 2*111.2 ss.-warm 11 ment to properly handle pastel limsiness on their routes. (July 2%% 1916, c. 281, § 1. 39 Stat. 423.) _ ~ g . 196. Carriers; restrictions; carrying merchandise.—-I.etter <·:1:·a·iez·e of the rural free-delivery service shall. not solicit busimeq nr 1-eeeiiée erders of eny kiml for anyperson, firm, or. 001*4 pm~;1ti··;m, uml shell mt, dxwinz their hours of employment, carry

2:13; merelxeudise fer hire: 1’r{.·z:i<led, That szllid °qg.rriers may

{m·:·;: merelumclise fer hire for and upon) the reque@é of patrons -

·e><§<l§u;; mm: their 1‘€’:·¥{l(’(‘l“l\’(3 rexltcs, yggver.-me'éa1ne shall

emu im‘erfe·re xyitlx the proper di§ch:u·§` of their efhciul duties, {tml mailer smell re;.;·ul;1tl¢»zas as the Postmaster General may

e·e~s{·rihe. {Apr. 28, ~19<l4, c. 1759, § 1, 33 Stat. 439; Mar. 4,_

1915, Xe. 1:3, HS Stat. 1227 ; Feb. 28, 1925, c. 368, 5 8, 43 Stat.- 1{HQS.} ’ _ _ _ l ’ ‘ 197. _Sala1jies of carrierg.—'lT}1e` salary of carriers, in the lmeal 3.iz1il·1}t·livery Servieegfor serving :1 rural route of twenty-. f<é2ar miles six {lays mathe week shall be $1,800; 011 routes _ {Weill}?-t{x#<»,u1iIeS and less tlgzm téventyqfour miles,.$1,728; on revies twenty miles and less than twentiv-twd miles, $1,620; on 1"i"?¥1I£*$ eighteen miles and legs tl1:111`twe11ty miles, $1,440; on 'rtmtes sixteen miles and less than eiglxteexymiles, $1,260; ~0n rtmteé fourteen miles and less than sixteen _ s, $1,080.; on \ :·¤mi·e>§ twelve miles endless than foui·tee¤ $1,00S; eu mmes tea miles zwdwlesse than twelve, miles, $936 on Toutes eight miles and less thzm·te11 1i1iles,_$8G4; 011 r0ute§`s,ix miles and less than eight miles, $792; 0x1‘1·0utes four miles and legs time six miles, $720. Each rural carriexf assigned to a route en xvizieli daily service is performed shall receive .$30—per- mile per ummm fer each mile said route is in excess of t\venty:fqur ` miles .me.j0r fraction thereof, based ,011 actual mileage, and ,e.:1eh :111;:11 carrier assigned to it route on which triweekly servlee is performed; shall receive $15 per mile foreach. mile said mute is in excess of twenty-four miles or major fraction thereof, based on aetiml guiledge. (M5}.-_4, 1915, N0. 15; 38 `Stet. 1227; l·"e_ls. 28, 1925, 368, 5 8, 43 Stat. 1063.) . ‘ ‘ 198. Salaries ef. carriers serving triweekly mute3.——A· rural earrierl serving one triweeklf ;·<$ute`el1a1l be paid 11 salary and esguipmexxt allowance Oil the basl of a route 0ne·half the length · Def the mute served by him." A rural carrier serving two tri—‘ . weekly mates, shall be paid a` salmsy and equipmex;t_allowauce , ma the basis eta route gxiehalfl of the combined lezlgth of the ·, twe.·r<é1:ie5s. ( Feb. 2S, 1925, e. 368, §. 8,.43 Stat. 1064.) g j 199. Determisnatiim of pay of cerriem and substitute car- _ tiers.-—-'1‘be my of rural carriers end eubstitute’rural’ carriers, I which depexads uperé the length of the route, shell be determined _ -111 accordance- with the records of the- Pest 0$ce Depeftmexxtl, 4 which records __s1aal1 be pmmptly corrected whenever the Post-· _, master Geneve! determines that suelx weeords are not correct. ., (Aqxr. 24, 1.920, e. 161, § 1, 41 Stat. 582.) · ° 209. Deductions from salarieg.-———-Demluctioes ·f<>1·' failure to - perform eervitm en, a standard rural delivery mute for twenty- , {mar miles and ieee shell net exceed the rate of pay pent mile for I zwezwiee fe; twenty-ifeur miles mad less; and dedueticgxxs for . fzailure te perform service on mileage in excess of twenty-fmxr. l mileé ztlmfll xwt exceed the mite of cmxapensatimx allowed for eueh 1 exeese; mili>e5:e. (Feb. 28, 1925, ‘e.`3fi8, §* S, 43 Stat. `1§M}4,)‘ , " 291. Substitute eerriere;—~U1skler sgseh regulations as the I M 1"estme><ier Gemeeral xziaeyi ‘;;»r1e-gtzriiie, e, sulzsstitute carrie}; may be 9¥l1{)¥1¤§’{*{1·3{·_f11{§ expeme nf the I'§?g1li$l1'*_(231’l'i&I’, te te1;1p0mrily _ p»e:·f<,»;·m the sertieee ee may ruml free-delivery meil mute. (Apr. 21, 199:2, e. 5433, § 1, 32 St1~1t._112.) 1 " ' 202. Rate of emsmensatien of temporary earr§ere.~——.Aet§ng 1 er ss.1le·=tiame rural letter eerriere ehall be paid at the usual _, rate fer. eeel1Cd:1y’s~· service. (Mar. 2,1907, c. 2513, 34e»Stat. ; “`1213.) _` , 3 '_ i , . 2 293. C3i1'l*i·€?l‘S·§·r leave of absence; 8llb§t“itI3t€S»-R.%1f3I letter eerriere after twelx?e me¤the’ service .sh.ell‘be ellewed mmuel W leave with pay not to_ exceed Etteep. days; the sumtimtee tex 2 ‘ ’ . ./ · ‘ »

