Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1301

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lo 1287 rum .50.-——PL'BLlC uU11.D1.x •· -. . TITLE 40.--PUBLIC BUILDIB ("laaptct _ Q Sec. 1. runue numnmos, oaouxns, nuns, Asn wrunvm xx D1s·rn1<~·r or *Co:.muux_.s.. ... ..--i. ... ‘.-. .. . Q,- 1 2. (".u•rroL· Bmwmo .sxn_ Gnouxns;. .. . ... .,.,r..,- 161 ` ("hnptcr 1.-—PUBLIC BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, PARKS, AN D WHARVES IN DISTRICT OI? COLUMBIA. i 1. Public Buildings Commission; gncmbers; `powers ond duties. 2. 0¤ce ofPubilc Buildings and Public Parks of National Capital; — ‘ Director of Public Buildings uml Public Parks of National ` Cnpltnl; ‘ . · . _ · 8] Ponuninsion Din claalke of State, ·Wnr, and Navy Department Bnilding·abolislle<l;/duties. etc., of commission and- superim tendent transferred to director. ‘ - 4 . ; 4. Olllce of Pnb1lc‘Bn1ldlms_ and Grounds nbollsbed; duties, etc.,` y transferred to director. ._ _ · · . _ · 5. 0&cers and eznplojvees of odlce·ot‘ Public Bulldingu and Public Parks; records; pinpern, etc.} transferred; detail ot Army omcer; to assist director. g. ‘ · _ ~ . · · o.'L•ws not amected by creation of o&ce of Public Buildings and . Pnlalic Forks of Nftional Capital- Y · ‘ 7. lllstrlbution of employees. : ‘ 8. Estilnntee ont} appropriations. 4 . .. 9, State, War, `and Navy Builgllngs; care ondoupervisioa. ` 19. Director'; duties extended to onnei buildings. ‘ . ` 11. Duties extended to tenlporory"o¤ce'bulldings.· _ _- 12. Pere, melntennnce. etc., of Interior Department, Pension Oqlce, · - Potent Osce. and General [Anal 0Qee Buildings. ·..‘ _" 3 13. Cure, maintenance, `etc.,__ot Department ot J notice Buildings. · 14. Cure, maintenance., etc., of Department ot Conxmeree Buildings. ’ 15. Fare, inalntennncc,‘ etc., of jbeportment of Labor lo, Core, maintenance, etc., ot Treosnry"Depnrtment Anoex Building. 17. Core, nelntciiezacc, etc., ot civil Service Coxnmission Buildings. 18. Core. ¤aiut<mnnce,~ ctc., of ° interstate Commerce Comnzigsfon 19. Director to here charge of `polalic bulldir&o and grounds. . .29. Bw ot director. · _. 21. hmtsctnre noo sale of lee, elecuicity, and eteun to executlve

  • denarmcnu lndebendent establishments.

22. Cwtral wang, llghtlu, and power plant; _ . 23. Hulman nm for Qgae. _ - ‘ 24. Lightxlnglitmps ln imbllc grounds. _ " `

 Rentgk lor   forernoro. -. - .‘

26. Iwect@»;‘o! in and electrlemeters. _ . . _ ' 27. Superintendent of roetms to yrwort conmmption of gu. "28.‘ Telerrnon eonwctlng ,pnblic bnllolnge; supervision} _29.8n¤e;o•e‘oflllne•. P F °·· "'`` N. Sane; onleof material or lines. 31. Use otpublfc buildings lor nomic " [ 32. Altorhéono or work on Trenmry Bulloing. , - _ . _ on expcoultures for prmuctiun of electricity. _ ·

 of   oi buildings-in D1otrict_o!_ Columbia: contracts not to be

—. muh now nnproortstloo. ‘ · ‘ ‘ 85. $s.¤e: rent orotgher onlldlnge. _ . 1 36. Lease ol stomge qcs..¤o lotio¤s by Hondo oi eriecutive depart-. 87.,Leo•e ol buildings-; for Military purposes. · 3Q. Rent of torlluvy · ‘· 39. Some; for Depertmnt ot Justice. 46. nemo; for Bepnxment of . . _ ; 411 Requisition; oi mlldlnge ln Dl•trlet,°o£` Coluanbia by Secretary · ’ otWnr.’Zr ’ . ‘ [ _42.` ond emzommodotionoi for Civil Service Coonnlsqion. A . 43. Advertisements unl soles in or around \\'¤.»hlngton lllonument. ,44. F‘lsh in Honuwt Grounds. . ‘ ` _. 45; Chle!M of  : chsrmdat Wallington Aqueduct. 46. Some: ~j · ` 47. km; · _ $8. ounce; to ohq Pr¤4ent.` ’ ·

 $a.¤e:~ro¤¤§‘<l of prooertip

oo. Qame: rmrta. _; ‘ 51. lane;. antlnorlty. _ _. §2.._%••e; to Secretary or wor. · l ‘ _ . Fi io: proteclum of Whshington A§=%uct and ‘ Hltntion Plan;. · · . . ° ·.

