Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1438

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§ 142 rmon 4.;.-1>Un1.1v.r1m ny the Joint Conanzittee `on`.Printii1g, andthen in no instance ehall the whole nnrnlrcr eneeed the number originally authorized ley lnw. {Mar. _1Q inn?. c. :3284, 5 5, 34 Stat., 1014.) ‘ ° ` 142. Clamidcation and nnnnbering of publications ordered printd by Congrws; designation of publications ofj departmentsf printing of committee hearings.+—Pnblicntions ordered printed by ceitgneq, or either House thereof, shall be in four series. namely: One series of reports made oy the committees ot the Senate, 'to·be known as Senatei reports`; one seriesnof . reports made by the committees of the Honre of Representatives, to be known as House reports; one series of documents other than reports of .connn~ittees,__ the orders for printing irrnielr originate in the Senate, to be known as Senate documents, and one series of documents other than committee reports., the orders for printing which originatesin -the Houéeof Representatives. to heknown as House documents. '.l‘he.publications in each series shell be consecutivelyonurnhered, the numbers in eaclrseries continuing in unbroken seqgence throughout the entire term of a Congrese, but the foregoi~ng` provisions shall not the documents printed for"”the use of the Senate in executive session. Of the “·u·sual 'number," the copies_ whirrh are intended for distribution ·to_ State and Territorial libraries- and other designated depositorics of all annual. or serial publications originating in or prepared by an executive department; bureau, office, commission, or board shal1 not ·be_ numbered at the document or report series of either House oi Congress, but shall be designated by title and bound as hereinafter provided. and the departmental edition, if any, shall be printed concurrently .with_ the " usual _ nuinber." 'Heafings of con1n;ittees 111a3* be printed as congressional documents only wher specifically g·rdered_ by Congress or either House thereof., (Jan. 15, 1908, No. 3, § 1,35 Stat. 565.) _·`- l - _ 143; Bindingof publications for distribntion to libraries.--? _In the binding of congressional docuinente and reports "for distribution by the Superintendent of Documents to State and Territorial libraries . and other designated-- depoeltories, every publication of. snilicient size on any one subject shallg be bound separately and receive the title suggested by · the subject of E the volume, and the others shall be . distributed- _in unbound form as soon as printed. The Public Printer shall supply the Superintendent of Documents sufhoient copies ot those pnblicatione distributed in unbound form, to be bound and distributed to the State and Territorial libraries and other designated·depositoriee‘ for their permanent tiles. * The library edition, as well as all other bound sets of congressional numebered docnrnenteand reports, `-shall be arranged in volumes and `" bound in the manner directed by the Joint Comnnlttee on Printing. ‘ (Jan.'15, 1908, No. 3, 5 2, 35 Stat. 566.) I · ‘ . _ e 144. Appropriation to which coat of printing b·y`orde1—»o£; Congreeer chargeable.g—-·The cost of the printing ot any document or report printed by order of Congrese which can not, under the provisions of `section 214 ot this title, _ be properly charged to- any other appropriation or allotment of appropriation already made, shall, upon order of the Joint·Committee on Printing, be charged; to the 'allotnient of appropriw tion for printing and binding for Congress; - (Jan. 12, 1895, c. 23, § 2, %·Stat. 601; Mar. 1, 1907, c. [1, 34 Stat. 1012.) » . 145. Requirements of reportercrexnmending printing and binding for Congrens.—+Printing» and binding for Congress, when reconmmnded to be done by the Committee on Printing of either House, el1all‘be eorecomnaended in a report containing an approximate eetimntecot the coet thereof, togetherwith a' state·rnent· from the Public Printer of estlrnatedrdpproiimate cost of work previously ordered by Congress, within the decal year. (July '.1,"191·6, c. 209, { 1, 39 Stat. 330; Mar. 4, 1925, c. 549, $1,43 Stat. 1299.) _ . . . ‘ __ `_ 146. Stationery and blank books for Congressp-——Stationery, blank hooks, tables, forma, and other necemary papers prepare?

