Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1526

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§_5;@;L;;_______» ___;_______ __,_d____,, - ..·#Tl1iLE—~·4~6e—<S¤H 546, Penhlty fury personating shipping e0mmissie¤eLyAny `co person ether. than a_ commissioner under this chapter who shell du perform hr attempt to performjeither directly dr indirectly, the gm duties which are bi this chapter set fbrth as pertaining tofu- up shipping commissioner, ehall be liable to a penalty of not more th than $500.' Nothing in; this chapter,. however, shall prevent pn the owner, or consignee, .0r master ofany_ vessel except vessels_ be bound from a_ port in the United States ’t0 any foreign`po1—t, th other than jewels engaged an trade between the_ United _States· th and the British N0rth.Anierlcan posessions, or the West ·Indid _ pu Islands; er the Repnblic of- Me;lc0,` end vessels of the burden me of seventgmve tensor upward bound from eport onthe Atlantic S. to s, port en the Bacihc, or vice versa, from performing, him- · self, sd tar as his vessel is concerned, the duties ot shipping pi eemmissicner under this: chepter.- Whenever. the inaster of any vessel shall engage his crew, or any part of the sa~me,’ th In tay cbllectiou Qdistrict wherei he `Qshippingu comnnissioher la shall have been appointed} hes- may perform for himself the qt duties of snch coxnmlsslenery (R.WS.,§ 4504.) `· ° ·· - 547. ‘Clcrks.§-—gAny» shipping commissioner mny engage clerks A1 to assist him in the transaction of the business "0f_tl1e·shipping· th ewceg at 0wn* proper cost, and may, tin case ·0f necessity, lu depute such clerkevto- a"ct_ ferihlxn in his eillclal capacity; Se but the shipping commissioner shall be held ‘ responsible -fo1’. as the sets of every such clerk or deputy, and·will be personally se liible iq: any penalties such "clerk or deputy-‘n1a$· incur by the éi violation of any ct the provisions of thishchapter; and all ects as done by a clerk, `as such deputy, shall be as valid and ljnding m as lt done by the shipping commissioner. (R.‘SQ 6 4505.) · -se 548. Seal.-·~=·Each shipping commissioner shell provide A seali 6( with vqhlch he shall `anthentieate all his oillclal gets, on which bn seal shall `he engraved the arms of the United States, and the gh name of the port or district for which he is commissioned. ag Any instrument either printed or written, purporting to` be;the Se omial act of a shipping commissioner, and purporting to be si under the `seal and signatureuot such shipping commissioner, Q; shall be received as presumptive evidence of the. omciel char-! Sy hctér of such instrument, and of the truth of the facts therein gx set forth. (R; S;} 4506.) _ · in 549. 0$ce,——-—yThe Secretary of Commerce shall assign lnjpnby 1§ llc buildings or, otherwise procure suitable offices and rooms for 31 the- shipment and discharge of seamen, to be "kpown as `ship· 2i ping c0mmissihnprs’ cfllces, and shall procure furniture, stationery,` printing, and 0`ther°re£;uisites ter the transaction_0£ the fx business ot .suel1` ajmcesr (R. S; 5 4507,; Mar. 3,~ 1897, c; 389, ve S 1, 29 Stat. 687; Feb. 14, 1903; c, 652; 32 Stat. 829; Mar. 4,.1913, B c. 141,37 Stat. 736.).. ‘ ._ ‘ ‘ 01 SHlI.’MEN'1‘_ OF CREW . 561. ApprentlcesQ—Every shipping commlsslqner appointed 01 under this chapter shall, if applied to for the purpose or sp- W preutlelng boys to the sea service, by any master or' owner io! if

1 xjessel, or by any person legsnllyquellded, give {such assistance 11

as is in his power fer facilitating the making dt such appreuy- 'tz tieeshlps; {but; the sl1lpplng_cemmissioner shall ascertain- that S] _lhe my has voluntarily consented to be bound, nndlthatethe S] })l1l'€11t$'QIY guardian pt such boy have consentw to such np- 84 prentieeehip, and tlmthe has attained theluge ot twelve years, uml is ot sufficient health and strength, end that the master te bl whom such boy is te bebound is a proper person fer th ur-, al pose. Such apprenticeship, shall termihutewhen the appmdcej _ becuxnee eighteen ymrs of nge. The ehlpping cernmlsslener tl shell keep e register. ot all- indentnres of apprentlceshlp made before himj (R. S. I 4509.) ‘ . ‘ V " b4 562; Indenture of apprentice tp be produced 'te commit-· sinner.-—;The nunetexn ot every Iorelgn-going vessel shall, before r l _ carrying guy apprentice to sea from any place in the-United_ ‘-States, cause such apprentice to appeur.bet01e_‘the—shlpplni- ea

