Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1314

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186 :2*12*;.; 40.-·-·—~PUBL1C BUILDIZNY secticu 155 of this titie. (Mar. 4,; $911. c. 285, 5 1, 36 Stat; l H4; Mar. 3. 1921, c. 124, § 1. 41 Stat. 1291.) t _ 186. Transfer of material and equipment in u·chitect.»—T11e » Secvwtzxry of \\‘m· is authorized to tmnstgr, without paymimg; . is the A:·{·hitwL of the Capitol, such mayerial and equipment, mf required by the Ws: Department, as the szipariutendcent may reqxwét {wir use at me Capitol power plant, the Capitol Building, and the Senate and Housé 0§ce Buildings. (J imé 5, 1i32il, {+. 253., § 1, él Stat. 1035; Mar. 3; 1921, c. 124,_§»1, 41 Sw?. .) _ ‘_ 7 ~ "

 1S?. Hitixmal Statuary Hall;-—Suitable structures and railings shgill he ereétexl in the cid hall of Representafjwies for; themt·gp1:§é:1 and pfctectinn of st/atuary, and the same shall be

undeg? the supervision and direction of the Architect of the Capigfal, Amitlie President is authorized to "ipvite alljha States m pmvide abc! furnish statues, i¤ 1§mrb1e‘0r bronze, not exceed-` mg twig in number fer eagt1;State,_0f deceased who have

 éit§z<‘=~¤S} themaf, aaé.`§_11ust;‘i0us for their historic renown or

ic: distinguished civic°j0r military services, such as eaéh State may dwm (0 be H’OI°t§}’*.0fjhiS"*H·§tii)I1¥11·(?OH)§B€II}0l‘8‘ti0I1; and when ss f:;:mtshcd,_t}ae same slialljbe plééed in the old hull of the House of Regarasemativesy in the Capitol of the United States, which is set apart, or so hmch there0f~&s— may bé`nec·

 mary, asia natimml statusry hgli for the purpose herein indie

cated. {RQ 8.-% 1814; Aug. 15’f18?6, 0..287; _ § 1, 19%Stg};. 147 ; Har, c. 124, § ‘1. 41`§é1‘t. 1291.} · `\_`

 183. Wsrks nf Eno nrts.y·—'1‘he Joint Committee on- tHe Libury! whezxexjiar, in their jéldgment, it is expedient, arg author-· 

iE€d`* tc; écmp; §·1'!l}’ work of the ’fine_'m·ts, on behalf of C0§lg1‘€SS, which may Be altered, and to assign the same such place inf the/(§a§imi as Rthey. may deem suitable, and shall havé {hd sz1§ervgsi~m1 af all workg of art that may be placed iri the? 1*%}:1% {R. S.'§ 1831.)Q · · 189. rt exhibits;-—#+No wozjk of art or manufacture gther fhan the property of the United States shhll be exhibited in me §ati<>m11 Statuary HQ}, the rotundajcr the corridors of the Capital. (R. S. "§ 1815*; Mar. 3, 187;*3, é.`f130,_§ 1, 18 Statg ${8: Mar. 3, 1879, 12..182, S 1, M Stat. 391.) · · _

 Samc.5——-Nc; mom in the_Cap1_t0l shall be used for private

gmdias {ai wcrkg of · art, véitheut 'permission fiom the Joint ~(`?¤:;mmittge an the _Ilit u·ary, given ii: =wr§ti¤g; sand it shall be the duty st A:rit·hite1*t of the Capital $0 carry this provisiontiutg

 { im. 3, 1875, Ec. 130, 5 1, 18:St&t. 3‘i6;) a   _·

191, Salé of i¤mxicntiq g liquors in Capitcl.—-—·N0 intoxicating liqamgs ivf a§y characier shall be scid within the limits of the (Ywiml Bmlding of the United Etnies. E (Mar. 3, 1903, {E; 1012, §34,§ ~S tm.1221.). . · , , · 3 : ” · 32. Lax: af gxtéxaded ta ~ Capitol Square;-———All laws and rmlaticms of the Qisgrict at Columbia for the preservation at the xmbiic peace and mfde: glmll enénd xo the Gapitol _·~ ®§q11gm, whemvet application im the gmac is requested by the 5 p1·~esiéiug cvfécez of eithér Home at Congress, or by the. `Archi-‘ VN {mt at mg Gnpitcii (B. S. § 1819; Augj. 15, 1878, c. 287, § 1, ,19 Sim. 147.) M § Q '

     af buildings and §¥0§€!;tI·¤s—··Th€ Sérgeahm

at Ama ai the Senate and of the Home at Bepmsenizatives are · \a1¤§hc»ri~zed_t¤ make smh rggulaticm as th; may deem uaces-‘

 mr presezving ,;he peaw and mcm·mg” the Capitol trém

deimemmgz, and tm- the péotectgcn of - the public property thm·gi¤, and, they shall have power tc Arrest and detain any germs `viaiating 511::1: x·egula,tic11§,' until meh pemma can be brmzglxt before the pmper authorities Mm: Qtrial. (R. S. §

