Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1293

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1279 » .r1z·Ls as.-qu. 728. Forms {ar P@th:a&c: Gencrgl mall px saibe the form im the ixawwf Q9¤é].0!‘é€i’8- and sh: tumwh. mzaueyardm wm with printed ’i¤»g·_e;1gravéd tcm for Gamma Qmq orders, andnc mum! order mall be nl amicus dtawn apos sich {crm. (R.'.8.‘§ 4034; Jan: 27, 1@4,` — 21;*3 QE Stnt1§;'Mni•. 1,~1@9, g. 327,05 5,*30 Stat. 90 June 10, 1921, c.`1§, { 304, 42 8t•t._ 24.) 1 j. Q §_ = 721.; Pcstxxnastep Gene; may autkarize postmasters at pm ·0¤ices._ 0t11cr`th:m ·th—<j _ aiaéxnatm as mcnerordér =·b¤ce.¤ to issue ° money orders in ti same farm as prxitded férin segtica 720 of thig title, exceptia that sash money brders be in such form as td preve their being drawn {01* a sum in excess of $5; themtes for sw mane! crdérs to be the xiing né those provided for int sectii 7145 of this title; and post! owca so authorized shall, be desi mated -*‘ limited mongrorder b&ceé.” (lan. 21, 1894, c. 21, _§ 1 _%Stat.33.) ._ ~ i 722. Rcguktiaué; desifnatioxi of m6cct‘to sign` warr g. '1The_PQStmaSte1' Geuéral shall have power to make? all need! regialntions for the enforcement M this chapter, and may desi nate any c·Qcgr of thé;Pbst 0&éé Depaygmeut above the gra< fof fourttvclnss clerk te sign all wai·i·a.¤_ts authoriged by th chapter in his stéad; and such `wurmnts when s0_ signed shi be, of the éme valiéity as: H they had been signeifby the P0: ·mastcr General. (Jan. 27, 1@4, c.j21, § 12,28 Stat. 33.) Y " 723. Indorscmeit af qgdgn.-—Thé pgyge of a money ord may, by HK writtm indcfsewt thereéh, direct it to be paid any cthér pérsca, and the postmaster on whgm it is` sha my the same to tm person thus desiguatedhprovided- he sh: furnish such aq the Postmister Géuerul may prescrii that ·the`indbrscment if genuine, and that he is the perse empowered tq receive payment ;.but more than one inglbrseiucz shaii render gu order invalid and not giayuble, and _ the ahoide to obtain mymcut, must éppiy in writing tq the__I__`@tmast· Géuerdl tar a haw drdexi in Req thereot, returning the opigiu Qrdcr, md making mah prob! ot the genuiuenéss of thé indors ments as the PQ$m£8£?1’ 'G€§1&1;§1 may rquira. (R. S. 5 403’ Feb. 18, 18175, c. S0,.} 1,*18 Stat. @20.) _ — . · . F 724, Idqtiécatiaa of payee.—-Postinasters shall notigsmie an » money under conditioned that ·identi§cati011 of payee, indorse mr attorney may be véinived, `nbr shall my postmaster pay ax money order iwued without requiring identification ot .t1 payee, indorwe, or `attomey, (Mar. 1, 1899, k:. 3%, § 5, J _Stat.9®.)_ -~ ‘ · 7%., @11géh and ncdiicstion of orders:-¥—After a mom order been issued, it the purchaser desires to have it mod Had or changed, the postmaster whq issued the_oi·de1·.s1m11 tal it mak am issue another an lieu ct it, iortwhich a mévq tec sha becxwtcd. ”(B. S.§4038.) _ `. _ 72§." Omdcrsgc correct értm·s.——M0néy orders may be dmv by (118.S?3i}€¥iDt£Htd€HI·Gf*.th% Division of Money Orders wit out the exaction ot mz additional fcc for the purpose of cc recting errors mma, by issuing or paying postmasters. (Ma .1, 1899, iz. 327,] 5, 30 Statl 966.) _ a ‘ _ _ ` ` _ 127. Orkrs paynwge at any ck.-—Under such xulw ax rguidticm as the I’éStufast<;r- General Shah préScribc post. money orders may be payable at any moueyorder pm bmw, and ah mouéy orders shall be lwally payable at mz mongywyder pxt cmce, although drawn cm 8. specmed oihc (Feb. 6, 191Ai, c. 15, 38 Stat. @0.) J ·» ' 728. Bcpaynmt af crden.-——·Tbe postmahier is$uiug a mon: , order smll mpayqthe amount of .it upqiq the application e thi: person who obtiixwd it, and the retard `at_ the ordér; bn the fee paid for it shall not be rammed] (R. S. § 4030; Jaz _ 27,· `1®4, c. Z1, { 6, E Stat. 32;‘Iune 10, 1921; c. 18,] 304, 4 Stat.24.)» · · · = · T · 729. Replacing lost ordcr;.y——$V11e:1ex·er a monejr order hz been lost within one ywr trxmi the Last day ct; the month e

