Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/150

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‘ Q §e 149* _ ·.e TL2·1.1;: s,-».»1»1,11;:s.s Q zxnsmhist: lllllléflléf {1'p9l*SOIl gwho `l»elieves·i1l-er séleveeates the everthrexr hyfferee er tvieleeee of the ileverument et the United , Ststeser of all “ferms~ of law, crswlao alisbelieves hi er is ep- t posed to organized government, er who ·¥l{lVOC`flC€S_ the assassii 1 rzafien of pxililie e§leisls,· 01** who mlvocates QI; IBQCIXQS the llll-. lawful ues1m·;§&‘itm_0s `preperty, or is a1 memberxlf qr zxflllizltecll with any m·g:guizsllm2 exitertzniuiug; and teatghiugddisbelief int er eppesitirm te ergamized, {,’0'S’€l`il1ll(}!1tQ§ or which _·te:1el1es the mzlawftil des`tructie;} of property. or who tidveeates Ol: teaches the duty, necessity, or propriety of the unl:1wf11l·assa11lti11g or _killi11g` of 3ll}#·{lHl{‘Q1‘ m·.efficez·s. either of specillctixxdlvitluailser ` of eftieers generally, of $h€_·G()\"QI`lll}l91lt of the¥‘Ui1ite_d States 1 er of :{:1y‘ ether ergimized goverxamexxt because ef-this Der theixy

  • et§eial Q <,·h,:lr:w2ea·; whether ehmiiig by reason 0`L,-ainy.-effee,

Q selieitatieu, promise er agreements- express or iujlplietl, to per? term hiker is the lAT11ited,St:1tes;·the_a1»ll‘en`s”-cemlitionlof llE’illl`ll,’ é Fanmlzxl mid }xl;5·si<%a1; whether defcrmetlcr `erlfipletlj and if s0. t fer llt}\\’/,li}¥l{," elude from- what cause; whether cqemiug withthe intent es retum't0 the Ci”l1l1lt1`)" 5·g·he¤ce_ shell alien -€tllllQS after rtezxipmws fily (§ll`l§.'8{,"lllg iii lah0;·i11g—;1lfrsuits`iu the 'Unitetl `Sthtes; mid sueh otherAitemsP0f ll1f(>l‘11l2lli0ll·€lS.\\’lH _$1itl_i11 tléléflllllllllgg `l\Yli‘(‘¥1l(‘l’. may such slieu·.hel0;;,·:;s te t:111$· of the `exeludetl classes ·` `emameretexlixz seeti<·m.·136__ of this title: 1;i11<1,_sx1el1e111t1ster dr eeamxnaxailiug oH‘ieer; 0\\'ll(éQl`$,.e‘01‘ _;é(l}lSlg'llL‘9S shall also flll‘.lriShinformation ln Irelatieu tolhé sex, age, clalss-of trjavelgslml the foreign port of euéls:1rk z:tiq11 of '3`.I‘l’l\'lll§ .passengers~·.`x»*l1e are V ‘ Uznlted States citizens. 'It_sh;il l further be 'tl1e`Tdut·y_ of the I1l{l§5t€*i"0i' cmumajmding 0tlke1·_'0f' every tjessel taking passengers frem sank port of Ztl1es_U11it.ed States Oni tl1é°N0rth·.Amel·ic:1u (lexatimem te aj `fereigén port or ll ports Of the Philippine 1“sl;1ud`s, Gmini,. Petite Ric·e,_‘ m·_`Hmveii, pr from auiy port of the séilil insular qxessessitms l;0»Ql})'W¥fo1’t‘l§`ll port, to an port of the United, Smtes_`e;z»_~the `·N0ijthV_A1ueri¢::1i1 Coixtiuent, 0‘rf_t0 a` port of .z1u— ether insular possession of the United ·. States to tile with the i!l11i1i§'I‘ilfit)ll` oflici·:ilsI`before' tlepearture it list wlxieh shall econteiu full_:md.l1ct:m:ate·ix1fei*11mt.i0u_ i11 relatiolrto thehfollmeillg matterse regarding all allen iisssengersg mid fall scltizet1s_9t» the. l§ or insular spéssessims of the United States ¢le;$:1rtlng‘l sgitlxh the stated intent to resideeper1na11ently in il fereigza celihtry, taken l0n·]bI0;u·d: Nzixueh nge, `aud sex;. _ whetlaer41uara?iedA0r single; cullix1g'er 0ec1i;>atie11;·x£·l¤etl1er sible , me resigl ·er'write; ”n:¤t'le11:1lity; country of- birth; c0uutry~ of wlxiécli Eithee or subject; race; lest l}£’l’lI}£\1l€*l1lZ residence in; the ‘ U11ite1l.Stet"es.oi· insular possessiczls thereef;',if at citizen ee the Uxaited. States pr of the iusulm· pessessicms thereof}. whether ixativeibem er 118{·1ll‘2l'li7£d-.§ lfdmtive ll0l'll." ule`p1¤ce_ and deteof birtl1,_0r if xiatxixfzxlized the €ll}'·0l?‘·[0\\’D hr which 11;itim1l·l·‘ zstlexf has been hed;. imexaaletlf future . perm:me11_t_ residence;. .. sud time aiml port et. last arrival ir1’the‘ Ulli(QdlSll1t(?S, or i·nsu» l ‘ lar pessesslmls there0f,;,·qn¢l_st1<·l1 m:1ster40r ·['0lllIll$.Dtllllg. eillcer j slmll also furnish iuferizmtleu ln relutiexr to the sex, :rg~e,°class % of txswd amllpertef deb:1rk:1tie¤_0f:the_lT nlted istdtes citheixsj dt}[¤l1’§ll.l»gt$$'ll0 do fret lxxtendlte reside permsneintly in :1 foreign eeuutry, spd he 'nmster of any suéh ‘» vessel shall be g1'_2lllt€{ls eclem·:mce ]"¥2i[3£*1'*S for his vessel until he ·ht1s·de`p0slted sueht list _ er lists with the ltnmlgratlcxl officials at the port bf departlire _ and made eeth that tll£*}’·3I‘0 full jzmd complete as to the um e» c imdetlser lixfermetlen here_i1n¢re<;t1ired ‘(30Il(‘€1’Ill!Ig`—(f.5fl(*!1l i>e1·.¤&1* ef the elasses_s;>eeljle¢l t&il;··e11.`0e' bdtird lilsvessel ;e ’m1d_ my All . · leet er emtsslen te eemply withftlw l’£?(]llll‘(‘ll1(*1ll`S of this seetleil`, shell he ]3l.lllli·¤ll2lbl€*VilS_[lllQ\Y'ld§;‘£l`ill section 150mf this title; In the cu-se of vessels inukix'1g 'resulur trips te perts et tlie,l3nit.ee1} · States the (femm.isskmer‘General of Immigration; withitlxe epw _pa·o··£·s1rcf the Seereterk of- Labor, may, wljexi expedient, arrange for ti:£P'tleli$*e1‘)’ of such lisis of elltselazge Qlleusi att later date.; it shall befthe duty fel immigration 0Hl¥:isls to reeercl the Ttillil wefiug i1ifm·matlm1 x·=t·}ga1rt1lng"ex*ery résitlexnballeu and citizen " leaving the Uxllted States hy way of the Qauedlsm pr M€XiCQB_

