Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/147

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ifi? T1TL·E 8.-A.L1,@A° irq: W5 of this title shall he construed to apply to aecredltet wtintis of ioreign governments, nor to their suites, families t»t·*;..·a·sts. {Feb. 5, 1917, c. 29. § 3, 39 Stat. 875; June 5, 192C t· rr:. 41 Stat. 981.) . 227. Other aliens, exeluded.——·»—·In_ addition to the aliens wh nt. by lax? etheresise excluded from admission into the Unite

g¤,s··>§ the foiitqvitng porS®ll§ shall alsoibe exclugledtronii ati
ati*»»-i=e2 into the Unijpd Gfiftes
a (

{ ;i) .xte¤¢:¤t»s¢e.~.siaa¤¤ ‘who are anarchistam ° fia) Aliens opposed to, or disbelieving in, (organized form at ::ov¢·rnment.¥—.\lie1ts who disheiieve ingior advise, advocate ,_,· :t,~.n·ltt·»e<, disbelief in or opposition to all organizcdjgovetr egtqiaii. ass<»f·iaii0!i. Society, or group, that advises, advocate: et- a~;st·lies, disbelief ini or opposition to all organized goverr ttkiai ···· ·_ · 4 .· - ~. - , (g—),Aliens believing in, advising, etc., overthrow by fore nr Qitiience of United States 'Governnnent, or allhforms of law ~;(¤i;ttvful assaultingior killing of any Government o$cers eaaiatrfulidamage,-etc., to property, or sabotage.-——Aliens wh %}t·i;t·re in,Jadviee," advocate, orvteaehgor 'who are inemhers a ay gttliiiated Lwitii any organization, associatio · society, o

¤-nap. that believes in,. advises, advocates, or teagnes; ’ (1) th

rl,.t·»·t·1uroxv by force or violence" of the Governnienteof th l":ri:t·tl States or of all forms of law, or (2) the duty,. neces sit;. ur propriety of the unlawful assaulting or killing of-an t·1l$t~•·t·. or officers (either ofépecihc individuals Ol? of oflicel ';.·t¤·railyl. of the Government of .the·UniJted States, or of an t»tlm· organiiwd governinent, because of his or theirlofficiz _4~l;:mt<·tt·r. or (3)"thejunl_avvfnldamage,. titjttryi-or destructio t.;‘ at-..,».,rtyg, or (4) sabotage-- _ l - G G · (d)-“Alien_a writing, publishing, etc.,` written or printe matter, advising, etcgiopposition tol organized. forins ofigov ernment, overthrovr. fby force or violence. of United State tiovermnent or· ali. forms of law, unlawful assaulting .0 killing of Government o$cers, unlawful damage, etc., to prop .·,·rty, or sabotage.—+.¢iliens_·wltq· watt-, publish, or cause for h r.—i·ir:t·i• oypunitsntsa, or who knowingly circulate, distributt 4 gtriutj. or dleplayfor knowingly cause to be circulated, die 1—rit·ntt·tl, printed, published,) or ·diaplayed,' or who `knowttttgi tetw in their posaeasion`_for_the_pnrpoee of circulation, distriln

i»·n. publication, or ¥display,‘ any iwritten or printed inmttel
i¤lx·i~:ini:,’, advocating, or teaching. oppoe=ition· to all organize

. ;·¤·,.:·ttna•·nt, or advising. advocating, or teaching': (1). the ovei att;-..a·`l»y force or viollencejof. the Government- of the Unite

m·s_ or of all `forins of law, or (2) the duty, necessity r

y»r··;n·ie_ty ot the unlawful assaulting or killingof any officer c ··it1t·e¤:s (either ot specific individuals or of officers generally pi title Government of the United Stafea or. of any other orgai ima gmrernmeut, or (3) the.unlaw"ful° damage, injury or destrut time of property, or (4) aaliii)t8gé»— · · ‘ ’ (e) Alien; members or or*`a5liated (with organization, it etc timing;. etc., ‘vrritten1-or printed matter described! in precedin 'harazraphé-QAlie whoare mernberé of or amliated with an ··r;:auizatio,n, a . ation, society, or ’gronp,1`that‘ writes,. circa . latte., distributes, prints, publishes, or. dieplaya l` r (

¤·itfeu_ eiyenlared, distributed, printed, 

. or that has in its for the pu he of circulation, di· ‘ mzlntioxi, publication, ie , or display, any written or printé ‘ émutter ofgthelcharacter described iuparagraph (ti)! · (f) `What _ ematitatea sdvioiug, advocacy, 1teaching, eu y atliliatiou.-·-—-F‘or the of this' &ctien: (1) the givin; iezttiing, or promising of money or {anything of value to 'I; used for they advising; advocacy, or teaching, oi any doctrim ·. tattttve .ennm§rated· shall conétitute the advising, advocacy} c t··a<.·hingaof such doetrinesianii (2) the giving, leaning, `c O ·1$r<·niie;ng or money or anythingot yalneto any organlzatioa

