Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1268

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§ 282* · rims sc:-»:r11c: c mossmgm ms private mailing cards. such cards tc bc scm épcm in mails, to be my large; than the. size §1; the convex tion ct the Ucivcrsul- Postal Uuicin, and to cc `apprcmiixmtcly Q the mmc farm, quality, md ve·eigh_t asxlgc stamped mstal car !¤_g<=m·ml um in tm United Stutw an May 19, 18%. (May 1% ‘ 1wB, 6. 3>i‘§', 39 Sict.419`; Feb. QS. 1925,1. @8, § 201, 4 Sint. lfiéii.) ‘ , I ‘ _ . x . 282. Pcsiagc on d matter; time fox. paying.- ° Ilpma the rcccipg of ncwmmpcrs and pcxiicdical mxblicaticms z - abc cmcye of mailing, they sha}! bc weighed in bulk, aid posts; paid `therecui ·(J¤¤c.%¢ 1874, c. 456, §%, 18 Sint. 233.) _ D · 283. Pcaqgc on wmkcliss ‘m:ttci· sc¤t·_by publiskcr c acws agtut; ··cl§•w msttér issued by arcligicm, ctc

  d·clas¤ matter far dciiiccry by  

dntcmcms, etc., §lcd?‘bY (2~)` In t¢hc cam of pu! ` l §ca‘ti<>us` catered asv cccmd-class mcttcr (including samp céspicsi tc- (hc exteni ci 10 pct ccntum of the weight of ccpia mailed tc au@ibcrs during the wlcndar year) ’ when sent t the,pub1ishc1·'there0f fmm the. post cmcc of publicufgon 2 cihc; cfncc, c1·‘_whcn_scng by ncws agents to actual su'

 theretc, or tc other néws agents for the purpose •

¤@¤—# , , 1 (1} Thc rata cfpcstqgc on thét izcrticn ci auf such public; tim: dcvctcd tc matter othef than £id\’€fti$€m€B§ZS-,81131l `bc 1] cwtspcr [)6\lBd,'01' fréciicu. t11‘crc0f ;` Q _ , . _ ‘ (2) Ga {hit portion ofauy such pubiicgtion devoted to a· vcrtiscmcuts the rates ·pcr pound` 61·_ fraction thereof for d livery within the cig11t.p0stal_z0¤cs-‘_cstablishcd for` fourth-cla: mattcrciiall be as follows: ~ ._ ‘ M _ _ Fc? the §rs¥ and scccad concs, 2 cents, and third zone, Fm the fourth, Qfth, and siith mines, 6 ccnt3.‘_ Fc: the seventh and eighth; zones, and between the Philippf1 Islands and may pcrtkm of the United Statics, including the Di trict ci Columbia and the scvcmlq Tci·ri1;0rics§,und possession 9ccnts;` mc y 9 (3) The rstc of postage on ucwspamrs 01- periodicals mai [tame:} _-bycnnd in the interests ct religious, educational, scic tiéc, philanthropic, agricultural, labor, or fraternal. ofganiz tions cr associations, not crganigcd fo1·_p1·0§t and Jiouc of `tl uci mccmc cfwhich iuures to the bc11c§fof any private stoc hcidcrior iudividuukishall bc _1%yccnts per pqxmd cr, 'fréctie therecf, and the publisher df any such Ecwspabcr cr pcriodics before being cutitl& ic sgxch yacc, shall furnish ·`t0 (hc » Pos uazmccf Gcncml, at sinch, times and Mm1d»c1··Suct1 c_0m1itions : the Pmtmastcr Gcxxcral qiay prescribe, *satisiact¢£>ry_ eviden that mma of the mtixgccmc of such orgguimqon or ussociath imag to the bcmc§t of any private st ‘·kho1dcr or individm (by _\V!¤crc the spacc dcvctcdt to ad»vcrtis·cments docs imt c cccd 5 gg: ccxatum of thetctal space, the mtcct postage she be the same asjf the whole of suchhwiblimticn was devoted mattcr other than advertisements. ‘ ., - Y ·‘ (c)"1‘hc mtc of postage emjdaily ncwsmpers and on tl ' periodicals and newspapers provided gn- ip this section wh4 deposiicd in a }§ttG¥.’-(,'@I’l’i€I‘ 0®cc 'tcxi dclivcry by its catricn y shall be the same ·$.s‘ctherwLsc gmvidcd by law, and nothin hcrcin slmll affect existing law as to frcc circulation ‘~m1d cxis mg mtw cu »d-class mail mctfcr wit1;in the county at pu licaticu. The i’cstx;1z1s !;cr Gcucral may require publishers ccgmxjstc or make up tc mucs, in such a maxmcrkas hémay { rect, all mail matter of the second class when qmercd ima ma mg. _ * · _ A _ A . i (d) With the mst mailing of each issue at each such pu iicaticn the pu·biish·cr shnH Mc with the postmaster 4 copy such imuc tcgctiacr with c statcmcin; cocmniuing mich iumrm tim; gs the Postmaster Gcnemlimy prescribe for dctcrmima tcc wstagc chargésgblc there~c~¤. (Ju`&c 23,, 1874, c. 3158, { 18 Sigt. 2%; Har. 3, 1.%.*5, c. 342, § 1,_% Stgt; 387; 3, 191