lND ('lpT1Zl§l\'SI1lP ‘ ., l borrlers for permzment_resti&lé1lce. tt foreign eotlratyyc; Nam; ago, and sex; whether- ll12li’}°i€<] GF ’31¤1$§i€_2‘<2¤lling o1·,oc·eup;m,,.H; r w1;»le‘ to Jseztd or write: nationality; country of lgmi; _ eonntry_of·$vhich citizen UI $¤bj€€€; méé: 1ast.permm»cg»m; -i-leg, clcnce ii? {U6 U¤¤lt¢d.St;1¢€S·$@ illieudféd flltnfé 'l>ermsrien»t‘_;-_l_.e§_ .

 {lull time e.HI1t}·pOl’£ of IQSY §l'1‘iY§Z} i!.1»»II1&_Unitetl   ·l

nm] li g--l,Tnt,ted States citizen, Whether B3tiY'€_b9£’Il or n»tm·;l;.» ized. (Feb. 5, 19172 e`. 29. § 12,.39 Slot, 882) " ·_ r

 · 149.  Gl*0vupi1tg .0f Jlliéil l>8S§¢l38¢1'$ ik _YiS¢S: ·i¢lentillesgiQm"

tleketgr-gA.ll aliens arriving by wetét attbi? ports of the l};l;»1l..; stores fshgll be listen in comienicnt groom, theimmesot u,.·. - coming from the Still}? locality to be Rnsewbledpso far;;t·{{-·· 5 gable. ·:md,11o one list or mnnifestslmll.ctmtninemote thm1.tllirl¤.» ·lmmes.‘ To each alietlor s {emily she}; bg g;Y;j,,";a;· ti(‘l{(lt‘0ll`\\'}l4lQ‘ih shall hisclunme. a-nttrnber or`lm.;;- __ tlesignnting the list h1‘;\¥hl<3l1 }liS'ii$im€.°é¥Id· other items or 5,.- fortnrrtion required l»y·tz1w, are@ntalned,‘·and;.his nlrrnzlwt lm t hsai;1 list, for ‘convenience of ldentit'fention_ on tsrrmizg 1;;;.-;,

