Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1525

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“`I511’v“*i‘ on W · p 644. · Rules for settlement. . . 645. camceteotehersctenp ‘ _.. .646.- Discharge otcrews lsyeoast trade. 661. ns arblter. " 6 M { ` 652, Examination of witnesses. —_ .- _ v_ 663.. Complain -'thst vessel lrnnseaworthy., 654. on examination ot vessel. ° .. 656. to proceed vaen_yees•l.l’o¤nd _ ..658. Appointment of ‘Il&Q!¢tOi;IT by consul ln—!•r¢!¢¤ P•rt. · 85Y.R€B0l't9!iB@¢t0!I.-. __ . , 658. Discharge et crew on acconnt ot nneuworthinees: penalty to; ` sending uneeaworthi veeeel to ees. ‘ ._ 6§59.' Payment 6f_¢&!‘§ for _ 660. Betmalvtu pay Wil! and charges. · 661. Neglect to`- provide mholent-_ stores. _ _ _ 662. Complaint; is to Qrovlsions —or‘ water; examination. _ 683; Fortgture for complaint as to provisions. or water, 664. `Pernlsslo•`ltrom‘·`;¤ater to enter complalnt as‘t•. prevhlons •1 ._water. ~ °. - " _ ` =865. }Allownnce· for reduction of provisions. . 666. Medicines. ~ · · . · 667. Penalty for talluriito keep medicines. 668. Wdg& and ness . · ° 669. Clothing •mW,ne¤t. 670. Blop chests. . ‘ ._ - ~ _ ‘ ‘ 671. Slop cheete'; veesele engaged ln whsllng or nshlng business; 672. Bequlrments, qnellications, and regulations as to crews. " 673._Beonlrements ss to IIt¢hlI$_‘¤u¢Q'0t seamen; right ·to'¢ls 674. List ot crew to be delivered to collector. ‘ 675. Certlucate to list ot crew; record. · 676. mths o·!`crew. - __ ‘ · - 677. Pro6@ eteog ot list onreturn ot vessel: production ot pen 678. Bnwetw to 6estlt¤t•· seamen xp return to Unltell States. 679. ’I°I'l%0!’¤t¥¤¤‘ of desHtut• seamen to United States. · 686. Bate ·£¤ et destitute session to United States on 681. Additional for tuneportetion ot qestltnts 682.·6l•charge. · - . ,_· _· ° 663. Penalty for neglect ot consular omcer to collect wqa x lnospacl 664. ‘Ws;•s·on_66scbu:• in case of snle. ‘ ‘ 686. Wages enfjndlqanlecemplalnt ot seaman. 686. Cutlécstes ct `oltlsenehlp. ‘ ` 687.l.4•totelttsensea¤en.- ” - 666. l.•e•ver1tor.tn3nr1 to or hath ot seenn. _ OFFQNISQB AND l’l7NI8Hli6N'1‘B_ 761. Venous ezensest peneltles, ·` { 762. mtr: of otense mjos book. _ 763. lint; of consular. omcers en to lnsubordinetion. · _ 784. or nqleet ot. duty. : 765. 706. ¤ toetsttnres. · · _ 707. ot neges to costs ot conviction. 768. Bo•r6lng @1e beferearclvel. ‘ e 769. Qondtlng seem ss ledgers. ·!'!!1¤|lIQ$]l¤i7¤U. _” _` 711, Recover; ot and norleltures. _ 712. Qorporal punishment, . · . A ·. 713. Dennltioneg echedole, \¤d·t6bl6I.4 _. ·


_ 541. Appmtnnent; s ts; enpqdltnreer pensstlen; 8 17 of Commerce shall appoint 1 commlmoner for ache portotentry, which is also a port oi ocmn navigation, end which, ln his judgment, may require the same; snch commlesioner to be termed a shipping coxnmluloner and may, trom time to time; remove from ani ench com miniouer whom he my have reeson to-believe 6ou not prop erlypertorm hte duty, and Qsbell thnx provide propex ‘ per£ormnce.ot» his duties new enother person is ap minted ln his piece. Shlpplnj shell mpnthl; ° render 6 fnll, etnct, and. seconnt of QM! remph en: expenditures to the Secretary of who ¢all data m1n•their_compenes¤on, end

