Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1274

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§ 404 urns 89.--THB P r a a · . . o 494. Sane; pay for.—————The compoasation for publishing the ` list of uondeliwred letters shall in ao ease exceed 1 cent for » earl: letter m published. (R. S. § E4.) ~ K · · 4%. Same; `clurge oa.-—All letters puplished as nondellvered $1::111 .be·~charged with 1 cent in addition to the regular postage, · to br accounted for as part of the_ metal revenue. (R. S. · _ 4%. Reima of uadelivered letters.·¢—The Postmaster General . may regulate the period duriag which uadelivered letters shall remain ln aeypoat omoe and when they shall w returned to , the draddetter othée; nad he may make regulations for their, return from the deaddetter emo to the writers when they car: , aot he delivered to the games addrmed. _Whe¤_ are returned (rm the dmddetter omce to the a fee of 3 l °— eeats shall he collected at the'time of delivery, uxider `such rules and regulations as the Postmaster Gmral may prescribe. {3.,8. $$3%: Apr. 24,_1§2Q, cl. 161, { 4, 41 Stat. 5%.) _' o _ . M7. Uapdd letters to dead·letter o&e.·-·All d@¤€tic' letters · l dwwted in any post o&ce for mailing, oa which t& ` wholly unpaid or paid less one, full`, rate a.s__ required by` i law, except letters lawfully free, and duly certided letters . or , soldiers, milors; and marines in the xrvice . of . the Unltw_ R States, shall be sent by the postmaster to the dad-letter o&ce ‘ ia Washlngtoa. But in ua-ge cities and adjacent distrlets’oI i deaee population, having {Wo or more. o·Qces withhl A dis- _ taaee of three miles ot each other, any letter mailed at one of . · such omees add. ai1d d,· to a locality within the delivery of _ aaother of o$pe•l, which ahall have been inadvertently , premid at the drogr or loml letter ··rate ot postage only, may. j be forwarded its dwtiaatiou through the proper 'oEce, j charged with the amount of the dedcieat postage, Qto be col· `; iected on delivery. (R. S. { 3937;) = _ . ` . i 1%. of dead - letters.4—All letters 'or. domestic j origin whié can, not be delivered by postmasters} ehall be sent _ to the Post Gmce Department or to ‘ a post o@ce designated by ; the Postmaster Geaeralland suchas contain inolosuros ot value;. ‘ other than correspohdeace,.' shall be; recorded. _ It the sender . or addrwee can not be ldeutitled, `such letters shall be held i for a mriod of one year awaiting reclamation. It within one year they have not, been claimed,. they shall be disposed of as l the Postmaster General may direct._ '- All other tinidellverable ' letters. shall he disposed of without record and not held. for reclamation. (R. S.`§ 3938; _July` 28, 1916, c. 261, § 1,39 Stat. 418.) ~ ‘ · - A ‘ ” 489. for !:€t}il'l\t·······`Vh€D the writer of any letter on J which the postage is 'prepald shall iudorse oa the outside there- * of his aame 'and addr&a, such letter shall not be, advertised, i hut, after remaining uaealled for at the o§oe to which it is i dlrectx t& time the writer may direct or the Postmaster G~e1iJ * eral prescribe, Yshall be returaed to. the writer without addi- 4 tional eharge for postage, and it not thea delivered, shall be * treated as a dead letter. (R. 8..§ 3939; June 24, 1910, c. 380, ii _86Stat.@6.) - , 419. Forwarding letters.-——Prepald letters shall be forwarded 5 {rom" oae post omee to another, at the reqaest ot, the; party · addreaeed, without additional charge for, postage. (R. S. { l

 ·. {   ~ .. “ · l.

411. Dbmsl of aacallecbfor printed. setter,-Jl‘he Post-. V master General may- provide, by regulations, for dlspodng of 1 ‘ printed and mallalale matter iwhleh hu! remain {la any post 1 omee, or ii: the departaient, not called for by the party ad· _: dressed ;- . but it the publisher ot any !¢fB@ or uncalhed-for 1 newspaper or other perlodlml shall pa; the postage due · thereon, each. aewsonpa or other periodical shall be excepted 1 4 from the operatloa of auch regulations. (B. S. § 40m.) . 4 Chapter l2.-—O0NTRAO'l‘S FOR CARRYING THE MAILS. j 421. Advertisement; general mall lettings. , . i 422. Same; temporary mall lettiuss; contracts. l

'OSTAL SERVICE 1260 423. Traasmlaslen byepacumatlc tubea; contracts: expert conypiselen; r. report. - . · · . 424. Contracts tex inland end torelgn atwmboat malleerelca. 425. Proposals; sealing; opening. A 126. Bend et bidder. ‘ — 427.. Same; jestincation et mretles; talée eath. · » 42% Recordln; and preserving blda; naaecepted hide; reports as te

 movement of malls.  

