Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1284

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§ 564 »· TITLE ss.-·-mm P1 railmad mmpabg eb refuse to perfwm mail service at the rate; { or mcthédsv of cqmpcnmtion pmvidéd by law whw required by whe Postmaster General S0 to do, gud for si1ch·0Eense slmll be maed $1,000. Each day utrefuml ccustijtum n separate ·oii'euse. (July 28, 1916, c. 261, 5 5, subd. A @ Stat.- 431.) Z ` 564. Néw and s@tM••l service; M discontinuance of servic¢.—New scwice and addigiouzib service mi? be uuthm·i_zcd at not exceealizag the rates herein prqvided; and sérvice may be xjcduced or discontinued with pm rata regluctioués in pay, as the needs of the Postal Servicé may require. No additional ` `puy shall be allcwcé for udditidrial se;·vicc_ uulegs spécifigally autherizw by the Postmaster General. ‘ (Ju1yS28, 1916, cQ 261, §5, Subd. *{3,39Stat. -127.) g · ·_ h _ I ” · $65. Swial cggatracts for transpartgtiong report; of.eeThc` Pu:itmaster_.Geuera1 is aufhorized to make special contracts with the taiimad coinpaziics for the transportation ot the 11;:1115 where in his judgment the yimditions warrant the application of higher rates thén those herein `spe»ci§ed, and make reiiort to Congress <>t·a1Lc;1sas where such special` éontrucis -8.1*13 made apc] th4c" terms and rcas0us.t1xc1*efox·.‘= (July 28, 1916, c. 261, 5 5{subd. 10, 39QaL 427.)- · ‘_ ·. ·. y __ _- . . xqyéx . pmputy owned , _ by g:10th.gx8;M1 “¤n mp¤;¤y; ,,'_ over land-grim compapies,—=·Scrvicei ovér property owned or cumzmiled bi another company cr a_te4·mina1 commhy shall be » §¥0B.Si@1`8d· service of the railtcad comljany such property and not {hat of the other _0r terminal compajmji Seriice over [8E·g1'3I3t mad shall be paid, for agheréin provided; .`(.J{1ly 28, 1916; ie. 261.,} 5, suim.'12, 89 Statf427.) _. · . l ‘ U ._ · 8 567; ·Fa.§1m·c4tc or- c¤mpartmmts.—··If any milrcud cowpaay Qfiffmé the make- shall, fail or refuse to pro- . ._ vide wrs c:·”apaftmeuigs· in fof distiibnwou purposes when ` requir@ by thé Bqstmasizer General, lc: shall fail or refuse tb

 §¢ 119. maiiitiih,   iight, and cléan suéh cars and

' ,provide.such appliances fgar use in 8880 of accident ps may béj required by the Postmaster General, it shal1·`b¢ lined such mal Ewable sum as may, ir; the dimrétion oi the Postmaster General, he deemed p1·0pe;·. (July ‘28, 1916, c; 261, S 85, sinbd. 14, 39 Smt.`4%.) --¤ 1Q _ `._ ~. ~ • .» » -¢ fron pay-fpr h ar naapcrfbrmace- of service.-—The General may mak; deductiw txjom thqrpgy qt Zréilrcad mails xmder the prcvisiiaps of 524 to 568 ot this tit@ (cnf. .1·=e<1m:¤0n in gcrvicc or lipfrequcncy _Wh81‘B,' in his jmé t,,, ci the facilities .withdrawn' or redwsd il:. and dam up®_ them Ihr qelmqueuciw. He,¤s¤7`ded11@t“the·pficc“0f the value at ip cam whgm it is not pmfaimed, and mt exceeding thmé? dma , its it indium be by {am-mult bt; the 8rat1— road gcmpany. (July R; c. 261, I 5, subdL_18, 39 Stan;. `_ $5469. R;tg·f¢r and The utc at tp. be paid pgr milaicr inland transportation bt bi gfitric had cablé @1*8 shall xiét- the rate .mid_q¤.A_pri1 1%% to pertosmini ch; service, except tht the Pcstmngter in mm wheré thai ¥ Y quantity, of mail is and the dumber ct exchange points _ 1 numerous, may, in hisdiscretism, anithorizé; payment to1*·c10scdpcssch service at 1 utc not to_ émqml oxmthird abové the rate per paid on date for closed-·p0ueh service;. and for mail and apartments ·(h§__§iH, not to e·xceed· the rate pt 1 wht per Hum! foot per ¢gi•—mile,0f travel. The mms (cr electric-car seryiéc on rouwd GVQI twenty miles in léngtb outside ot cities shall um exceed the ·1’&t2S pug for servtce gm stein; railrcgés. (Mar. 8, 1917, c. 1&, I 1, 89 Stat. ]%6;·Apl'. 24, 1920,1:. 1m; { 1, 41 SQL ` · ° _576.'Snme; rates, by Chunk-; . sion.--The Interstate Gémmewo is

