Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1448

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\ ‘ . , l "§ 271* · ·· _TITLE 44.-TPUBL10 PRIN: when as the opinion of the commissioner the demand for the t O » bulletin makes an extra edition llccwsury. (Mar. 2, 1895, c. 177, 5 1, 28 Stat.-#305; Jane 4, 1897, c._2§ S 1, 30 Stat. 61; ‘ Jane 6, 1900, c. *5*91, 5 1, 31 Stat, 644; Maru}, 1913, c.. 141, §3._37 Staf,737.) ·· . , _· _ · - . 271, Same; —rep6rt of coaamissioner.-0f the report of the Commissioner of Labor Statistics, twenty¥§ve thouund copies shall bc, printed, in addition to 1 the usual number, five thousand for the·Semt£·,_ ten thousand for the; House, and ten iheasand for distribntiongby the commissioner., .(‘Jan;__12, 1895,. `c. %, 5 73, 28 Stat. 614; Mar. 4, 1913, c. 141, $3, 37 Stat., 737.) 272. Mines, Bureau ef; pnbli¢atlans.——§The Publications jot the Bureau of Mines shall be published in such editions as.` 1~e·rk¤m1uended·by the Secretary or the Interior, but not to ex? _ ceed · ten thousand copies for the first `editzloin Whenever the edition oflany of the publications of the Bureau of Mines shall . have become exhaasted and the demand for, it continues, there` shall be publisheil, on the requisition of the Secretary of the —'Interi_or, as many additional copies as the Secretary of the J Interior. may deem necessary to meet the., demand. (June 25, 1910, No. 36, 55 1, 2, 36.Stat. 883.) ._ _' _ . _ 273. Mint.; reports of director.+There ·may befprinted, in ° the discretion of the Seoretafy of the *1?reasury,_for distribution by. the Treasury Department, two thousand copies of the annual. report or the inisecmr or the Mm on the operations or the mint andassay omees-with appendices,’and of the annual report of_` the Director of the. Mint on the production ot precious metals. (Mar. 4,1907, No. 24, 34.Stat. 1424Q) {_ _ · · _ O ‘ 274. ·National ‘·Acadeéy .of , Sciences; memoirs.——O£ the memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, there shall be aprinted, inaddltionlto the usual number, two thousand ive hundred coivies ;.ilve hundred for the Senate, one thousand for _

 the House, and one thousand for distribution by- the Academy

` of Sciences. (Jan. 12, 1895, c. 23, § 78, 28'Stat. 616.) ( _ U · ,275. Same; report.#——Of thereport oi the National Academy of Sciences, there shall be printed, in addition to the usnal num·r ber, two thousand.copies, five hundred forQtl1e_ Senate, one thousand forthe House, and five hundred for distribution by the Academy of Sciences. (Jan. 12, 1895, c. %, §· 73, 28 Stat. 616.) 276. Natioaal·l.Honie» for Dlaabled ovoruscser Soldiers; report ‘ of managers and inspectors.—-·;Theré‘ shall be printed*vo1' the _ report of the board of managers of the National Home for Dis- 2_ abled Volunteer Soldiers, in addition to- the usual number, for the use of the National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, flve hnndred copies of the `report proper, bound in cloth‘; two ’ A hundred copies ot the report of the inspection of the state homes, boand in paper, and two hundred copies of the record of members, bound in cloth. (Mar. 31, 1904, No, 15, 33 · Stat; 277. National Monetary. (§omnnission;` reprinting public docu1nents.—·TlaeI Superintendent of ,. Documents is hereby authorized to order reprinted,. from time to time, sueh public documents of the National Monetary Commission asmay be r¢··`7 quired for sale; (Feb; 25, 1910, c. 62, § 1, 36 `Stat. 2`17.)_· . 278. Naval Intelligence, O§ce§ additional copies. of public:- tions.+The ‘ Secretaryot the Navi is anthorlzed, to print, ln excess of one thousand coplw, such extra eopies of the publl·' , cations of the Otlieeot Naval Intelligence as may be neewsary for distribution to the naval service and to meet other»'oMeial deinands. In no case shall the edition of any one‘_publlmtionexceed tvsw? {thousand copies. (Mar. 21, IQOO, No.'14, 31~ Stat. 713.) ” ‘ . V .‘a» . I » 279. Naval Ohervatory Observations:-Of 'the Observations of the Naval Observatory, there shall he printed, in addition to the usual number, one thousand eight hundred‘coples_;· three

 hundred for the Senate, seven hundred` for the House, and

‘ eight hnndred for distribution by the Naval Observatory, and - ot the astronomical ap;3endixQ to the above observations, one

