Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1474

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§ 42 TITLE .56.- before whom the trial for such forfeiture is had that any other owner 0; `suchf vessel, being a` citizen of the`. United States, was wholly ignorant of the sale or. transfer to on onmership of `such foreign subject or cltiien, the, share ·o1 interest at such citizen of the `United States shall not be sub ject to such forfeiture, and the\}es§ne only_ shall be so for feited. (R; S. § 4172.) { . `_.' 42. Oath en entry as to evmcrship.—»'Upon the entry of every vessel of the United States from any foreign port, if the same shall. be at the port at which the owner or any of the pan {owners .reside,·—sucl1 owner or part 6wner· shall make ··0ath‘ thai the registers of such vessel contains the name or names `of ali the persons who are then owners of. the vessel ;‘ or if any-pam of such vessel"hns1been sold or transferred since the granting of such register, that such is the case, and that no foreigr subject orcitizen has, to the best of his knowledge and belief any share, by way of ‘trust,` c0nHdenceQ or· otherwise, in suck vessel. If the owner or any part- owner does not reside at the port at which such. vessel enters, the master shall (make oatl to the. like eEect. It the owner; or owner, where there is one, or__ the . master, where there is no owner, refuses. so t< `swear,_ such vessel shall not be entltledf to the privileges of s vesselof the United Statcs." (B; `S}.§ 4173.) °‘ - . ` 43. Transmission of certidcate for cancellation.-—Every_ cer. tihcate of registry which is delivered up to a collector on the loss destruction,’or··‘capture of, a vessel, or the transfer thereof to 1 foreigner, shall be forthwith transmitted to the Commissionei ef . Navigation, to be canceled;. ·who, if the same shall have been delivered uu to a collector other than of the district lr which it was granted, shall cause notice of such delivery to be given to the collector of such district. (RQ S. §—4174i;` July_ 5 1884,.1C. 221, 23 Stat. 118.) ‘ - I _ _ ° ` 44. Numbering register§.——The collector of each district shall progressively number the certificates of the registry by hin granted, beginning anew at the commencement of each year and shall enter an exact copy ‘ of each certificate in a bool to he kept for that purpose; and shall, once in three months transmit to the Commissioner of Navigation copies of all the certidcatee which shall have been granted by him, including the number of each. (R. SQ'} 4176; July'5, 1884, c. 221, 2E cStat. 118.) _ · ·`. ._ _ _ . 45. Numbers for vessels.-;-The Secretary of Commerce shall have power, under such regulations as he shall `prescribe, t< establish and provide a system ofnumbering vessels so regis tered, enrolled, and licensed; and each vessel so numbered shall have her rnumber. deeply carved or otherwise permanently __n1arked eh her main beam; and if nt any time she shall cease to be so marked, such vessel shall be_ liable to` a flue or $3( on every arrival in a port of the United States if she have no1 hc! proper odicial number- legally carved or_ permanently marked. (R. S; { 41.77; June 19, 1886, ‘c. 421, ·§ 6,24 Stat,81 Feb. 14, 1903,. c. 552,__32.Stat.1.829; Mar. 4,1913, c., 141, 31 Stat. 736.) c . · i l . l _- ` . M. Nunes am home ports marked on bow and stern:-=—The name of every documented vessel of the' United States shall be marked upon each bow and upon the stern, and the home pom shall also be marked upon the stern. These names shall be painted or gilded, or consist of cut) or carved or cast romar letters in light color on a dark groundhor in -n dark color ox a light ground, secured ai place, and to be distinctly visible The mallest letters shall act be less Tn size than foul 7 inches. If Qny such vessel shall be found without thesenamez being so marked the owner or owners shall be liable to n pen alty of $10 for each name omitted. ‘(§. S. 5 4178; Feb. 21 -1@1, ”c. 250,6 1, 26 Stat. 765; Jan. 20, 1897, c. 67, § 1, 2{ Stat. 491.). . 1 _ ‘ 47. “Port_" dc§ned.—·¤-The word “port,” as used in the pre ‘ ceding section and lin. section 287, ln reference to palntln;

