Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1505

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1491 wrox 46.-— otoom v@la are or employed. Eo,cl1_ supervising in- Spoclor shall have full wwor in any such district, or in any district whom, from dlstanco or other canoe, it la inconvenient to rworl: to the local bmrd, lo inwect any steam Yoosol and me boilora og? oooh steamer, and to grant cortihcntw of op- , pmval, and to do and perform all tho duties imposed upon local boards. (R. SJ 4409; l§`ob. 27, 1877, c. @, i 1, 19 Stat,. 251.) , ‘ ; I/‘** SSS. as to. infomation to local iBS§0£t0l'8.····Th8 , hoard ot sn lng lnspoctors shall establish auch régulations os may be M to make known in a probe: manner, to lwnl insooctoys, the www ofall poraom licensed under tho provisions of ®1l}IEl' 11, the na@ ot all persons from whom`- lloonmshnm boon withhold, and the namw of all whose licenses have boon ompondod or revoked; also tho mmm of all mono: vowolo noglmting or rdusing to make meh repairs as may be `ordorod pnmnant to law, and {ho nhmm of all that have ·boo¤` rofnsod of lwction. (B. S, 5 4411.) 'SSI; Regul•@ as to pawn; ¢ea¤cra.—·-The board or supoxvislng inspectors mil wtablish such regulations to be oboorvod by all atam www ln pasoiug oooh other, as they shall from time to tim doom nocwoary for safety ; two printed copies o of such @1ations, signed by them, shall `be furulshod to each ` ot such vmols, and shall at all times be kept posted up in · consplcnoixs places in such vessels, Ever! PHQL engineer, mate, or master of any steam yossol who neglects or willfully refuses to olpseréo tho rmulntions `ostablished in pursuance of this sootloh, shall be liable to _ a penalty of $50, and for all damages sustained by any pnssougor, in hié person or ha®go, by such nogoct or nofusall . o The provisions of mia section shall not apply `to stoom wessols navigating the hl.1’b01'S,-l'lY€1'S, and ‘inland‘ waters of the United Stntm, except tho Grwt Lakes and their connecting and tributary as fat east os Montreal and the Rod Rive: ot , tho North ond rivers emptying into tho Gult. ot Mexico and othoir trlhntnriw. `(R. S. if $12, 4413; Juno 7, 1897, c, 4, §5,30$tat.1%._) » - *_” 382. Locd. impqetorag number and - salaries; assistant! and darts; traveling oxpmnm-~’l‘hero shall be ln ouch of the following collection districts, namely, the dlstfiits ofPl1i1g1de1phla, · Ponmylvanla; Son `Fmnclscoi California ;·- New London, -Con··` nocticnt; Baltimore, Maryland; Detroit, Mléhigon; Chicago, ` Illinois; Bangor, Mg Now ‘ Haven, Oonnoctlcut»»;o Miclnim, Mlchlgn; llllwnnkoo, ·Wiaoonslnl`; ” Sound, Waahinktoh; Savannah, Georgia; Pitt;obm·gh, Pennsylvnnia;‘0s1vgo, New York ;- Charléston, Booth Carolina ;- Duluth, Miu@ta; Snporio?. Michigan; Galvogton, Texas; Mobilo, ` Alabanm ;· Providonoo, Rhode Island: and in ouch ot tho follow ing "portgaz New York, Now York; iackaonvillo, Flotilla; Tampa; · Florida ; Portland, Malao; Boston, ;_ Buffalo, Now _ York ; Glovdand, Ohio ; »Tolod0, Ohio; Nox·folk,_ :_ Evam . vlllo, Indiana ;, Iowa; Louisville, Konmcky`; Albany, New York; Cincinnati, 01119 2; Memphis, Tonnmoo.; Nashville, Tonnésoo; Saint Ionls, Missouri; Port Huron, ·nncmg¤¤`; New Orlonno, Louisiana: Los Angola; @litom{§ Juneau, Alaska; - Saint lilclmoi, Alaska; and _ Point Ploamnt, Woot Virginia :· Honolulu, Hawaii; and- Ban Juan, Porto Bloc, ono lnapoctor of » lalills aml·ouo`inopmto1• otbclicrs. ·` a T __ ‘ Tho inapoctor oi holla and the inspector of bollors an `_tlio dlslriota and ports onnmoratod ln tho .DN¢odlm paragraphs shall be ontltlod to tho following `aalarlu, to M paid under tho direction. of tho $&¥B¢Bf1 ot namolyt _ ‘ ‘ "' F~‘o1·”tho port ot Nhw York, New York, at lhs-# rate :182,950 por yea; ;'or mob local inspector. · . . ‘ ` For the of Philadolphia, Pennsylvania: Baltlmoro, Maryland ; San Francisco, California; and Pugot .mund,,Was.l1- ifigivu`; ond tho pogta of Boston, Mam@naotw: Blmolo, Novi York; and New Orleans, Loulalana, at tho tate ot $2,760 por year for oaoh loml inspector,. a ` ‘ — " `· _