¤1»M%w<#a~; -—~~»— W cc "*+*ee“‘eeed15I2d mmiésioner before whom the- crew is engiigéd, and sheli pronce to` him the indenture by which such 8DDrcntice` is. bound\j nd the assignment or essignmehténthereot it any; and the une of the apprentice, with the date ot the indenture end or i· eassignment or usQsigmnents» thereof, if any, shal1 be enteredt the agreeincnt; which- shell be`- in the form asnear as ruay __ ,- ¤_ given in ;_t_he't_able marked ·"A" nt the schedule annexed ctc is chapter, and no such assignment shall be madewwithout c he g,` of a commissioner, of the apprentice; and of his ments olrihis dguardian. Forany violation of this section, the astershall be liable to A penalty of not more than $100. (R. 563. Shipment of crews by shipping commissioners; chinng ‘ag·reements.y-T-Sinipptsng commissioners may shipcrews for T ny vesse1_engaged‘ in `the goastwise trade, or the trade between te United States hud the Dominion of Canada, or Newfoundnd; or the West Indies, or the Republic of Mexico, at the re- ` nest of themhster ei owner or euch vessel. · 7 n _ _ ._ When ·a crew ispshipped by a ehippirig c0minissioner`1or any merican vessel in the coastwise trade; or thej trade between ' he United States and the Domjnion of Canada; or Newl Foundnd,` or the`We{st·indies, or Mexico, as authorized by jthis »ctibn,‘mi e`greement°shelrbe made with each seaman engaged s one of such crew, in the same manner as isd provided by actions. .564 aud`·565,'· not however including the siitli. rand. ghth items of section 564, and such agreement shall be posted s provided in section 517, and such seamen shall be discharged · ad receive their wages as] provided by the Hrét cleusc o£_ mation 596, and also by sections 595, inclusive, 597,‘600, )3,`604; G25 to 628, inclusive, 641`t0 645, iuclusive,`651 and -704; it in all other respects such Shipment of seamen zmdisuch nipping agreement Shak! beregardcd as if both shipment end grecmeut had .bcen·_entered into between the master ot a vesel end a seaman without going before a shipping commisoner: Brovided, Thabthe clothing oi any seamen shall be ‘ tempt from attachment, endthat any mrson ujho shell detain xch clothing when demanded `by the owner shelrbe deemed xilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be imprisoned not more - mn six months or Aiinednot more than $500, or both. (June . ), 1886, c. 421,.§ 2, 24-Stat. 80; Aug. 19, 1890; c. 801, 26 Stet. 20; Feb; 18, 1895, c. 97, 28`Stat. 667; Mar. 3, 1897, c. 389, 5 S, >’Stat. 689; Apr. `11, 1904,tc..·1l40, 33 Stat. 168.) _· dl _ _ 564. Shipuing artic1es.———··'I'he master of erery_ vessel bound rom a port in the United States to hny. foreign port other than Zessels engaged in trade betiveen the _United_ States} and the ritish North American possessions. or the West Indie Iclands, r Mexico, or of dny vessel of the burden of seventydivc me or upward, bound from e port on the ·-Atlanttc ‘to a __ ort on the Pacidc, or vice versa, shall, before he proceeds " n Such vokdge, rnqke `an. agreement, in writing or in" print, ith every seaman whom hecarries to sen as,one of the crew, n_ the `rnanner hereinafter mentioucdi end every such agree- nent shalt be, es 'ncer-as may be, in the .forin given in the ` able marked A, in the S€h€d\i}.&`·éD!`§6X&d to this chapter, and hall be dated et thettmeot the tirst signature enemor,» and hall be `signed by the master. before any seamen signs the ame, and shall contain the following .pcrtIculers:~ ‘ First. The nature and, as tar precticeble, the duration . [ the intended voyage or engagexu nt, and the port·oricountry t which me`»5¤ynge_1S to terminate? _ _ _- · — , Second. The number `smd description of the crew, specifying zneir respective ,employments.·. - · ° j t . Third. The time ottwwhich each seaman is on board,. to egiu work, · — · _- — b Fourth. The capacity in which ;each seamen is to eerve. . Fiith. The amount of wages which each seaman is to receive. Sixth. A eoole of the provigious which are to be furnished to 2. ach segment. ‘ ‘ `