Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1387

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1373 TITLE .5.2.- , ·,N_ I _ These limitations shall not apply to sales to irrigation di: tricts, buthshall apply to purchasers from such irrigation 411; tricts of such land bin} in by said district. , ~ Unless the purchaser or his assignee of such lands sha! within ninety days after the timc,for~rede1nptio¤`l1as expiree pay to the proper réceiver oil fees mid commissions and tt pm·<·lm_se price tcrwhich the United States shall be entitled: 2 provided for in this chapter, any person having the qualitic: tion gsi u homestead ontrymzm or a desert·l:md eutryman uga pay to tug proper receiver, for not more than one hundred an sixty acres ot. said lands, for which payment has not ·bee made, thé impuid purchase price, fees. and commissions 1 which the United Stgtes 1I1il_Y·_bé`:6I}fi{l9d§ and upousatisfa mry,pr0ofthat hc; has paid to the purchaser at thé tax sal or his assignee or to the proyjoer-0fBcé1·`0f the distriqt for suc ·purch:2ser or for` the district, as the case may be; the sum fe which thelaud was sold at sale for‘irrig11,ti0xi“‘district chatgi or bid in by tlie disttict at such sakmui in addition there1 the interest and penalties mi the amouutobigl at the rate allows -by lgwv, shall gba subrogated to the rights -0f such purchaser 1 receive patent- for sdid land. o * · _ · In any case whércdxuy tract of entered land lying withi such approved irrigation disyrict shalbbeoome vacant by reli: quishment or cancellation for any cause, may snibséqueut appl cam: therefor shall be reqi1irgd,— in addition to the quo,lifi¢&ti01 and ro·quiremon‘ts_ otherw_is»e' provided, to ‘ futuiéh satisfac$1 proof by certiticaté from the proper district or county. oHicthat he has paid all charges then due to the district upon sat I€iIl{]_8I1d also has paid to the proper district or county oiiim for the holder or holders ofiany tax certificates; delinquem ccrti§oates,` or other pr0;3erf evidence of purchase at tax sa the amount for which tl)e_ said land was sold at tax sal together with the interest and penalties thegeoh provided ot mw. (Aug. 11, _1916,,c. 319, s 6, 39 Stat..508.·)· .· —

  • 629.` Delivery to register andy to eutrymaq of notices 1—

quired by State lsyv; xright to` hcarixag,° appeal, etc.-——A notices required by the·—ir1*i;§:1ti•gu district lows nnehtioue in this chapter- shaill, as soon uq; such notices gre issued, .I delivered to the register of the proper land ombc in cos where unpateuted laudsofe amected thereby, ¤nd‘to the exitr man whooé ungateuted lands ard included therein} audi tl Uoitgd States abd such éntrymau `shall be given the san rights to be hmm by petition; answer, romonstrauce; appes or ‘otbe1*wise hs are given to pevsonsholding lands in privn ownership, and al1_cutryx1;cu' sholl be giych the same rig]; “ ot mdmmion as are givep to tho owner; of la¤ds`he1d— pxivqte ownership. (mug. 11*. 1916, c. 319, ‘,§ 7, w Sta}. 509 639. %padtio;a by' Goyernment of ·proceods of lim! sold.· AH moneys derived by the United States from the sale ~ public inode referred to in this chapter shall bé. paid in ouch {unda aud. applied `as provided by law for the disposal the proceeds from the safe ot public. lands. (Augi 11, 191 c. 319, { 8, `39 Stat. 509.) o . Ch•ptcr 14.-—G RAN`TS OR DESERT LANDS T0 STAT! FOB BECLAMATIQN (THE CAREY ACT) .~ ~641._ Grant of dmrt land ,to States authorized. 842. Limos for expeoqm ot rcclsuiation. . 6%, Tmwuu uitwrnwal hom octtlement ox-entry. 644. Pretcronw dai. to &t;rymoa' u¤dc:7·St|té laws. ‘ 345. Addition] arid lnndsi nvniiablo to Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, n L Wyoming to: rq4;1ama§ioo. ‘ · $46. Opal: extended to New liexico and Arianna. . · 647. Grant uzmded to dum lands vttiun part ot former { Igxdiam ·Rem:v•,t1o¤ fn Colomclo; , ` 648. Extenmou of ting of segregation and nclnnaotion fh Oro; o smwsatioo liqtn. __ ‘ ‘ ‘ o »_ · · _ 8 M1. Grant ofjdeuét land to authorizocl '1`ooid the publio-land States in the reclgmntiou 01 the dose

