Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1432

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§ 49 TITLE Ml.--—~——P{JBLI0 PRINT tlnnn in his department, `0r· ln nny nf the brnncla 0$cns. He s shnll inclndn in nucl: lint all the statistics peculiar .t<> hw de- c »pnrtn:ent required to. enable the Dlrnctnr of- the Census t6’— la

 tim 0@is.l Regihtng;. _(Jnn. 12, l@5, c. 23, l 43, % 7 e

Stnt._80‘7;. Jnnn 7, 1906, c.~·30—lS, 34 Stat. 218.) ‘ c 49. boards.-;—Tile Deputy Public Pl'iBtGl',- the nuperinninudent of prlnung, land _ n person dwlgxmted by the a Joint Cmmittni on Printing, shall écnstltnté a (wird `t0` ex-- js amine and renort in writing nn all delivered under ll nnntrnct, nr by or othnrwlée, at the Government t Frinting Thé Public _1?rintex·, snperintén_dént nr .t igindlng, ind a person dmigunted by the {nint Committée ou, u Printing shnll constitute n bmrd tn- exaélue nml, report ln l wrinlng nn all xnntnrlal, except pgpexj, for tile of the bindenty. ·i The Public Pflnter, superintendent of, printing, t" ¥ and n perm dwgmbed by the_J0int Ccmmittw 011. Printing .2 shall cqnsiitnte a bmrd ct ccmmnation, who, upon the ml1 at the Publin Printer, shall determine the éoudition of presses AB and othw mncl1i&ry_ and matalal used in the _Gcvemgne;1t_ p

 Qmce, with d view t0_ condemnation, (Jan; 12, 1895, h

ZL %, Q 20, 28 Stat.]603; Hay 27, 1968, c. 200, 5 1, 35 Stat. 382; ra lum7,1@,c.3®,§»_'1,·L3Smt.590.’) `~ _ » 55. t l s g clerk; ¤d¤ticn.¥—-·'1The dtsburslng clerk of the lc 3ns·em@t.,Prin§m Ohlce shall be jCllill‘g€u with the receipt. 1 and disbur&nnt of nil moneys for snid onine id acc0x·d;mce` with the pmvisions nf law ranting- to other dlsbursln; officers 5 lf the Gcvnrnmentj under nucl; baud and rules as the "Se;cre* - I nr; nf tha Trysury shnll prescribe. ( J nn. 12, 1895; c. 23, ,21 5*%, 28 Stat. 695; Feb. 20,3 1923,. c. 98, 42_‘Stat. 1278.) _ . [ f 51. Settlement of aiccmmts.-—-—Tl1g £llSbl1l’Sillg clerk Of _ the xc §cs.·nrnmnnt Printing·.0mcn shnll settle the ncccunt, df _-_l1is tl rncnipts and" dinbnrwments in tlaé saule manner required `of a mnw dinblurniug ctlit·i=:rs.° (Jam I2, 1895, 9. 23,·§ 30, 28 Stat. D FGLS; Feb. 20, 1923, c. _9S, 42 Stax. 1278;) ‘ , ‘ 3; 52. Advances to, dislmrsing clerk,-#-Tlxére sliglll be advmnced . r 0 the disbursing clerk from time to time, as the public service nay require it, and undgr snc·h·m1les as the Secretary bt tha` ~d Ctmsnry mnyi prescribe, n sum of money tq (enable hizin to q my for wqrk and material, (Mar.; 30, 1900, c. 118; 31 Stat. -3 L8; ¥'en. 20, 193, iz. 98,42 Stat. 1278.) . , 8 4 53. interest of n§i·:ers and assistants in painting can-_ q rads.-}-Neither the Pgzic Pl‘llllGI:, sujpcrintendent ~0f;])1liHtlllg,` r supcrinténdent- of bin g, nor may "of their assistants shall, 1 lnriug. their continuance in ofiice; have may jutérest, direct br ‘( udirnct, ju the publicaticm of any newspaper or periodical, q »x· in any printing, binding, cngtaving, 01‘_Il[h0gl*2}]llllIlg qi any — I mind, or in nnyxeoaatrnct fb: furnishing pnpnr of other material t annnneted with the piiblic printing, bindimggllthogrnphlug, »or engraving; and fozicvcry violation nf this ngctlcn the party 5; vffnnding shnll, nn ccméictinn before any écnrt bt ‘ competent 3 urisdintinn, be imprisoned an the penitentiary {nr n term of I wt lwn-tlan;1 nun nm? more than Eva yenrn, and shall be Engel t mt exceeding $590, {Jan. 12, 1895, c. 23, { 34; % Stat. 605; .t tiny 27, 1908,,c. 200, { 1, 35 Stat. 382.; June 7, 1924, jc. 30, 1 ii, 43 ${1L 590} l. W _`. ~ , 7] _ 54, Accmntability for and inane Si mat¢ri•ls.·———-The Pi1blic‘ 4 L*x·in4;¢·;· nnnll charge hitnsnlt with, and he ncc0nntab1c=fo:·,·nll la »ant4;»a·inl avecclmd im the public usc. _Thn. snperintenklents of 1 mating and binding nhnll make out wtimntes gt the quantity l ind kind nt mntnrinl reqziirnd for their r five defmrtments c and nnln written requisitions théréfér whm it in needed. The c lfnblic Printer shall fur·°the mma in them onthese requi·‘ s minus, ng required for the public and `they _ shall I i·el·ni;nt in him and be held 8€€0l11.1C§Bl€ for all mtnrial so z ¤·;~¤·eivn¢l. (Jan, 12, 1SM,'c. Z3, I 32, 28 Sint. 6w;.__June 7, t li)24, c, 3~ll3, _§ 1, 43 Stat. 590.) - 4 T _ -· t · . 55. Furdxsc of may supplies.-—'il2‘b~é Public Printer may { purchase in open nmrkct, and with0ufpxes*ldi1“s advertising, l

