Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1323

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{wg TITLE, $1--—-—PUB1 TITLE, 41.-·PUBl 1. ketams aéca; utablishment. 2, gyms; clsrk to me returns. 3, Sgmse; m da.xe;; . 3 · » ·

  • 4. Same; wgia at !*H¥¤!‘§S! , _ ’ . 5 _ ·

5% A dye:.·t1se¤:ea¥;s fa: praposals for purchases gud contracts for

 iuppiiu az service; tor. degartmauu of Gavemmeutt _

3, Same; ekc@tim2a tp sgctiqn 5. A ‘ ` ’¥. Etiisvellmzicaug supgiies for executive. departments had other Govvmmeht wtabiishmmts y in Washiugtim; advertipwgnents and contracts {cr- ’ · · . S, {waning wais. ‘ _ _ E __ Q, `Saznratv pmpcsais for warts cr mgierial or labmu. ‘ li}. Cimtmcts £c:·`·matéri:1L !br public ~impmvements. — · ` 1l,~»$’€é maaxmem ar p1;rc§1as2s’_ maigss authorized pr ,u¤dér adequate, 6 agpmgriatiau. * " . _ ‘ " ‘ » 12. Xa casirgct to exceed apprepriatiag. 12%. Csmx·act¤‘1imite~d to can yea:. . Sewtim; 1. Returns, ¤§cc; gstablishmmt.-The Secretary of {Ee Interim sbail {mm time to time provide a propér apa1:t· msmt, tu he called the returns 0{§<·e,_ in which he shgli cauéé to he §1ed the retaims gif cahtmcts made by the Seéretary ot ·War, fiw Scwqetary of thas Navy, limdithe Sé<*retag•y of the .I1itériQ1·, and Simi? appoint-a clerk to attemitc the same. (R. S. 5 512.) 7 2, Same; clcik tab, Ele réturnsé-The clark ot the returns `of§be mail fiig hl}. ;·c·tums_ madé to the of§ce, so thai;. the same inay, §a af easy:gc<eessg kéepigg all returns made by the game omcer in the same place, ami numbering-them in the brder in.-which iiwy am made. (R. S. 5 513.) ’ _ — _ '_ _ __._ _ 3: Simi} indcx&.-Jfhé clerk of the- returns Gciiiceh shall pré- vide and keep an index (book, with {hc names qt the contracting gmrtisvs, and the mmabér of each .contx*hct opposite to the zmmes; aud;. shaii submit the index_b00k dud retnims to any

x.·r~sm1 desiiing tainspect it. (R. S. `§ 514.) · · . I

K 4. Same; kzcpiiwaf retum$.——{1‘§1c—clerk· ot that returns tofficé sha!} farms}: cupices of smh ‘1‘€t!I¥h$ t0_ any peréon paying 1iw;·afm· ati the mm of 5 cents; for evcrjr one hundred words, m which ·cupis·s cerii§catee; shall be appended liu e+0i·y_ `case by the clerk making the same, attesting their correctness, and` that {each mpyjsc certmed is a fuil and c0mp1ate c0;iy ;>fTthe _¤·#turn. (R." S. § 5157.) e · · · ' A 5,. Advcrtiscméxsw fst pxfapessls far purchases mid cogxtiiactq fm- suppiics cr Services for depértmémé ‘¤f Gcvemmem.-g-·_ »_Ex¢.·{$pt és otizerwiape provided by law ill pnzrchasess and mn-¢ imcis for saipplies mi services in, au? of the departments the Gmyermxsent and purchases of Indién supplies, excem for

iers¤ »¤a1 ser v·ié¢s, {shall} be mage by advertising zz .su§ciexit

time ppmviausly for prépc$al§ z·mp·ec§ting’ the mma, wihén the {mbiic exigexzcies do amt eicquire the immediate delivery of the articles, or pcrfcrmagicé oi the service. wma iipmediate delvivery Qs perfciénnm is required by the public exigencga the ggrtiéles af sca-vice required Qmay be procured by open. purchase Gr mixiiract, at Que places and in the mmmer in Qvhicl; mich miigies are ummlly bought ami sam, or such services engaged, between mdi%·i§u&ls.» (R. S. { 3769; June 25, 1910gc. 431, Es, ,assm,ss1.> d N  » - 6. 'Samc; cxmptim ts sectimx 5.—·-»·Section 5 gat; this tide qximil agt M tg gpply tc" guy puychasé or service {gr fthe Demrtment at Agricultuiw; tim I ndiah maid ser%*ice,` mi the United 8tat$ Vetm¢a¤s’ Bureau when the aggregate amount imvcived Aces nat exceed the sum GQ $50. Nm- shui} s tch sec-_ tics be cimstmed tc $@13 tg any . pxarchase .0: servicé for the Depmtnéeistg at (imamewe, the Department of. Labor; thu · Dermrtment at éwstice, the Civil Rerviceé (Ram ¤ 1s· siah&, mr the Ebisitiat of Cqlumbia when they t aggregate amoum· involved ewes not exceed the sum oi Nor shall (GQ much cifsaid