 list or lllIllllf€§<lZ"Slll*lll_b€ verified {ry the signntnre‘nnd·the oath

or‘£ti‘Hrmati.on of tll£‘·11l&$l€1° or`··_co1t1nxanl.llng ollleerr or_tllt-rim; ~ or second below him in comment}, token Before nn intnnlgrsegtm , officer at the portof arrivalg to the eHect that he lrss °t.·n:r>¤·£l _the·‘surgeou of serial- vessel s&iling'theret\’ith.·to rnnke e’;>h;l·»ll·el `·nn·d mental examination of- each of said aliens, mul thnt front ‘ f the report of saigl·su.rgeon and-[iron: hisfowno invcestigatioll l..· `

 bel—iei·es·that no one of said nlie¤S,is·of.-any of the clssses es ‘

winded from atlmlmlon into the ‘United Stntes trntler seetiens l ·_.. 136 and 137__of this title,,zmtl‘thst nlso according to the best os? } hislinosvledge and belle! the information in sein} lists or meal-‘ tests concerning eoch of said .§ll¢!1lS_;!}&fl}&£}.tht€f€{B_ is.eerre¢·t

 trnefln every.-_respect._ The stfrgeen of said, vessel‘sall”ls;;· p
  • '.lZh(’l‘Q\\'l,{ll·rSll2ll-l nlso sign enchl ofiesald lists or mnnifest,emlf_‘_

{ ~n1ztkeQ”oath·or alhrmzttionf in like manner before can inItmli:mtion ‘ I ollieer `atthe port of nrrivhl, stating ills. prof@ionnl_experie;lt{e

and qunlitlcntions as. {physician am} sm·ge¤e,r».mr that he

I has made a* perso.tm1_” examination of egteh of .thesnltl` aliens nan1ed..ctherein,nud thl1t_1lte_.setld`1i.sti or nianlfest. secomizrg to`: the best of his Knowledge hud Belief. `hseful}. `wrrect. sud-‘ true in tall partlctilnrs_reletive to the mental gud physical ronidition of said aliens, ‘1t¤osuégeo¤r_se:1¤ with any vessel l»rir1;:· lng nliensothe montnl and physical -examlnntions and the tert-` Zilcntions ot the lists or manifests shall be made. by some com-` potent surgeon employed bi theovrners of the said i»·essels,.nngl T the manifests shhll be yerllletl by snehsnrgeon before npUnl_€ed I Stntes consnlar o‘tll¢·er or. other oHl¢g·er authorized to ndtmlnister r oaths- IL; any cllzmgos in the condition of .sn<:h_ aliens oscar; Lp or_'q1evelop`dnrltzg·tlle v0§¤§¢‘·Qf the \’€$S€l"0~!1 which they me l '_ Qtl'H‘\'€‘]lIl‘§,',` Snell changes shall be noted on manifest lbefere ·“ J _ the i·et·lilcnt_ion tlwreof.» (Feb. 5. 1917. 13;%-Sint. 83+-1.)* V »_ { ‘ 150. Refusal ,or`fsilure_to furnish lists of a&·n pamcngersee-— It shell be -nt1llt}s·fnl for the monster or eomntnntllng iofficer et zuny vessel l>rln·`lng aliens into; or—csrrying slier1smont‘ of the _ ‘l’nlted States} .refn`se {rfa intl to deliver to {BB il!‘\llligl#al€l•_>ll” tiofficlh · the here ate on:} fnll nnamlfestsor statements or illiolt- ‘ mutt re_:ni·di g nl nliens on hoard or taken onQ.lmm·d smelly vessel r roll this t·§\lb(tll8.[l[9¥,`&l}d it it shell nppenr to the ‘ -s:ttisfn<:t·i0n_ of the Secretary of Lnborithnt there has been surtt ` nrrefusal or fziilure. or`thut_ the lists lleliverell are not nccuraetc ond full, suel1r1nn;ster`or `comnmndlng o@cer shnll_pn;~".to nhs! collector of cus_t0ms ntltlle port ot nrrivnl or- oepermre the seem oi $1Q for eschnlien concernl;18 SNJOIHI such nccnrste and ml! .___ manifest or=`st?.érnent or information is not mrnlsheel, 6lT·(7i>ll· _ . cernlng whom; he·1nnnlfest·-or stntementtor ~tllt»;=¤»st1. m is not — prepared nucl sworn to ns prescribed bypthis suhchopte;·._ _Xo · vessel shall be gmntetl .clenrz•nce;pendiilg'tlle“¢leternzin:1tiou»-alt · the question of ,tl1e·‘ liability to the payment §o£ snch oiiuw » ·. or while lt remains unpaid. nor shall Nsuclt line he 1’é§llil€(,*i};*t.»·l' Yéfulldédl but C‘l€&l.1‘8l1{‘é _1ll1l)’ be grzinted_·prior to the elet<*¤’U1=·