429. Contracts toelewaat bidder. E 430. Blgntng centractn fer mail transportation. 431. Ceplea of cqntracta. Y .. . 432. Oe¤h¢ to prermt bids. 433. Same; ter aku;-renter; service, hes obtained. • 434. Failure te `en lute er perform contract; pre@lap, 435. New anretiea on mall eentractp, 436. Limit et time ofcentract, -_ 437. Changing 'terma bt cantract. 438. Same; nettce`qt intention. ~ 439. Paymentzen contract. __ 440. Pay fer. additional regular aerylee. 441, Allowance for additional expedltlen; limit. 442. Extension of mall route;. ‘ _ ` 443.-'Flnlng éontracten. · 444} Mail contracts not aulgnable. 4§5. Sublettlng;u1ater of contract. 446. Sauei settlements nd payments. r _ 447. Cancellation at contract sublet; subcontractor! rights. 448. Services performed fer contractor er subccntraeter. 449. Water·r0ata· contracts. ‘ f · —` 459. Water routes; carrlage at halls an freight or eqres. _ 451. Star routes served eatlrely by Rural Delivery Service.

 i421. Adiertiseme I; `peneral .IaiI  

Peetmaeter General shall ca _ _ advertisements ei; all gmeral mail lettings ot reach State _ Territery te he censplcneasly posted ln each post emce 'named in mid 8dV€l"d@&B£8 fer at least sixty days before the time et snch gmeral letti@ and . no- other advertisement et snch lettings shall be required; hat this provision shall net fapply to any other than general mall lettings. (R. 'S._ 9 @41; Mar. 1,_ 1881, 96, E- 1, 21 Stat. ST4; May 12, _191_0,‘c; 230, 36 Stat. 366.) · _ _ _ n 422. Same; temporary nlail lettings; contracts.--After pmvidihg by general advertl@ent for the tranapertatien) of malls ln _ any State ‘0r Territory. as. agtheriaed hg law, the Postmaster General rnai secure any mall service that may becqme necessary before the next general advertisement ter said State or Territerjr · by pesting notices, fer a period et net lm than ten days, in the pest emceaat the termini ex any mute toibe let, and upon a bnlletin<beard_ln the`Poet 0&ce Depart; ment; 1¤v1u¤;,p¤»m1s,»1¤ such form and with such gearanty as may be preaerlbed `by the Postmaster General, ter are performance ot the prepmed service. The contract for arm service shall i—be made to run to the end of the contract term nndu the general advertisement, ehell he made with theleweet hlddar whose proposal ie in due term, and whe, under the law. is eligible as a bidder for such postal serv·lce.. (July 26, c. 249, S I, 27 Stat. 268.) _ ‘_ " _ . _ 423. Traasmiaaien by pneumatic tubes; expert coanmieaien; report.--·'I‘ha Postmaster General my enter inte contracts not exceeding in the ‘ aggregate $1,388,7% for the transmiwlon of mall by pneumatic. tuba w other similar de- · vices, ter a period not exceeding ten years, after pehllc advertisement once a we& for a perled of aix eeneecntlve weeka in not less than ive newspapers, one of which shall be published ln each clty where the swhee is te be pertermed. Contracts for thla service shall be subject to the 'previalena et me postal laws and regulatienarxting l to the letting et mall eentracts, except as herein ethe _ previded, and ne advertlaeneent shall Issue until after a careful lnvmtigatlen shallhave beenmade · as tethe needs and praeticahlllty of dude service and until 4 `· ‘ taverahw neport; in writlnk, shall have hem eubmltted to the Pestmaeter General bya ccmxnlmllon of not less than three ex?. pert pmtal eweials, to be named by- him; her shall each advertisement lane until in the judgment of the Peatgaster General