-11*1:1,10 LANDS § 642 s- lands therein, and the settlement, cultivation and sale thereof s- in smell tracts to actual settlers, NIE Secretary of the Interior with the approvalof the President is, as ot August 18, 1894, .l, autxllorizcdoand €Ill[H)\V{‘1°P(l, upon p1%`i»er application of the rl, State to contract and agree, from time to time, with each of lc the`States in which there may be situated desert lands as ls defined in section 322 of chapter 9 of this title, to donate, a- .grant and patent to the.State freefof cost for survey or price ly {such desert lands, not exceeding one mjllion acres in each ld; ‘State, as the State may cause to be irrigatemreclaimed or oe- ·n cupied, and not less than twenty acres-’ of ea<·h'one hundred to and sixty acre tract cultivatedbiy actual settlers, as thoroughly c- as is. required of citizens, who may enter under cthe said ‘desert· ,e,· land law, chapter -9 of this title, within ted years ·,f1’0Ill the fh date} of approval by the Secretary of tlxelnterlor of the State`: Jr application for the segregation ot such lands; and if actual BS construction of reclamation lworks is. not begun within three to years after the segregationa of the lands or within sash furthe: rd, period not exceeding. three years, las shall be allowed by the to Secretary of"the Interior, the said Secretary of the Interior - __ in his discretion, may irestore such lands to the public domain ill and if- the_State falls,. ivithin ten years froin the date ot suc] H-- segregation, to cause the whole or any part of thelands S1 li-- segregated to be__so· irrigated and reclaimed, the Secretary e ¤S lthe___Interior 1 in his discretion, continue said segregaties FY for aperiod not exceeding ilve· years, or me , in his discretioni ii? restore `. such lands not irrigated and med· to the publl id domain upon the expirationof the t _ ar period or of an BF ·€Xt9DSlQ1 thereof. - _ _ ‘ _ - · if e Before the application lot any State is allowed or any coz 19, tract or agreement is executed or any segregatidn of any fl 9; the land from the public domain is ordered by the Secretar >Y-‘ of the- Interior, the_State shall. me a map ot. the sai! lan _ proposed -to· be irrigated which shall exhibit a `plan showin ¢— t].1€_IIlOd€ of the contemplated irrigation and which plan sha? Jl be sufficient to thoroughly irrigate and reclaim said land an ed prepare lt to raise ordinary agricultnral crops and- shall als be show the__source_ of the water to be for irrigation an es reclamation, and the Secretary of ythe Interior may mak ly- -_ necessaty regulations for the reservation of the lands applic he for by the States to date from the date of the ming ~of th ne — map ·`and plan of irrigation, but snch reseryationlshall- be c nl, no ‘ force whatever if such map and plan ot irrigation sha ite not be approved, 1 ` `· et .ts ‘ Any State `contractlng under this section is hereby anthoa in ized to make all necmsary contracts to cause the said land ’·) `to be reclaimed, and to induce their settlement andicnltlvs -·-· `tion 'in‘ accordance ’with, and ,snbjecf to the provisions of thi ot, section; but the State shalhnot be authorised to lease any e to said lands or to use or dispose ot the same in any way wha of ever, except to. secure their reclamation, cultivation and se L8, tlemeut. i . ` _ · ~ I . " As fast as any State may furnish satisfactory iproof aecore ¤S_ to, such rules and égulations as may be prescribed by th Secretary of the Interior, that any of said lands are lrrigatee ` reclaimed and occupied by actual settlers,} patents shall be la n sued to the State or its assigns for said landsso reclaime and settled:‘Pron€ded, That said States shall not sell or dis pose ofmore thanoone hundred and sixty acres ot. said land to any one person, and any surplus oi money derived by an Pd State from the sale of said lands in excess ot the cost o their reclamation, shall be held as a trust fund for and- b· ne applied to the reclamation of other desert lands in such State (Augf 18, 1894, c. 301, 5 4, 28 Stat. 422;—Jan. 6:1921, c.·10 ¤¥¤· 41 Statl 1085;) q B _ '_ ‘ J . 642. Lien! for expenses of ,reclan1ation.——-Under any law —·—- heretofore »·or hereafter enacted by any State, providing for arf the reclamation of arid lands, sin pursuance and acceptance