Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1389

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1375 TITLE 43.-PU1 water rights, as have been acquired under or recognised J by this section. (R. S. §§ 2339, 2340.) `_A_ , M 662. Reservation of reservoir sites generally}-—Sltes for reservoirs and other hydraulic wdrks necessary for the storage » and utilization of water for irrigation and the prevention of deeds and osierflows, located or selected prior to August #30, 1899, shall remain segregated and reserved from entry, or settlement, until. otherwise provided by law, and reservoir sites ` thereafter located or selected on public lands shall in like" manner be reserved from ·the date of, the location or selection , the:·eef:.Proz:idcd, That t‘l1e_.President may at·any time in, his discretion, by proclamatioxi, open anyportion or all of the lands reserved. by this provision to settlement under the 1annestcad~ laws; (Oct. 2, -1888; c.‘ 1069,_ §~ 1, 25 Staf. 526;'" aaa. 30. 1890. c. 637, § 1, 26 Stat. 391.)-. - _ " ` · _ 663. [Restriction of sites to inclusion of necessary lands.-- Rescrrolr sites loca ted or selected and to be located and selected ' shall be- restricted to and shall contain only so much land as is · actually necessary rfor_'the· construction and imaintenancé or reservolrs;'excluding so far as practicable lands occupied by actual settlers at the date of the location of said reservoirs. (Mar. 3, 1891,,c. 561, § 17, 26 Stat. 1101.) ‘ I ·” _ 664. Rights! of way overreservoir sites generally.——All.res-· ( ervoir sites rescrvedyor to be reseryed shall be open to use and occupation under sections 946 to 949, inclusive, of this title, and any State is herel»y— authorised to improve and occupy such reservoir sites to the same extent as an individual or private corporation, under such `.rules.»and regulations

 the Secretaryof the Interior may prescribe: I’4·o·vided, That

the charges for water coming in whole or ··part from reservoir sites used or occupied under the provisions of this section shall P always be subject to the control and regulation of the respective States and ·· Territories in which such reservoirs are in whole or part sltuate. (Feb. 26,-1897, c. 335, 29 Stat. 599.) - 665. Rights of way ever ruervoir sites,‘wagon road, rail-] road, er other, highway.-—In the . form provided by existing law the Secretary of the Interior may iile and approve surveys and plats] of any right ot way fora wagen road, rallroad, orother highway overand across, any reservoir site when in his judgment. thepublic interests will not be injuriously affected _thereby._{ (Mar. 3, 1899, c. 427, `§ 1, 30 Stat; 1233.) 2 'Chapta ·16.Z-—SALE AND DISPOSAL OF THE PUBLIC Lanes. ’ ·‘·`‘ f 671. Public sale forbidden; exceptions, _ . 672. ·1’ubiic sale in hall quarter sectioned 673. Private sales. · · ‘ ‘ ·~ 674. llcmoranduni lncouncction wtthlappltcatlen. ~. 675. Private sale of lands in Missouri. ` 676._ Highest bidder at private sale; · ` 677.·_Credit en sales. - 678. Price ot lands. . · 679. Price ct alternate sections of railroad lands. — 680. Minerallauds. i . " _ - · . 681. I’ric·e_ ot tortelted railroad lands and lands adjncent te railroad. · lands. . ‘ c ·l · · ‘ 682. Sale {cr cemetery purposes., . 683. xinlmam price; how dxed when reservntiens reid, · 684. Qaered for sale in proportions chosen by Pr•ddi¤t.` '-

  1. 685. Ads·ertisennent·e! anla!. ‘ . , , ·‘ · ‘»

686. Publication of preclamations of sales. 687. Duration. of sales. · _ { - · · 688. Serernicertltieates to two or more purchaser! el |am• IIBUQI y 689. Refwd of purchase money. _ ( · 690. Sources et funds ter repayment. · 691, Putrchise et lands lecsted ln good faith by claim! arising under rea . . 7 · · · 692. Cain rezelnble in payment. I 693. Prcyisieas for mistakes in entry. ‘ l 694. Mistakes in patent lands. _ · · 695. Mistakes in location `et warrants. " 696. Agreements to pay premium te putchutll. · _*

