Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1273

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1%9 rmx.; ¤.-muh 1 péstnl fmasn or nppmpristicm; rcvacntidn of permits.——'I'&·;e Postmaster General mayhumlcr such mia and regulatkmh asyhe

 may·pmmribc, gm:/at permission for the use i11·first°m‘xd second

klass post c&ée§ _ ct apeéial canceling stamm or ‘°`po$tmé.rki¤:;g dies for advertising purposeéln thqfcllowizfg mcs 0u1y:·Fir'st; Vs lam? the évcut {0, &— advertised is for same national purpose mpwhich Ccngréss Qas made an upptppriaticg ;— second, where - me event tc be gdvértised is at general public iuteresgt and im- l

and is to ·c11dm‘e.`fcr h de§u`ite. period mf time and is 1

'ms; to he c0nqz,£<;ted__£cr. pr{vgtc §&i!1·01°·pl'0§t. Such permit mall! not he &’10Hg£l'. periogl than six months and the_dura4· ‘ fim; ufftlxc cv t tgbgevadvertigciii. Nothing ixi this séction sha § in- wnétrued ta autherizé "the expenditure of any pwtal fun _¤;· apprg>priélf<g11 gillaér for the`. purchase of lspeclal éaucelfhg J ->mm{:s caf Imstmarking dies drdfor adapting cagcclixyg machines my the use of such stamps dr ¢lies·z0rl"`fér. installing- the same; but all expense shall be prepaid by__ the permittee. A11y_permission grained mglcr this section »shs.ll,be revocable. in the Alaveqt . the Government shall Bud ii; eipeqieut or B§(!€SS3;1'&!tQ‘1ZlS§ spe- cial canceling stamps or postm%,u·kiug`dies for its own pqrposgs, (May 11,1922,c.186, §§’1,_2,42S$>at. 5id)’ _ _ · l ll $369. Use of prccémdcd ¢I\I€}0]$é8.-···?]]l9' _P<>st- master General may,ju¤dc1•7such raghlatlous as he uihy __pre·.§ scribe, {wm: a permit tg personsi pslng Government stamped euvclows tc dence the postage siampé thereon in ¢0n¤ect:i0n * wim the placing on .the_em~eicipes ct the name of the pos; omce { and State at mailing, uigether with such other, indicia as may { - be prgscrlbed. (Feb. 20; 1325, c. 275, 43‘Sta§. 955.) _ . 1 Ohapur 10.-pi-RHG MAIL. “I @1. Swim at reghtraticn; tndwmlty for loi o!_.¤rst·claps matter. - 382. Paynmt eg! Qlndemxgity claims byfpostmasters. ·. - 383. Indemnity for was at thiz·d·cln§| and fourth-class mg_tter." _ · _· 334. Registered matter _ and tees, · · · . l 3%. Banu; oi letters cohulnlag currency. __ 388, Receipt for diglivcry of registered ._ _ _ Sectiu $1. Systcq cf. registration; hndwnity for lon at `§r¤·d¤m'mattcr.—For the greater ·se<;urity» ct valuable mail _m¤ttm· the ?0stmasmr General may establish n m1l!o~rm’ system at mgismtiéu, and ag a pmt qt Buch system he mgy provide rules which sender micimem of ¤·st-clam registered matter slmtllbe tndagmiéed tm: lowes thereof in the mails, the indemnity to be paid but oi revenues, butwiulrw cm _ to exceed 109 $0:1111 cm regislvemd piece, or the actual value thereof that ig ms thqu {100,-nsdfcr which my other

 an `dr reimmrweut to the loser has been `madeL

The Pest 4 Depprtmcpt or in mvennm slmlljnot be liable Im the of mail mtter an ncccmt ot lm having raw lstered egccpt us provided in thiqchaptgr. (R; Q. Q @26: Feb. ] 27, 1&7, ¢..3&0, 1, 29 Stgt, Kar; 8, 1903,;:.,1069, l 1, & 1 _ St¤L,1174.)* '· ’ - .g ·· ‘ · ‘ · I “ 382. Pigment of limltgd indemnity `clpigip by padmwtenr-y The -P@@ster. General muy, puch mlm and regulations as he shall lb¢, autlmrlm postumsters to pay limited i¤· dmsmity claims on and collect-oi-delivery mall. i

  • 24, 19%, c. 161, [.1, 41 Stat. @1.-) _ Q j _ j

· 888. §y fs: of thir~d»dasi_ and: femrth-class] mattq;-·»-The Postmaster may the xuders or csmusbithird and tmth dads domedlé lcstoln minik, the iii °ty, www shall be paid out of the

1 mveum, gat gb cxcegd @5 {min axle secs cd regmexred

mat;m·~m· the actugl value wares! it —m¤:¤ %: Pmvlded, That no i¤d@lty shall be 4p¤ld—ifthel ¤‘»· ·hu‘bea¤·0th¤:wisg

M   1(lkrni, 1$11,‘cL 241, `§ 1,88 Stat. 1&7.S   ‘ .

zu. l mn rg•.—=-um emum mg-` iqtered ml; an md nwmndmld me party l  » the smh, andm¤fa¤the1~d¤r•ha1l·mtbe_lmth•;¤l5n¤!m¤·¤'thq¤ 20¤e¤tsi¤¢ddit:lmw&¢t‘¢¢ti1i!¤¤¤%,t¤§h,£¤¢ll¤¤,•¤•.

