Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1309

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, 12% " www 4a.,—>-»nU,e,wc ss v1.z,wx the @h et &c the E me River tébnqng 1 Paetttuéer tem te ee ny the Quiet ni ind ell we { tee nneer mis eetnenity

 le    Ee,     by the Secrethry ef

We:. Q7, 1w& e.l ,;§—1, 35 —a e n ) -,· , _ $1. &n¤e; Wd; =b¤@.·€—·-—iI&1e Cine! of Engl-

 et   Timed States Arm is eetne   and directed to
 and   et ·e ewtelik pleee ewn   skere ef

me ties! mnn, in Petemee?e1n,- n penile batnhnuee, with tne eee`i nt, with aslcpim sandy lu she mln! and te w il 1 n preper equipment te purity the weeer 1,; ee that it wm nm endanger the mnlth nt these naming in lt. §%¤Bidi1'E($£i6B `€9B®1 et mid public hntking~fnei1it1es il , ne Ween in eee: er e¤mem‘—0r

 Umm: xiitntcs Amy, _ wm men preeerxne men rmvlcueus

iter use es may be nece®ry te insure greeeeet_`·beneiit te me Preeided, '12'het ee charge xehaii be made tor, theme of ~the nethncuae cn- buck, except that emcm fees inny, w ccilected ‘ fer the hire ei suits, map, wwels, and nmn ex eenvenlenwm aeenay be upon thekeqtnest ef tc use `them. (-June 12, 1917, c._27,'?§ 1,

 133.)j n . " _ q J . ‘ ·_

92. Same; prkirey with Zaologicel and Rock C1’¢é‘?Pu*ks·—-Fer the — GI preventing the pollution and el> ¤.en et B·0& Creek and et connecting Potomac _1ferk with the Zmlegieel fferk and Geek Park; h cemmieskm, te be eempesed nt the &c1—em;‘y`0t the Treasury, ·the"Secre-‘ new et War, and · the Secretary ei Agrlcelmre, is autlnerlzed and te ecquire,.by purchase, 1cend tien, 'Ol? other-_ wise, ~m=ch land and @1*9Hi% an were not, en--March 4, #1913, the meperty et the Gnited Smteecin fthe # istrict of Columbia www exn the map en me in 0Ece of the 1 gineer Commisxener et the District et- Celmnmi, dated May 17, 1911, andlyieg en beth 'éem of Rock Greek, incluéiuge seek of tm €1‘8& bed as may be_in_pr1va£e ownership, between ehe Zoeixicnl Park ned Pmemec and _` the sum ee $1,300,000 its hereby, nntherineel te be expended the acqniiement ef. meh  »,A1l lands belonging, en .Mei—eh_ ·4, 1913, to the United Emma or te * me Dlwrlct of Columbia Ising within the e¤er1e1·‘bem<.1nries_ et the lam -to·bg·s acquired bythie eectien ne shown engl designated on eaid_ mei} me feppro-prieted to uml, anedea peri of the mtrksrnyhérein, authorized te be acquired. Gee-nal! et the cme! the wid lends beimbnreed to · Treeenry ei United Swim mat ot the revenues dt the Biériet et Celembie in eight awed inxellxnente, with interem et the·ra.te- et 3 pei eentnm pa ennmn, BQGB the de {erred pamente (Ma:. 4,1.913, c. 147, { `W, 37 Stat, ,885.) ` 93. st ceetain étreet intsnectlens.-—~Pub1ic. perks emnired by the cendemntlen of mil perk ereée at the i¤te:eeetie11e»ef streets enteidothe limits at the erimxml city of Weshlngten, shown nn the map en.,§1e ehewing agseee sur- éeunxkxi by, streets, in the e&ee of the wgineer commissioner, ehnli bweme a part ei the park eystcrn et the Dimrict of Golmebia and be zmder the eentml 0I¤the,D1recter, of Public

 and Public Perks. {Mar. 4,1913, c, 150, G 1, 37 Stet.

971; Aug. 1,1914, c. £, § 1, 38 §t¤.t. Feb. 26, 10%, c.

 5 34.,43 sm. 983,; * — 0 ,

94. Anscestig Pak.-·———Tl1e entire area of the River ned Flew reels! s and te be rweimed—£x·<:s@ chenth dr the river te District line is made and a et the `park system at the Bietrtct et Colnnzhzin ¤e ,¤· Annccetle Pearl:. { (Ang. 31, 1918, c. 164, I 1, 40`Stax. EEO, 951.} . · _ , ~ 95. Glaser and C&id:¤’¢ Playgne¤d.»-···TheZ Gommimieners ei the Distrmt et, a.uthm:ized»nM die rected me accept the lend- lying Emu " i, ~ 2·$i Mnssneh w e =. ¤ - Avenue declimtedx by liherlm C. {Hover te: pumms, mm .ep;imxi— mately eevcntygseven and Accu as neeaxiseeq

