Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1519

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. "\ · ' 1*%* " 1*** """“"0""‘"9“" TITLE §6.· _ _ (0) The minimum boat cihiclfyrequlred, Including the beets etteched to davlte end the additional beets, accordenée with this section. _ ~ . I , _ " . . ~ · _ .011 1 .<0>__V _ wl •· » 1 · · ‘ ‘ Mmmm Mimggxm l` ' · length or the ship (feet) ll U _ LTl`I1l¥:;l!gl¥_ ·.1•v1¤. ¤»°°°°¤m' *¤*·*·°*·*° . _ - - ‘· , l ·' Oibtcfed me g¤d}¤@1hlB IN - ,. ... _ 2 2 980 gm and less Chili IE - ... .1-- . 2 . 2 L & me¤¤1¤1n•¤1e0-----.- . ... p 2 2 1.600 m¤¤n1e¤tn¤n17¤--· 3 . 8. 1.000 ]7§§Bd¤`;¤;m-' . 3 8 2.% mma1¤.tn•nm0 - ... ... 4 4 · 2.740 geenenntunae .. 4 4 4 nm mnnxlessthanuu - .. . .. »_ 4 4.. $.900 ·-meeelemtnannts - ... , - 1 4 4.5N elseeelentnaems-‘-· .., . _ e . 0 _ 0.100 y,;5m41e¤•t1:1a¤~2v0·  ;. . - ... 0 is 5.040 279 nndle¤th¤11285 ---...  :;.:.4 . 7 5 GJ90 ns enelmtmnm -.. . 4--.,-.-,. 1- Y 1 , 0.930 aweeelestnmete .--.- .-...-. -.--.- 8, _ e 7.550

115 endles•ths¤&¤ . ..‘ , .. 8 · 6 8.,290

‘me,¤en• tn•eue --.-- - -..---. ; ---..--...-. 9 1 9,000 gwenalentneeme .-.. --- .-. ··0~ v •,c¤0 amend leasthanm .. -4---- .. 10 . ‘ 7 - · 10,650 _:me¤e1e¤t1¤•a_41e .-.. - . 10 · 1 Il.700 410e.ndlastN»¤_l35 - . 12 · 9 · 13.000 4:45 em: le.¤tha;&-‘ -..-... " 1-. -.-...-..-. 12 _ . 0 14,400 460 end lm th•11·®. . .. ... 1 _14 10 15.9% 400 eeelemtnnnem-...- --.-.--.- ; .-... . -.---. . 14 .. 2 10 17, ew ez: end lenunan 50--- -- --- ... 16 I2 * 18.720 zlseendleutixansse---.. .. . .-.. · ... I6 12 ‘ 21350 5h03¥Ml}@£}!l¤5l° .-.- - .-.- - 18 · 13 21..960 me and lesthan sw--. ---... - ..-.. ‘.--, 18 13 · 28, 700 memlmtmnm -..- - .----. . --..-- m 14 .. L350 mceneiesstnanvm --.- - ..--.,.-- N 14 · 99,000

  • 00 end leaathenlm ..- .--. ;-..- 22 15 · · new

730andlQtb¤7$-‘-... 4---- ,... 2 ‘ 15 . atm

·e0e¤¢11e•• sh¤¤9¤0- -.--...-...--... 4 ...- , 24 *11 12100

v0e¤¤11e•—;b•ew,- .-.-.---.-...--. _ _ 24 17 new ezeeeeleutmnsss --,-.----. . --.-.--.-.- . 2e . .1s N.450 ensued .-.. - ..--.--..---..--. _ 2s 18 , ~&,?¤0 amemlmtnenm-.1.. ..-...-...-... ,. ··m 19 _ 4.l,@ enmtmtunm-—.- --.-. - .-.--.--. _ a 19 aw eeeamlleastlrsuns .--. ---.-..1.; -..-.--.- se · 21 _. 40,200 ses eee len than 1,m.-..-.· ..,-.-.--... - -.--. - a0 m .-48,-HQ - Whm the length at the vessel exceedef one thousand and thirty feet, the of Supervising with the

 appneval et the Muetnryl et cQl!lm¢i'¢8,; shall determine the

minimum nnmbmv et aets otdevlta and ot open bcnta of the mst class ter that vessd. 4 ‘ _ EXIB-A#KA'H0lW” ma rassnaeua m rn: 1.11rm04·rs~ Ann! nerrrs Snltehle arrangements almll be made ter embarking the paseengers ln beats, ns accerd with regulation: by the Board Jet Supervising Inspectors. velth the approval et the Secretary »efOem1ne ree. ~, _. A ·" 9 _ . ln vwle which carry. rafts there shall be e number etrope er vemden ladders elwnye avellnble ter use ln embarldnz the D€l'80ll§0Bt0th61’lI¤·_ __ · _ N ·· ’ _'I'he_ ntmher and. arrangement et the boats, end (where they are nllmrw) 01 the. penteen rafts, en e veeeel depende 09011 the tetel nnmher 01 persona-whlell the vessel |a.1ntended‘ tp carry: P *rhet_ theee be required UH any voyeze · e total eapadtyjn beets and (vrhere they are al10wed)`p4>ntnon rafts grate: than that neeeaaary to axemmodate all the Demons en heard. _ . . ’ - A ` At BQ moment at its voyage shall any steam vensel ct United .8ta,tee’ `en rentm more than twenty nentlml miler amuse have on board a number `ot

