Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1498

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§ 295 crzrm 46.- twenty tons and upward, tleetinoel from a district within one of the creat districts to another district within the same great di<tri¢·t. or from :1 State in one great dietrict to an adjoining State in another great district, having on board sugar in cn:<k< or hoxcs"ex<·eeilix1‘g three tlmnsuml pounds, or foreign 1m·r¤·ln_nmliso in pncltzigos. `ns imported, ergceeding in value $400, or niwclinnclise, consisting of such enumerated or other articles of foreign growth or nmunnfacture, or of hoth, whose aggregate ynlue exveeds $800, shall, pxtevious to the depnrtii e of such vessel from the port vsiiere she may then be`, ma ’e out’·and snhs<·ril»e‘ duplicate manifests of the whole of sz ·h cargo on hoard sueh vessel. sjxecifyini; in such xnnnifeéts tl marks and nninrhers of everf cnszk. bag, box, chest. or pac ge containing the same, with- the name and place of reside: ee of every shipper ·;mil consignee; sind the qimntity Shipped by and to encl1.. If there fhe axcollector or_ snrveyor resi ’ g ntl Such ‘ p~ort.‘or withinhve milesthereof, he shall deliver such °manifest to the collector, if there be one; otherwise to the surveyor, before whom he shall swear, to thehest of his knowledge and helief,' that the goods therein contained were legally imported, and the dnties thereupon pziid or secured. Thereupon the collector or surveyor shall certify the same on ther manifests, one of which he shall return to the master, with ll permit, specifying thereon,-ge11erally,' the hiding on hoard Such vessel, and authorizing him to proceed to the port of his destination. (R.

 §_434o.p _‘ V .

" 295. Penalty for proceeding to-neighboring district without manifests and permits.—>-—If any vessel. being laden anddestined. as mentioned in the pre<·eding section, shall `depnrt from the port where she maj then_l•v- without. the master having first made out and subscribed tlup1lcate·`ninnifests of the lad$ ing on lioawd such vessel, and in case there he a collector or surveyor residing at `such port, or within five miles thereof, without hnvingr previously delivered the same to the collector or survofvor, and obtaining $1 permit, '_suc·h master shall he liable to n penalty of $100. (R. S. §_·-1350.) l I — 29§. Delivery 'of manifests before unlading of vessels trading between neighboring "districts;——-The mnster-of every vessel licensed for carrying on. the coasting trndc, having on board engar in cnske or boxes exceeding three thousand pounds, or foreign merchandise in packages, ·ns‘ imported,_ exceeding in vnlue $409, orgoods, wares, or merchandise, consisting of mich enumerated for other articles of . foreign growth or mnnufnc- ·-titre; ·~ or of ’·hoth,' wlioeié "nigigregare Willie ·ext·eei1s "i@U,~"`nnd arriving from n district in one State, at a district in the same or an adjoining State onthe »s=ea¢•oa»:t, onion irnnvigable river, or, if of the burden of twenty. tons orupwnrd, arriving at a di»=tri¢·t within one of the great districts from another district within the name great district, or from n State adjoining such great district, shall, previous to the unlading of any part of the cnrgo of nucl: vessel, deliver to the collector, if there the one, nr if not, to thesurveyor renidingjnt theport of `her

m·ivnl.‘ or if there he no. collector or surveyor, residing at Such

port, then to ll collector or ééurveyor, lf there be any such owcer rt_·,-sitting within live nriles thereof, the manifest of the‘co.rg0, 4·t·rtiti<·d by the collector or s%urveyor.of the district from \\`lli‘ll4‘t’ -=h¢· nailed if there he such manifest, otherwise the due plicato llitl¥ilf£*r1tS·Tl1€l‘9(,lf, as is hc1•einbefore·dlrected, to the truth of which`, before such officer, he shell swear, If there have been taken on heard suclrvcssel`m1y other or. more goods than are ¢·ontnim·d in such manifent or manifests, since her departure from the port from whence she dest sailed, or if any goods, hhve been mince landed, the master shell mnlge known and pnrticnlarize the name to the collector or euréeyor, or if no snch.goode have been so taken on hoard or landed, he shall no declare, to the trutlrof which heshall swear. Thereupon the c·.olle<·tor or >=urvoyor shall grunt ai hermit for ignlndiugl n part or the whole of such cargo, as the master or

