Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1292

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§ . 711 TITLE w.·g¤!HI» 725. Chang& and modiflcnti·on~¤f orders, _ 726; Onders in correct errors. 727. Orders payable at any emcc. ~;, , 725. Repayment eyerders. Tw. Regalacigxg lost orders. ·· 730. P;zynwn@unpa1d orders after lapse of seven years. 731. Same: domestic orders unpaid nfter’tl1ree ywrs. 732. I“•a;-ment ei ecders issued in {aver ot lctteries. 733. `]`I'31tSf{‘1‘ nf funils. · . 733. ‘l‘zi·:am¤fcr by warrant te funds. · 73%,5. Repartcf funds. 726. What in be fumls. K T3';. huglicatcs ot lest checks. _ _ ·73S.` Postal netes. . · .· _ ` ·, 7%. Disposition of money-orderistatements._ . - Section 711. Meneyéerdcr system established.-To promdtc public cenveuienceyand to insure greater security in the transfer et meney.ti1re11gh‘.tl1e mail, the Postmaster General may eétablish amt maintain, under `such rnlee and regulations as he may deem expedient,. a* uniform money;-order system, at all suitable post effices, which shall be designated. as " m0ney·0i·der umcesw (R,.`S.§4G27.)- » a · K y g E 712. Foreign meney-order.exchanges.—The Postmaster Genetal may mnclude atrangements with the pest departmenta 01 foreign governments with which postal conventions have been er may f be ccnclnded for the eichange, by means of postal orders, of small sums oflxnouey, not exceeding $100 in amount, at such rates of exchange and compensation to postmnsters and under isuch rules and regulations as he may deem expedient; and the expenses of establishing and cenducting such syatems of exchange may be mid out of the pfoceeda, of the meneyerder business.- i(R. S. § 4028; Jan..30, 1889, —c. 100, 5 1,_25_Stat. 654.) ‘_ · · . · » [ ’ 713. {entrance of money crdera at branch 0Eces and Staa tions.-——Thc postmaster _ of every city `where branch pontzoffices or stations are established and in operation, subject to his supervision, lsj authorized, under the .dir·ection ot the Pest master General, to iwue, or to cause td be issued, by any ·o1 his assistants or clerks in charge et branch post omees ox stations, postal money orders, payable at his ewn er at any other meneyerder ewce, cr at anybranch pest 05ce cr station cf his 0·a‘n,‘ or et any ether meneymrder 05cc, an the remittcrs thence! may direct; and the postmaster and his sureties shall, in every case, be held; accountable. npbn his omcial bond for all moneys received by him *0:. his. designated ‘ awistants 01 clerks in charge of stations, {tom the iwue of money orders, and {cr all moneys which may come into his or their bangle, QI he. placed ln his et their custedy by ram ci the transaction by them of xneneyemder business. (R, SJ | 4029.) '; _ 714, Who tc act in absence of pmmaetepg-——I¤ case or the sicknem or unayoldable abnence irem» his b&ce ct the post-

 ot any money-cgder pm omce, he may, with the anproval ct the Postmaster General, autherize the chief clerk,

cr some ctkr clerk employed therein, to act &_ his plaifée end to discharge all the duties requiret} by law, of such postrnastet; and- the omcial, bond given by the. ’p1:inciml ot thé cmce shall be hchl 'tc cover ana apply to the acts ot the pernonappcinted to act in his place in auch cases: and such acting emcer shall, ter the time belngpbe subject to all the liabilities and penalties prescribed by law for the omlal mis- , conduct in like wwe ot the postmaster ie; {Whom shall act. (R. S.} 4031.) - `_ K ._ y ,715; Hanks and hda in badness.-——-hqcpt an providectim section 111 of Title 44, crt ctherwlqe pmvided by law, all blank books, and prfntcd_oi· engraved matter na M masters by the P%1ster Gewal or used in his dwbmenl y for the transaction at the meneymmm shall be cbtnineq from the lowest Xeiiwmible »_ a  » c and engraved matter, £’1vely, mma: numb sdvvtine ments wlllng for proposals to furnish the mpc iq: 5 91

POSTAL SERVICE 1278 tour ymrs, upon meh conditions an the Postmaster Genera} tony prescrilge. The Director ot the Burma of Engraving and .Pri¤t1ng of the '1‘rea¤¤1=¥ shell zsubmit estimates of the eoot ot turnishiugimh, printed. and engrnvecf matter ‘ .as may be requirw for 'use in the `moneyorder business, and shall furnish such printed and Qngaved matter whenever upon his estimates 01 cost the .expendimré therefor will, he ,5 less than upon proposalemade as above pmvided. fur. (Mar, t 3, 1883, c. 123, 5 2, 22 Stat} 527; June ‘4, lam', c. 2, § 1, no sm. 1s.) _ _ " . { . _<*~’ _ 716. Amount of orders, and fees.-5 money order shell not — be__ issued for more than $100, and the fees for doxnentie orders shall be__aszIo11o§vs-—¥- e _ ‘

_ `For orders not exceeding··$2.50./5 cents. , .