TING AND DOCUMENTS 1434 thousand two hundred separate copies, and of the meteorological nndlinsgnetic observntionspone thousand separate copies for dlstribntionrby the Naval Observatory. (Jan. 12, 1895. c.‘23.- § 73;·28 Stat. 613.)‘ _’ ‘· _ - _ · I 280Q O§ciaI Register.--Of the Official Register published by the Director of the Census there shall l,»e`prlnted and hounds o· suftieient number of copies for the felloyrlng distribution to be mode by the Superintendent of Documents; To the President of the United States} four copies, one €€>Il.Y of which shall be for the library of the Executive O§ee; to the··Vice President of the United`_States·, two copies; to each Senator, Representative, Delegate and Resident Commissioner 'in Congress, three copies; to the Secretary and the Sergeant at Arms ei the Senate and to the Clerk, the Sergeant at Arms, and the Doorkeeperiqt the House, one copy each; `to the llbrary of the Senate lend the House, each, not. to exceed fifteen "eopiesi to the Library or Congress, twentyyilve eoples, and to the ·Commlssioners‘ of the .' I)istriet_.ot Columbia}, 'tén coplest _ The nsnal number loftlxe Oniclnl Register shall '_no_t he printed. ·(Ja'n. 12.1%%*5, e. 23, 5 73, 28 Stat. 619; Oct. 22, 1913, c. 32, 38·St¤t. 224; Feb. 18, 1922; e. 58Q·§ 4, 42 Stat.,391; Har, 3, 1925, c;`421, § 2;. 435 Qtat.? 1105;); _ ‘ _ C . C _ _. _ 281. Same; report of‘Gomptroller of Currency.-—A hall and ·com'plE·te listof ell oiBeers,.agents,‘ clerks; oand otherhemployew of the ofiicé of the Comptroller of the·Cnrre'hqy, inclndinglhsnk ekaminers; receivers and. attorneys for receivers, end clerks employed by such examiners and receivers, or nn; other person connected with the work ofgsnid otllce in Washington or else-“ where, whose salary or compensation, is paid from the Treasury d {of. the United States pr assessed against or collected from existing or _ felled banks under their supervision or central,. shall be transmitted to the Director ot the Census, in neeord— ance. with the p1‘0visions-of section 2& on this title. (Har. 6, 1902, é. $39, 5. 7; 32 Stat. 52; Apr. 28, 1902, ‘c. 594, { 1} 32‘Stat. 138; June .7,·1906,.c. 3048, 34 Stat. 219; Mar. 3, 1925, 0.421, S '2, . 43 smc.F110s.; 5 . . ._‘ v _ .. · 282. Pan Atnerlcan _Unlo¤; monthly bulletin;-The Public Printer is herebyannthorized. to print anedition of the Monthly Bulletinof the Ban American Union, not to exeeed five thonmmd _ copies per month, for distribution by the Union every month. (Mar. 3, 1911, Q. 208, 36,Stit. 1032.) ’ _ p · ·283.q Patent OE¢e;- printing,-Q-The Commissioner of Patents, upon the requisition ot the- Secretary of the Interior; is authorized to Continue the prlntingof the following: _ _ 1. Patent: ·issz£ed.·e—First. The patents for jimrentldns and # designs issued by the’Pntent (mice, inelnding: grants, specitlcw tiouspand drawings; together with copies ot the same,.nnd‘ of p patents already issued, in such number ns may he needed for .the·business-·of—the onlce. "_ . - { _ _ · 2. rrmaemwne ond labehe.-—-Second. The eertincates ot trademarks and labels registered in the Patent Omce, inélud-

 ing descriptions end drawings, together with` copies of · the
 some; and of trndeenmrks and labels heretofore registered, in
 sueh numbers ns may beneeded for the}`tpus iness of the ofllcel
 ·3. Optciol Gazette.-!-——Third._ The Odlclnl Gazette ot the United

I States"‘_Pntent Oiheein numbers snmcjent to·‘=snpply all who I shall subserlbe therefor at $5 per dnnnmi also for exchange I tor. other. sclentihe pnblieations desira,ble for the use of the ‘ yPatent Otllce: also to supply one’copy to each Senator, Representativq and negate in Congress`; with one hundreds additional copies, together with weekly; 'monthly; and annual i—n»*’ dexesfor all the same; of the Odlcial Gazette the " nsuul numy her " shall not be printed. - . ·' _ __ ' ‘ ·‘ 4. Report of Coznmissimoer of _Patents.——-Fourth. The report V- ot the Commissioner! of Patents for the nscel year, not exceed·‘ ' lng Eve hundred in nun1ber,·_for·distribn.ition by hlnm; I the annual report ot the Commissioner ot Patents to Congress, without the list of pntents,` not exceeding one thousand Eve