Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1476

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..,.,< I § 72 TITLE 46. ». the vase! may be, and it there be none, by auch person as the collector of the district within ·wl1icl1 she may be shall uppoint. But in all cases; where eveml has befpre been reg lstemd as a vessel ot the United States, it shell not be ummeery to measure her anew, for the purpose of obtaixiing anether register; unless such vessel has undergone some alteration as te her burden, subsequent to the_ time of her former. reglstgy. _ ‘ 112. S. 5-1148.) . _ — 72. Certiécatc of particulars as to vcssel.——The `omcer; or pcrse:1 by whom szich measurement is made shall, 1'dr the infermetioni ot and as a voucher to the omcef. by- whom the registry is to be made, giant alcertitlcate, specifying the build ct the vemel, her number of decks and masts, her length, breedth, depth, the number of tous she measures, dud such other particulars as fare usually descriptive of the identity of’ A a veml; and that her name, and the place to which she belongs; are painted on her stem in manner required by this chapter; which certimrate shellr`Zbe countersigned by eu owner; 'cr by the master of such vessel, er by some other person who shal1·. ‘ attend her mlmcesurelmeut, `011 behalf of her owner gr bwners, in testimony of the truth of the particulars therein contained; without which the certiilcate shall not be valid. (R. S._§ 4149.), 73. Meesmement formeccrdg .certiiicate;—The collector sh all cause the vessel built as speckled- in section 54 to be surveyed er mmsured, and the person `by whom such ‘measurement_ is · magic shall grant a certiflcete thereof, `as ·iu the case of a" ~ vw ta beregistered, wl1ich‘certiHcate shall be couutersigued ‘ by the builder, and by an owner or the master of person having themmmand or charge thereof, or by some other persozl being an agent for the owner thereof, ih testimony ot we truth _0£_ the particularetherein contained. (R. "S.‘§ 4181.) M 74. of meas¤remc¤t.—The registry -ot every vessel . shall exprm ber'- length and breadth, together with her depth I and the height made: the third or spar deck, — whi_ch— ehall be wrtuined in the following manner: The tonnage §]€€k,“_‘iI1 vessds huvlegtéthree m··mere decks t0‘ the hull, shall pe the second ée&5 {fem below; 'ln all other cases the upper Qéck . of the hull is te be the tenqage deck. The length tram the fore part of the outer wanting en the side of the stem to the utter part e Pc! the meh: stiempcst of screw stekmers, and to the utter part je! _ mdderpest · ei all other vmeelq mwsured Oil the tcp pf the wage geek, shall be accounted . the www length. _ The brmdth of the broadest part on the outside ez the vessel shall. be acceumed the vmeefs vbreaclth of bum. A measure from me under side of the temmgedeck plank, emidshipe, tc the eelliag et the held (average thi&¤es3), shell be accemgted the

 of   if the rvmsel his a third deck, then the height

· the tcp of tlxetcixnnge-deck plank tc the under `slde or the _` ¤;sqse1···emk.p1e.aak shall be mmuted as the height made: the spi: éeck. All mmaurmem to be taken ln feet and fractions et feet; and all fractions of ieet- shell bB.QX]31’ d`lQ decimals. iB.5.!4150·l — A ~ " 75. C& ar excluded {mm ¢eas¤repe¤t.—-No petty of may vw! shall be requireé by the preceding secticm to be mmmred ex rmistered. for teenage that is used ict: cabins er and csmstmcted entire1y”.abm*e the Qget deck;} which ie net a deck to the bull. . ,. (R. S. S 4151.) · " 78. mt te be meum·ed.———The pmvleiens forgiving rmtlng to the mmeeremeut of veeeele. shall not _ xmed te. apply te may veeml not required by law to be 1'€gl3?··e·

 ex   or llcenmd, tzulms otherwise egeclally pic;
 "(B..· 8., 3 4152.) e V ¤ _

77. T1m¤age.—-'1‘he register tonnage ot A every vessel built within U¤l@ Statu or ewued. by e citizen or cléselm there- _ el ehell be herfeutlre l¤te1·'xm1"cubic¤.1 ._ capacity in tom ,01*one . l haedxecl cuhic {cet cam, ta m as fellows : Measure the c et the v@l ln n straight line aleng tlaejxpper hide et me dem from the lhsicle et the average