 H®¤¢?u· for nublk   expenditure. N _ _

·5¤·.1w¤ w mon: kxinrfcr me w I6. Sane; •m%·¤•d @1:;. ‘

TGS, PROIWRTX`, ..l.\`U WORKS § IGS, PROPERTY, AND WORKS Chapter . . » . Sec. 3· PUBLIC B¤I¤LD¤'N•¤S AND wumas, <:1;xrm.u.r,t_,,-..,. ,,__,, _,,,., _,,,., 251 ‘ 4. Tm: -rum.u.· I'R¢)I’l-lRTY_,__;_,____ ______ MM; _____ __ ____________ ;__ :2;;; 5. Homis or rjénox ox}; x>uu,w vmmgg ____ ___ ___________ _ ______ _ 3;;; I Séc. . x ` ,57. Shme; umlicinus breaking. . 58'.'Malici¢ms1y making watexj impure. 59. \\’atex· infpublic buildings; shutting ath 60. Street parking, ‘ _ ·_ _ . ·_ 61. Jurisdiction of Highway Briclgefu tjomuussignén; 6{ Digzriqg, 62. I"l"8.l1(’iS• Scott Key Hridgen _ - 63. Tse of appropriations for htidges. #*4 64. Juriqelictionrngbr portion of B Street. - - 65. Limitartibu on" contracts of District fomm§.¤;s=1o:»prn. r 66. Improper appropriation of styvets. » ·-:• “ `67. Permits for exténsiem of buildings bcynixd buikiing jixié. 68;,B¤i1d`ingx on reservations, ‘pm·kx, br public gruuguts. ` *569. Watqhmen ; powers df police. ‘ ' . 70. Same: medlcixlpttendance. · l — 71. Park and playground system; National Capita! Park Commis- , ` ‘ sion ..·. · · 72/ Sgme; acquisition _0f l:md· by commission. Z3. Samv; afnpropxriation. . ~» _ _ 74. 9amr·.: report t0_ Congress; estimate for Ijureau of Budgpt. 75. Pdrk system; control. _ _ ‘ - 76. Control bydirector; ;x·aQc regulations. . 77. Special police`; appoingment; pbwers. 78. Use ot spuees or réservations fm- widening roadway;. _ _ 79. Tra1;sfm·s_ of 1H!;}Sd}€ti0i1_b€tW€P¤ dirqctar and Cammisxisnem at - District. ‘_ _ . . - . ‘ I - · _. 80. Reguldtions for care of ;$ubIic‘ grounds. E . ' 81. Same; extended iq sidewalks. _ · ‘ _ _ /82. Public- spacqs reéulting from jilling qt canals unéer jurisdkrtimr - Lot dire;·ct01·.~·_ . ·` l 83; Rcckfréék Park; establishment. 84. Same ;‘ control andwegulatirms. , . _‘85. Piéey Branch Parkiray par; uf, park system. S6. Potumnc Park·;`Q$tabHshment. ‘ ‘ 87. Sum; control. _` D. I, . 88. Same; restriction aaccnstruction of lagoon or spee§w•y. · 89. *84me; temgorury cmczmaucy bye Demrcmhrxt et Agrimltum. 90. Licemés for bunt banks of tidal reservdr. ‘91.‘Sqme; tiéa} basifnbathing bench. “ ‘_ _ ~ _ . 92. §at.m·; parkway connecting with Zoological _¤¤é_R¢¢k Creek Pitts. 93. Sum!} pérks at. cértain stx·e·efurtherse<·ti¤ng _ A . `Q4. Axmcbstid l*nrk._ _ _ , - x 95. `Glavcr Parkway and Chi¥d;·e¤`g_ Playgrmuil. 96. Same; part at park system of &intrlcf. ’ `_ . 97. Jutfsxlictims over reservation .185. U " 98; Use of public (ummm for playgrounds. . - , _ 99. _L&cemex mg temporary $tructm·m· cm xmservatyaas med ps phy- 100. Paint ut Wanhiugtmn A§i*¥educt mr .p!aygmumI parpmser. ·° . 101. Laws df District extvrxdml. to ppblic buik1in§a am? gmumisf 1024 Ailantuétpvés pmhibifed. - . ‘ - 163. Trees. slsrum, and punts. in gmg¤§0:.x.s.m and nursery. 104. Cummiuiem at- Fm; Arts. · _ ‘ ‘ ' 105. Same; secmtdry and executive oécegl ` 106. Bama: limitation &{·ai.¤::2ia1_ex,p¢¤dit¤1~e. _ , -,

 107. Whgrf property; control by Qumnamsicnérs af — Distyict.

108. Same; rex¤tati·.m._ 4. · . -_ `_ 109. Inspqctiqg; of me! in Di¤tn¥ict of C0_§umbiu·; i¤§•p<~ctm§sQ ·1re§g!ge·xrs; and méiéumgrs. ·

 116. _Gpvemmeut fuel yards. _

111. Same; Kava; Establishment 'exgeptced. ‘ _ _ 112. Appropr1ati¤.n-fen mel; icuntmcts in advance af. M 118. Delivery at coal {sr use éuring ensuing Baca:} yc·¤r.” 114. Payméqtq {mj mé! mrgtshed. ‘ » - . 11.5.- mspcmtmp cfprmaeds at mm .0I tml, 118. Awnwrigtien ter mel ’;· use. · · - . 11'I._ {maine! gud gm gauge; xm of. HQ. EX{?¥.38 at mntm vqhiekén. mr new m;;uipm• ·nt. 119- U¢¢ ¤f Mm te Mui um. mwex, gum. m. . · x 1%. Acqéisitmn at hnéar 1¤¤¤¢¤·e.~; of Ca»!um—ks£g; proceedthsx I é` » 1. * méiagi Camnimw; m¢¤¤ber¢: mwcr¤_ ud d&;-·-avian e view to me eemtmz. am.: anucmzc 0; space in 'ovéucd of lclséd Goverrhmcmi btiildiugs ip tha District, of