LSTAL SERVICE · , W 1270 and directed to hx and determine from time to time the-'fair and reasonable rates sud compmation mr the tr t.ationoi mail matter by urban add iutcrurbzm .é1cctrié railway common .carriers and thelscrvice therewith, ymrimng ‘ the method or methods by weight 6r amaze, m both, or otherwwe, for apcertaitiing such raté or compensation and its publisi same, and orders ’so made and published- shall continue in force until changed by the commission after due nctiéé gud ·&81'illg.· It shall bg unlawful for_X¤y urban 0i· iriterurbau electric railroad to refuaefto pegguim mair1servi<;e at t.he·ratw’0r methods bf compensation tkiis provided for·si1c!rserviée when required by t1;e_ Postmaétér Geueréi so to do! and for such ofeuée shall

 fined $100. Eaéh dai of rcfxiéal shall constitute a éeimrute

0Ecnse. (July 2,.1918, c.-117, S .1, 40 Stat. 748:) . _ " l ..5-71. Contracts with railways iritheat ndicrtisingr-’I'he ‘ Postmastexj General mai `enter into contracts ict mrrying me mail; with railway qompaniw, witbont advertising for bids therefor. (R.; S. § 3942.) _ Q ` _572. Weighing- of mails; r¤ndj¤stéxmts.—+Wbe¤, during a weighing perikjd, on aécvouqt of Hoods or other causes, intenvp-W tions in servicé occur on railroad and the weights ot mail a1rc‘dccreg§cd below the h0rma1,·0i where there is a¤~ omimion fo takg> .§eights, the Postmaster General, tot the purpose 61 rgadjustiug xzompenmtiogn on .s¤& railroad` as are affegted thereby, uiayyiu his disérction, add to the weightr of mails ascertained on such routes during that of the weighing period when conditions ‘arc éowin to have bécu` normal the éstmated weiéhys for ting; of (he weighing period. when conditions are shown to have been not normal, or, where théré has been an omission to mke wei@xt$, based upon the average of weights taken du_;·ing` that wrt of the wei@ing pgriod during which conditions ite to ha€¤_b¤m fhehcétual weights mid the mimated freight; to form the ham . for the average {eight per day upon which to madjm. the . compehsatiop according to law on_ sqch railroad'fm¤us for thé trahspcrtatibu of the mails. (May 18, 1918, c. 1N, l .4,. Stat; *161.)- " l —— _ _ _‘ - _ . — 573. Same; withdrawal of *;frei¢t•Nc lots af pastafmppli¤.y-—-The Postmagter General .sh&1l` wha in treight·· able lots dbd- whenever .pncticableQ fbé .withdr&vé&l‘ from the mails `ot~a11 postal cards, smmmd- envéopca, newspaper wrap- _ pers, empty bagspturnituré, gqwment, and mmm ' tor-the service, excepf in thx rugnmn gvqighing divisions of the qmntry, £¥¥%' ` weighing period S in said and tbweaiter w@ @1:sQ cards,_ slgampedz ¢¤ve10p&,_ maill bagé, iumitnée, equipment. the Postal Servic¢,'exceg§ ··: ;·-·· ·¤ · éall b!T¢i*·§¢¤‘ ` freight; or cxprm. _ (Mn! 12.1610. c. 239; 36 Sta¢. 3@·) y 574. Beadiutpugt of in far wail divute§ after yeithih; periods.-·—Wheu, after n weighing of the mails tar the purpose of rendjusting the wuppgmticn for thm panspcrtatica on,._a railroad r0¤tc,'.mai1s_- are jlivérted t\m or thereto, the Postmaster General may, in his hdhcrction, ascgttnin the e¤Qct‘ of such diversion; by ·• ni such mgiyrtcr such . number of suqzcedvé wqrhug days ns_ he determine, and: hhvo thé weights stated gnd vcri&‘ tc him ps pthér and readjuu the mmpwntioh on the routes accordingly. (Aug. 24, 1912, c. 3@, [4, 87 Stnt.·554.) - " 5‘!5.· Weighing imilsy psimentq »c(_ upenn; of c9¤p¤t•··_ ti餧.——··O¤t oi the appropriation for inland mail E-granmortatiem the. Postmaster Génegnl may pgy rental if nceesgggy in Wgghinxfcn, . of Columbinwnnd compémticin hn tnbqlators. and Qmks employed in ¥ » on with the weighing; for nmstnnce in qsompwting c¤mimt•tio¤$ iu. conueétion with the expenqcn qtthkhug hthe wei@t• of on railroad rdutes, ggprovidéd by lui. (Har. 4, 1911,~c. 241, {1, 38 wt. 1334.) 4 ._ N l