Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1316

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i' § 251 Q TITLE 49.--PUBLIC BUILDIM 279. Appropriations for buildings nyallahle for use ln temporary rented qnnrtere, . 2®. Sams; operating supplies operating force and repairs.

 281. Same; furniture and repairs.

282. Apprenriatlens I': care, maintenance, and repair available for assay o§ces. · E 2K3. F$·nitnre for new buildings. l , 28;. Old furniture to be used, l 28:3, Buildings under cnntrol of Secretary ot '1‘reasury.___;_

386. Buildings not to be draped An mourning. ,

QS?. Reperte of Supervising Azrchltect. l » Cnstemhoueewhart at Charlestnn, South Car . • { Sectien 251. Supervising Architect; annual estimates.—Annnel speelhc estimates shall be submitted for salaries for all personal services required in the 6Ece of the Supervising Architeet of the Treasury, and except ns, apprnpriatiens may be-made thereunder no rench personal services shall be exnployed in said 0{Iiee at Washington, ‘District of Columbia. (Aug. 23, 1912, c. 350,·§ L 37 Stat. 374.) _ _ · `- 252. Same: technical. experts.-—The employment of an- architectural designer, a structural engineering expert, and a» heating, lighting; and ventilatiixg engineering expert, is ’ authorized to serve in the.0$ce`ef the Supervising Architect of the Treasury Department. to assist the Sniwervislng Architect in connectien with the designing and’.standardizing of public buildings a authorized ·to be erected under the control _0I, the Treasury 1 Department and the mechanical equipment thereof, 1atl`d in, c0n· l neetion with architectural and engineering work of said office of unusual magnitude or complication. Such services may be employed without regard to civil-seryipe laws,} rules, or regulatiene, and ne person in the einpleyof the Supervising ·.A;·chitect’s O$ee on March 4, 1913, shall be eligible to such employ- ment. 'Ifneforegoing authorization for the. employment of technical experts te assist the Supervising Architect shall be in additien to gand · independent ot the authorizations and approprlationsl fer nersonatservices for tlre Office of the Supervising Architect otherwise made. {Mar. 4, .1913, c.'151'{~;/S 28, 31 Statj 333,) , . . Q! I 253. Detail of mcmberé of Eeld force -0{unblic-buildings eervieee-BIe:nbers of the field `forceof the publiebuildings leerviee, such as supervising superintendents, superintendents, junior superintendents,. and inspectors of the several classes, may mldetailed to the District of Col·urnbla,, in the discretion ot! the Secretary of the Treasury, for temporarywluty for periods not-exeeexling thirty days in any one case, in the Qtllée ot the Supervising Architect, but no Subsistence or otherexpensee et like character _ a~;hall_be allowed such einployeesl while on duty ng W&ShiHgt0U`·S€T\'lllg underench details. (June 23, 4913, c. 3,§1,38Stat§17.) · I _·· ·_ l, 254,.Building sites; selections-—In tlxeleelectlen of a slte for 8 any vpnhllc building, reference shall be had.t0 the interest and convenience of the public, as well as to the best interests of · the Government ;‘ and the Secretary of the Treasury yshall have power, and it Shall be his duty, to det asldei any selection wlalen in`his opinion has not been made eelely with reference thereto. Before any site shall be Hnally adepted each and every person appnintcd as coxnxnlsslener in eelecting saeh nite shall nmke end nie with the Secretary of the Treasury an oath or a&r1nation.`that‘ he is not, at the time ot making the a$davit, and nsas net at-the date of making the eelectieni of such site, directly or indirectly interested in the property selected for th§ same. A failure ’ on the part of any eemmlmlener- te‘ make land nie eueh an andavit shall render the selection void, (June. 23, 1874, e. 476. 5 2. 18 Stat'276.) , . · · ·255. Title to land te be purchased by United States.--No publie money shall be expended upon any Site or land iiurchased by the United States for the purposes ct thereon any euetomhbuse, or other public building, of any kind whatever, nntll the written opinion of the Attorney General

