Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1266

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§ 25Q ”T1TLE'A3.9.a·—·~—THE A ` thereto the eeader may write his owe name, `eecupa· ' tion, aw residence er lmshress addrws, preceded by; the ·w0rd_ ·“ Fromf and may make mar§ other than by written or wiutw words to call atteatiea to any word or psmage ia the tert, and may geerrect aa! typographical errors. `There my be placed hm the blaak·1eaves_kgr.eover_ot nay book erwpriutw mattef of such emma a slmpte maaaxrlpt dedication or laecriptioa net of the aature of a personal correspondence. _ A Upea the wrapper or earelope or the tag ¤1·.m1>e1’ attaehed thereto may be prihted say matm mailable as thirdelax matter; Tm sender of shy third or fourth clam, matter may write upon. the

 or eerer _ therwt, or tag or label accompanying the k
 any marks, a@hers,` hames, or letters for   of

description, er may print therew themme, md any k matter not iH the nature of a persbaal corrxpoadexxce, but; there must be left oa the side or face ot tm package a wom su¢deat·for a. lcgi@e addrm and stampa Ia, all cam dlrectiohs. for uaasmit, delivery, forwarding, or returh shall he ¤» k . ot the address; and tee Postmaster General shaH_ suitable i‘%'Bi8.EiGDS for this sectiea into e§ect. may · be. placed OB third or fourth class matter, or ea The package, wrapper,_or_eayelepe lnclodu-the am or ea a tag or law .attac&d thereto, either - ia f otherwlm, the. wards “Please de hot open until (}hrlsteras,”·er weeds te that edect. With a package of fourth- . clam matter pregiaidat the preper rate, for that class the sender may iwrm nay maitahle matter. (Jan. 20, 1888, c. 2, § 1;% Stat. 1; Liar. 4, 1911, c. 241, {6,-36 Stat. 1340;, FeB.%,19%,.eL$@,§2B6,`43StaL1067.) ·. ·_ · 25% Wraé$g— 'matter abt éarged with §rst· . dah Postmastef General may prescribe,. by regulation, the aiaxmer of and securing for the malls all matter het ehaaged with- iirst-elses pestage. , so that the ceatehts of such packages may be easily examined ;T · sad no package the eoalteats of which can net be easlly exaaié ’l&d shall mss ih the malls, or be delivered at a less rate than {er et the hrst ](Har. 3, 1879, c. 180, § 24, 20· Stat. _ " ‘ · . ·' •· ‘ 251. Saae; remark; wrappers.-;—Postmasters at the office or delivery may remove `the wrappers and envelopes from l mail matter het charged with letter pestage, when it can be dohe éritlzout destroying them, for the purposéw of ascertaiuiagwh&er thereis apos er eemaected "with_ say such matter any- - thlag kwhiell would. authorize or require the charge of a higher ·'rate of thereon.! »(R.`S. { . I , V E2. and wrappers.-—-No, newspapers , shall be received to eeaveyetfby mall unless- they are sum-

 eiehtly   aurd laeloaed is proper,wi·amrs.. (.3. S., § 3883.) ‘

$3. adm of to reeeive.—¤·Pestmasters shall , ‘ tw p¤bli&er. of {aa: hewmper, hr other- periodical, l ashes any subscriber shall refuse to take thej me from the" ‘e&ce,‘ q a@lect te ml! for it fer the period ?£ one month. {B. S. {*3%;) _ _ ‘ ·` _ ~ ‘ ‘ ` Same; earryiag oat at mall.-·~('»ox1traetora or mall carriers may eemgey, out of the mail, hewapapers for sale or distrihadon te`suhscrlhe rs. (B., S. §‘@.)‘ . . I" X, - `

 255.   of   claiming mail   Ectitious ,

addresaa-—'1‘he Pestamster General may, upon evidence satis- l taetery to him, that any pawn js uelog my detltiem false. er· @mm aame, title. or ·ad¢·ees la preeaoting. er ` err or awlsting therein, by mares ot the Fmt Dalee ‘Establ . t‘ ol the United Statm ahyhaslaess scheme or .wtee ia rielatiea er the m·ovislo& of a:ad_ @ of _ Title -18, shy postmmer at kay omcee at which each letters, ends, or= addreaaw to each Aetttloas, { , £n1.m,,or asses addrem arrive to notify the phrtyj . lclaimlu; or receiving nach letters, carb, or packets to npeéar 1 at the pest emce sad eemesaneo; and tb the ‘ party so aotiaed