\ N L K * =s¤rrr1Nor’**rr’rrm“cwesr——r`—* §*545r"e"s the numcber and compensation of the clerks appointed by such commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary o£_ Com- U me1‘<=¤»_subject to the llm·itattons`1now `dxed by law. The Secre- ¢¤1'! or Commerce shall regulate the mode of conducting business in the shipping loillcw established by the shipping commis- —_ sioners, and shall havetull and complete control over the same, - "mbject to the proylsions herein contained ;` and all eipenditures by shipping- cominissionersshall be audited and adjusted the General. Accounting Omoo in. the mode and inanner ‘pro ed tor .c!DQ¤ditures·. in the collection of customs. All fees koi

 shipping commissioners shall · be mid into the Trmsury or e `

Y , United States and shall constitute a fund which shall be us under the direction of the Secretarylof Cornmerce to pay tly compensation- ot said commissioners and their clerks l and such 1 other,expenses as he may Hnd necesmry to ensure the proper administration of their duties. (R. S, G 4501; June 26, 1884, S ,Q c._ 121, 5,27, 23 Stat.—59; Feb. M, 1903,, c.-_&2, 32 Stat. 829; ‘ mu. 4, 1913,1:. 141, or sm:. rss; June.10, -1921, c. 1s,. l‘-:-104. 42-Stat.24.) _ " " _ `_ n ,,2 _ " 642. Bond and oath4—~Every shipping commismoner so appointed; give bond to the United States, conditioned for, . the faithful performance of the duties ot his omce, for a sm, ‘ ln the discretion of the Secretary ot Commerce, ot not less than $6,000, in such 1'ormand with such wcurity as the Secretary ot ._ .Cominerce shall direct and approye; and shall take. and subscribe the. oath ibed·by section 16 or Title 5 before enters , thedutlcs ofhiso@ce:`Pre·¤€ded, Thatnothlngln this section wall beconstmed to aiect m any respect thellabllity

 or prmc1m..s».· suretles on tanrbond givm prior to April lm`

1906,qby any shipping commissiona. (B.°S. { 4602;-Apr. 26; 1998, e 1875, B4: Swt. 137; Mar.]4, 1918, el 141, 87 Stat. 738.) , 543.Whm o§eu*s of cwons ad.-g·In` anylport m ihlchgno shipping commlwoner shall have been appointed, the whole or any parf ot the be or a shipping commissioner _ °shall·be_·conducted by the collector or dmnty collector of c·¤s»- toms o!.such'port; and in respect or such bmlnem tomhouse shall be' deemed a omce, and tm collector orgdeputyeeollector ot to whom `m&· business shall be r committed, shall; for all purpom, be dyed a . shipping. com- · `mlssioner the meaning or (B. S. S 4503;) 544. Vessels Th trade.-—·Nom of the-mvistons of an- Act entitlcd,"An· Act to authuiae the appolnmsnt ot

 by` the several   ot the

United States to superlntend the shipping and discharge of seamen ln merchant ships belonging to the United ° Statu,_and for the tnrther protection ot_seamen” shall apply “to sail or steam vesselsengaged ln thecoastwise trade, except the coastwise trade between the Atlantic and Pacldc coasts, or in the lake»golng· trade touchlng at foreign perm or otherwise, or in the wade between the United States and the British — v North American %mions,_ or in any case wherathe seamen ` are by __or agreement entitled to partldpate in the ” prodts or result ot a cruise, or voyage. (June 9, 1874, GQ 260, 18S¤-<·»»·> —  » , = · ° » ·‘ n _ · 545. Dutiu.--··I’h• general duties of a shipping commissioner lshall be: `· W · ', ` I First. To a.!lord`tacl1l¤cs for e¤s'l@¤s seamen by keeping a B r@stero£thelrnamesandcharactersL _ M ' ., Second. To supertntend their wgascment and discharge, in , manrmerpricscrlbadliylaw. » · ·_ 2, 3 , · Third. To provide means for securing the presence on board p at the proper dma of men whoare so ensased. _ . _. Fourth. facilltata the making of apprenticeshlps to the I l'!f¤. Io perform such `other e duties relating to merchant ~· acamw or merchant ships as may be required by law. (R. S. » I M5) ‘ S A