a 1>o.s1’A1,.en12.v1ea· . _ § 732 Fe- issue the -·Pos_tnias£er General, - the applieation ot the all rernitter or payee of such order, xnayxnnse a duplloate thereof ns to bt? issued, without- charge, providing the person losing the iid original shall furnish a certificate frem't,ne,pommaster by whozn c. lt was payable that it has not been, `and will not thereafter be, Q; paid; and a similar certificate from tnerpostrnaster by whom it _ was issued thatlit has h as··n,ot been, andivlll not thereafter be, fal remld. __ Whenever a money order, which has been paid. rse within one year tromithe lastlaay. of the month or issue, has he been lost,. the Postmaster General, upon the application of the ¤8' `remitter o1‘fP¤3’6e of such order, shgll issne a"warrant forethe nt paymexit thereof, as provided for in section 718 of» this title, ch Lwithout charge, on the ‘t·ertitl<·ato of the General Aecormting on Qiflce, or_ upon such other proof satisfactory to the Postmaster lg¥ General, thatthe order has not been paid. (R, S. § 4940; Jan. L0, 27, 1894, e. 2}, 11, :28 $@33; Jane 10, 1921, c. 18, '§· 394, , ;12Stat.‘2-14) _ `_· ‘ ·_· . 4- · 730. Paymeirt; nnpaH orders . after lapse of seven years.-- ul The Postmaster- General upon evidence satisfactory to him, and lg- under special regulations he shall prescribe, may Qnse de payment to be made in the manner prescribed in Sections 718 lis and 729 of this title, of the., amount of any money order remain-. all ping °unmid_`·a£ter the lapse of seven years from_ the date of =its 3t·' issne, (July `16,‘ 1@4, e. 'I37,i§ 4,,28 Stat. 107 ; Mar. 3, 1897, l c. 385,29 Stat. 6-18.)` . · V · - err 5731. Same; domgetic orders ifter three y¤r¤.——The to postmaster 'General, 'uponjevidenee mtistaetory te him, and in under such special regulations as he shall prweribe,. may lll cause payment made in the manner prmribed in wctions be 718 and 729 ofthis title, of the amount of aaydomestic nioney Xi order remaining unpaid after the lapse of three - years from ¤t the dateot jts issue. Itshall betbe dnty of tbelieneral Ac- >1‘». counting Oflice to maintain a· complete and permanent record BP of all unpaid money orders issued by postmastms in the 81. 'United States, or such of its insnlar possessions as are*ame· ¤€· nable to the authority of the Postmaster General for payment 7 ;_ · within jts own territory, such. record to· Serge as Ya basis for adjudicating `claims for payment by warrant of the amounts of 1F ·. said orders. (May 27, 1968, c. 206, 35 Stat. 416; Jane 10,1921, >€._ e. 18, {.304, 42 Stat. 24.) - · ‘ ° Y ‘ 15* · 732. Payinent of orders issued in favor of lotteries.-——The iw Postmaster General may, upon evidence satisfactory to him 30 `that -any person or company is engaged in conducting any lot- , tery, gift. enterprise, or scheme for the distribution of money, ey or of any real or personal property by lot, chance, or drawing li- of any kind, or that any person or company is conducting any ke other schexne for. obtaining money or propwty of any kind lll through the mails by means of false ‘- or fraudulent proteases, · `l‘8})l‘&il£8.ti0RS, or promises, forbid the _ payment by. w postrn master to said person or company of any postal money orders h- drawn to his or its _ order, or in his or its favor, or to the »r-· agent of any such person or company, whether such agent is lrf acting as an individual or as a ilrm, bank, eorporation, or association of any kind, and may provide by regulation for the rd return to the remitters of the sums named in such meney al orders. ’ V ·· , , ` st‘ This shall not authorize any person to open any letteenot ny addressed tohimselt. ~ K _ _ · ~ a . »e._ The public advertisement hy such person or pompany so con- ’ ducting any such lottery, gift enterprise, séneme, or device, ey that remittances for thelsame may be made by means of postal of money orders toany other person, arm, bank, corporation, or at association nagmed therein shall be held to be,prlma facie evi» < n`. dence of the existence of said agency by all the `partles named L2 therein: but the Postmaster General shall not be prevluded from ascertaining the existence of such agency in any other a as legal way. (R. S. § 4041; Sept. 19, 1899, e. 908, 5 3,- 26 ot Stat; 466.)