 =<~¤~=ociatio·n, aoeiety, or' geonpot the character . above. describe

_»¤l1all.constitute“ amliation therewith; hut nothing inthis par;

s awa Cl&“1Z}£t\l"»*<}i!1* wa) tl—· graph shall lis; ialtan an §’·Xfi§ll§#;'»'€;‘ tlafimtisxi of z1s§~.·i;~»»ix1;€,

,` advocacy, teachisig, or atihiatitsi. V

i, (g) D®portation.-r\!15* alien Who, at am; téues attea eatcsiza: the United States, is found to have hom: at the time ot? <~ntr.i»‘, e or to have become thereafter, all n¤~1aim· of any orue of the tt classes of aliens enumerated inthis section shall, upon the L- warrant of the Secretary of Labor, he taken into custody and deported in the manner provided in; this sab<·i1npt<—r. 'The prorisions· of this section shall he miplieable to the classes of S aliens mentioned therein iI'1'€S[)€(5fiV€'O{ the time of their entry

,‘ into the United States. 1 _ , i ,

i- l (h)‘ Same; reentry; punish_ment.——Any alien who shui}, after

, he has been excluded m1—a_em·¢ea or arrested and deported.
- inpnrsuance of theprorisions of this·'section, thereafter re-

. turntoior enter the United Stats or attempt towretura to el or enter the United States shall lbeQd\¢emed guilty of a· felony, r, and {upon conviction thereof shall be trimished by imprisonnwnt

, for °a term of not more than five years; and shall, upon tixe

0 termination of such imprls0mm~nt,t be taken into custody, upon »£ the warrant of the Secretary of Labor, and xleported is the .;· = manner provided in this snbchaptcr. ( 16, 1918, c. ISS, .e §§ 1+3, 40 Stat. 1012; hme .1920, c. 251, 4_41 Stat. 1908.) c e ·’ .. 138. Importation of aliens for immoral purposes; attempt s- to reenter after deportation; penalty.-?-The — importation into y the·United States of any alien fonzvthelpurpose of prostitution,

s' or for any other”imn1t»ra_lcpurpo§e, is forbidden; and whoever

y shall, directly orindirectly, import, or attempt to import into

l· the United Statesany alien for thepurpose ofiprostitntion or for

n any other immm·a1tpur;»0»s¢,t‘t»; shall hold or attempt to hold any ’ alierrcfor any'. such pnrposein pursuance of such illegal ixn;ior#/t d_ tation,. ori shall keep, maintain, `ntrol, support, employ, or M, harbor in any honseor other pig; for the jmrposeof {nesti- .S tation on for any: other iimnoral pnrpose,_,any alien, in poe; ,,· `snanee; of such. illegal importation, shall in every such case be. ,g ,, deefiied gnilty of as-felony, and on conviction thereof shall be ,0 punished ‘by imnrisonxniint for a term of notrnore than ten E; . ‘ye:1rs__and by_a tineof notannore than $5,000. · Jnrisdiction for

 the trial. andsfmuishrnent of the felonies hereinlieforeset forth

,y_ {shall be in any district to ae i11to_which` said alienis brought in 1,- tpursnance of said importatioujby Lthe person or persons ac- ,·, cnsed,*—or in any district in which a violation of any of the ,d `foregoingj provisions of thisisectiond occurs. Anyalien who lg, sl1all,_`after`he has been excluded and deported or arrested and .,1 deported ln‘ pursuance of the* provisions of- this subchapter; ,,J_ which relate to prostitutesp procnrers, or other like inmmral ,1- persons, attempt thereafter to return to or to enterthe l"nit•~¢,l ·) States. shall be deenied guilty of a mi‘sd0meanor,land on caning viction thereof shall be pnnished by imprisonment for a t¢·rm Lg of not more than `tyvo years, _ Inall prosecutions under this 1 section`, thetestijnony of a. husband or wife shall- be admissible gn. andrcompetent erideence·again¤t each otl1cr.` `(Feh. 5, I$)lT,;c.· g“29;§4,$lStat.878.) · _ _ `f’ ‘ ~ y 139; Contract laborers; prepaying transportation or assist- ]; lng} importation; `brfeitnre and ptmishmente-·—It shall he ` `nnla\'vfu_l for any person, _(20Il`1]\{¥*Il}’, partnership, or corporation, _ in any manner whatsoever, to prepay- thetransportation or in ` c- otxnylwaya to induce, assist, enconrage, orsolicit, or attempt to ,4 induce, assist, enconrage, or solicit the importation or Illl”§l`21— _ tion of any contract laborer or contract lahorersjinto the United »r States, nnless ¤_snch_ contract laborer 'or contract laborers are

_ jexcmpted ·under;thelsecond proviso of paragraph (11) oflseetion _

no 136, of this title or’_l1are been imported with the pernrissilon ofn J ae the secretary of Ltaburin accordance withisaiel.rpamgrznpln th), ‘ ‘ n- and for every violation of any ot the protvisions of this_,sv;··tit·n_ _ rr the person, "fmrtnershlp, eoinpany, or corporation violating the ‘·

1, 4 same shallaforfeiti and pay: for every such ot‘ferp§· the sum uf.

xl $1,000, which may ,e§sned for and recovered by the I'nit•_·.d a- States, as debts Kt like amount are now rctm·6re¢l in tile-t·.m_n·:s