Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1511

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149fI*‘“**——r We —oi” ° —··-·—~~< -~·-~e~~-~· ~—211a¤Le»—4e-—— ccived imder the provisione of thie ood the following- chapter l such fees to the United States marshal for . his services, [ond to `epy witness, so summoned, for his actual travel and attendance, shall be 0@cigl1y certified to by any inspector hearing zneeaseo upon the back of such summons, not excccdiqg the rate ellowed for `feés and to witnesses for travel and attendance in maydistrict courts of the United States. (B. S. §44—5I.} Q _~· `j 'f ·. U ' Chapter 15..-TRANSPORTATl6N OF, PASSENGERS ANI) d MERCHANDISE 2BY STEAM VESSELS. " ' · Soc. _ _ . ·_ A .

  • 451. Number ot passengers allowable. _

45:;. Penalty for carrying too many passengers. _453.·Spcciol permit for excursion;. _ l _` 2 454. Regulations as to regatta; or marine parades. ‘ 4:35. Enforcement ot rcgulations`; fuse of public or. private vessels. - 456. —’1`ra¤sfe1=`of—a¤tli0rity to regulate to 'heed,__o_f other department.- A15?. Penalties for violations of regulations. ‘ _ · _ · ·,‘ 558. Veoeclc on Greet Lakes corrylug personenot passengers; _ · - _`459..Llfe_preeerycrs. ‘ ‘ _ _ - . _ 466. Count or its; of passengers. , · . 4*51. Penalty for fuilo·rc__ to keep ltst of- passengers. , . . 482. oe.·oveé;_.o: penalties. _ l ‘ · ,_ 463. Precautions against hre. ·_ 4€4. Fire puésps had hose. - _ . . 485; Dangerous articles aotito be cigrried, on passenger stcomers; gasoline to hotomobllca ;` regulotious. _ _· 466. Penalty ‘for‘ unlawfully - carryiog cotton or hemp., 467. Une. of petroleum in production ·-ot; motive powerr discharge of . - petro!eum` at termlnol ports. . 468. Henle of packlog dangerous articles. 469. Punishment for aolnwtully shipping dhugerous Articles. ‘ · 470. Watchman pueseager itcamers. . ‘ 471. Punishment for failure. to .kgp‘ watchman; _ _ . _-12*2. Fire extinguishers. . , Q _ - · ‘ ‘ · 473. Stecrlpi, 'novlgatiog, sud sighalihz apparatus. , 474. Boats for river stamens. , . · ·‘ ' 415. Life pteservera -for-river steomere. . s 476. Fire buckets s.¤d_sxce_for riyer steaxners- , ‘; ` 471. Stolrwcya and gahgwayn o;a·_flver_ steamer:. . ” 478. Accommodation of deck passengers. _ r ~ ’ I 479. Penalty for not pmovidlog proper eccommodetlous for passengers; 480. Rlvcrstenmcrs to he •.uchorcd_ wher! navigation is uueute. .» · 481. Regulations as tqodlfe-saving op~p1iances'on ocean, lake, ond sound ateaéers and forelpxr vessels; . . . . 482. ’Wotcr·tight bulkhead: ih- lake steamer: carrying passengers. 9 488.4-Water-tight hulkheods not required on ccrtalxr steamer:. _ $84. Radio-cooaseooientloo a.pponto•.., · _ —. ‘ 485. Requirements no to cmzicocy of radio apparatus. c · 488. i’e¤elty for violgting provisions as toradlo apparatus; separate 487., Begoladoec as to radio apparatus. d ‘ M_  »"° 4 . `_ . 488. Sohstitute for second opcrstor ot radio apparatus on cargo — ateemesra, _ __’ ·‘ · · 489. Use or instruments for security of lite to he approved. ·’ 490. Borges carrying passengers. · · . . _ 491. Liability ot master ud owr1er¤ for dsmsie to` peeseugera. .· 492. Copley ot provlciom .to_ be kept on passenger steomers. · · 493. Home or atesmu exhibited. . *··‘ 494. Dutw ot, customs o¤eors. c _· ` 4%. Penalty for emlwoo of duty by customs oQccr1. ’ . 496. Iqtntry or enrollment denied toyessels not complying With leg 497; Pwglty for tomm to comply with provisions. ‘ · 4o8. Penalty to ences act provided tor; - _ s e. 4§1._ N¤mher·_oi'_ passengers cllosnbleq-The board ot local. inspectors shall state lo every certl&ate ot inspection greeted to vwsels otheri than terrybocts, the number ot poeswrs of each clam that any auch vessel has •. odntloo forced can carry with prudence and · safety. They shall report their cotton to the; sopervleihg lnk . _ lpcctor of the who may at my time order the number ·of s¤&_ p gera ‘~d@re•.sed, giving his reasons therefor in writing, and wrcupoh the board of local inspectors shall change és ot inspection of such veeeel to conform with {RQ decision of the supervising inspector Whenever the allowance ot‘_p•s¤engere` incrgoed (gy gn! board of. _1oc•.1 such increase shall be reportw to the super- Vlsi¤¢‘ lnspmtor of the district; tmther the resbehs