E ‘ ‘ . ,. _ GS, PROPERTY, AND WQRES `, 104 I simon on mp Number 1093, dim in the omoaaoftho surveyor · of lilo Iliotriot of Qjolumlaia, 'whloh tract »of land shall bo knoxrn as ·“ Tho Glover 'Barkway aud Ghildroos Playground"; and tho said oommiaoionara oro {ortho: authorized to accept MB? dedlcatiom of additional loud mntlguous to this trout for ' (Juno 6, 1.3.24.,.o; 271, § 1, 43 Stat. édé.) yr ;f part ui with system of District.-'I‘no% `Gloror Parkway and Clxildrons Playground and additioua thoroto, when aczquirod, sl1all'boc0mé"·a parts of tho park ayatoal of tho Dixt1tict·0f Columbia. (Juno 6, 1924, c. 271, § 2, 43 &at. }·~ ~ ,_ $7. ovor reacrvatiou .185.-—-Wlzon. in the jo<lg· ~ mont of the Director- of Publlo .-Builcliugsnnd Public, Parka too Quoo of reservation 1,85, ltranéférrod to tho- Corumiooionara of

     Golunrhzla for use as .a property yard. la;daairahlo§

xtc: purposes, th€_COH111li@i0Il€£S. of the District of Columbia, upon ~hia_rm;uaot, are authorizod and dtiroctod to retrans- `ter said reservation to his jurisdiction. (May 18, 1919; c. 248, , §d_Stat. 383; Feb; 26, 1925,1:. 339, § 3, 43 Stat. @3,) · ` $8; Uno of agouudu for pkyg·roun@—'lIlto omoar in- chargo of public buildings ..and grounds may autboriao tha temporary use of the Monument Grounds or ground math of mo Executive. Mansion orothor roaorrations in the District of Comamma for plia,ygrounds for ohildrou and adults, undo: rrogu-6 lotions to be by him. (Mar. 3, l9(l3,‘c. 1062 32 ‘Stat.1122.).._:· ‘- , r _ » g - _99._ Licmm for otructumq on used ns. 'Dk,Y|’l’0\lH&.··F·¤-zSH€h oflioor is authorimd to want llwnsas rovooable by him, lwitliout compensation, to érwt toatporary V structures Lupon rosérvations uaod aa" childruxfs playgrouuds, , ` under éuch` as he may impose,. _(May 2}} ’·1€¤}»8,· _c.·200,§`1,35 Stat.355.) ” _ — ~ —-

   Put of Wnsltingtw -Aqueduct for playgromd nary

·· FBQCB.-r·Thé Chief of Engiuoersjs authorized to transfer for taaygrouvagparpoaos tho lposaosoloa, om, aaa »¢oau·o1=or~ an that portion of the land of the Washington Aquosluat ad_ia·· — cout to the Cham onuo pumping amtion`.and_lriug out- , aide of ,tl1o_“.feuc `round sold` pumping station enlisting oa Augu& 31, 1918. to the control and jurisdiction of tho Comoros- _ sioners of.tl1o ,DiotrlotV of Columbia. "(Aug. 31, 1*315, cs 164} S1,40`Stat. 951.) . > 4 - _. - — 161. Laws of to-Dktrigt extended to puklii: buikiings groundi.-——Tl1o. provisions of tho oorora1·.»1aws and rwulatioao j Within tlio Dlstriot of for than protootion ~ of public or prirnte propéfty- and the preoorrntion of poaca and ordorv · are oxténdod 1.0 all public buildi@ and public grounds belonging to tho United States within tho District od Columbiaw person guilty `of disorderly and unlawful condugt `in or about the name, pr who shall willfully lnjuro tho Buildings or; shrubs, or alnall pull down, inunlr, or otherwise injure any fogioo, wall. or `othor inolosuro, or shall injure any sink, ou1rért,` pipo, hydrant, ciatorn, lamp, or bridge, or shall roiuoro any stone, gravel, aaud, ·.or othor property of tho United. States. orwgnr other part of the pualio grounds or lots. belonging to the Unitad States in- the-Districtof Gplunibla, shall, upon oouriotion thereof, be , Hood not more than $50. (July 29, 1&}2, og a20,§.1s, 27 Sm. 325.) · ‘ W ·~ · ‘ — 192. ttm p1Nlibit¢d.»·-—;-No moré allautus troos ollall be purchaow for or planted ln tho public grounds; {R. S. $1830.) · · ‘ _ ` 168. Tram, shrubs,. and phnts, in greanhoasoa and nur-»·

 such troos, aloulm, and plants shall no propo;.:ato<l

b nttlao grownotw and nursery aa are suitablo for plomilag lathe public. roaorrationa, to whiohpurpooo only the sold` prodllétions of tha groonhousos and nursery shall appliod. (Juno 120, 1878, c..35§, § 1, 20 Stat.-_229.) * . _ _ » 104. Ccmdlsdun- of Fino Auto.--·-A porrmzgwnt Commission .&‘1:‘iua Arts is oroatod to he composed of sovon troll-qualiHodgmgas d the Elle arts, who shall be appointed by t-ho Presi-