snxrrmc § $83 For the districts of Michigan, Mlehignn; Milwaukee, Wiecoxn sin; Duluth, Minnesota; Providence, Rhode Island; Chicnge, Illinois; end the ports of Albany, New York; Cleveland, Ohle; Portland, Maine; Los Angeles, California; Juneau, `Alnnkn; what Michael, Alaska; . end Norfolk, Virginia; Honolulu, Hawaii; and Sen Jnnn, Porto Rice; at the rnte of $2,500 per; yes: for each local inspector. ‘ , · For the districts of Qswego, New York; Willamette, Oregen; Detroit, Michigan; and Mobile,. Alabama ; ‘ and the ports ot Seint Louis, Missouri; and Pott Hnren, Michigan; at the rste of $2,350, per yen: for each local iwpéitier. · a For the districts of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; New Haven, Connecticut; _Save.nneh, Georgie; Cherlmen, South Cnrelien; Galveston, Texas; New London, Connecticut E; Superior, Kichlgnn; and Bangor, Maine; and the ports ot Iowa; Toledo, Ohio; Evansville, Indiana _; Hemphis, Twnesm; Nashville, Tennessee; Point Pleesent, West Virginia; Jackson- · ville, iFloridn; Tempe, Florida; Louisville, ._ Kmtncky; and Cincinnati, Ohio, at the rate of $2,100 per yur yer , each locsl inspector. ‘ . `- And in addition. the Secretary of Commerce my appoint, in districts or _ ports where the volume of work requires them, assistant inspectors, et a salary, for the port of New York, ot $2,500 a year each; for the port ct New Orlwns, Louisiana; the districts ot Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; i ltixnere, Mery- land; the ports `ot Boston, Massachusetts ;_ Providence, Rhode Island; and the district er San Francisco, California, st $,350 per year each, and for all other districts end ports st n selary of $2,100 a year e. ch ;"snd‘ he xney appoint n clerk to eny 'shch board at a compensation not eiceeding $1, at . e year to · each D€1iS0n so appointed. Every inspector provided for in this or thepreceding sections of this chapter shell be mid his actual _‘ necessary traveling expensm while traveling en e&— cial business essxgneo him by competent authority, together with his actual and reasonable expe@ for trenmortgnen ot instrument-s, which shall he certined end sworn te nndcr sneh instructions as shalt be given by the Secretary ot Assistanf- inspectors, appointed as provided ~by law, shell perform snclf duties `ot actual inspection es mey he nmmed to them nnder the __direct.ion, anpervision, end control of the _ local inspectors. ‘ _ _ ·` —. _ ~ The Secretary of Commerce may appoint not exceeding tour, treyellng inspectors when ln his-judgment they are necessary . » __A “fi;iF’the‘ iin§r6teHe“nt"’G£f‘the"se?Flc*ei’@ch ntf watt he . N entitled to a` selnryot $,00O.a year endhis sensei necwery travellng expe@ while traveling on o&cisl husl@. ‘ _ nm me secretary or .co¤me¤-ce may mm nm to em ee tail ssid awistsnt inwectors ot one port or Mstrict jror service in any other port or district, A as the needs ot the Stenmwet Inspection Service may; in ‘ dlmreticn, require, y and the ectnal necmry travellng expensm er- assistant- inspectors so detatlerl, while traveling on odiclsl husinem ewigned them by i competent .enth0rity.·&b&l1, subject to such limitations is the said Secretary may in his discretion pwibe, ne paid in the ~ same manner as provided `in`_ this when for inmeetien, ( R. S.} 4414; Jan. 3, 1887, c.‘ 12, 24 Stst.`354:_Jnly %, 1890, c. 721, 26 Stat; 292; fhlar. _1, lwo, c. 146, { 2. 28 Stat. @9: Mer. 2,`1%5, c. 186,:5 1,- 28 Stst."843; Feb. 15, 1897, c. 231, % Stat. 530;. Apr. 21, 1898, c._184, 30 Stat. 360; ·Jnne°2, 1900, c._614, 5 31 Stet. 262; Mer. 3, 1905, e. 1455, 33 Stst.1026; Apr. 9, 1906t. c. 1372, 5 1, `34 Stat. 106: May 28, 1908, c..212, S 9, 35 Stnt. 428; Mer. 4, 1918, c.'159, 37·Stat. 1913; Oct. .22, 1913, c. 32,38 Stat. 2%; Feb. 28, 1917, c. 1%, w Stet. 942-;~Jnly‘2, 1918, e. 115, 40 Stat. 740; Apr. 19,1924, c._129, §_§ 1, 2, 43; Stet,104.) — · 3832 Tl’|Vdl¤g of i¤sp颢qrs.-InspectQ1*s and other employemlin the Steemboet Inspection Service shall he allowed, in lien of smilenge, only their eetnal necessary traveling egmnsm` while trswellng on o&elel business assigned them ccxnpetent authority. _ (Oct. 22, 1913, c. 32,38 Stat. 223.)- \ .