Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/142

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, ‘ {01 TITLI 8.···+£LI§NB. A p 155. Deportatica srithm cabin time of mw mtierlmi or {aud in . _ U¤ste¤l_ Staten in viointion of law. ‘ . 156. Ports ea which ww to be é%D9Tté}<§( of depo¥¤t!¤$. _ 157. Ewen-todos at mum @@4 •.%g; ¤ timlo! penom to be éemrtné ge inmaer of dmortntiem at 4 _ §¤nl; ¤:¤mi@¤ denied. { _ t f . C, 158. t Aemimoat et nliem liable to,. b• exclud& on giving} band or wah ¤¢Pe¤¥*— t . " “ e . 2 159. ilmpanry éueumh nad uduiasieu og kportattca. ti use or

 éhcrémg- of wlte or minor child of nsturnlimd alien .

or resident Aiken. - _ _‘ · · F 150. ieuding ctntiony for alien pesseegers transported from Camo; 161. Interim- mwrnat stations. y y , wt. D@mia•tioa in rixlm md. coutx·a<:t• for entry and Inspection _ of aliens. _ “Q ,  »— — e . _ 1®. A@m or nmistiag certain aliens to; enter; penalty. ‘ 3%. Jexjisdietion et Qdieirtct·c¤urts; defies of district attorneys; _ p _ 165. S1g¤ing_allcz1` on shigvs qticles with intent to permit landing ‘ · violation" of lam. . W V » ’. _. ‘_ 166. Lending ot- »excl¤®:l. ¤enmeu'prohibited‘;_ temporary landing; de- - g portatiou within three yeiri. - y " _. _- ~ t 167. {og Deteutieu of senmeg on board vessel until `stter inspection; t Y _ detehtioxn or deportation; penalty; cleaxfancév to vessels. 4 tl;} Prima facie evidence of {allure toldetain or deport, ‘ `ie) Deportatiou; pmcedufe. .' ,· - l. .· M - Q ( »— 168. Paying sa! or tlisclmrglng exeluded (aliens employed c¤` ywpelsi Tlnadgiag to know reshipping. . _ ’ U · y 1®.‘E¤ploymeut on "msseuger vessels ot. aliens ·a¤tcted with idiocy. 1%*0. Tregtment i¤Q_ hospitals of _ alien. seamen `§Q;lcted with certain j 171. Lim et aliens employed on. vessels arriving from foreign ports; —· YCQOTISV ot allege illegally landed. l _ - '_ 172. Posting oflnws by agentsioieteamslxip eompanies. ‘ I?3. Be§xii'tien¢`; alien;-seaman; person; ” [174. Finalityot decision of immigration omcers. 4 175; App1iea.t;io¤’ of laws to Bhllippine Islands. . __ ,- ‘ H6. Disposition of moneyi receiyed or paid for eipensest of detained 1 ‘ .s.1ie¤s. ‘ t K ‘ -.- v _ 177. International coiaferenqe for regulation ot. imxrgigratiou of aliens ;.` · · mcertmemaetemm t . _ l - yf 178. have mmmeetm ;` efect on repealed laws. . ‘ _: p1’i9. 3lzmk”formo of manifests and-_crew·1tsts. i _ '_ _ P) $ QUOTA ABE NOHQUOTA IMMIGRANTS 201. Citation. . · · - ‘ l- _· _ · · V 202. {sl Immigration visas i authority to issue; contents. » . tb) i*hotograph_ of immigrant; »_ `. l l .-] (c) Period otvalidity of visa. { . ._ " _ t] (d)_ Notation on passport of pumber ot·vlsa._ `- { · . { (e) Entry on manifests or passenger lists of date concer¤lng` I ` Q viéae; ·st1ri*¢¤de;· of visas at port! of inspection and trans- d1tttsI'tc_ Department ot Labor. _ .. '`'‘ 1 { (I} Visas not to be imued, when. - ' . (S) Tins not to entitle inadmissible alienate entry. I . my me set- vi¤. · ‘ y · t ‘·(i)' Reduction or abolition of visa {ees. ‘ ! 263. “Immigteat " dedned. " . j · ‘ _ _ "204t» “Nonquotai immigrant ". dettued. . 206. "Quetn immljra.ast" dmued. _ _ _ ' 206. ‘(n) Enuwemtiou of prefezeuees within quotes.? ‘ - l '(M) Ieréesatage of preferencm; · ’ _ . _ t · (42) Time for giving of preference. . e ` 207. th) implicate applteatiousfor visas; form ot. t ·- tb) Contents. . _” l _ · (c)._ Copiu of dossier. and otllcr records. . _ ’ * _ (d) §tatemout ae to memt>ex·¤hip_ in clauses of nliens_.e;cluded. ’* (e) Statement ue to exempttoxrfrom exclusion. y . V 1 (fj Signature to undgverioentloo ot. application ;‘ one copy ,to be I

 . immigration visa when visaed; disposition of other copy;

, lg) ,Ven-iécatiou of application by immigrant tmder nge ot eighteen. { ¢hp’,1·`ee for turnislxlng andveritleatioxa of application. e~ “L-* 208. NonquotaV_immigratioo visas; when and how issued. S ·I Q209. (a)`IsSu:1¤cc_ otuonqirote and quota visas to gelativesy authotity » 1 Q ‘ to issue. _ ’ l _ . _ ~. I (bl Persons entitled-to; petition for: form and cputentsu ·_ _ · (c) Vermeation ot petition; documentary eyidence·gccompa¤yi¤g. ‘ (dj ·Suppox··ti¤g statements accompanying. , ‘ l a _ .*1 (e) Action ot Commissioner? General,. Secretary of Lnbunr, and ; . Secretary of State. _ · ' . A ‘ . _ (I) Effect on-rixbts oi uonquota immigrants. · ‘ ‘ 210.V(a) Reeniry permits; persons entltlcdi tc; application for: form 1 . V and contegta; verlheationg photogrqph mesmpanying. I