  • 001*0011: greater than wat ter aeeo@dat1en la provided

in the litebcats and pentwn an beard. -· 9 ·_ It the litebceta nttnchw to de mmlent ·eeeemmedet1en‘ter all en bkrd. addcltlengl llteheats ot_ one bt the standard taps the-ll N addition shell bring the tehl -¢¤D•¢$¤ dtbe beat.! en, tha veasel at-least np. to the greater at we me tellewini amednuz (e) The mln1n111n1_ mpaelty required by 0 meae rmnletlenez ` 862fl0°·-·-2G--—--95 ‘ . · »

__SHIPPING-_, ,,,.W ~_Mr_-,._.__,._.-..m,.,,_,_» -_~_,- _-;_.*, ,._,--,..,_..-..i§r.48IT-.-- ...;.- · ?(lg)‘ A capacityoéuqcianf to accommodate 75 per centum of » the persons on board. ‘ l _ ‘ " .· _The remainder of the accommodation required ahallbe provided, under regulations ot/ me Board of Supervising In· 8lJ€¤¢0i'S, Qpprdjédi by» the Secretary of Commerce, either in bqata of‘_c1aa§_ 1 or`class, 2, or ln pontoon rafts of an approved At no moment ot its voyage shall any passenger steam vessel of the United States. on ocean route; less than twenty nautical miles offshore have_~0u board a total number of persons greater thanthat for whom accouimodati0lt·is_i1rovided in the liteboats and pontoon rafts on board. The accommodation provided lu liteboatsj shall in every · case be sutlicicut to accommodate at least 75 per centuzu of the persons ou lioardr The number and type of, such 1ii'eooa‘ts and life rafts Shall bé determined · by rgulaticns of the Board of Buporvlsing` Inspectors, approved ` _ by the Secretary of: 'Commerce: Provided, That during the interval- trom`May 1 15 to September 15, irxcluslvejaxny passenger steam weaaél of the United _States`, ou ocean routes less than _ twenty nautical miles mshore; shall be required `to carry ac? commodation » for not less; than 70 ·per ceutum of the total a number _0f personaou board in lifeboat; and pontoon life rafts, ' of which accbmxiiodation not `less than 50 per ccntuui shall. be in llfcboats and 50 ceutum mayu be in collapsible boats or rafts, regulations of the 'Board of Supervising Inspectors, approved by the Secretary ot Commerce. “ . · ‘ — _ . , At uomoment of Ita voyage mayany oceangcargo ateamrossel of tho United States have outboard a total number of persona grcaterithaa that for whom accommodation la provided " in the liféboata on bmrd.', The nuuiber audtypca of such boats shall bec determined »by..regulatiena of the Board of Superrislag Im spectom by the Secretary ot Commerce; · ——At°m"mou1eat ot its, voyage may any passenger steam vessel — ‘ of the (lalted_8tates on the Great Lakes, on routes more than three miles oisbore, eiceptj over waters whose is not aumclcat to aubmerge-all the dccka of the veaael, have on board a total number of varoouar, izlcladlog msaeagers land, crew, zreator, than that for vrhoafaccommodatioa is provided in the lifeboat: and pontoon lite rafts on r bmrd. The accommodation lprovided in lifeboat: in every case 'be-s&·le¤t to accomxaodate at least 75 cantum ot the persons on board. The number and types t of auch lifebogta and lite ram `shaua be °diatermi¤o<l` by regulations of the Board Tot Saperviaiag In- _ spectnora approved by` tho Secretary ot Commerce; Provided, Elfliat `durinx the interval from May 15 September 15, int clusclve; any asucg steamer shall be required to carry accommodatioa for `aot lm thau *50 per eentum of _ peraoaa on board fin litcboata and pontoon llta érafts, ot which accommodation not lem than two·¤ftbs ahall be in lltebmta and three¥dftha · mayobaia collapalble boats or rafts, under. r®ulatioas ot the Board ot Supervisins Iuaiaéctore, approved -by the Secretary ` of Providad further, That all paaaeagar steam vcs·· ` .aels of tha United Stateaia the keela ot which are laid after the ~ iat of July, 1915, for aarvikro on routes, or for aervice from September 15 to May 15 on the Great Lakes ou routes more than three allies otahore, shall be built to carry, and shall furry, enough lttoboata and rafts to accommodate au` poraoaa oa board, including pamngors and crew: And, proo£ded farther, That not more tliaa~25fper caatum ot auch. equipment may be in pontoon lite rafts or collapalbleliteboata. ‘ At no moment of lt: yoyaga may any cargo steam veszscf of tha United States on tha Great Lakes pave ou board a total _ _ number of @en• greater thaa that for whom} accommodation ' Z! ia the lliaboata on board. ClThaf11mubar_ and typea_ ‘ ofmxch Eoata shall bedatermiaed b,y7ragulatl`or1s of the Board o M ot. 8H§é!V`l8i§§ Inmectora approvjed by the Secretary of Comm$¥°’• , L