LIU XUONTRAOTS 1...7 .P 4 E g LIC CONTRACTS Sect _ 14. Restriction on purchases of lsmét. 15. No traupferl of q<mtz·¤ct.. 16. Contracts tc 'ba in writing. 17. Oath. to ccntraét. 18; Omitting ’lf€t\1E'D8.' 19. Instructions. _ 20. Depogtt of gchtractn. ‘ ,_ 21. Same; rules and regulations. 22. Interest of Member of Congress, _23. Orders or conttacts for material placed with Government-owned . establighmeuts dcemcii obligations. V 24. Contraéts for transportation ci moneys, bullion, cam, aus} smznritlfzs. 25. Contracts fopbuhting. · - _ g

 26. Exchange ·0f,typewritars and addlng rnachlirws in ·{l&l`{"}}&¤5;iE§¥it

J tm- new machigas. - _ .. · . 21. _Dispos1ti<m ottypgwrlting machines. section as lrcqulres gdvertisement before purchase apply tn the Iirirchasc of. medicine gud médical supplies far the Biwieak ‘Departme¤t ot the Arm_y.'l (Feb. 27, 1893; q. 168, 27 Stat;. 4%; Mai; 1, 1899, c. 325, ·30.jSt&t.  ; Mar. 2, 1911,, e:.`192, 35 Stat, 4-975; May 8, 1916Qc. 125, § I;_39v$tét. 126; Mar. 1·, 1919, c. 85, § 1, 40 Stat:_1262,‘1’264; May 1920, é. 214, § 1, 4r1’StSt. 677; · Jqnc 12, *1922, c. 218, 42 Stat; 638} Feb. 13, 1923, c, $2, 42 Stiti .1244.)-I `· '_' S W ‘ 7, (1) Miscellaneous suppliés fqr éxcmtive departments and it lbthér _("¤c#cminent establishments ik Washingtem advertise- `ments and, contracts fo»r.——·E;ccept as otherwise pmvihed by law _all gupplies of fuel, ice, stationery, and other lI}_i H3H€€}§}»S> supplies for: the exequtive depzxftxneixts ang! other Gowérnmeht cstablishménts in Washington, when the Qpublié vexigengies do t not tequlfc the immediate delivéry of the. article, shall be advertised and .c0nt1·&cted fm; by the Secretary of the Treasxizy, upon such days as lxé-may"`desi;;nate. “ ~»j · ·`: l (2) Same; General Supply Committee; compasitiam af; akmxal schedule of rcqtaireé misécllamemm supplies; exsminatiua and tests.--1`here shall be A Gc·nex·al Supply Committee camiposecl of o§c&rst one tfmiu e&® ofwhé eiacutisne clegmrlmeluts, ll designazted by the head tlxereofg except that no diélmrsixzg aéicer Shdll be a member of ·Si}(‘h*`C0mH1i€té€,. the duties `cf which

_ committee. shall beta make, under the d ire<:tic{¤; afthé  

tary of the Treasury, an ammél schedule at required- ~mis<:e@E· lzmedgxs supplies, to staiidargiize mich stxpplies, elfiiinatiug all unnecessary lgmdcs and varieties, and to aid saigf Secretary in

 soliciting Bills based upon mrmulas and spéciécatmxis drawn

up by suclr experts in the gervice of the Gmtemment as the °committea may sea Ht; to qéll} upgm, who ghall reads; .whlatwer ‘ éssistarice théy may ireqtxire. ‘1`he,_ qemxmlttoe shall aid said Secretary in Secm·ing the pmper mmllmexxt di the contracts far l such supplies, for which purmsé the said S¢cmtg;·y· shall pre- ’ gcriml and all __d0t[)£l*tlI1&B€S cgmpj with, rules pmvidiug for such `~cxanxix1a.ticm and tests at the ax·tie:les· receitvetl as may 1 be ·x1ece$sm·y. for- such patpemeg lp makin dditicms. to the said schedule;. in Qixming and éonsidarling mlds, and shall perform such other similar duties as he may assign tq them: ’Prq·v£lded, That thé articles iutmded to be .pm·ch$sed in this nimmexj are tliosé ln common use by or suitable to the. ordi¤.ary_ meds of two qrmom smh de;.mrtmems§· ostgblisliments; but the slaid Secretary shall ham discfeticm to amend the gmxmml mmmon supply scheéule f:mm·time to time ak to a¤y’arti<·1¢s tl1a_t, in his judginmt, can `as iwell w thus purclmged. V t (3) ·$¤mc; bwd nf ca·mrd¢tér.————In all calms only one hand l for the ptoper ‘performm1<*é of eqch ccmtravt shall bo; required;

mtwi_thsta¤diu§‘ thm supplieé for Ill0l‘t* than one diipartmelpt

0: Govermmmt establishment q.x·e`*i¤cluded in such gontmct.·