Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1354

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§ 211 srzrmz ,;s.~»Pz arquisitlan xmdvr the hnmesztead lawh by the Act of Congress appmvewl July 4, 1884 {Twmty-third Statutes, page 76Y, he,4 and tlwyn are. made subject mncquiéitimn under s@cti<m»1171 of clmpmr 28 of this title, ancfchapter 9, and other Acts appllmble gexsemliy to the public domain. (June 3, 1924, 0. 240, Q3 Stat. 355*.) l l q . IJ1s1ITAT1<,)N AS TO AMOUNT AND ADDITIONAL AND ENLARGE!) ENTRIES `- _— l _ · 211. Linaitaticn of amount of lmmestead- entry.-——E·xcept as atlwrwlse pméiclad, no pefson shall be, permittadltq acquire title io, more Kthzm {meg quarter se>cti0u,_ njndcf th& prbvisicms of this"` {chapter. (R. ~S. 5 2293,) , I ‘ ° . Q ln . I 212. Limitaticn of aggregaté amount of ,ei;tries.—gNo'pérs0n who shall enter upon any of the public lands Ywith 3 viéw to occupation, entry, ar settleméut° under any of the laind `lawé _ shall be permitted to`,a‘cquire· title t0·_m0re tha;x_,tl1ree lumdrcdand , twenty acres in `the aggrégatc, cxcgpt as otherwise- pr0= vided, under all of said laws, but-_ this` Hinitation shall not' .aj;e»ra¥e to curtail- the right of any person who has before August 39, 1890, made entry Sor séttlémerit on the public lands, or wh0;se“ccéu;}ation, entry, pr settlvment is validated. by chap—` Liter 15 oithis title. I 4 ‘ · '· — , The above provisions of this gevticxi `shall be c0nstri1gd’t¢> include in the maiiihixm amcunt of lands the title to which .is~ permitted to be acquired by cme person only agriqxiltuml‘1and*s_ and not tg iqclgde lands entered or sought tb be cnteréd under miaéral land lawst (Aug. 30, 18@0, ci 837, § 1, 26 Stat. 391.) _ ,213. `Additignal entry an land contiguomrfc former ent1*y. ef Qlgss that quarter section.-—An.y hoémtead settler who has; parlor to April 28, 1964,- entered, pr may thereafter enter, léés than one-quarter $e—cti01.1._cf· land may°_g~tgr other ax1d’¤ddi# tional land l§’ll1§~‘£*01ltiZUt)11S to, the original entry which shall not, with the ldnd first entered and- occupied, e;ceed in the aggregate one hundred and sixty zicms, without prooilof 1’€Si·-' dmxce upon and cultivation of the 'addttional entry; and if final ‘ pmc! , of settlement and cultivation has been made fdr the original entry when the additional entry is made, then the gatent shall issue without turtl;e1·.pro0f:· Provided, That this? sectim:1 shall not apply tg or for the bexieHt— of any person who dqes imt ¢3'§%'H' md` occupy the linda c0ver3d 'by the; original l émry: And provided, That if the original entry should tailfor may reamn »prim· to. patent, .ar should appear to bé illegal; or fraudulent, the additional _éutry aha-I1 not be bcrmltted, or, if having bees.; initiated, Qhall be canceled. W . _ · K ‘ Ccmmutatim: tmdez the p1·0vlsions_·0f section _173 sliill not be allcwed of hu entry made under this SBCUOQ. (Apr. 28, HB1, c. 1776, §§ 2, 3, 33'Stat. 527.) _ * V · j - ». Q 214. Additional wmry; gftcrr Hm;] pmsf my `cntry of lem than qum’te1···;mctimx»·——~Every pémem entitled, uinder - provisisgms é! the lmmestwd laws, to eixter °¤ homestead, wht: has prim tc March 3,* 18%, c~0mp1§_e¢,l with 01* wigs shall‘·there?` after cmnply with the cxmditiims. of mid laws, a.:nd`· who shéll have made his mm!. pwét thermjmder for a quantity. of ldtnd lam than gale hxmdred and tslity acres and lrecelvcgl the reg- A istex·’s~ iia.1al¥r%1:~eip€t therefqr, ,5111;.115 be entltlml under, said laws { to enter as} qt pemzgual right, uml not malgzxahle, by legal sub- divisions of the public lands at "thal United Stateé ~smbJa~ct to J 3:i0melst¤éad·.e11try, sofmmeh additiqnal land na, ;é,¢ldeH_ to the l qmmtitf mewiazmly so entered br him shall mt kéxmed cme hundred and sixty acres: Pmzeédcd, '1"1;,at’mvm tram thai} paw eat imma fc: the lgnd tcvgred by such additional entry mitil themélerscn makigg, such additicaaluntry $hall,lmve‘ actually and in muturmtity with the homestead laws resided gpm arid —mlti·s·atm the imma ysc. additionally entered, m1d__pthe:·wise (fully qcmplied with such laws: ,Pr0vé'ded,»¤.lsa, That this section shall not be cmzétruw as é£ectiing may iighté gs to I l9ca·—