mzrrzxo 1462 thickness, ot the side of tho stem to tho inside of the plank on the stem timbers, average thickness, deducting from this length what is duo to tho rake of the bow in the thickness of the deck, _&.nd· what is duo to the rake of tho stem timber in tho thickness. of the deck, zmdolso what is dns to the rake ot the stem timber iu_ 0ne·third of the round ot the beam ; divide the_1eng·th so taken into tho number of equal parts required by the following table, hccordingto the class in such table to which tho vessel belongs: 1 " Table of classes _ Glass obo. Vessels of which the tonnage length a<:cordiug`to _ the above measurement is ilfty feet or under: into six equal Class two. Vessels ot which the tonnage length according to tho above measurement is shove Bfty foot, and not exceeding one hundred-foot: into teight equal partsi _. . I ' Class three. Vessels of which tho tonnage length abcordlng to tho above measurement is above one hundred feet} and not exceeding one hundred sud Eftj foot.: into tén equal parts, _ Class tour. Vessels ot which tho tonnage length according to the above measurement is obovc one hundred (and fifty foot, and not exceeding twolnmdrod feet: into twelve equal ports. Class tivo. Vessels ot which the tonnage length according to the shove! measuromex1t_ is abovo two, hundred feet, and not oxceodingtwo hundred and nity feet : into tourteoo equal parts. Class six, Vessels ot which the tonnage length according to tho above 'measurement is above two hundred and Mty feet: into sixteen equal ports. _ . _ Then, the hold being sumclexitly bloated ·to'ndmtt_ of the required depths and bresdtbs being properly takers had the transverse ares of such vessel at each point of siividon of tho length as follows: — : ~ i ’ —a Measure the doptbl ateacb point of division a point at a ”distar1co ot one-third of- tho round- of the beam below such deck ;;_or, our case of dl break, below nlinetstrotcbed in continuation, thereof, to tho zipper side of tho Eoor timber, at the imk · of tholimbcr stroke, after . deducting the avorio or the ceiling, 'whicb is betwkon the bilgo planks and timber 1 stroke; then, tt tho dopth; at the mtdship diviémx of the lmgth do not exceed sixteen loot, divide each dépth. into tome equal ports; then measure the inside horisonthl breadth, at mph, of _ the three points ot division, and also otthe spperoud www points ot tho. depth, oxtondibg acl: measurement to tho average thtcknom stem: wrt of tho which isbofwmn the points ot measurement; number v thmé bradtbs from 'sbovo, mumbaing tboupper broodtbono, and so o¤_do-vm to the breadth "; multiply the seoogd and fourth by (our, tbé third by two; add` those- t@bor,.aM to tbo stxmadgl tm mst breadth intl the last, or Mtn; multiply tbo iqmrétity thus obtained by omthird ‘ otf the common; mtwval between the __ .brepdths, and tho prmoct shall be doomed tho tramsvorso area: but if tho midship dogb exceed Itéet, dhiidb mob depth into six equal ports, instead of fom, and measure is before directed, the horizontal brmdths at the Eve points of dlvtslob, ond also ot the upper and lovvor potixts of tho dvptb; number them Iromsbovo as before; moltiply tho second, fourth, and sixth by four, and the third and _Mth by two ;_ sdé those products together, and to tho slum odd tho first breadth md tbo last, or seventh; multiply tho qusrntitios thus wtainéd by `om-third ·° of tho oommon interval bbtwoomtbo brsodtbs; amt the products ` wall be domed tho tranéyermnroa. “. _. , ' Having thus ascertained tho transverse MQ at each point ot ot the Imgtb of the vowel, ss roquirw above, proceed to ascertain the register togmsge ot the wssml in the tcl- `

 IRBIIBCIX _ ‘ ‘. q- { : _ E

‘ Number the stm; sucoesmvoly `ono, two, thréo, and so forth, somber om bdrm at wo utroms limit of tholobgtb at tho bow.