._ _ For orde_rsi exeeediug $2.50 and net? exceeding $5, 7 eentsr. r . Fororders exceeding $5-and not exceeding $10, 16 vents. s _` For orders eiceeding $10 and not exceeding $26, 12 eems. { E0: orders exceeding $20_ and nofexceeding $40, 15 cents. Y For orders exceed=ing'.$40 and not exceeding $60, 18 cents. ` For orders exceeding $60 `and not exceeding $0, 20` cents. - For orders exceeding $80·nnd not exceeding $100, 22 cents. f 1 (Mar. 3, 1883, c. 123,- § 3, 22 Stat.627; Jnn.‘27, 1%, e. 21, {2, ¤· 28 Stqt. 31; Feb. 28, 1925, c.'368, Q 208, % Stat. 1968.) _ ° l 717.. Clerks; compensation: adéitiovnal clerks at hternatienal ,· exchange o§ees.45—Pestmaeters at rntmeyorder poet olfices et i the-first and second classes may be allowed by the Pestmster - General to employ such number of clerks in the transaction ef n their moneyeorder busizxees, and at such rates gfeommneation. e respectively, as he- may deem expedient,_`e;eept anfotherwme ‘ , iprovidedninj ehnpter"1. of this title. At all m=euey=o1·®r post- ‘_otHces, other than post tofficeé of the Bret, eeeond,~_and third - elasses, the compensetion for the clerical labor inj themmer s order. business. shall be paid ont of the teen received;-ior the a · issue of money ordersi; and shall be 3 eents foreach domestic er - International money order imued. The P'on§aster 5 may allow to` the postmaster at each international excmnge ’ r omee sueh additional qmeunt in each `cnse, out of the annnai r appropriation for clerks in post edices, as he may deem exa pedieut to enable these postmasters to obtain the clerical labor i· necessary ,1or the pertormémee of snch special duties an are , imposed-uponthem by the operations of the moneynrder system r and °zu·e··not required ot other.posmnetere. The ·mlartee· of ~ r postmnsters, as dxed by }aw,‘shall‘be— deemed and taken to be ` l "full compensation for the responsibility and risk incurred and , ter the personal servicesrendered by them as custodtnns of the , - money-order and other funds of, the Post `Depsrtment: é (Mar. 3, 18&, c._1%, S 4, 22 Stat. 528;,.1im. 27, 1894, e. 21,`§_3, >. 28 Stat. TS1} Feb. 28, .1925, c. Sw, ${1,3, 4,,43 Stat. 1054, 1858, · 718; Unpaid orders.-——·Domestic meney orders ebelt not be . paid at the omees upon which they are drmeu, or nt the I d of issue after one year horn the lent day of the month of - · issue of such money orders; out eueh money , orders slinll be = nent to the Poet `Omce Department and~nhaH_ hepeid by n " z werrant of the Postmaster General. icountersigned by the ` r Comptroller General or the United Suteé ont of any money in ° k the Treasury to the credit of the Post 0% Department, to · ‘the extent of the moneys paid, in on thin aeconnt, the payments ‘ . so,. made to be charged to an appropriation account heneby

‘ created to, be denominated _" Unpaid money orders more than

1 one year eld." (Nar. 8, 1%, c. 1%, } 5, E Statr`528; Jan. , _27,-lwi, e. 21,] 4, 5 Stat. 82; June 10, 1921, e. 18, §· 304, ··_42Bt¤t.34.),1 _} · · E 719., Blank sppllcahnn for qderse-—g'Ihe Postmaster General - shall supply meh monwQorder·od1ceg as heymay `deem expel diegwvith Nui: form od applications for money orders, in - new roman b• (R. 8, [ww; Jan. 27, 1@4, e. ¤¤·’1»‘§.'*.%§¢¤t-&>,>· · * * ·