POSTAL SERVICE } ’ ,1252 jails to appear and be. identihed, or lf it éhtxll satisfactorily ap- · pear that such letters, cgrds, oi- packets are addressed to a _ Hctititms, false, 0: assumed imma cr midress, such letters, postal carjds, 0:; packages shall be Iurwatéed t0· the dead·1cttmr amcc as Ectitlous matte;. (kia:. 2,‘18®,_c._%, § 3, % Stat . 873.)‘ ·' 4 · . ’ " 3 B. t Matte: relatinf to spuricms nwméy wt m•il;hle.—-——Au mattgr the dqpcsit ot which in the mail; is ma& putushabte by section; 339 of Title 18 is hereby d€¢I8P$ mmmattable; lbut mthtiug herein msmtajued shall bé ssfcvmtmed hz ta mt- . thorlze any' [)€I'S0§l__»§)€h€i’ than an emgiéyee of the d£·letm;~ umce; dx;ly authorized thereto, to open my lettei mt néézmtca to lgimself. `(Mar.`2, 2. 2.3 c. 393,. 4, 25 Stat. 8*74.)

 Q K7. Dghiety of mail       mit   vf me af

t .sddi$—\Vhe&€er the Pt}$§%S{éf Q ,mt@d that `ilctters -9; patckets sent in the mam its Id¢¥!&§$ td pmqex not the xjesigieuce or busiuws addrm of the far whom they are. iptexided, to enable; meh perwpto www iééxtimntion, he may, direct Qostmasters to kliver letters only from the posft omce qpem fd.cnti&itkmj.of persmm addrmael. (Mar. 2, 1889} c. 393, § 5, 25‘Stat. 874.) J _. » ? . ° . 258. Letters seized te bg ed to scndeis.-—A1l Iettcré, . pdckets, 01* other métter whi·ch they be wiped mr detained in- V_ violation of law? shall be retémed tm .0wnm or séuder or . thég s~&mé,_ qnj Qtlxérwise disposed of as tlge-`P0st@ter General may dire(;t... (B. S.} $@5.) · ‘ * 259. of pénms caneiacting- — at frsuéukm schemes tetuymd; evimce éf —P¤¤ma&e&· Gent eral may.- eiidesm patimétoiy te Elm that $$13 person t 01·‘ §agéd in`g<mdi1ctim$auy.l0tte¤v, gift enter-l prise, or swam. for ct Qéney, or `of my mat R or personal property by kit, chkhcé, or drawing Gi sky kind, uc that any {Semen or company is. conducting any other gchemenr device. fo; obtaining `Qmey pr prwerty af. any Emi thmxh · the mails by means pt false cz fmkzcittlént pmetéusu, wpresentations, or pmmises, instruct p0st_mastcrs·at a?}¤.»stj0¤ce at l which registeréd letters- or any - other letters 9: matte: arrive directed to any such person ar compséy, or ta the agegxt or representative of any such persmx or qomptmy, whethér mei: tliteut or representative is a<:ti¤8 &é hu individual Em: a 5::::. btttik, cm·gc»x·nti011, qt association of any kini1,.t0 rétam dll smh

 uéail matter. te) the Kipoétmastgr at the q&ce at whiclt it was

·érig·inal`ly mailed; with `tha word “Frmduletxt " plainly writm: 0t_ stamped upon the_0u.tsidé thereof ; and all such mail matter sa returned tb such `postmasters ghall be by them tc} the writers thereotf, under; stxéh regulations as the Postmsstsexs General mayiresciibg. _N¤tl1i¤g cmentained in mtg wma ®H be so construed as to aqathorizelany postmaster or what pegstm to open any létte: wat Sdd d tc: h_imse·lf§ The publivm ad-· vez·tiscment_ by such puma cer campanf so · conducting simla

'l0tter;y,.gift enterprise, scheme, 91* Hevice, that remittances fu?

this Same maylhe made by mail_ to any other person, mm, bwé. "cm·p;>rnt.iem, or association named therélu smell ‘ be held to he prima facie evidéage of the existeme of said agency by `all the parties named therein; but the Postmaster Gémersl shall mr; be precluded` from·ascertaii1ing‘t1;.a.exi$texsce ct melt agemzy in any other legal way satisiactory to himself. (R. S: { 39%: sept.10, mso, c. ms, 5 2, 2s sm. 466; 1»m·.2. @5. e. 191,} 4. x sm. 964.)' _ ‘ ` Chspwr 7.--POSTAGE,- . ’ 271. Prepayment at gfiostnge. 272. Pnymgnt ot postage before dalivary. _ · 273. Acceptance nné éellvery et. prepaid ¤rst·cl¤s.s‘ matter WIt®tlt ' ' nsw! ¢¤$$. . . ‘— _ ‘ 274.. M part}; pild and unmid mall matter. _ 275. D@sal at part-p¤ld`· '¤r¤t·c1a•• matter; d¢Sct<:ncy ‘ sta.@p|._ 278. Fqrvudiag crt returning. tg; Render chnrgeq wit}; postage cert¤i¤ . t¤¤:th~¢lh.•• mil matte. . `