rrrzm asn DOCUMENTS 1424 .. tory to congressional legislation, required for the omzial use of the Senate and the House of Representatives, or »the.`cemmittees and ofncers thereof, shall be furnished by the Public .` Printer upon requisition of the Secretary ot the Senate and the Clerkef the House of Representatives, r tirely. This shall not operate to prevent the purchase by the oiheers of the Senate and House' of Representativw of such} stationery and Qblank books as may°be necessary for sale to Senators and p Members "in the stationery IOGLBS of the two Houws espre- , vided by law. (Jan. 12, 1895, e. 23, { 2, 28 Stat. 601; Mar. 1, ,1907, c. $4, £_1, 34 Stat. 1012.) ‘ Q · _ _` .» _ . } 147. Joumals of _ Houses of ‘ _C0ngress.—4There shall be

. printed of the Jou_rn_als of the Senate and House ot Represen- _

[ tatives eight hundred and twenty-two copies, which shall be,

 distributed as follows.: To the Senate document room, ninety
 copies for distribution to Senators, and twenty-nre. additional '
 copies; to the Senate library, ten coples;·to the House denn-
 ment: room,.·th_ree hundredand sixty copies for distribution to

l Members, and twenty-five additional copies; `to the Department jof_.State, four copies ,; to the Supérintendentof Documents, one inunureo and forty-four copies to be distributed, to three , libraries ineach of the·_States and Territories to be designated l by the Superintendent [ot Dmuments; to the` Library et Congress, one hundred and twenty-five boundecopics and two nnbound copies as· providedin section 139 of this title; to the Court of Claims,- two copies; and to the library of the House ot 1{epresentatives, ten 1 copies,. The remaining number ot .the Journalsof the_Senate and House or Representatives, consist- ‘ing of twenty-tive copies, shall be furnished to the 'Seerctary of the Senate andthe Clerk of the House of Representatives, y respectively, as-_the·necessit1es ot-their respective omces may

 require, as. rapidly as signatures are `completedfor such dis-
 tribution.; (Jan. 12, 1895, c. 23, 5 57, 28 Stat. 609; Jan. 2,
 1899, No. 412,.13.0 Stat. 1388; Mar. *2, 1901, No._16,_§§ 1, 2, 31
 Stat. 31464 ;‘ Mar. 3, 1925, e. 421, S`7, 43 Stat. .1106.). I

L . 148. Senate and House Manuals.-&(),f the Senate Manual and

 of the - Digest and Manual of the House or Representatives,

a each House shall print as many copies as it shall desire, even C though. the cost eiceed (Jan. _12,·°1ses, c. j23, s rs, m ,Stat. 617.) —· -. · _ . _ C __

 i 149. Congressional I ‘Directory.$-y—There shall be prepared —.

{gunder, the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing a‘ ,__ l Congressional Directory, of which there shall be three editions during each long session and two editions duringfeach short session of. Congress. 'Ljhe nrstedition shall he distributed to C _

. Senators, Representatives, Delegates, the principal onicers of ~·

,_Congress,` and. heads et departments on the Ernst day of the Vsession, and shall be ready for distribution .to_ others within L one week thereafter.` The number and distribution. of such

 directory. shall be under the. control of the Iolnt Committee on

E Printing. ~_Omcial correspondence concerning the directory E may be had in penalty envelopes‘_under` the direction ot the Joint Committee. _ All copies delivered to Senators, and Represéntatives for distribution shall be bound in cloth. (Jan. 12, 1895, c. 23, { 73,28 Stat; 617.;_ju1`y_ 1, 1902,1:. 1351, 32 Stat. 583. ) —r " 150. Same;. sales--—’I‘he Public Printer, under the direction ` of the Joint Cornnilittee, may print forsale, at a price sum-°

cient-to reimburse the expense of- such printingp the current
 Congressional Directory. `The money derived from such sales
 shall be paid into the Treasury and accounted for in his annual

report to Congress, and no sales shall be made on credit. ·(Jan, 12, 1895, c.`23. [40, % Stat. 607.) =· - . ` 151. Eulogies; engraving.-———There shall be printed of eulogies ot deceased Senators, -Representatives, and Delegates · eight thousand copies, of which number dtty copies,"bound· in full moroccb, with gilt edges, 'shall- be delivered- to the family of ‘ the deceased, and one thousand nine hundred and fifty copies ,,111 cloth binding shall be,_delisfered to the Senators; Represents- `