Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1395

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lggj TITLE 43..—·-···P& er the éme shall he refeeded to the Treeeery hy the erher eereee delivery of the vpeteetn. (Mer. 3, 1%, e. eee, ze i heard, 4 ;) e l * ?§§. Wired eervey may he hed by eeitiere ih tevmehip,······- 2 Xhilldh the eetilere le ehy teemehlp mleerhl er rwerved e pg r, flererereezzh, er hed iee e leeixglvly pee p

 ei wel leeds ned ethereelee quellded te, melee ehrry

lhereei, er when the eemere er greeteee ei pdhlle leeds of the lfelml Slelee, ueder any law therwf, dmlre &lK`¥i1'”’6’&Y mede ei me me eeder the eetherlty of the Field Serveyim Serrlee e ered ehell ele epplleuleh rherher ·i.e wrliieg, ded shell eeyeelr ie we preper United Smtee `depeeltery to the ° credit er X lee ljielred States a eem e¤®cleht he pay fer meh surrey, theeeeher with all exwediterw leeldeet therete, witheet area er eleim fer indemnity ee the United Statw, it shell be laeviel fer the Field Serveyleg Serviee, heder meh iH8{!‘\¥Etl,6H$ ee meg heglree Ev jthe e%v‘¤ ¢ ·“%iG§€1' ve! the General lend Glhee, reed dh h§£=€&1‘€3B£B with law, te mrvey meh township `er such mhlie lehde eweed hy pe; id grantees ei the Gevemmeet, eee;} eleke return tihereier to the general and preperr Ideal lend edlee: Preeided, Ehet B9 ‘ epplieetien shall he greeted. unless whe rewnehlp ee pre d te be surveyed within the range ei me regular pregrees et the public eerveye ewbrdeed by exlerihg etepderd lines? pr heees {er township and subdivieleeel seurveys. ‘(B, S. § 2461; Aug. w, 18%, c. 362, § 1, 28 exe:. 423; hier; 3, 1925, e. 462, 43 Stet. 1144.) _ _ , ‘ ldd. Bewsli fer expenses deemed an qpprepriatixme-—The rlepesi; et eeeeey lh he proper Ilnlted Stetee depeeitery, under lhe prevlsieds of the preceding @ien ,( shell cbc deemed ,8.11 eppreprietleh of the sexes ee deposited- fdr Wthe objects cenfeelpleted ‘ hy that eectlee, and the Secrethry et the Treasury ‘ le edlherlzed `eaese the ev deposited to be placed te

  ,¤e¤¤¤¤=i¤¤e¤¤ M the Serlevme wvire; but may exeeesee j   ;llWl“E     l _   p    cep  

erm ei the surveys, eeieprlslrzg all expehmf incident theret0, ter rvhleh they were eeverally depeelted, shell be repaid te the depeeltere rmpectirely. _· (R.‘S.¢§ 2402.) V " ‘ 751. Repayment. ei exeeee of deposits te eever nf sur-·‘ regs of laMe.·—;·’I'he deer/etery at Treasury is adtherlred and directed ee wv, edt et the maeeyg heretetere or hcreefter eeverw the ‘Treaem·y there deposits made ‘by vledivldehle te eever mt of work performed and to helper- d ferhsed ie, like ww et the ·U¤ited htatw Field - eyir1g

 lh eedheetleh with the survey ei mineral e, adv

exams ie the dmehet deweliiedv ever end shove the eetdal met ‘ ei werk \per£ermed, including all EX§B134588 incident theretto qfer which the depedts were eeverelly made er the whole et - hey he r deposit; and éuch de x: eethe eeveml maya be, ehell be deemed te m e.mme1ly'a.¤d permanedrly `§.§i)I‘0§1'ivmed ter the; pe r Such repayments éhell he made to the

 er peredds whe ·made_ the several depeelfe, or to hle er v

their legal reprememtlew, 'etter the cempletieh per ehehdoh-· meet ei the véerk {er which deposits were made, and ape ee aemhet hr Held, Surveying Service et. the district in the mleerel lead leurreyed, er sought to be eprveyed le eiteietml hed epprevyelgy the Commissioner elf the · Geeerel 0Me. Y (Feb;. 1969, ,cg ISO, as Slat- 645: k Mer. 8, wm, of Q3 Sm:. 1144.} A p “ · ‘ · ‘” 752. made by eeetlers for surveys te ge le part pay- ment of 1@.··—-··Where eettlere er earners er greht·e® ei pdhlic ler1d$,make deeeelte ld eeeerdeeee with the preview r et seeiildh 'idd, eertldeetm he} . c ·~ ter edeh de@ite which may by in peyrheet ter the he ·— v ,: eett.led_ upeeihy thempthe edrrey efwhleh is peld ter edt el-  » eepes1¢e,er.eem eerueeece he my meereemedt hed may he received hy ’ the Gevemmeef1:1 §&Y%§l3 for any public leeds of the Umted Stalee ie Steta where lhe surveys were made, entered, Q! le be edtered under, the laws