 194. Capita! gmuadng public usé.·——·Pub1ic  trm··gl in and eiccu-—_

name; at the Capital Grsugds sha]! be restricted to _ the l1‘0&dS,· walks. and places prepared for the K purpose py dnggmg, tug, cr <>t3m:·wise,‘ (July 1, c. 258, § 1, 22 Stgt. 126.) ·· ,

es, reoremw, ave woaaa e liii}0 . 195. Same; obstruction of 1*ea§e.~—-·—It ie foroirltleu to occupy the roads in each manner as to ohetmet or hinder their proper nee. to drive violently upon them, or with animals not under perfect control, or g to use them for the, eooveyaem of goods or merchandise, except to or from the Capitol on Governmeot service; (July 1, 1882, c. 258, 5 2, 22 Stat, 1%,.) · 196. Same; ofer of articles for sale; dme.———g—It ie forbidden to oier or expose zmyfartiele for sale l; to aloha; any eign, Qaeard, or other térm of `ISQVEIKSBMGBIQ to eolieit fem, elme, subscriptions, or contributions. (July I, 1882, e. ,258, { 3, E Stat. 128.) » W . , °

 197. Same; iujariee to.-It is forbidden to etwor climb apoo,
remove, or in any vvaypp injure aoy statue, seat, will, or other

l erection, or any tree, shrub, plant, or turf. Qtloly 1,- 1®, e, ,258, §4,22-Stat.‘12B,) ·- p .. p `J JJJ. » a `· 1Q8._ Same; Ereums or Brevrorks; or entimo.-·—-;~ It is forbidden to discharge any grearm; Srework, or explmiee, { Set Hre to apy combustible, make plan? haraagae or eratiea, or utter loudf `tlireatening, or · abtxeive laagaage: (July 1, 1@2, c.258,`§5,22Stat,127.)”' _ x t p M 199. Same; parades or assemblages; display of §aga.··—It la forbidden to parade; awed, move io- or s@ee1- blages, or display any dag, banner, or device- or adapted to bring into publle notice any party, organization,/J or movement. (July ,1, 1882, c.‘%8, 6, 22 Sm;. 127.)* - _ `° 200. Same; prosecution and p¤¤i¢ment of eQe¤ses.—-—Oftenses against sections C19; to 199 of this title ebelt be trieble before the police court ot the Dlstrlet of Colombia, and shell be punishable by Hoe or imprisonment, or both, at the discretion of the judge oi said court; the flee not toexeeed $1dG. the ’lmpriso¤ment_ not to exceed sixty idaye. But iogthe oeee ` of heinous oieneee by reason of vehieh public property ehall have entered damage to an amooat exceeding $166 in valoe, said judge of the police court may eooamlt or hold to mil the oltender for trial before the,,»<supre1:ie.ooalrt of the District ot. Columbia, when the oaeosé shall be punishable by imprisonment in the penitentiary {for a of not lex than six months nor more than five years. (July 1, 1882, c. 2%, § T, d 281. Same; _.arreeta.———It lehell be the duty of alle policemen and wetchmen having aethorlty to make arrests in the Diefriet. g of Columbia to be watéhiul for odeaees against seetioos 19410 199 of thio txrnefeua to arrest aad bring before theproper tribunal those who shall offend egelan it under their obeer-· ration, or ot whom offenses, they slmall be advised by! vvitoesoea. (July- 1, 1882, c. 2&, §» 8, & Stat. 127.) · - — ` p 202, Same; Cnpitbf empinges to aid ’ in eeforeexem.-——It » I shall be the ditty of all perse iemploym to the service ot the Government the Capitol or oo lm`. grounds te prevent, ee tar as may be in their poorer, ofteosee against eeotioaeo 194 Zto 199 of this tltle, and to old the police, by intereotioo or otherwise, in e oeeuriog, the arreet·e1::d_ eoavietion l of o§e¤de reQ (July 1, 1882,Jc. 258, { 9, Stat. I2?.) , · _ 203. §a.ap; re guIatieaa.~————¢I¤ order to- admit of the due observance within the Qepitol Groxmcle of occasions ·of__ notional interest becoming eogaizaace and entertainment ` of Congress, the W President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House ot Representatives, acting concurrently, are authorized to euepend for sue}; proper oceeeioee so mach of the above prol1ib,lt·iopaA aa would preveixt the aee of the roads and vvolml _

 ot the eald m·o1mde` by proeeeeiooie or eemmblagea, ead the use  

lxpoo them of iexxitaole decorations, mtmc, addressee, and ceremonies r Provided, _'1‘hat reepoeaible o&6ere shall have been appointed, arraogemente deterpioed, adequate; in the june -` meat of said Preeideatof the Senate eee, Smaker oi the House ‘ or Representatives, for the melxitenaace of suitable order and e~— decomxa in p-the p"r0eeé;lix1ge,·`ead for iuarding the Capitol and ”