myc LANDS 1340 tion of soldlery certificates issued, prior to Merch 3, 18%, undersectiou‘274 of this ehapter. (Mar. 2, 18%, c. 381, G 6, 25 Stat. 854.) ~ ~ . , X X ~ 215. Additional entry after pstexit on entry for less than quarter ’section.{—·-Any person. otherwise quolmed who- has obtained title under the homestead laws to ilees than one quarter section of lefxd may make entry end obtain title urxdor the provisione for enlarged Ihomeeteede, for meh an area et public ‘lax1d &s will, when oné·h—¤lf or meh- area ts added te the area of the laude to which he heeelremly obtairxm~ title, mot exceed one quarter section: Provided, That this section

 shall tnot be ronstrued. to apply to soldierel edclitionel homestead entries made under sectiorr 274 obthiechepter, or Aets

amendetory thereof or eopplemental thereto. {Feb. 26; 1917, c.,98, 39 Stat. 925.) · ? . 216.Q"Vali£latien_ of additional entry, éfter patexit.-——AtI peeriing homestead entries pending Merch 5i, 1915, made in goed faith prior to January 1, 1914, urider the provisions of the i*e¤largédY homestead laws, by persona who before making oooh ehlarged { homestead entry had acquire:} title. to 13HQ under thehomestead laws and therefore were not qeermea to make ehIenlhrged homestead ehtry, are validated, if to all other · reepecte regular, in_ all eases where the original homeseeedd entry was for less than one htmglrede emlgslrty eeresof lem}. (Mmj.`4, 1915, c. 148; 38 Stat. 1162.). · _` ’ . _ I Q 217. Additional entry gfter 'commutstioe of former eetryr--- An;s* person who__has,·prior to `-Jrme 5, 1900, made entry pnder. the homestead, laws end eombmted. smee"o;2der provisions dof _§e<:tion··]J3 ofthis phepter; shall be entitled to; the benehts of . the h0m·este:;d» laws, as though such former entry had not been made, exoept ethat commutation under the "‘ lesions et Seetion 173; shall not be allowed of an entry meiugeder this section. `(June 5, 1900, c. 716, $-2, 31»St§t; ‘ ir » 218. Enlarged entries of Ycertaln ° nenmineral, ¤&rlgahle lends in pentainf States.--·(o)·*Ar;y, pereon who is e qeellhml entryman ohder the homeqteed luis of the United States may cuter, by legal subdivisions, under l the provisions of this eeetion, in the "Stetee of Arizona, California, Goloreée,. __§4ohterm, bNevade, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Beborn; Utah, Washington; end hwyomlog. three hundred end twenty °ecres,` or less, be of uomninerel, joelrriguhle, eee or _ mnapproprlatedn surveyed publie. lends which do not rsmteio merchalixteble timber,'_ loeateo in e` reemmbiby compact body; and hot over che aud. or;e—hslf miles le extrmeieogth: Pre orare, rim my mee; emu be- mmeeé te eezry mee: tm ` visions ot this Aet ‘i1¤itil.seeh"li¤de shall have been éeeig· _ mated by the Beeretary of the interior ee not helm, ln his opinion, susceptible of mxceeeefol irrigation xt, a' reasonable cost from ani known source of ‘ water ‘eepp1§'. h ‘ · I ( bl 4pp¢¢m»{€o¤~e;° awléeefta; ieee-—Abny person applying to ’ enter lend under the provisions of theeectioo; ebelt make. and subscribe before the - proper o§cer en ehidevit oe required by section 162 of this chapter end fo 'edditloe thereto shall make amldarit that the lend sought to be entered lg of the ehereeter described in paragraph (e) of this seetloe, eee shell psy the _fees rwuired to be paid pgééer hoereetead lower ‘ K »(c) Additionol mtry of toed eeetigeoee to former entry not to eeceed Hmitot§o§r.———Ax1y person whcfhes made, or ehell _mbke, homestead entry of leeds ot the eharecter herein xtescribed, end who has trot submitted heel proof thereon, or who having submittexl mzal proof still owns and ooouelee the leerl time BQKEYGG; ebelt have the right 5 to; eeter pbhlic laude, embject to tahe provieloos Lot thier eeetloo, oontlguoee to his tire: entry; which shall bot, together with the orighgel entry, exceed three hundred ooo EWBRIY acres; Protgiéed, 'I‘het"tbe lend origljnelly entered end .thet” eevereo by the edditionel entry shell here Qret been deeignoted ee subject to this section, as provided by parogreplzy (o) hereof. l