 - · ~ ¥-~ ·· » — - »-——~ —·  ~—— —— ie-— ~——~ M     - §. .457 

therefor, end such incrense shall not become effective anntil the enme_·l_me_ been approved in writing by the supervising inspector. (R. S. §_446—1;’Feb. 14, 1917, -c._63, §· 1, 39 Stat. 918.) l .452. Penalty for carrying too many pessengers.-—It shall not · be lawful to take- on board ofkmy vessel a greater number of passengers than 'is stated in the certificate of inspection, and tor. every violation of this prevision thei master or owner ehall _be lie.b_le.t0 any person suing for theseme to forfeit theameunt . of. paseege money and $10 for eecb passenger beyond the number_al_lowed. _ .. ’ . ` ‘ , . C · 'lilge nmeter or owner of the vessel, or either or any-of, them, V who ehell knowingly violate this- provision shell be liable to ellneofl not more t.118l'1·$100 or imprisonment of not more than thirty days, or both; (R; sy S -4465; Feb. 14, 1917,- c. %, §2,39:Stat.918.) `_ . j· ‘ _ 453. Special permit for encnrsions.-il! any pemenger 'vwsel engages nu`, eiicurelone, the board of local inspectors `iwne to suclr vessel u special permit, in writing, for. the occasion, in ` which shell beosteted.the‘edditionnl number oi passengers that l may be `carried and the_nnmber_end..kind of lifesaving appljeuces thatshell be- provided for the safety ot such additional passengers ;_ and they shall also, in their discretion, limit . the route and distance for seen excursions: Preview, That the issuance ofsuch special. permit shall be renortee by the boardjof local inspectors- to the supervising inspector. of the district, and such special permit shell not enective nntil approved ‘by the said enperyising—;inspector._- (R. S. I 4406 ;` _Feb. 14; 1917, c. 63, 5 3, 39 Stat. 918.) · · , ° 454.. Regulatione ns, to regattaa. or · parades.-·—The`_ l Secretary of V Commerce. is authorized and empowered in his diécretion to iasixe from time to time regulations, not contrary to law, topromote the sniety ot life on navigable waters during

regnttas`or marine parades. (Apr. 28,,1908, c. 151, I 1, 35 Stat.

69; Mer; 4, 1913, c.· 141, 37 Stat. 736.) · ‘ ‘ _ _ ' 1 V455. Enforcement: of regulations; nee of public er private veseels.——-Te enforce seen regulations the Secretary of Commerce may detail- any public vessel in the service of that 'depertinent '_ and make use ‘ ot any private vessel Q tendered gratuitously for the purpose, or upon the reqnestof the Secre- .tery of Commerce the head of any other depertmenbmny en- . force · the regulations tanned nnder sections _454 and 458 by means of any pm»u¤—.»ves¤e1 of such. department and ‘e£ any private vessel tendered Eietnitonely tor` the- ·(Apr. 28, 19%, `cg 151, § 2, · 35 Stat} @;iMer.-4,—Z1Q13, 141, 37 Stat. 736.), l ..T -‘ A- I 456. Transfer of authority to regnlate te heed of- oteer de- ` psrtmenhe-—The nnthorlty and power bwtowed npon the Secretary of Commerce by the two preceding sections xmny be trans- {erred · for an! epeéinl occasion to the head et another depart- _ ment. by the·Preeldent_ whenever lnhis jndzmwtsnch transfer is desirable. (Apr. E, 1908,52. 151, 3, 35 Stat._@; Mer. 4,. 1913, c. 141, 87 Stat. 7%.) .· — Q · C j ‘ 457. Penalties for vio1 of regulations.-—-—Fer any-vlolation of regulations iimied pursuant to the three preceding me- . tions the tollowlnpmnnltlee shall be incurred: ‘ “ _ (e) A. licensed omcm shall be liable to euspenmon or`revocation ot license in tlge manner new prmribed by- law; for incompmney or misconduct. . ‘ _ " - Q _ ‘ V - .. - (b) Any person in charge. et the navigation ot n vessel other than e licenwd omcer shell be liable to `a penalty ot $500. . ‘ .(e)· The owner of a vemel (Including any corporate emcer of a corporationoivnlngl the vmeel) actually on board shell be liable to a penalty of $590. unless the violation of regulation.s shall have without nie knexvledge. p · (d) Any other person shell be liable to epenelty of $250.- · The Secretary of Commerce is enthorized end empowered to mitigate orremlt any penalty h'erein_pre%·ided for in the manner pracribed by law for the mitigation or remission ot peneltiu