-—SHIPPING 1484 commander may request. It there. is no collector or surveyor residing at or within five miles of the port of her arrival, the master of snclx vessel may proceed to discharge the lading from` on board such vessel, but shall deliver to the collector or surveyor residing. at the tlrstéport where he may next after- l ward arrive, and within t$\’€llty-tL`•lll'.]l0lll'S of his arrival, the manifest or nnauifests, noting thereon the times when and· ` places whore the goods therein mentioned hate been uuladen, · to the truth of which, before the last-mentionedcollector or snrvoyor; he shall swear. ,(R._S; § 4351.) . ?·

291. Penalty for not delivering manifests of vessels-trading

,_ between neighboring ¢listricts.·——lf the nlnster of any such wes. , sel. being laden and ¢lestlueil"as‘ xnentioned in the preec<ll•;g e section, shall neglect or refuse to ‘deli§·er manifests, at the times ._ and in· the ma_nner`dirt·cted, heshall be liable to a penalty of r $100. (R.·S. '§ 4352.) .9 “ , . 298. Manifesto and permits. before departure for veaeela trading between remote districts.—The master of every veseei r under twenty tonsof burden licensed for carrying on the coast-- , ing trade, and destined fronrauy district ot the Ynited States · to a district other than `_a district in the same or an adjoining- · State,' on the seacoast, or on a navigable river, andof every . · vessel of the burden of twenty tons and upward, destined to a , eistrict other than a district within the same great district, or . within a State agljoinxinglsmln great distriet,_e=l1all, previous`to_ her departurg, deliver towtho collector residing at the port

wvlnere such vesselnnay he, if there is one, otherwise to the vol-

· lector of" the district (30I.D[il't‘}ll‘lldl’l§' Such port. or to a` surveyor r within the distrfctfas the one or the other may re—+ide nearest

·to the port at whicjh such vessel may he,.¢l`nplic·ate manifests of

. the whole cargo on board suv}.: ves>{·l`; or if there is no (·nrgo___ · __0n board, he shall so certify; and if there is any lIIt;‘l'(*b$1di§¢(} __ , of foreign egrowth or_ mnmnfactnre on hoard, other than what · may by the collector he deemed sutlleient for sea stores, he shall ¤ specify oa such manlfests` the marks and numbers of every cash, ~ bug, box, chest, or·package containing the Same, with tlnename. l _ and place of residence ot every shipper and connignee of such . merchandise ot foreign growth`. or, mainnfacttnre, and the dean- . . tity shipped by and to each. The rnanlfesteor eertlnoatee shall I be subscribed and sworn to by him; and he shall also swear, I before the collector or surveyor, tllateuch merchandise of for-· , eign `growth or manufacture was, to the beet ofhis knowledge · and belief, legally inmorted, and the duties thereuwu paid or Y) Mgeenredi Upon the pertormame of these provisions, and not ¤ before, the .colleétor_ or surveyor shall certlfythe name on the , manifests ot certificates; one of; which heshall return to the on master, with a permit thereto annexed; authorising- hirn to L vproceed to the iiort of his destination., (R. SQ { 4353.) f_ .. . 299. Penalty. for proceeding to remote withat- mani- T fest: and permits.--It ani such veeael, destined as mentioned- ¤ in the preceding section, shall depart from the port Where she · may then be,. having goods, wares, or nxerolxandiaeot toreim . `growth or mannfaoture on board, withont complying olth the · requirements ot the preceding eeotion, the master thereof shall \ , be liable to a —penalty_ot $100; or, it the lading be of gooda the l . growth or mmureetoee ot thedfnimd States only, or ltd each ~ veesel have no cargo, and ehezdepart without the aeveralthings » required in _ the , preceding section being complied with, the " t master shall be liable to a penaltyot (R. S. { 4354.) _ ‘ L 300. Deliveryof manifests before nnladingof vena; trading ~ between redote districts.-·Th¤e master? ofjevery wieesel under ‘ ’ twenty tons burden licensed to carry on the tcmeting trade, ~ arriving at any district ot the United States {rom any district r other than a distrlet in the earns or an adjoining State on the · seaeoast, or`on a narlnble river, and ot every vessel of the`- bnrden of twenty tons and onward arriving. from a district he otherthan ‘a district within the same great district, or from a · State adjoining meh great district, shall deliver to the collector _·