3'S, PROPERTY, AND WORKS 1302 shall be had in favor ot the validity of the title, nor. until the consent of the legislature of the State in which the land or site may be, to such purchase, has been Qven. The diurlct attorneys of the United States, upon the •ppucat1oa‘ ot the Attorney General, shall furnish any amstamee or information in their power inirclation to the titles of the pnbllc property lying within their respective districts. And. the Secretaries of the departments, upon the application .of the Attorney Genergal, shall procure any additional evidence of title which henna; deem necessary,. and which may not be in the lon ot me cpccrs *0t the Government, andthe expense of procuring it p shall be paid out of the appropriations made for the eontin· , gencics of the departments respectively. `(R. S. § 355.) ·.

 256. Legal serrices by district attorneys; abstracts of
 title.·——Al1 legal services connected with the procurement ot

{ titlcs,to site for public buildings, other than for life-mein; sta-

  • tions and pierhead lights, shall - be rendered by United States

district- attorneys : Provided, That ln the procurement of sit& for such public buildings, lt shall. be the duty of the Attorney General to require of the grantors in meh ace to furnish, free of all expenses -to the Government, all reqnidte abstracts, o§—· cial certiilcations, " and evidences of title that the Attorney General' may deem necessary. (Mar. 2, 1889, c. 411, § 1, % Stat. 941.) _ -· [ - ° -· - ’· 257.‘ Condemnation of sites; jurisictim.-¥In every case in which the Secretary of the Treasury — or any other cmcer. ot the Govcrnmenthas been or shall 'be, authorized to procure ral ` estate {or the erection of A public, bnllding or for other public uses he shall be. authorized to acquire the samefor the United States by condemnation, under `djudicial proc&, whenever in his opinion lt is necessary or. advantageous to the Government

 to do so. And/the United Statesdlstrict courts of tm district

wherein such 'real estate is located, have jurisdiction of proceedings for such condemnation, and it shall be the dnty of theattorneygeneral ot the United States, upon eréry nwici} _ tion of the 'Secretary ot the Treasury, under tblssection and section 258 of this title, or such other,o¤cer, to came proceedings to _, be commenced .tor condemnation, within thirty days) {rom the receipt, of the application at the Department ot Justice. (Aug. 1., 1888, c.‘ 728, $.1, 25 Stat; 357.) . . A 258Q Same;_procednre.—»'1jlxe practice, plmdlnga, forms and ¤10d¢$ of `pfoéeedlngs in causes arisiné under the , provisions of jsection 257 of thistitle shall confornx, as near as may be, to the practice, pleadings, forms and proceedi@ exlating at the time in like causes in the courts of record ct the State within . which such `dlstrict court is held, any rule of the court to the ·contrary_ notwithstanding. (Ang. 1, 1888, c.' 7%. C 2. 25 Stat. 357.) ` `_ ~· ” · _ ._ , _ ‘ .259. Payment for sites; limit of coat.-No money shall be `paid nor contracts made for payment for any site for a pnbllc ;_ building in excess of the .. amount spccldcally appropriated therefor. (B.-S. "§ 3734; JnneB25, 1910, c. 3&, { 33, 38 Stat. 699.) ` . ‘· . 260. Commissions on purchasuof situ;. payment for sites.- Commissions shell not- be paid for disbursements on account of sites for publlc buildings; and paymentafor sltw for public buildings under "the control ot, the _, Treasury ,Department shall be made by the Treasury Department, _ at Washington, · District of {Columbia, by drafts orjcbecks payable [to the grantors of such sites or their legal representatives. (Har. 2, 1889, c. 411, { 1, 25 Stat. 941.) ` _° _ » · . 261. Contracts authorized within limit of out Sxd, twgh appropriations are in part only.———-In all msec where eppropria·· tions are made in part only for mrrying into effect the provisions of legislation authorlnng the acquisition so! land for silmoor for the of sites for public buildings, or for the erection or remodeling, extendon, alteration, and repalrn qt public bulldlnp, the Secretary of the Treasury, unless