. im   uy camweei   W,. l 2 0 d

e — L•b¤r; ¤!• of vvmita term i¤d`e¤;te¤t?:r°;erS;;c;;$ulQy‘ M ' mph . . A 3 OU}- tel} &mt¤¤ ·¤! Eta dl vault. (4). In ~ - . · . A (Q U¤¤‘¤¢=¤¥ •¢ mutt ea retun ta United Stem,. (f) Bsect d pcmitoa rlghu at ' 211.‘_(1t} tangy; en aetl¤¤sHty: aware: eagle; mtramm Y -. (5) aatglxlt mr 19*27 mialmrm tcl Beteréixtion la amen: . my Inhabitants in eontiaeatsl United States m 1$20. 2 ic) sl ec$¤;‘ by whoa made; preeedtuw _ _(:) ·Imr.tlgn.t.t¤a t•_ mtu: seeth}; issue; _ (sl Imc of vin te •• wu iawisraat 212. (al Nationality°;·de . Q , 1* · · · ~ _ (b) ‘ Statemmt et reatd¤t·lm1ddz¤h er vsrwu numuztq ` Q tc) Eseet it $8%% iwtwvslgn .eea¤t¤·ae$ · (cl) Btatwtayae., ,,» __ . e 2 .(e) to of 1mta et nstionnlmes; precla- 213; ta) ferrous aoeiteene ‘ .” . t . 2 -~(h)_ Reatlmiagoa &it¤¤5 diem! whe hare tempenritly ` » a departs rh;. -_ 2 ‘ _ . l_(c) Alien; tepémgnnp. _ _ · (6) ahem under 2 rad 8 er rahdtvletes (ee 2 ··»¤f‘thips¤¢ti¤n.. t. e "A(e)  ; éxlmustioa df than @b1e tea quota limi- . _ (1) Finch net.t•g§e •r [ _ J _~ 214. Deportatioa; -proce3m·e;_ unda pai ex mteen. . 215. Admlsilton or perxm excepted {ren of aaa z. t ~ _ ¤0hQ¤0t&liH!mi§f3¤ti§= ®  ; '*~_ 216. Unhwml brlwi¤x‘¢§ mta“m&t;|·8!mt¤s‘h=y~wat¤·; penalty » ._ -..•momt;_»cle•ranen ee ie•&; ‘ . _ 217; .Coatncts*.with_ trsasmrtattea Ima; qd rqww; wir · _ . eqntiguous ’tq•1*it¤y.' i " » _ _ ~ _ 218.- United immigration ykgs; additional ret tc lane taken ot. . 219.‘Ree¤try‘ permity; preperupga, pam; aq ‘ 220. ·(•.) Otemes in ’vith •I t;; {wills. reenter- »-»;~e-—-»—>——-»—.»+f¢¤1¤;.e¢tc.r»#¤¤¤|§r¤ti¤¤ Unit er .--..-._g _(b`) False perseaaticm etT_§¤ot@·;¢ wa; .¤etitieus· _ name-; Mhlitfuf nleretc., qifvtn or permit ;_ peealty. = (e) Falnefstrtemegug pmalty. Q . Q ,_ _. .. 22*;.- Burdea of prwt upéu mtr! at then win pracceéliegsl 222.»Ru1esaadrez¤L¤tio¤a.-` 1 · · 223. Law"additiegal’ t¤'_other immigration laws; 224. Dehhltions. · 0 —, " 4 _" — . 225.fApproprtatten* adthoriied. » . 226.°_Pu·t1•l lnnlidtty; exact ct.-- , ” _ ·‘ ..< -. 227..1..Qertam •lie¤• tenppora.rlly_”•&iittede under Act Ray 19. 1921._‘¤¤<1 uader bead an excm of quotas na; remah. 2 .· _ l _ . e 228. Ce.rtai¤‘•.l1en¤.·arrlv1ng ln eiem at .qects‘ te remain; 229. Act Me; 19.:1921; ehaptu 8, la. mm for tnmsltien, and enfarcemt cl. pemltlaitdepatatlm pt catering — ._ in violation thereof. . _- ‘ · 230. Certain. alien? rmidents `consérlpted or wqleateerlng for service _ ‘ e during World War lawtally rekdmltted. M . 2 ` BUREAU OF-IMHIGRLTION, IMMIGRATION OFFICERS,


tSectica`101. C0§\§iI$i§§¢!.G¢12él’8l‘ af I§Ri[l'8ti0H} Aasisi·' mt .C0mmisa§eneér` Gexienl ufl Immtgntien; agpaintment; reports} quarters.—=——’1lhe omée of the Cemmissloher General oi [li1mi8l'&ti0H· is! created and established, and the President by Mid with the adyice and consent ef_the Senate. attthorlzetl and directed 1:6 appoint such [officer. He shall be an- 0@cer_iu the Department of Labor, and ehullaperterm aH°.h_is· duties Q under the directlcin of the" Secretary ot Labor, ta wjlmm be shall make annual reportaia writing or thetraasacticrls af hist 0&ce,‘ together with such? special in fw_riting_ as the Secretary. qi Laber _ plmll lmqdlre, _The Secretary shall provide him with *4 _ editable, tm-sighed c@ce in che city cg,7tWaehingtoa,_ nm with sueh2_bcpke_. qt.reco;rd.=m¤1 facilities for tlxediecharge of the dutia of his emce es may >e necessary., There shall M ·|.u`ass1stax;t‘ commiesioaer gem