~ /` POSTAL SERVICE 403 g Her as t1re’P0etmastei· General stgalydirect; but the Postmaster

 General m;1y‘ Rx the, fee fur, registerej mail matter" at may

‘ eu;gmnt less tmm 20 cents. Letters `upen the 0Hicia.l business ‘0£ the Poet .06ice Department ‘ which iequire registering shall be 1~egi$te1jed tree bf ‘ehai·ge,_a¤d pass threugh the méils {ree et charge, argl any letter or pacget; to be registered by any of the executive departments -0: burezgmis thereef or by the, Public Printer may be regfstei·ed without the payment of any ré@try _£ee.’ (R. S. { 3927 ; Mer. ·3, 1879, c. 180, §· 29, 29 Stat; 362;, July 6, 1884, c. 234} § 3, 23 Sta}. 158.; Feb. 28, 1925, ·c. 368;% 209. 43 Stat. 1068.) ‘ , ‘ , 385. Rewtry of letters Ecmtaining eutre¤~cy.——·U:1der such Aregulaigiqns as the ,P0etma·ster General m§y preecribe, all post-

 masters are apthefized toxxister in the manner prescribed by

law, but _ without payment of may regietreticn fee, all letters ebnthining fractional or other eurréney of fthe United _ States, » _whicl) shall be by thw Wat by Qmdii {:5 Treasurer et the United States ·fof‘1‘€d€1!!§£i0H°§·&Hd the pesimastex at the city ‘ot¤ _Washi¤gtam, in the Dimict of Columbia; shell register, in like manner, withbut: tharge, ell letters containing new eurrency retumedibr cmirency redeemede which shall m recefveei ’ by him from the Tredsmer, in sealed packages, __marked with the woxjd _‘* Re§lste;·" over emma signatxilze of we mid 'Treasurexri (R. S.,§t3932.*) ‘ _ ‘ · _ _ ···f e . 1 386. Receipt for Qdisiery of ”rc@ered neil.--Wlienever the sehdei shqlllso fequest, ,pp<m`paym¤t of ax {ee of 3 cents, i a receipt shall He `fakeu on thedelivety or any re$stered mail matfer, showing- td whom _ the _ same was delivered, , whieh receipt shall be returned to the eermer, md be remived in Que cotgrté =as prima facie evidence of s¤e!i· delivery (R. S. § 3928; May 23,1910, c. 255,- 36 Sfat. 416; Feb; 28,-1925, c..36S, ` § 210, 43 Stet. 1068.) ‘ · "Chapte1··1 1.-Uxcmumaxw; umm, nm rmqumw nm- '1`EBS; AND `UNCLAIMED"PRINTEDe MATTER. 401. Advertklng letterenof delivered.

  • 402. ‘ Same; foreign letters. `

408. Sam; posting Este., 404. Same; pay tar. _` ._ 406. S¤¤»¢4icharge cm. ~· 1 406. Return et undelivered letters. . 407. Unpaid letters te deaddetter- owes. 408. Disposition of desi! letters. _ 408. Reqeen ter return. ° 410. Fexwarding letters.- _ . _ N 411.- Disposal of u¤ca}1ed·for printed matte:. ·‘

   j401, Advertising laters net deLiverw.·¢'1‘he Pastmaster Geueml   direct the pubiicatien ef. the list of new

delivered letters §t_ any post amen bi writw hat posted in some public place,. or, when be shall deemjit fm: the interestghe may direct the.p1;b1§ca;ti0¤ at auch Hx in me daikyéoc weekly ‘¤ewspepei· rmnluxly published, within; the post-amendelivery which has the t circuletixm within such delivery, and where noe daily paper is} published within the pest-cwce deliverl', such list xiqny be pablished in the daily newspaper of agny adjoining delivery having the larmt circulation within the E idelivery of the `pest emce publishing the list.; and in ease of _dispute as to the circulation of competing pewspepers, the pmtmaster shall receive revidénee und decide upon the fact. Such list s]nnll_be pixblished as frequently as the Postmeste; General may deem proper, *b\lE··I;10C btteeer ghdn ence •. week; (R. S. . · · · . h e , . - • " ‘

  • 492. Sami; fepdgn l¢tteu.—··——-Tbe~ list df mmdelivered letters

addreswd to fo!eig¤·b0rn persons may be published in a news- PSPW" minted in tlie l age meet deed bi them, which. shall be Seleitied iu? the mgmzeq prescribed in section 401`qf this Pune.- (R. 3.- S sem.) Q _ . _ . ·

  • 463. Silia; @@5 lists.-—-Every pbstmastere shall post, In a

ccuspieueus place i¤*his·omce, a copy of eachl lie; ot nqndelivered letters immedihtely aim: its publieation. _(R¢ S. J 3933.)