Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1524

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§ — . ° ‘ _TQT{IiI·§J§;·= ee _ x ~·W~ Mwwir ‘» `` ” ”‘m;”* ‘_ _ _ ‘ - Agreement for Bahia; v¤y;ge;~——··'1'he‘ master of jan; ·r®e? of gnentueen nt twwty tens or upward, muiiged ` neeeming itgfelaw me eerrying on the bank gud Other cpd erm, er e `ekerel hehery, 4 port bfthe United States te neaempxeyee in any such nshery, at sea; shal1,”be£0re_

 eh. nach   réyege, m&ké an agreement in writingwith ee_   whe may he employed? therein, except ,

eniy an S. s t ~ tieé cr mrnnnt of himselzt or ewner; rend, in eddietien to- sn ‘ of shinment as may be agreed on, shall, in , such t j e iz, whether the name is to continue for ` one · veymeig fer the fieliing season; and _.eha11_t__p.1se express that the ‘éi"1:he proceeds ex such nshiug Yeyage .0r veyugee which to the' Hsherrneu shall be divided among them -1;:* proportion to the quantities gor number of such deh i jvqhich they amny respectivéli have Zceught. Such 'egreemeiitshell be indnrsed or eonnberngned by the owner of such iishing vessel er his qgent. ¤(R] S. § 4&?1Q)'· ·‘ . *1 Z 532. Penalty for ,yielnti¤g‘ agreemente-4If any Hsherman, hnvinigengeged himself for La voyage er for zthe iiehing seasen in any iishing vessel and signed an agreement therefor, there- i

nfter ned while such `agreement remains er force and to ‘be,

perinrxnedi deserts er nbseme himself , Item such vessel withemt leave of- the master thereof, or of the owner pr his agent. such denerter shell héj§inb1e`togthe name penalties as desert-

 eenrnen are gmbjeet·!t0` in` the merchanf eerriee, `and mhy

in the like manner, and upon the like complaint and proof, be epprehended and detained; and all caste. of process and com-l Imitnaentg if the master or `ogvrier, shall be dedizcted ent of tigge she e»l `l · of Enh or proceeds of any iinhing vdyege to whigh eneh d " had or shall become entitled. Every- Hebermen, hnvi ngagml himself, who during such fishing yoyage refuses er his . proper dnty en heerd · the Eshing vweel, being thereto ordered ner required by the innei_ger‘there0f, (or ptherevise resists} his just eominnnds to the hinderanée or detriment of such voyage, besides being answerable. for all demngee arising thereby, shui! forfeit to the J of the owner eieeuehreeeel his ehere of any public allowance which may be N mid upon such voyage. `(B.; S. 5* $392.) ’ . _ 533. Recevery of shares of Qeh under egréement.—·-·—Whenever nn agreement or .c·e¤trncf isi ee made and Isigpéd for e nehing voyage er for thehénhitig seae011;.and·—eny Ash eeqght on heerd ench vessel during the eeme are delivex—ed to the iewner er te his agent, for Gure, and sem by suehlinwner or agent, even veenel shell, fer the term et ei: months efter ieneh nnle, he lieble fer the mestefe and erery other Hehermewe ehnre et such neh, and may proceeded against in the same; term and to the name e¤eet ee zany e_ther_veeee1 ie by Ike! ~ liable, and may be preeeecied ngeinnt for the `wagee et seamen , er xnerinere in the metehent service. Upon euch jjreceedingf fer tl vniue ei e share or eheree of the proceehe et Heh no defivered and eeide it nhnll he incumbent en the owner er his agent te pméuee aj juni: neceuntf of the, ealen. ann division ef ‘ eneh} fish eeeerding to nuceh agreement or contract; otherwise the veenei $h&Ife1}E.e&BS¥$’£f&blE upen eueh preceeding for what may be the highest reiue of the ehefee demanded But in all 1 eneee the eéwner ‘ef eiieh veeeel or his egent, appearing te enewer in eueh preeeeding,_n1ey offer thereumn hte eceeimt not genera; euppliee ninde foreach. nehing voyage and oi other enpplien ,_thex·efei· made te either yo! the , demendmente, and e ehnli he e11ee·ed` te `preduee evidence thereof ··in’ nnewer tee their demnngegreepeetively; end Judgment nheii berendered » upon each preeeeding fer the respective hnleneee which upon ~en<t·1$ en inquiry ehelinpneer. (4%. S. § 4383.) e _ 5 ~ 534, Diechnrge of vessel en med by ewner.-P-When pmcees

 eheli   ieeuedx Rgeinet Any veeeeljee liehle, it the enmer thereet

rex- his {agent willjgire. bend to eneh`·§ehermnn in whose ferer eneh pmeeee shnil be inetitutéd, with en@eient eeeyzrity, to the eatisfnetien dt Qtkve justices et the peace;;o£*whe& one shell