TNQ AND DOCUMENTS 1418 och suppliés as the Government Priotlng Gmc may rmoiwo, »t ink, roller; composition for making rollers, tapes; pyggg slankots, and lubricating oils; taking care that ohiy tho lowmvmgrhct prices be paid; andiwhen practicable ho shallisouo circulars inviting hidsi (Jan, I2, 1w5,.c. %, { 38, 28 Stat; 607.) 56. Sale or exchange . of condemned msteris1s.—\Vhono~}e#: ms? machinery or material itu tho Qolvemmont Printing Omoo ihall have been regularly, condémnod as ons·é:yloooblo,,‘ the ?*ublic ‘Pl‘iI1t.€1' may sell the same, hficr public advortisiomout, 0 the highest bidg1o1·,·'§or cosh, mad tum tho procoodos, ima he Trchsu-ry.of the’Un1tcd St_a§es. In mso themxm or ammo dfored for such ndvertimd pi·oporty_ should bo, (deemed by sim too low, he may exchange said old machimcry or material for new; payingjhe dmermxco in miméy, .·`&Hd__1’¢¥¥d€!’ 'awropriate ·duchers` for such exmhdituroi (Jan. 1% @5, iz. %, { 21; ‘ E8 Stat; · · M . _ ‘ , · i ,'

  • 57. .Rcccipts from salci to be covered 'mte ‘*l’ré@y.-—

doneysl; received from silos of oxtga obpiesé of dcéumems, aaperz shqviugs, i·mpéx*fcctions,l waste gold leaf, leather am rock cloth scmps, andf filig tho- salopot old aué comlémnod nhterial, $11:111 be deposited byjfho Public Printer in tho Pregsgry of the United Sta·tes,_ ahd s defailoi statemcm theregt. shall be included in his ahuual repott to (Jan. ,2, 18§5,·c.·23, 5 ,23, 28_Stot. 605.) ° ·_ ·` · · I · · .58. Sale of duplicate plates; copyright.-4'Bhe Public Printer hail} soil, under such régulations as the Joint- Committee on » ?rinti_ng hwy prescribe; to any person or who may epply,_ad`ditiona1 or duplicate stereotype or ehectr<}typg_plates{ rum jvhibh any Govcmmcht publicétion is printed, at a price wt toéxcocd the cost of €0Ill}lOSiti0H, the. metal and making: E; ‘the Government and 14} per contum sddoel and thoofn;11 xmount of. thé..pri~co shall be paid whv11.·the'_ordouKis’§l0d.` io pu_blir·ation repriixtod »from’ such S&}l{t’0t}'[)£" or olonrotypo »iatc$ had no other Government publication éhall be copy- dghtoil. cJ¤¤.F12Q`_1s9s;. C. mk é sz, os sm:. cos.; l · 59. Mhéhinery, mgterialg, equipment, or·suppliw‘(mm. other lep;rtments.——A:of· oflicérh of the` (%ov`ei·s1h:en‘t having rua-- ehinory, mate1?ia.l,i‘ equlpmontg or s=uppl—ie·s for printing, hméilog, md blaukyboqk {work, imrludirig lithography,. photolithography, md o_tl1‘e1·_ processes of ioymcductjon, which am no longer to- [uirod or smthorizod for hié mrvico, shall sobmif a detailed eport _0f tho· some to thé Public Prlhtgr, aixd the. Public ?ri;1i§·1··is he1·éby· authorized, with the gpppovhl of the Joint lommittoo on Priutihg, to roquisitiozx —such httizrlm of the rharoctor `horelnho described as are "`sérvicoabloe in the G·ovem—· nont‘jPri;1ti¤g_Omce, and the s§mo` shall.bc· pfommly delivered o that o®ce. (July 19, 1919, c. 24Q S; 3; 41 Stat. Q.) J 60; `Copsolidation of ·¢l©part~mmt*, printing @ées.-—AEl prim-. ng omlces in tho. departments in openfstiou m Jamzaty 12, . 895, or thero§fter` put in operation; shhll be consideiedl s mrt of the Government Printing 0&ce, and shall be `ymder ho control of the Publié Printer, who shall topnish all prosseén ypos, impwiug sionog, and necemalry machinery gm! material For said o@ces from the gc-moml `sopplios of the f Governmozit hinting O&co; `and gll paper and material of avery kim} used in the said omces for `dopartmehtol work, oxcop; letter __ md note paper mid envélvhés. sh¤ll_,_bo supplied by the Phbkic ?r:h1ter;'and all persons employéd in Nsald printing omces and wluderios shall be appointed by the Public Prihtzér, and be _ rarriod on his pay roll the somo hg employoc·s`-io the main mee, ond shalkbo rospousihlo to him. ,—ThiS section shalt not apply to,` tho. o&co in the ·\Vcothor Burma, but tho, Public kintor, with the approval of tho Joim; Committee oai Prlnting, nay abolish such oxoopted omoo whohévof ih their jmlgment hé écrmomy of pho public éxorvico would bé. thereby advmhed; All work dsmé in ¢ho sold omoés shall bb` ordered on blanks nropgred for that piwposo by. the Puhlic Printer; which shall __ no nmmbextocl éousochtivoly, and must he sign& by soma oue·