—-·~SHIPPING` 1460

  • the name and port of every registered licensed vessel on

I the stern of such vessel, shall be construed to mean either r the port where the vessel is registered or enrolled, or the r place in the same dlstrictwhere the vessel was built or where - 6 one or more of `theowners reside, (June 26, 1884,. c. 121, § - 21, 23 Stnt.·58.) s ·_ f ‘ 48..Draft marked on stern and stern pads.-—The draft of ? every registered vessel shall be marked upon the stem and a_ stern post, in English feet or decimeters, in either Arabic or t Roman numerals; The bottom of each numeral shall indicate f the draft tothat line. _' (Feb. 21, 1891, c. 250,.·§.~2,· 26 Stat. 765; 5 l Jan. 20, 1897,c. _67,.§ 2, 29 Stat. 491.). - " t 49. Private signals and- registry thereof.·——It n shipowner- ·;_ deshag to use _I0r the pnrwse ot a private code any rockets, { 1ighté,fo1• other. similar signals, he may register those siénals , and house flags and funnel marks with the Coinmissioner of n Navigation, who shall give? pnblle notice frmn_ time to tlme z of the- signals,. house flags; and runner marks se · registered in 1 such manner las he may thinkrequlsite for preventing those a ., signals from being mistaken for signals of distress or signals 1 for· pilots. The Commissioner of Navigation may refuse to n-'register any signals which in his opinion mn not easily be . distinguished from signals of distress, p signals for pilots, er »_ signals prescribed ,—by laws for preventing collisions. (May %, , -1908, c·L 212, §_7, 35 Stat. 426.) , ·_ ‘ » _ . . ‘ _¢ 1 ( 50{ Change of nanxe of doennented rene!.-—`No master, r owner, Opugeut otany vessel of the United States shall in any a_ way change the name of such vewel, or by any device; adver- 1 tisement, or contrivance deceive or attempt to deceive the z 'publk, orgny omcer or agent of the United States, or of any ,‘ State, or any corporation or agent thereof, or any person or persons, as to the true name or character of such and, on pain, l of the forfeituresof such vessel. (B. S. {,4179.) ‘· _ J ` n 51. Change of name of vemla by Commissioner of Navi- ,Q gation.-:—The _Comrnlssioncr lot Navigation shall, under the

direction ot. the Secretary of Commerce, be empowered .to`

, change the names of vesselsef the United States on hpdication i of the owner or owners of such vessels when in his judgwt

there shall be sudiclent cause for doing. (Feb. 19, -1920, e. 3

l,`.83,—§ 1, 41 Stat. $36;) · , . ‘ ‘ Y - — · 52. 'Rnleshnd regulations aa to changeof name; evwenee; l publication of order.-+—The Commissioner ot Navigation, with > the approval of the Secretary of Commerce, shall establish T__ such rules and regulations V and procure such evidence as to. l age, condition, where built, and pecuniary liability of the vesi sel as he maydeem necessary to prevent injury. to public er

private interests ;- and~ wjhen°_pern1ission‘is granted by the

) `Cominissioner of Navigation, he shall guse the order for the L_ change of name to be published at least in `fonr in some

daily or weekly paper at the place of documentation, and the
cost of procuring evidence and advertising the change of name

r to be paid by the person or persons desiring suclrchangé ef . name. (Feb. 19, *1920, c. 83, 41 Stat. 487.) _ _ _ · a 53. Fees for·privilege_of securing change ofnane.-—-For the

privilege ot securing such changes of naxne the following fees V

L shall be paid by the owners pot vessels- to collectors of cus- 5 `toms, to be deposited in the Treasury by such collectors as I navigation tees: For vesmls nlnetrnine gross tons and under, 1 $10; for vessels one hundredgrom tons and up to and includ- _ ing. four hundred and ·ninety-nlne gross tons, $25; ter vessels I- dve hundred gross tonsand up to and including nine hundred s and "ninetymlne grosstens, $50; `for vessels. ana thousand gross · tons and up to and including four thousand nine hundred ,, and_nii1ety=·nine gross tons,`$'I5_; for vessels dve thousand gross J tons and over,_$100. (Feb, 19, 1920, c. 83, 9 3, {$1 Stat. 437.} _ 54. Oath to obtain recard of vessel owned by foreigner.- - Every vessel built in- the United States, and belonging. wholly g or ln part be the subjectsof foreign powers, in order to be en-