Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1485

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1421 _ ‘ rzree 4a. \ . A · , tm; th@h· which light and slr are admitted are lm ir me than in the mor¤on of three square feet to everyone hmdred sowdclnl feet of that deck, no greater ‘ number oz Steerage cu that deg than in tha

 of om     pnmegexjto evmfy thirty cloiu

eoperndal feet thueof, subject bo, the ¥n1lowa.nce_ for measure mem; or public lnvatorm, and bathro@ if any, pro vided for by 19. — _· ‘ _ — Fighth. No s'rv%to1‘.¤dmbor of steewpammers my ‘b< corried ooo deci than in the`@ortion of our oteerege vo to every clear mperdciel teet on deck` nlloccd to th&r eee, subject to the allowance for measure mnwt of p€obltc‘ ·»-¤, lavetoriee, a.nd__bothrom if any, pro y vided for by pnrdnnph _10. however, the helght betweu no? mwmof &cdintely above it be hee than {wh M number of ¤t mmcngere be carried on that hn the pmeortion ofone weerag

owger` to every twentyione _-clm mpwdclel feet" thereof

subject to the allowance for mess¤r t of `pulnlic rooms 1m·etories,·tmd bathrooms, if any, pmwided for by mragrepl 16. ‘ - ‘ · ·. . . Sloth. A vessel, whatever be the mperwstl space of the

 decheaod of the lowm,'&wg¤: deck, shall no

may &·gl'&$€!=R!1mb€1' M st on the wjholl than in of . one p@§er to every dw snperdclelofeet. of air or oro&enn&`§pnee provided outa deci eo cpm amnot to be {deluded in the tmage end approved lr: · the inspector, and this space shallnot be coontedor included 11 the ares vrgilnble fo1"3B]`.0£h€!.’ gers,_»or in other area: forsteerage ¤· o: by, this section., ` Tenth; In the e o ne of the pgssehger and lo the lowest deck, the space occupied by that wrt c the personal ba of the·etecrage:paaeé¤gm·s which th< inspector permits to there shall be included, am also, oo whatever `deck lomtod. ind suitable din log rooms, lounging smoking rooms, lavatoriés, toile · roomenud bathrooms: Provided, -That·54·‘ _ `_ · `" { _ · ’ in) The space-in anyplace `npproprlated to the use o Steerage pnwengere in which they sleep @$1 not bcless thm eighteen superdcigl feet in the com of the lowest phséenge; dccknod dtteeh superdcinl feet in the ¢$B8 of a _ (b) Each space so included in the measurement muatb clearly to the satisfaction `bf the innpector ale bein; , exclusively awropetated for the use: of the steerage pawgers 'Eterceth. Each separate eoromrmment lov which stecragq

 are betthed shall be   mnQrk®, showin;

the toml arm of snch compartments. (Aug; 1882, c., ·37—1 5 1,"&_ $1t. 168; Dm. 19, 1988, c. G, {1,.35 Stat,. 6%.} . ° 152. fw number inquired.- In every nn&d·moamhip or vowel. there shall be n se¤ cient annum- or for p¤mer.¤cem0o¤uo¤· as herein efterprovlded, of•.llqn&_p¤enee5ers. · ·‘ Q ' Naubbcr of tiers; contraction o»4"occuponcy.~There sho.! not been snydeckxeerln or sgnceoccupled bg earch more than twotim of berth; ·Tl)ocborths sha! be properly and be geparated from edch other b; partitions, as baths are sepdrnted, and meh bertl

   be et 1% two feet ln, M  m_ and dx feet lnjlmgth; nm

. the interval between the door ·· www put od _ the lower tie; otbertm and the deck not be lem than ei: mmm, nord the interval bets; eaeh ttm- of Mrthe, and tm interred between the ummm and the deck above lt, lee -than`t1g·o tect six luchw; and each berth olmll the occupied bz not more than coe pnumger over eight ymro not age; but double berths of twice the above-mentioned width may be pro vided, meh double berth to be occupied by no more and bg none other than twoyrmco, or by one women and two chlldrea _ under the] nge of eight yum.; or by- hmbend and wife, oa