BLIO LANDS § 673 Sec. _ . _ _ 697. Error ln entry, selection, or location by mistake of numbers; pro- _ cedure where final entries have been canceled. 698. Recover? of premiums paid. » 699. Bill lfcr discovery of agreements. Q" 700. Private entry of lands forbidden; exceptions., Section 671. Public sale forbidden; exceptions.-——N0 public lands`0f_the United States, except abamlonell military or other reservations isolated and discewnected. fractional fracts audiopized to be $0111 by section 1171; and mlner;11 and other lamlsthe sale'0f which alfpiiblic auction has been authorized by Acts of Congress of a special natm··e having local application, shall be sold at public sale. _( Mar. 3. 1891, c. 561, § Q, 26 Stat. 1099.3 ° » 672. 'Public sale in half quarter sections.—;All the public ‘l211'l(]§,· the Sale of which is authorized by l':1w,Y.Shall, when Offered at public_ sale t0_tl1e highest bieleler, be offered in, half quarter sections. · (R. S. § 2353.) ,' h ‘ . . 673. Private sales.—·—All Tthe public lands, when offered at private sale, may be purchased, zu; the option of thefpnxrchaser, ln entire sections, half sections, qnarter sections, halt quarter sections, or quarter quarter ésections. (R. S. § 2354; Mar. 2, 1889, .c. 381, § 1, 25 Stat. 854.) ~· - ‘ 674,_.M€m0F3DdRm in connection with application;—Ex*er;»· person making application at any of the land eihqes of the United Slates for the purchase at private sale of a tract of land shallproduce to the register, a memorandum in wrlt- .ing, describing the tract, which he shall enter by the proper number ot tlie section, half section, quarter Section, half quarler section, or quarter quarter section, as the case may be. and of the township and range, subscribing his name therem,_ which memorandum the register shall iile and preserve in` his `omce. i(I§. S. § 2355.) _· W _· · , ` 675. 'Private sale of lands in Mias0uri.——.l\ll`p11bllc lands within the State. of Missouri shall be subject to disposal as private sale in the manner provided by law for the_ salelef lands_ which have beenpubliely offered for sale, whether such lands have ever been offered ‘at public sale er.n0t: Rrovided. Thatlhe actual settlers shall have a preference right, under such rulesand regulationslas the Secretary et the Interior prescribe. (May 18, 1898, ac. ·344,· § 2, 30 Stat. 418.)· ‘ · 676. Highest bidder at private ·ssle.e—-Where two or more persons ( apply for the purchalse, at private sale, at the same tract, at the same `tlme, the register shall determine the preterence, by forthwitlroffering the tract to the .higlrest bidder. (R_.S.`§2365.) ‘ ‘· ‘ · ‘ ‘ J , 677; Credit. en galeqs-Credit shall not bc. allmred for the purchase money on the sale et any of thelpublic lands, but every purchaser ot land seld at public sale shall, en the day Mof purchase, make complete payment therefor; andthe purchaser at private sale shall produce tethe register et the land oifice ·a receipt from._the Treasurer et the United; States, or from the register et the district, fer the amount of the purchase money en any tract, before he enters the same at the land omce; and it any person. being the highest bidder; at public sale for a tract of land, tails to make payment therefor on the day da which the same was purchased, the tract shall be again offered at pabllcsele on thenext day of sale, and ··such person shall not becapable et becoming the purchaser of . that or any, ether trac; 0Eered_ if each public sales; (R. S. ` I· 2358; Mar. 3, 1925, c. 462, 43 Stat. 1145.) · . · 678. Price of Ishii.-1--The- price at which the? publlc lands are 0Eered for sale phall be $1.25 an acre; and af every public sale, the highest bidder, who makes payment as provided in the preceding section, the purchaser; but ne landshull be; wld, elflier it publfc or prlvate sale, fer li lem price than $1.25*eh- acre; and hllithé public lands which are edered at pxiblic bale, according to law, and remain unsold al: ,the,close 0{mch public éales, shall be subject, to be sold at private sale,