  • OSTAL SE1cV1CE“ g 1;;.;,;

carriers on vacation to be paid during sai;} service at the ra§t· paid the carrier. (Mar. 2, 1907, c. 2513, 34 Stat. 1215.) 204. Compensation of carriers cm water <x·outea.~——»—·In. the <2@—~.- eration of the Postmaster General the gay of any mm; ,.,,,2 ricr 011 a water routa who tmrnishes hisiéivn power boat am is Qmployed dniring the summer months may be `fixad zz: amount not exceeding $900 in any one calendar year, m;_ increased under :<a<éti0u 676 of.Tit1a 5. (Mar. 1, 19OU, er. Liléli 35 Stat. 669.) · ` 205. Additional compensation to carriers carryi¤g·°p¢;;.;t·§¤ mail to intermediate post o&ces.———Tha Postmaster ¢§¢·m»m may, in his discfretiou, allow and pay additional camyeazxsama to rural letter carriers who are required to carry pcmch mai; td intermediate post 0Hicas, .01- for iutcraéctiag lamp routes. iz; all `cases where it appears that the carriagé of auch pt»m-gg.; increases the gggpcnsa of the equipment required by the t·:.u·:~2.a· or matariaulh} increases thé amount of labor performed by ima. , such compensation not to exceed the. sum of $12 per annum sw eaph milénsuch carrier is` raquiged to ncarry mich" pouch MY pouches. · (July 28,1916, c. 261, § 1, 39 Stat. 423.) ( I 206. Carriers; equipment maintanance.—In addition to 1·;.t· salary herein provided, each carrier in Rural Mail I>t=¥i=.·.·;-;.· Service shall be paid for equipment. maintenance. a. $:1:}:-max;} to 4 cents per mile per day for éach mlleior major; fractiaa af a mile scheduled. Payments for equipment maintenance aa provided Ilélféill-Sh&ll’ be at__.the‘sama }>eri0ds`¤ad. in the same manner as payments for` regular- goxiipaasation to rural earriers. (July 28, 1916, "c. 261,.5 _1, 39 Stat. 423`;·Fab. %, 1:%, c. 368, §· 8, 43 Stat. 1064.) . r . .. ` 207. Temporary reduction bf pay of "mml carriers.——’T2:a Postmaster General may, in his discretion, whenever for mecip1ina1‘y_ purposes hc deems it_ adyisabla to do sa, radma! temporarily the pay of rural carriers. In mj casé shall smh a reducti0i1‘ be of more than one `grada as tlizaclby lsziv. nor extend over a .greate1j pariodof time thzui one §éar,’ (Sept. 21, 1922, c.- 363, 42’Stat. 993.) _ · 208. Carrier.0h Laka wiHR€§688Hk€€.——Th& compensation at the jC&I‘1'léI‘ of mail an Lake ‘Wi£mapesatikaa frgam the pasf OEICG tat Laconia, New Hamtishlré, who furnislim his awa equipment shall be $1,800 per annum unle$_ increased ‘x:rt¢It~~1· section 676,0f Title 5. (Mar. 3, 1917, c. 1@, § 1, 39 Stat. 1t¥§>~: Feb. 28, 1919, c._69, § 1, 40 Stat. 11%.) . _ - ‘ 209. . Classiiicatién of clerks in Rural Free Mlivcry Service not otherwise provided- f¤r.¥-—-The Postma star General may classify clerks iu~ the _Rm*al” Free Dalivafy Service lata fmzr classes, graded even hundreds of dollars, at $900. $1.€)00.>$1.1£¤i. and not axcacding·$1,200_. per axmixm umass increased amlar scretiou 676 of—Titlé 5. (Apr. 21,.1902. <·. 5%, § 1, 32 Stat. ‘112._; 210. Allowance af expenses by _Pastmaste—r Geaeml.-—~'1fh·;· ~ Postmaster Ganaralmay allow saab par diem and other ist? ciclcntal expenses in cormcction with· tha Rural Free DcIiw{*>’ Servlet- as ·Ccm;:ress may from time to time provide. (Apr. 21, 1902, gr. 56.‘%,.§ 1, 32 Stat. 112.) _ . , _ 211. Post-oflica iinspactarsg administering oaths.-¢~P<>st>ar1%pa lnspacztors and examining inspactenrs in tha Rm·al Fran Dia fivery St·rvi<·e shall be authorized and empaworacl ta &d!lllHiFl*`¥° oaths to <·arz·i<>rs and ather tperaona ¢.m1pI<>ycd· in said *sorx·iy¤= ·»r in. mmxcctiem with anyrllztxainass ralatina to the samé. ( .\1¤i· 21, 1.9023:. 563, §—1, 32 Stat. 113; Apr. 2R, 190;, c. 17*59, § 1, S?} Stat. 439; Jjgnm 26, 1966, c. .3546, 34 Stat. 467.) ` Ulxaptar 6.;---·-MAlI. —MAT'l`_EB·Q Sec. Q; 1 ‘ ’

21. Claaaiticatiau tb! mail matter.

222. Firstarlaaa matter. _ 223. Same; limtt of weight. · l _ E24. Seccmd-class matter. “Q » 225. &ame; examination; agivartlaements attached to periodicals. 326. Same; auditions idmittiag publications ta.