.-—~SHIPPINQ " § 153 1 by a man and two of his own children under tho age. pt eight a l Years, or by two msu personally aoquainteéf with meh other. I s Berthrfor mal¢~ra.i——-All the male nasseagers upwards of fours toon ymrs ot ago who do not occnpy berths with their gives r shall be bovtlxed me {ora part of the vwsel, in a compartnxsnt; g- divided od from the space or appropriated to tho other - pasaéngors by a substantial and wall-socm·ed bulkhead. A Bon}: for ammagvsiéd fomo1ea.~Unmsrrisod female massagers a shall be berths;} in ·a commrtmént.“somrat¢d from the qmoos a s occupiodyy other pasooagois. b? AY substantial and well-com f - 'atructed _ bulkhead, the opening or, communication from which >- ,to, an adjoining passenger. amos shall be so éonstrmted that- · itca¤bo<;l®dandsecnred.· - ‘ a a Famwee.-éFamil§w shallnot be separated excém with their S consent. _ __ ·:`‘ . 7 ; · Barth; to be x 1N|!I%b6I’6d.···¥E8Ch berth shall `M mx&bcrod 2 serially, on the outside berth board, 'accotdiags to tm number _ F. pz spasms ms: my xswrpm occupy gm smh; ma rm B be1•fhs_.»occ·upi€d by such shall {not be rmovoil or 1 takéa down until? the gapiration of twelve hours- from thehme a ot. entry, mxlws previously i ed within a shépteé period. rz _ Pmraltim.-——Fo: any violation of oitlior of provisions of t this section the master of tho rwsel shall be Hostile to a has a .ot $5 for oa& s w ger. carrléd or brought moths vossol. o`Q(Ang2, 1882,c.l314,§2,22Stut.186.)_ U ‘ . W k_ ‘ 153. Light; air,`a¤d acoapnoéptiom fw passengers.-—-Light 7, and air;-=-E+ory_such"‘st@ms!aip or othe; vessel sul} have ade- j an quato provision fo;j`· aqording light and air to tho passcngsrv s decks and to tho ncompartménts and occupied by such passengers, and with adequaté moans aadapplianées for voati-. I laling tho said comjjartmoals and _ · . f, _Vént€1a¥0rs:-—To 'su§·cioat amos for s fifty or more of such mwgoing two vcptilators, meh 1 not loss than twelve inches in afar, shall jbo provided, one L- of 'Whiclr voutilators shall be i od in the forward pqgt of t" the sompartmont, and the other ~ part thereof, ans} ' shall be so. constructed as to svontilate tho _éparmwt ; f additional vwtilators shall be providm·—fo(méh compartmnt rl in the ixropoxitfon ot two vontilators forj ucla stty r of such msssngers carried or brought in tlio éomparmnt. All' r vonlilators shall bé carried at least six foot above tha u@é•l‘· Ymost clock ot the vessel, and ahallbo of the mm awroveé mm e ani} bonstmgotionr In any- stéamship ventilating appafatuo g- provided, offany method ot éoatllatiozn adopted twma, which s. has been approved by the Mopar emigration w il n »  ». at port s or place {mm which said eluted, shall be deemed a g compliance with the foregoing provisions. · _ T _ l, f Hatohwoga oaé oompon¥oawogs.—In all v®c!a `carryiag or ,bringinE" meh passengers there shall be -·co¤str¤ctod —_ hatchways over tho compartments or spaces by sack k-. pa@gars, whida jhatchway shall be pw1¤érly_ covered `yrith te hmm: or tiooby hatches, and the comblngs or aills of which shall xls; at least six lnchm above tha dock.; and thm shall 1 be proper companionways oa ladders from cow hatchway léad· 7%. lng to the compartments. o1·_ spaceslocmpiod by mol; QSEI1-· 1 iam; and the said. oompanionways as ladéem shall be sécmwy y constructed, and be provided with handrails or sum; rope, am.

1* when the wmther will pofmit, such masoagam shall have tho

1 use ot each hatchway situated over the compartment or spaces p appropriated to their , _ , · s m Qabome ono booking a.m>ar¢;;e4»a.—-Evégy véssol éarrying og v ’ 2 bringiaganca passengers shallhavo a properly loéatged and com * B atractod cabooso and cooking range, or other cooking apparat;ns,A E the Blmmsiohs and capacity of which Shall be su$ciont to pro— t ;vidp_fm· proporly éopkinghngl preparing the food of all Sll¢4.’h' »· passengers ‘ . · · ° 7 Wstcr—closct:.-—·In ovory vessel- carrying on bringing snob a mawgors them shall be at léast two wator·0l0sots`-o1f_privios, _ r and an additional water-closet or prlvyfon-every one hundred