POSTAL SERYICE _ Q 125.;. .y c. 63, $5 1101, 1102, 1103, 40 Stat. 327, 323; Feb. 28, 1925, Q_ ay 368, § 202, 43 Stat; 10€»6.)·‘ . ~ · xt 284. Pmage on proofs of sévertisemests Mendes! fer mab. 11 Hcatfons ehtered as seceudwlses matter.-···Smgle sheetb er por- 9, tions thereof from- ani publteatteh enterett as secondclees L3 e matter; sent by e publisher to ue advertiser mr the lattere agent on account of and in proof- of the insertion of an advef- — tieement, signi, tmder_ such rulm> and regulations ee, may be nt prescribed y the Pestmssteaf Senegal, be received rand tram-

e mitted `tltrough the mails et the zone. rates ot postage applicable under the law to the advertising portions of meh eeeetjg-,

rr class matter. (Mar. 3, 1923, c.; 215, 42 Stat. 1434,) . · ·

., Discomixmome of stamps; collecting and

g; amounting for peatige on nstter; p~repaymem..—- b- Newspepei and periodical 'stgmpe ntwd act be ‘ mee; and all ie postage on second-class matter mailed shall be collected end 7 es ·aceom1ted_ for qiider such xegulations as ’ tée ·P¢mmeter Gen- »y eral may prescribe. This shall in no manner be so ar “ aS to repeal existing law requiringpreihyment of postage upon bi seconii-class mail- matter. (Jem E, 1874, c.·_4@ ·§ 6, 18 Stat., at 233; June 13, 1898, c. 446. S-1, 30 Stat.;_é3;}_; · _ ‘ _ ‘ 286. Postage on nevyspipers `nsiled in CORN] of publication a- am} at free·¢§elive(y o§vc•.——-Publicatiom of the second clam,. 54, oixe copy to each aétunl subscriber m `tm eimnty where ' the same are printed, in- whole. or! in wrt, and published, emit sl} go freeithrough the mails; but the same stm!} not be delivered e· at letter-carrier omces, or distribeted by carrier; u¤l& pmtss age is paid thereon at the rate prescribe;} in section E3 of this _ title. The rqte of postage. on news¢.§e£—s, exceynirzg weektiee, 3 and petiodicalshot exceeding two 011% ”'ii:.%eigl1t, when the " same. nie deposited `i¤_ a letter-canzier »o@ee for delivery by its ·` carriers, shall be uniform at 1 cent each; pexioéiegtew weighing ae more than two omees shall be Subject, when ttetivegred by smh LS- .ca1*riers, to a postage of 2 cents meh, and these ratwetmii he [S, preeaid by stamps. a;$xed. _ (Mar; 3, 1879, e. ISQ 5 25, *;.*0 Stdt.361.)·’ _ _ `- ‘ . . . ·_ ·_ B- ‘ 237. Pmage at venom-diss matte; by ethré thm H- publishers or news' :ge¤ts.——-The rate of mage on §t1hli¢·0· ge tioné entered ee secoixd-class matter, »`w—he¤_ sent by oteeis then he the publisher or news _ agent, emit be 2 cents fer wc}; tem k- ounces or fraetio;£.'ther·e0i', {or wdghts mt exceeding eight gn ounces. and 1*6: weights ot such matter”ex¢¢¢Gi¤$ €i@t etmees ti;. the i·atés"$>`t Iiostagé ter tearthelees matter ehetl tt- beepplieabie thereto. - (June 9, 1884; c. 73; 23 Stat..·i0; Oct. 3, as 1917, c._63, § 11%% Stat. 328; 10%, c._3%,·§ %, 43 ce Stat.1067) -·. __ . 0 . _ ‘_ m _ _288i Postage on second-clam matter not exceeéing. me gx, po•;1zd.—-—-\\¤'here·tlne total weig$ otauy one edition or iam: of »;- `anj each publimtioxi mailed to any eee gene does not exceegl {ll oz;e pound, the rate of postage shall. bel cent.- 3, 1017, gg c. 63, {1104, 40 Stat. 328; Feb. 28; 19%, ca 368, { 204, 4; Stat. he. 289. Zone rate to °rel£te to entire b¤Ik`——-·Tl;e mae rates peo? en vided in section 2% et this title shall motte tg, the entire `bttlk rs, mailed to &BY_<}I1E~ zonehmd not to mdivtthmltyf addressed peek ug agw. (()ct.Y3,t1917Q ·c.`83; S 11%,.40 Stat. 323; Feb. %. 192*5. st- c. 3%, § 205, 43 St 1067;)* y . 7 _ . . _· tb- 209. Postage Iangressimnal n•i1¢d"•t Wa.s§sgto ton.-—-The postage. on eech copy ot the getty Qongrmsioeef ll- Reeord xguqiied, from the city of Wa.ehingtox;~ transient matter Ht shalt M 1`eent. (June R, 1874, eQ 45& 5 13, 18' Stat. 237.) . " - 291. mstter; nteof postage.-·e-The_ rate of poet- .b- mtv mtmuil matter of the third etass shalt be 1% greats for each of tivo .ou.¤ees or {faction tbereef, up to and including eight ounces .e.-· in weight, except that the rqgc of postage on books, eataloguee eg , meta, salons, and p~1ente,_·¤ot exceeding 5, eight onnm in weight, shell be 1 cent toc enc}; two etmem ox. L7, friction. theres!. `(Feb. %, 1925, c. 368, } 20% 45 Stat. 1067.)