smc .2.:45ips § 770 thereof, ( 5* § V24G ; Apr, 2%*, ISM; c. SQ 19 Stat. Hm:. 3, 13*3*9, cc, ITG, 2® Stat. 352; mzg; 29, 18%, c. $@2, § 2, 23 Ma t., 4:23.} ’ 763. Bepasits in Imxisiama sppiimtsie in r¢sur¥eys.~Sx;¢I; mms as have been or may he da§s$ited Em: $ =m·w3:#s in Lomzsimm by actual semém, andes: secizims 75%, ?§ > and 'E'@, may be, m whale or in part, empmyeé in mamag smh rmxswem ax may M necessary in the d1s—cm·tma at the Gagmmiiiésiamr of fiw Genera} Lam} O§¢e. {Ang 7, 1532, c. 433, § L 2:2 iésmt. 32’2'..)§ 764., Augmemed rates far surveys af {crest laxsés; Qregmk-···· The Commissicuer of the Genera! Lané may mstmriza, in his discredan, public imma in Gregm, e$£¤s&¥y ccmred wm; foareéts cr thick uudergrowté, m be surwyeé at assxgmemeé rum, not exceeding $18 per miie mr smmiam psraiiem, Sm fare townships, and $12 fm: sectiim limes. {R. S, § 2%%.} 765. Asagmchtui mms fur surveys of fcmgt Imés; Caiifmn-— nin and w8Ski1§gt6R.—jTh& Gcmmiasmmx at the Gémml Laué Omce, in his discreticn,4 ngay gsatlwrim imblis. lmés in C&21 · fomia and yashington, dense}; cwered with famm cr thigh undergrowth, to be mrveyw at augmented mms, mt excseéiag $18 per lined: mile fof stahdard mralléls, $16 fm: tezwmships, and $14 for secticp lines. (R. S. Q ). Q 766. Geclagicsl surveys, extmsim at pmbiic surveys, ev pénses `cf subdividing.-¥—·'1`he·re sgaéll be na further gmmgicai survey by the Government, unless autherizeé by mw. The public surveys khaki gxténd over all mixieral lands; and all subdiyiding of surveyéd iaudé into lots l&s {han one hundmci and 3ixty_a€:x7es‘ may be done, by ccanty and jms.! smveyms 4; at Que expense qt claimants; but nothing in mis sectimz cantaiued ·s1rgaIl require tha' sufvey of waste at useless Imiis. (`H._S.§2406.)- · . » •· ~ * 767.. Survey; an waterccur@ i¤?ccrtai¤"éssem—W1zenex·er, in the opinion of the Prwident, d —depgi·tm·e ham the qminaxy

 .0::. any xiver, lake, bayoa, ar watercourse would   llll     1w · m¤j%~ e »        

Field .Su rvey ing Service of the district in which auch kané is situated, and whére the change tg intended ta he made, ta · cmisg the lands 't0` be ._sm· veyed in ttscm at tad scrglin width; {mating és any rtveg, c u, Igke, cg: watercourée, and running pack thé depth at toasty aww; which tracts pt land m` surveyed shall be mereé for aiztire, instead ci mba}; quarter gud in the mama: arid on the wma terms in all as the other lands of the? United Etgtm. (R. S. I Mar. 3.19%, c. 4®,_43 Stat. 1144.),- 768. Lines in Nevgdzé-I;1 mrveys dt the ;mh~ llc lands in ·Statq of Ne~vgda ; the Smretary of the Interior · may vary at the. sumtivisio · {mm A rectangular térm, to suit tkge circémsmnws of the- cagmtry. (R. S. 5 2468.) , 769. etic mqthod af saucy in Oregam md Cdkifamim-·——— _The Secretary ci the Alnteriois, it he deems it advisable, is amhcrized tc 'ccntums, the surveys in Dragon California., tq be made after what, is known as the geodetic method, under _ such regulations and upon such terms gs have been bi may héreafter- be by; the M cm: of the 'Gmaral Imzd Omce; but umm other than townmp 1i¤es.sha1l bé mm w§ém the land is mmt {mj ¢¤1t.iati¢¤;‘ nor kn; depucy §n1rvay01:ichargé,1{<>r any ling except meld as may be actuauy mu and maxjked, br for any Bm act xxeeessary tc be Q mm. (R.S.§\24%.»)\ ‘ A .770. mask of survey; when departed fmm.——- Whenever, la apmion of the Qgcretary of the Imzerioy, a departure thq mode of `su;·veyi¤g_ and mmdividing {gba publié lands in Calimrniw would promote zhe mxblic i¤ter&ts,'he may direct such change to be made_in the, ' modé ot surveying gud designatiag suéh lands as .h<~> d¢§<*wS , pmper, with kefémuce td the cxhstence of mountains, mineml depbéits, `and the advantages derived from timber and wa ter S