\. 2 S§L@BKQ;--. .¤.- # be named bi such owner of agent, and the other W by tile Qsher- ma¤.01·_ Hshcrmen lpuitjuiug such pyocegs; 01* if either party shall mefuw, than the malice mit ·spp0iuted_ shall his 3 ssscxgiaye; ·wi¢l1.¢ouditicir tp. mms; gud pay whatever sum shall be recovered byhim ior them on such process. there shall be 18.11 immediate discharge of such vcgsely Nothing ln this . ,9:; the preceding section shall prevent any Mhermau from haw lng hi; action. at common law for his- share or shams. ot fish or the proceeds -the-rect. (R. S.-._’_§ 4394.) ' Chslfizfér 1 8.-MERG}IANT SEAMEN, J .' D SHIPPING. COMMI§SIONEBB §541." Appointment;-‘accounts;’ expendituru; compensation; clerks. '54f2; Band and oath. _ ‘ _ _ _ 543. Whpn‘o$Hccrs.0f.custoing shall act. X L _ .

  1. 544. Vessels in coastwise trade., ·

.545. Duties. · .- ° _ ._ _ , . . . 546. Penalty for personating shipplpg commiqslouer. _ _ ·‘ 547. cxgrks. · l l K . " .. _548. Seal. 549. Otlice. _ , . . ’ ’ _ . __ ° _ ~ s , SHIPMENTOF CREW _ — 561; Apprentices. V l — _ _ ~ a 562. Indenture of apprentice to banptoducad to commissioner. ` 663. Shipment of crews by shipping commissiqncra; shipping ¤gr§e· _ · ments. ' `: _ - ‘ ’ ` 564, Shipping articles. . .565; Rules __for·shlp`ping articles. _ 566. Excafition as to shipping articles. 567. _Pcm:lty for shipping wltlmut_ agrcemgnt. _ · 568. Penalty for lmowlqgly ¤mpp¤¤g seamen withéut ariiclcs. _ . 569. Shipping Lscamcp to replace those lost by desertion or-casualty. .570. Shlppipg seams; in*forci rts. ‘ ` 571. Penalty for Molating preceding sgcttch. _ · . _ 57%. Voyage ar iam: for which seam—gh;; may be shipped ;‘ mshlpment. _ 573. Voyage or term 0t.8GSm¢B·,8}}il\;l}¢d in foreign port; reslxlpment; 574. Shipping articles for vessels ln caasting trade. 575. Pgnalty. for shipping witlmut articles. ‘ 576. Penalty for omitting to begin voyage. __

  • 577. yostlng copy of agreement. =.

578. Unlawful shlpxriénfs vqid. . 579, Report of returné Bf eollectcrs ami foreign qenw, . . WAGES OF B§lAM*EN j 591. Colnméncement of wages. ‘ . 1 I A iy 592. Wages abt depexidcut on freight earned. · , Q `· . §93. Teimlnntvlan pt wages by loss ot véssel; trnnnportnticw to zplsce

  • 5 , of shipment. . . . · ‘ - _ ‘ F

594. Bight to wages. in case of lmpmper disclggrge. ‘· » ji 595l Conduct en axeqtlng right. . 596} Time for payment. - -· _ ‘ 597. Pqyment at ports. A I 59&. Vessels engaged- in taking oysters. . _ 599. Advances éncl allotments. ` BGG. Agreeménti as to loss of lien nirlght fovwngen. g a .601. Attnahmént or arrestmentpt vmgm: aupgmrt ot scnnganw mia. 602. Limit ot sum_recovemble clux·ing‘v¤ ‘ 603. Summon: for noupqymeht. » _ .604. Libel -t0r.wéges.' • 605. Wages myable lp guld.


611. Label of canal boats fox wages. · EFFECTS OF DECFIAQED QEAMEN .621. Duty at uxpstei wlxgre seama..u_dles during vayage. , 822. lwoceedings in regard to effects. l 623. Pezxalty fm- neglect of xumste:. * $324. I)uti•·s at consular c•¤lc@r·a. 625. EEe·ct:s of seaman dying within the United States. 626. Payment t<>"distz·ict mart; 627. I)lstpsh¤tion. by district court. 628. Uglclaimed wageas and edects. _ ` DISCHARGE 641. _Mc.>de. _ · 642. Acmumlng ns to wages., 643. Certificate.